Get rid of TSA. Let the airlines set up their own checkpoints.

So you agree with Obama and want to fundamentally change the United States. Which makes you a traitor just like Obama

I want to see the US return to what it once was. Barring that, the country needs to be re-created to fix it. My view of a,proper America is the total opposite of Obama's.
with what you are preaching, Obama and you are no different
All of the above is bullshit.
Government employees have to perform to a certain standard or they get booted just like everyone else.


Stop drinking cough medicine
Wow you're just as ignorant as these ass clowns!
My sister in law has been a human resources manager for riverside Co CA for nearly 20 years.
She does the hiring and firing .

My next door neighbor son in Palm Spring which never had a job before..... I don't even trust him babysitting my dog or janitor in my company......... Now work for TSA in Ontario airport.
I was wondering how in the world he got a job?
As always govt can't do anything - mainly because they don't even try. Govt workers know they can't be fired. Other companies hire security guards so why not the airlines.?
Because the folks who overbook your flight, send your luggage to Atlanta and you to Bradenton and raise fares when fuel prices are low should be running security too.

Would you like a $5.00 bag of peanuts with that?
How will adequate security measures be maintained between and among various airlines; what about airlines unable to afford to implement adequate security measures; and we can’t trust private companies to ensure the safety of passengers while at the same time pursuing profits.


Invisible hand. Anything is better than the govt. They don't care about you.
I want to see the US return to what it once was. Barring that, the country needs to be re-created to fix it. My view of a,proper America is the total opposite of Obama's.

We need to return to 1955. Not technologically but politically. Or maybe 1855 when we still had states rights and the feds did practically nothing except foreign affairs. Lincoln started this trend where the feds do everything.
The airlines would do a much better job of providing their own security and they would do it at less cost. I've been all over the world and in no other country have I gone through the useless waste of time nonsense the TSA puts people through and none of those places have experienced terrorist hijackings either. The TSA is an overly bloated, grossly over priced bureaucracy that has failed, plain and simple, but because the vast majority of Americans are afraid of their own shadow we're going to have to continue suffering this nonsense for some time to come.

I totally agree. The TSA is a disaster.

What should replace it? The good old carrot and stick approach. Lets go back to the failed pre-9/11 when Huntleigh did the security for most of the airlines. The security screeners were props in a very bad play but everyone knew the play was a charade. Now it’s phony security

So big fines for the airline fit someone gets through. If it happens 3 times, penalties.
I totally agree. The TSA is a disaster.

What should replace it?......

What it should have been in the first place...... Armed US Military personnel, utilizing Israeli style profiling techniques and advanced technology with strict zero-tolerance procedures.
Your type of order is nothing but a fascist dictatorship and that is the last thing we need or want.
Your ideas are foreign to the ideals of the United States but Im sure Cuba would welcome you,

It's exactly what the US needs right now. We have no law and order currently. Without that, society fails.
Let airlines advertise who has the shortest wait times to get through
Let them execute passenger safety for profit

I'd be completely fine with that. TSA or no TSA, I don't worry about my flight being hijacked because such an event is highly unlikely. You have as good a chance of hitting the lottery.
It's exactly what the US needs right now. We have no law and order currently. Without that, society fails.

Yup - we have a president giving MILLIONS of foreign invaders a certificate saying they can live and work in america even thought the LAW says they can do neither.!!!
Your type of order is nothing but a fascist dictatorship and that is the last thing we need or want.
Your ideas are foreign to the ideals of the United States but Im sure Cuba would welcome you,

It's exactly what the US needs right now. We have no law and order currently. Without that, society fails.
Do you get out much?
Im out and about in South Florida every day and have yet to run into Mad Max scenario that you seem to invision. Are there bad guys out there? Of course, and there always will be! But not enough to shred the constitution for!
As always govt can't do anything - mainly because they don't even try. Govt workers know they can't be fired. Other companies hire security guards so why not the airlines.?
All of the above is bullshit.
Government employees have to perform to a certain standard or they get booted just like everyone else.
If the idea of hiring a security company appeals to you .
Then you should be aware that security companies hire the bottom of the barrel , lowest education level half wits imaginable.

LOL yeah right you dimwit. Internal audits show that the TSA failed to detect 95% of bomb material brought into airports during security reviews. NO ONE was fired.

As is usual the solution to this problem is simple if you tell the partisan children to shut the fuck up and just fix it.

1. Limit passengers to ONE fucking carry on bag. If you show up with more than that, they get thrown in the trash. You are clogging up the fucking security lines you selfish pricks.

2. Make everyone walk through the x ray machines. Tough shit if you don't like it, then don't fly

3. Profile to determine who needs additional screening, rather than randomness.

That's it. Do those three things and the TSA is fixed.

But get out of here with your "government employees get fired for incompetence " BS
Do you get out much?
Im out and about in South Florida every day and have yet to run into Mad Max scenario that you seem to invision. Are there bad guys out there? Of course, and there always will be! But not enough to shred the constitution for!

I get out every day, and see the lack of discipline and the lawlessness in the community everywhere I look. From people who can't follow basic traffic laws to theft, stabbings, shootings, etc..... we are no longer a nation of laws but one of chaos.

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