Get rid of TSA. Let the airlines set up their own checkpoints.

Distinction without a difference.

There's definitely a difference - The Small Government types don't want the Government to be effective, even regarding those things they are entitled to legislate or spend on. Those of us Limited Government types believe the Government should have almost unlimited power regarding those things they are empowered to deal with and no power whatsoever on anything else.
Distinction without a difference.

There's definitely a difference - The Small Government types don't want the Government to be effective, even regarding those things they are entitled to legislate or spend on. Those of us Limited Government types believe the Government should have almost unlimited power regarding those things they are empowered to deal with and no power whatsoever on anything else.
What is real Security?
Do mean like the contractors we use in Iraq and Afghanistan?

Real Security is The Assumption of Guilt until Proof of Innocence. It is also the requirement that citizens be able to provide verifiable proof of their identity immediately, at any time, for any reason.
you need to go check out would be a model citizen....seriously...
Except that is the exact opposite of the American way of "Innocent until Proven Guilty.

The American Way has proven faulty and failed. Especially in this day and age when the Legal (not Justice) system no longer works.
Distinction without a difference.

There's definitely a difference - The Small Government types don't want the Government to be effective, even regarding those things they are entitled to legislate or spend on. Those of us Limited Government types believe the Government should have almost unlimited power regarding those things they are empowered to deal with and no power whatsoever on anything else.

In correct. Limited government in now way means Unlimited Power over anything. Their are still Constitutional limits and the Rule of Law.
Incorrect. Limited government in no way means Unlimited Power over anything. Their are still Constitutional limits and the Rule of Law.

The depends on who you ask. For many of us it definitely does mean giving the Government the power it needs to do what is necessary.
Incorrect. Limited government in no way means Unlimited Power over anything. Their are still Constitutional limits and the Rule of Law.

The depends on who you ask. For many of us it definitely does mean giving the Government the power it needs to do what is necessary.

The power to do what is necessary is not unlimited power. Unlimited power can be abused on a whim. Limited power is restrained by law.
The power to do what is necessary is not unlimited power. Unlimited power can be abused on a whim. Limited power is restrained by law.

What you call abuse I call National Defense.

National Defense does not mean unlimited power engaged in "by any means necessary". Unless you think committing genocide is an appropriate measure.
National Defense does not mean unlimited power engaged in "by any means necessary". Unless you think committing genocide is an appropriate measure.

In many cases it is not only appropriate, but necessary. The coming Conservative versus Liberal War in America being one of those cases.
If you allow airlines to provide for their own security then they also must be held liable when that security fails.
Tens of thousands of under employed Kabuki players in Japan and TSA is short on troops? Whatever happened to the programs to fast track talent in specialist fields where there are not enough Americans......
As always govt can't do anything - mainly because they don't even try. Govt workers know they can't be fired. Other companies hire security guards so why not the airlines.?

TSA is yet another failed Big Gubmint Program designed to enrich bureaucrats at the expense of the public.
The power to do what is necessary is not unlimited power. Unlimited power can be abused on a whim. Limited power is restrained by law.

What you call abuse I call National Defense.
So what do you call self abuse ?
Except that is the exact opposite of the American way of "Innocent until Proven Guilty.

The American Way has proven faulty and failed. Especially in this day and age when the Legal (not Justice) system no longer works.
So you agree with Obama and what to fundamentally change the United States. Which makes you a traitor just like Obama
Let airlines advertise who has the shortest wait times to get through
Let them execute passenger safety for profit
So you agree with Obama and want to fundamentally change the United States. Which makes you a traitor just like Obama

I want to see the US return to what it once was. Barring that, the country needs to be re-created to fix it. My view of a,proper America is the total opposite of Obama's.

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