Get Used to It: Israel Is Here to Stay

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If you actually believe that is true (the bold) , then you need to get your head checked.

And the reason YOU get called a Nazi is because you speak like one, spewing you're anti - Jewish propaganda. You are a disgusting human being, and people like you are hated all over the world.

Here's what I think about you complaining about being called a Nazi, you fuckin Nazi:



[ame=]"Globalization" - The Greatest Criminal Heist In History - YouTube[/ame]

Then they call you a Nazi if you protest the least bit. Well, SCREW THAT!

The previous lecture contained some useful information about the causes of the perpetual mideast wars but failed to mention Israel's role in it.

I won't fault anyone for not listening to the entire film. I only listened to the lecture part, not the question and answer session which followed.

The above video contains a few statements by someone who was himself part of the World Bank.

Again, I agree with most but not all of what this man says.
He admits that the World Bank has caused some problems. Most importantly he admits that the Fractional Reserve System is flawed.
What he doesn't admit is that it was purposely designed that way or that the system provides one of the mechanisms whereby people can get fleeced by the banksters at the top without realizing it.

My purpose in interjecting these articles into the mix here is to show that the subject of world domination through International Finance and the push towards a Global Government controlled by the Elitists who are at the helm of these institutions is NOT fiction or merely the products of the minds of "Conspiracy Nuts". That's because neither of these men breathed a word about Israel or the Jews as I recall except briefly in the first lecture where the fact was mentioned that Israel was more advanced in Nuclear Warfare technology than Britain and that the use of advanced nuclear "tactical" bombs have been indicated by those who are in positions to use them.

Israel refuses to confirm or deny it has nuclear weapons or to describe how it would use them, an official policy of nuclear ambiguity, also known as "nuclear opacity." This has made it difficult for anyone outside the Israeli government to describe the country's true nuclear policy definitively, while still allowing Israel to influence the perceptions, strategies and actions of other governments.[7][8] However, over the years, some Israeli leaders have publically acknowledged their country's nuclear capability: Ephraim Katzir in 1974, Moshe Dayan in 1981, Shimon Peres in 1998, and Ehud Olmert in 2006.[9]

During his 2006 confirmation hearings before the United States Senate regarding his appointment as George W. Bush's Secretary of Defense, Robert Gates admitted that Israel had nuclear weapons.[9] In his 2008 book The Culture of War, Martin van Creveld, a professor of military history at Israel’s Hebrew University, wrote that since Gates admitted that Israel had nuclear weapons, any talk of Israel's nuclear weapons in Israel can lead to "arrest, trial, and imprisonment." Thus Israeli commentators talk about "doomsday weapons" and the "Samson Option."[10]

One needs to consider these facts in light of the current talks being conducted to prevent Iran from developing it's own nuclear capabilities.

In addition consider this:

JFK Was Last President To Seriously Take On The Israelis

This is how the Jerusalem Post described Kennedy’s actions which are inconceivable given the power of the lobby today.

THE CLASH began in 1960, when the outgoing Eisenhower administration sought an explanation for the mysterious construction near Dimona. It was told that this top-secret activity in the middle of the desert was a harmless textile plant, and no, it could not come and visit.

When president Kennedy took office in 1961, the disagreement became a full-blown crisis. Like Obama, Kennedy was not inherently hostile (unlike Jimmy Carter), but he did not have a special sympathy for the Jewish people. His advisers urged continuous pressure, assuming that Israel would have no choice but to accept US demands. Every high-level meeting or communication repeated the demand for inspection of Dimona.

The Israelis REFUSED to allow inspections of the sort which they have coerced Iran into giving.
Finally, Kennedy had enough, and in a personal letter dated May 18, 1963, the president warned that unless American inspectors were allowed into Dimona (meaning the end of any military activities), Israel would find itself totally isolated.

But then fate intervened and Kennedy was assassinated probably, in my opinion, because he got in the way of the mob, right-wing Cuban exiles and rogue elements of the CIA. The Israelis were off the hook. Not one of Kennedy’s successors ever even attempted to confront (or even acknowledge) Israel’s nuclear arsenal.

For the record, here is JFK’s letter to Ben Gurion demanding inspection of the Dimona nuclear reactor. Was Kennedy our last president with any guts? Don’t bother answering.

Mr Rosenberg then concludes 'in his opinion' that "he got in the way of the mob, right-wing Cuban exiles and rogue elements of the CIA."

Bravo for Mr Rosenberg to mention this mostly forgotten aspect of the Kennedy assassination. But, like the media presentations which he mentioned watching, he misses another possible suspect aside from those which he and the media have suggested.

The media hammered home the idea that Oswald acted alone. It also allowed mention of all the possible suspects which Mr Rosenberg admits of. It doesn't seem to bother any Jew to allow himself to be pegged also as a "conspiracy nut", so long as any conspiracy does not include any element of the Jewish intelligence community or organized crime. Italian Organized Crime is deemed a somewhat legitimate suspect as is 'Irish'. One need not be branded a "conspiracy nut" for mentioning them or called "anti-Italian" or "anti-Irish". CIA "rogue elements", and all sorts of covert collusion among "good ol' boys or wayward Arabs are also permissible, no encouraged.

