Get rid of TSA. Let the airlines set up their own checkpoints.

As always govt can't do anything - mainly because they don't even try. Govt workers know they can't be fired. Other companies hire security guards so why not the airlines.?
All of the above is bullshit.
Government employees have to perform to a certain standard or they get booted just like everyone else.
If the idea of hiring a security company appeals to you .
Then you should be aware that security companies hire the bottom of the barrel , lowest education level half wits imaginable.

LOL yeah right you dimwit. Internal audits show that the TSA failed to detect 95% of bomb material brought into airports during security reviews. NO ONE was fired.

As is usual the solution to this problem is simple if you tell the partisan children to shut the fuck up and just fix it.

1. Limit passengers to ONE fucking carry on bag. If you show up with more than that, they get thrown in the trash. You are clogging up the fucking security lines you selfish pricks.

2. Make everyone walk through the x ray machines. Tough shit if you don't like it, then don't fly

Can't be done. Pregnant women, nursing mothers, infants, and toddlers can't do it. People with many medical devices (pacemaker, insulin pump, implanted defibrilator) could die.
I get out every day, and see the lack of discipline and the lawlessness in the community everywhere I look. From people who can't follow basic traffic laws to theft, stabbings, shootings, etc..... we are no longer a nation of laws but one of chaos.

And obozo has made it much worse by giving millions of illegals a certificate saying they can live and work here even though the LAW says they can't!!!! Simply incredible that a president would do something like that.
As always govt can't do anything - mainly because they don't even try. Govt workers know they can't be fired. Other companies hire security guards so why not the airlines.?
All of the above is bullshit.
Government employees have to perform to a certain standard or they get booted just like everyone else.
If the idea of hiring a security company appeals to you .
Then you should be aware that security companies hire the bottom of the barrel , lowest education level half wits imaginable.

LOL yeah right you dimwit. Internal audits show that the TSA failed to detect 95% of bomb material brought into airports during security reviews. NO ONE was fired.

As is usual the solution to this problem is simple if you tell the partisan children to shut the fuck up and just fix it.

1. Limit passengers to ONE fucking carry on bag. If you show up with more than that, they get thrown in the trash. You are clogging up the fucking security lines you selfish pricks.

2. Make everyone walk through the x ray machines. Tough shit if you don't like it, then don't fly

3. Profile to determine who needs additional screening, rather than randomness.

That's it. Do those three things and the TSA is fixed.

But get out of here with your "government employees get fired for incompetence " BS
Whine much?
As always govt can't do anything - mainly because they don't even try. Govt workers know they can't be fired. Other companies hire security guards so why not the airlines.?
All of the above is bullshit.
Government employees have to perform to a certain standard or they get booted just like everyone else.
If the idea of hiring a security company appeals to you .
Then you should be aware that security companies hire the bottom of the barrel , lowest education level half wits imaginable.

LOL yeah right you dimwit. Internal audits show that the TSA failed to detect 95% of bomb material brought into airports during security reviews. NO ONE was fired.

As is usual the solution to this problem is simple if you tell the partisan children to shut the fuck up and just fix it.

1. Limit passengers to ONE fucking carry on bag. If you show up with more than that, they get thrown in the trash. You are clogging up the fucking security lines you selfish pricks.

2. Make everyone walk through the x ray machines. Tough shit if you don't like it, then don't fly

Can't be done. Pregnant women, nursing mothers, infants, and toddlers can't do it. People with many medical devices (pacemaker, insulin pump, implanted defibrilator) could die.
You forgot the federal employees get fired for incompetence .
I get out every day, and see the lack of discipline and the lawlessness in the community everywhere I look. From people who can't follow basic traffic laws to theft, stabbings, shootings, etc..... we are no longer a nation of laws but one of chaos.

And obozo has made it much worse by giving millions of illegals a certificate saying they can live and work here even though the LAW says they can't!!!! Simply incredible that a president would do something like that.
It wasn't when Reagan did it ,why is it now?
And obozo has made it much worse by giving millions of illegals a certificate saying they can live and work here even though the LAW says they can't!!!! Simply incredible that a president would do something like that.
It wasn't when Reagan did it ,why is it now?

HAHAHA. What a moron you are. Reagan was wrong to give amnesty to illegals but at least he did it correctly. He got congress to change the law. OTOH your faggot friend obozo just said - I'm not gonna enforce the immigration laws.

THINK, you miserable maggot-infested america -hating wretch.!!!
As always govt can't do anything - mainly because they don't even try. Govt workers know they can't be fired. Other companies hire security guards so why not the airlines.?
All of the above is bullshit.
Government employees have to perform to a certain standard or they get booted just like everyone else.
If the idea of hiring a security company appeals to you .
Then you should be aware that security companies hire the bottom of the barrel , lowest education level half wits imaginable.

LOL yeah right you dimwit. Internal audits show that the TSA failed to detect 95% of bomb material brought into airports during security reviews. NO ONE was fired.

As is usual the solution to this problem is simple if you tell the partisan children to shut the fuck up and just fix it.

1. Limit passengers to ONE fucking carry on bag. If you show up with more than that, they get thrown in the trash. You are clogging up the fucking security lines you selfish pricks.

