Get That dog away from me'

so true------I think (?) IMHO_-----Trump is far MORE the ally of "THE WORKING MIDDLE CLASS"----than is the hilldegard---------(the lady doth protest too much)
Yeah, the major corporations are all lined up behind Crooked Hillary the Liar, but that isnt supposed to be relevant to the discussion because Hillary promises she is against TPP and wants to RAISE taxes on the Middle Class, take away our gun rights via regulatory confiscation and she supports Black Lies Matter which is a public Marxist racist organization that calls for slavery reparations and the public ownership of all property.

How can any thinking Americans possibly be in favor of this Nazi?
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so true------I think (?) IMHO_-----Trump is far MORE the ally of "THE WORKING MIDDLE CLASS"----than is the hilldegard---------(the lady doth protest too much)
Yeah, the major corporations are all lined up behind Crokked Hillary the Liar, but that isnt supposed to be relevant to the discussion because Hillary promises she is against TPP and wants to RAISE taxes on the Middle Class, take away our gun rights via regulatory confiscation and she supports Black Lies Matter which is a public Marxist racist organization that calls for slavery reparations and the public ownership of all property.

How can any thinking Americans possibly be in favor of this Nazi?

"thinking americans"?? It seems to me that HILLDEGARD
has a very good chance of winning------thinking Americans
are a minority
"thinking americans"?? It seems to me that HILLDEGARD
has a very good chance of winning------thinking Americans
are a minority
True. :(

But that is one reason Trump has been talking at a 4th grade level in his speeches. He is really trying to reach the lower third in IQ and challenge that Democrat base.
Infowars?!?! :laugh2:
FACT! You're so fucking delusional you are convinced every word from Infowars MUST be bullshit yet EVERY fucking word from MSNBC MUST be FACT. That's very childish viewpoint pal.
What's childish is your attempt to put words in my mouth. Show me where I quote MSNBC. PUT UP OR SHUT UP.
Ladies and gentlemen I give you konrad. He is a prime example of the well known Liberal emotional hemophiliac.
so true------I think (?) IMHO_-----Trump is far MORE the ally of "THE WORKING MIDDLE CLASS"----than is the hilldegard---------(the lady doth protest too much)
Yeah, the major corporations are all lined up behind Crooked Hillary the Liar, but that isnt supposed to be relevant to the discussion because Hillary promises she is against TPP and wants to RAISE taxes on the Middle Class, take away our gun rights via regulatory confiscation and she supports Black Lies Matter which is a public Marxist racist organization that calls for slavery reparations and the public ownership of all property.

How can any thinking Americans possibly be in favor of this Nazi?
You sort of answered your own question. Thinking Americans don't support her. They recognize the harm liberalism, etc. is doing to our country now and the much worse ramifications coming down the road. It's the low info nitwits, the takers, etc. that love the dimocrat gravy train.
Ladies and gentlemen I give you konrad. He is a prime example of the well known Liberal emotional hemophiliac.
You're a prime example of a mental defective and the dangers of in-breeding.
You're a prime example of what happens when two monkeys butt fuck.
HEY!!! Families are off-limits and you obviously don't understand biology. :biggrin:

Where did I mention your family?
Ladies and gentlemen I give you konrad. He is a prime example of the well known Liberal emotional hemophiliac.
You're a prime example of a mental defective and the dangers of in-breeding.
You're a prime example of what happens when two monkeys butt fuck.
HEY!!! Families are off-limits and you obviously don't understand biology. :biggrin:
Where did I mention your family?
Humor impaired?
So I thought they checked the quarters with dogs before the occupant got there.Sounds like she was pissed because the job wasn't done before she got there like it was supposed to have been done.

Nah, she's just a vicious kunt, attacking the peasants in her way.

You know this - it's a big part of what you admire about her.
Ladies and gentlemen I give you konrad. He is a prime example of the well known Liberal emotional hemophiliac.
You're a prime example of a mental defective and the dangers of in-breeding.
You're a prime example of what happens when two monkeys butt fuck.
HEY!!! Families are off-limits and you obviously don't understand biology. :biggrin:
Where did I mention your family?
Humor impaired?


However, you did reference family when you said in-breeding. The definition of the word means within the same FAMILY.

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