The only possible suspect which is not permitted in the line up would be those of the Jewish or Zionist persuasion, whether they be employed in the service to Israel or in service to Jewish organized crime. One would even run a certain amount of risk for even identifying any sort of criminal as being Jewish.

I submit to you that if one is to cover ALL the bases it is essential to consider ALL the possibilities and not to exclude any of them for fear of any sort of retaliation, unless of course you happen to be a high profile figure like the President of the US who would be in the cross-hairs of any entity with ambitions of WORLD DOMINATION, such as fanatical and militant ZIONISTS who believe RELIGIOUSLY that they are destined to rule the earth, and whose "Imams" admonish their flocks to work toward that end...... in THIS WORLD...... now....... IN THIS LIFE.

At the very least, the people who should be subjected to the closest scrutiny in any proper investigation ought to be those who are the most probable suspects, ie those closest to the crime with the greatest means, and motive. Such was NOT the case in the 9/11 investigation.

And you are right Mr Rosenberg, none of the Presidents who followed Kennedy likely had any guts. A Shabbos Goy has no need of them in that kind of position.
Perhaps we should work to change all that.
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Israel will always be here. If I could visit one place it would be the Holy Land. I would love to walk the paths on Earth Jesus walked. Jesus is going to split the Eastern Sky and set up His Kingdom there. If anyone is wondering why that small piece of land is still here, it's because it is God's country and the tribes of Israel are going to be there when Jesus comes back. I don't believe we will be here. I think we will be nuked but Israel will surely be here.
Dream on.

Israel will always be here. If I could visit one place it would be the Holy Land. I would love to walk the paths on Earth Jesus walked. Jesus is going to split the Eastern Sky and set up His Kingdom there. If anyone is wondering why that small piece of land is still here, it's because it is God's country and the tribes of Israel are going to be there when Jesus comes back. I don't believe we will be here. I think we will be nuked but Israel will surely be here.

You reall should go if the one place you want to visit is the Holy Land.

[ame=]Holy Land Spirit- Casey Henagan talks about his personal spiritual experience in the Holy Land - YouTube[/ame]
The Zionist Regime will be erased from the pages of history.
That's what your paranoid hero thought, just before he put a Walther PPK 7.65mm into his mouth and blew his brains out, in his bunker in Berlin...
Israel didn't exist yet, LOL...
Given that Israel did not declare independence until May 1948, and that Hitler killed himself in April 1945...

Keine Scheiße, Sherlock!

Using the Zionist Regime as a metaphor rather than literalism, backwards continuity may be construed for International Jewry, as Adolf-Chuckles would have called it...

Geeez... some kids need everything explained to them...
That's what your paranoid hero thought, just before he put a Walther PPK 7.65mm into his mouth and blew his brains out, in his bunker in Berlin...
Israel didn't exist yet, LOL...
Given that Israel did not declare independence until May 1948, and that Hitler killed himself in April 1945...

Keine Scheiße, Sherlock!

Using the Zionist Regime as a metaphor rather than literalism, backwards continuity may be construed for International Jewry, as Adolf-Chuckles would have called it...

Geeez... some kids need everything explained to them...
International Jewry and Zionism are two different things. One represents a national state, the other a political, media and economic conspiracy of an ethnic group, and organized group evolutionary strategy. International Jewry certainly promotes Zionism, but is independent of Israel. Israel would not exist with the support of international Jewry. Not the other way around.
Would International Jewry support Israel...
Every time Israel is involved in a conflict International Jewry funnels whatever they were going to donate to non-Jewish causes to Israel.
Two conclusions...
International Jewry supports Israel.
Non-Jewish charities are quite severely adversely affected by Israeli conflicts with her Arab neighbors.
The Zionist Regime will be erased from the pages of history.

Correction, the Nazi Regime that you support has been erased from the pages of time, you anti - semitic Shill.

Can't you come up with something new ? The whole "Israel will be erased" bullshit is getting old

However, I LOVE watching Nazis like you squirm over the fact that Israel exists.
It keeps me warm inside :cool:
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Iceman, Kondor3, et al,

We are beginning to slip in the discussion.

Just as the Arab Resistance and the Islamic Resistance are two different movements, so it is that Zionism, Israeli Nationalism, and Jewish Congregationalism are all different pursuits.

In the various discussions about the Israeli and Palestinian conflict, I've often seen these mixed, jumbled, juxtaposed, and placed in confrontation, --- irrationally and illogically. But none of that actually addresses the potential for settlement and regional peace. The general character of both cultures (Arab and Jewish) have been irreparably harmed in the ensuing 100 years since it emerged in the late 19th Century.

"...International Jewry and Zionism are two different things..."
Yes. I had that figured out by the age of 15 or so. Thank you, Captain Obvious.