2. Make everyone walk through the x ray machines. Tough shit if you don't like it, then don't fly

Can't be done. Pregnant women, nursing mothers, infants, and toddlers can't do it. People with many medical devices (pacemaker, insulin pump, implanted defibrilator) could die.

As with EVERY rule in life there are real exceptions. Certainly medical needs would take precedent over expedience.
most times I'd agree.

In this case the gubmint almost has to have responsibility for this.

The cost of equipment and personnel would be scraped to a minimum under for profit control.

The chain of command regarding any potential threat would be disrupted by this sort of structure.

As others have said, standardization of training and requirements is a must for such an interconnected system.

The liability for a private company that blew it and let the next bomber onboard would be astronomical.

This one is a fed job all the way....
And obozo has made it much worse by giving millions of illegals a certificate saying they can live and work here even though the LAW says they can't!!!! Simply incredible that a president would do something like that.
It wasn't when Reagan did it ,why is it now?

HAHAHA. What a moron you are. Reagan was wrong to give amnesty to illegals but at least he did it correctly. He got congress to change the law. OTOH your faggot friend obozo just said - I'm not gonna enforce the immigration laws.

THINK, you miserable maggot-infested america -hating wretch.!!!
I'll take that as a because Reagan was white it was OK, racist rationalization.
Fail .
As always govt can't do anything - mainly because they don't even try. Govt workers know they can't be fired. Other companies hire security guards so why not the airlines.?
All of the above is bullshit.
Government employees have to perform to a certain standard or they get booted just like everyone else.
If the idea of hiring a security company appeals to you .
Then you should be aware that security companies hire the bottom of the barrel , lowest education level half wits imaginable.

So they would hire the same worthless nutters the TSA is already hiring?

I do agree that a Private Security Agency is not the answer and the check points should be ran by the Coast Guard instead...
As always govt can't do anything - mainly because they don't even try. Govt workers know they can't be fired. Other companies hire security guards so why not the airlines.?
All of the above is bullshit.
Government employees have to perform to a certain standard or they get booted just like everyone else.
If the idea of hiring a security company appeals to you .
Then you should be aware that security companies hire the bottom of the barrel , lowest education level half wits imaginable.

So they would hire the same worthless nutters the TSA is already hiring?

I do agree that a Private Security Agency is not the answer and the check points should be ran by the Coast Guard instead...
Cost guard in airports?
My suggestion is to create something like a police academy and training.
What I can't grasp is how TSA allows a few "agents" who have obviously failed the courses in becoming rude and obnoxious to actually work in the field. Now and then I come across one who is polite and the shock........

They're not there to be polite. They exist for SECURITY, not Socialization. Americans need to learn what real Security is. I'll take 100 rude agents who find shit over a friendly agent who misses stuff.
me, I'd rather see them actually working. How about that. The fact they are dissatisfied with dealing with the public is their problem and yes I expect courtesy. I've earned it.
Has Daws the moron at least bowed out with his "government employees who are incompetent get fired" as he plans to vote for an incompetent woman as President stupidity?
As always govt can't do anything - mainly because they don't even try. Govt workers know they can't be fired. Other companies hire security guards so why not the airlines.?
All of the above is bullshit.
Government employees have to perform to a certain standard or they get booted just like everyone else.
If the idea of hiring a security company appeals to you .
Then you should be aware that security companies hire the bottom of the barrel , lowest education level half wits imaginable.

So they would hire the same worthless nutters the TSA is already hiring?

I do agree that a Private Security Agency is not the answer and the check points should be ran by the Coast Guard instead...
Cost guard in airports?
My suggestion is to create something like a police academy and training.

I believe the Coast Guard could handle it more effectively than what is being done now. When running something that screen passengers for flights it is better to have trained military personnel than some slack jaw off the street.

Also what you just wrote would mean it would be better to hire ex-Law Enforcement agents to do the job. Maybe retired military and ex- police officers, but still should be under the Coast Guard supervision in my opinion...

The reason why I am writing the Coast Guard and not any of the other branches is because they are already trained in the fields needed to screen passengers and items, and increasing the Coast Guard budget would make more sense and letting the TSA become a branch within their department...
Has Daws the moron at least bowed out with his "government employees who are incompetent get fired" as he plans to vote for an incompetent woman as President stupidity?
MSPB - Federal employee termination procedures
Care to talk out your ass some more. ?

LOL you can't help but post stupid shit can you.

Federal guidelines demand a lot of things that this administration in particular has not done.
Failed deflection attempt .
The hiring and firing of government employees goes on unabated no matter who's in office.
Has Daws the moron at least bowed out with his "government employees who are incompetent get fired" as he plans to vote for an incompetent woman as President stupidity?
MSPB - Federal employee termination procedures
Care to talk out your ass some more. ?

LOL you can't help but post stupid shit can you.

Federal guidelines demand a lot of things that this administration in particular has not done.
Failed deflection attempt .
The hiring and firing of government employees goes on unabated no matter who's in office.

You're correct, no matter who's in office government employees are RARELY fired for incompetence. Feel free to show where I have said otherwise.

Of course you have to pretend otherwise because you in fact support a Presidential candidate who has shown to be incompetent at nearly every job she's every held.

I can only imagine it is because you relate

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