You just said they were the same thing. I am glad you knew abourt zionism and international jewry at 15. Are you a Jew yourself?

What most people don't put together in the analysis, is what the end-game goals are for the various players; and how those end-game strategies have changed over time in the several generations of leadership that have lapsed in the near century since the consummation of national aspirations between HRH Emir Faisal (Kingdom of the Hejaz) and Dr Chaim Weizmann (President of the Zionist Organization).

Just as there are remnants of the original movements and holding points of view characterized by a return to fundamental principles, on both side of the equation (Israel 'vs' Palestinian), they are no longer representative of the main drivers and prime movers behind either strategies held by the various factions involved in the conflict today. But, they are still argumentative points of concern between disputing parties that are orbitally bound by these principles that have been overtaken by events and time. The original authors of the of the first movements are no longer in government today; no longer with us. And their original intentions have been adjusted, modified, altered and supplanted many times. The national interest of the various factions involved in the conflict today are transformed. And still, we argue about factors that have a historical context, but no relative meaning in conflict resolution today. Whatever the understanding was between HRH Emir Faisal and Dr Chaim Weizmann in January 1919; certainly it don't exist today. There is a question as to whether or not those understandings were even real --- or merely political theater.

However, it is very clear that attempts to disfigure "...International Jewry and Zionism..." is a propaganda effort of the first order; an attempt to resurrect the century old concepts of dead leaders; as if they are somehow relevant today beyond some historical interest. The key factors that are obstacles to peace today are indoctrinated principles and not promotional to the aspiration of todays 21st Century values of humanity; even though many make great (cherry picked) claims to humanitarian law.

Most Respectfully,
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Israel’s Challenges and Opportunities

December 3, 2013 by Joseph Puder


The P5+1 interim agreement with Iran was an alarming development for the Jewish State. Iran, unlike Hezbollah and Hamas, is an existential threat for Israel. While Hezbollah constitutes a strategic problem, and Hamas a mere tactical one, both can be managed by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF). A nuclear Iran is however a scary reality for Jerusalem. Yet, as the year 2013 comes to a close, regional developments portend political challenges and opportunities for Israel.

Needless to say, relations with the Obama administration, not the best before the interim agreement, have gotten worse. Many Israelis feel that Obama has betrayed them, and that he never really cared to protect “Israel’s back.” His promise to Israel that the US won’t allow a nuclear armed Iran, they realize, was mere rhetoric. Israelis have not forgotten his pressure on Israel earlier in his administration regarding construction in Jerusalem. As a result, mutual trust between the two governments has suffered a blow.

Some Israeli officials have suggested that in view of Israel’s widening rift with the Obama administration (albeit, relations with the US Congress is solid as ever), Jerusalem should seek to build up closer relations with some of the Asian giants like China and India, and not place its diplomatic eggs in one basket (the US). The problem is that Israel does not share the same democratic and cultural values with China that it has with the America.


In summary, Israel’s relations with its primary ally, the US, has weakened under Obama. Israel can no longer count on Washington, especially where Iran is concerned. Nevertheless, to quote Ephraim Inbar, Director of the Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic studies, “Time is on Israel’s side, the strength of Israel’s democracy and its high-tech economy, along with its multi-layered missile defense shield, and the weakness of the Arab countries, including a steep decline in their military capability – leaves Israel in a much more secure regional position than ever before.” A nuclear Iran poses a definite threat, and would potentially foster nuclear proliferation in the region. Israel will undoubtedly rise to the challenge from Iran since its survival depends on it.

Israel?s Challenges and Opportunities | FrontPage Magazine
"During the Cold War, Israel was firmly ensconced in the Western camp. 20-years later, the bilateral relations between Russia and Israel could be described as 'revolutionary.'

"Israel’s image in the eyes of ordinary Russians has changed dramatically for the better since Soviet times. Approximately half a million Russians visit Israel annually and thousands of Israelis live and work in Russia.

"Closer people-to-people exchanges, common political goals on certain international issues, and growing economic ties have led to an historic rapprochement between the two sides.

"The fact that over one million Russian speakers live in Israel, contributed to close cultural ties.

"Although Moscow is a signatory to the interim agreement with Iran, neither Russia nor Israel wish to see a nuclear armed Iran."

Most Russians don't want to see a nuclear-armed Israel, either.
What makes Jews less likely to use nuclear weapons than Persians?

Israel?s Challenges and Opportunities | FrontPage Magazine
...Most Russians don't want to see a nuclear-armed Israel, either...
Too late. And they don't get a say in the matter anyway.

"...What makes Jews less likely to use nuclear weapons than Persians?"

The Persians are governed by a medieval, dogmatic, martyrdom-encouraging, fundamentalist, radical, jihadi-sympathizing, theocratic autocracy, run by religious clerics?

The Israelis are governed by a modern secular government with no territorial or crusading ambitions beyond that of reclaiming all of their old homeland?

Just a guess.
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