Get Used to It: Israel Is Here to Stay

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...Most Russians don't want to see a nuclear-armed Israel, either...
Too late. And they don't get a say in the matter anyway.

"...What makes Jews less likely to use nuclear weapons than Persians?"

The Persians are governed by a medieval, dogmatic, martyrdom-encouraging, fundamentalist, radical, jihadi-sympathizing, theocratic autocracy, run by religious clerics?

The Israelis are governed by a modern secular government with no territorial or crusading ambitions beyond that of reclaiming all of their old homeland?

Just a guess.
Care to guess how many neighbors the Persians have invaded since 1948 or how the radical Persians compare to greedy Jews in piling up UNSC condemnations?

List of the UN resolutions concerning Israel and Palestine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
" to greedy Jews in piling up UNSC condemnations?"

The language above is blatant bigot-speak, so nobody CARES what the purported "question" was - unless of course they're another bigot.

Oh, and those so-claimed 'Persians' invaded the US, back in 1979. And unlawfully held US citizens as captives.
...Most Russians don't want to see a nuclear-armed Israel, either...
Too late. And they don't get a say in the matter anyway.

"...What makes Jews less likely to use nuclear weapons than Persians?"

The Persians are governed by a medieval, dogmatic, martyrdom-encouraging, fundamentalist, radical, jihadi-sympathizing, theocratic autocracy, run by religious clerics?

The Israelis are governed by a modern secular government with no territorial or crusading ambitions beyond that of reclaiming all of their old homeland?

Just a guess.
Care to guess how many neighbors the Persians have invaded since 1948 or how the radical Persians compare to greedy Jews in piling up UNSC condemnations?

List of the UN resolutions concerning Israel and Palestine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Persains" fund and send weapons that slaughter people in Syria, Egypt, Lebanon Pakistan, Afghanistan and so on you're a joke georgie:cuckoo:
Israel is only here to stay as long as America keeps the printing presses going. Once that stops, the teeming hordes of Arabs will overrun them. I will laugh from afar, sipping a gin and tonic and laughing at the irony.
Israel is only here to stay as long as America keeps the printing presses going. Once that stops, the teeming hordes of Arabs will overrun them. I will laugh from afar, sipping a gin and tonic and laughing at the irony.

Arabs can't stop killing each other you're an idiot:cuckoo:
Israel is only here to stay as long as America keeps the printing presses going. Once that stops, the teeming hordes of Arabs will overrun them. I will laugh from afar, sipping a gin and tonic and laughing at the irony.

Arabs can't stop killing each other you're an idiot:cuckoo:

They just need to turn the violence outward, they will pounce when they think Israel is weak. The Arabs wouldn't even be the primary trigger. Iran would be the puppet-master behind Israeli destruction most likely.

America is on the decline, it's collapse is an inevitability. I would be schwitzing for your fellow tribespeople in Israel.
Most aid is in the form of load guarantees. The US gets increase income due to taxes on sales and services for the money spent in the US with no layout.
Loans get paid back with interest.
Military aid gets paid for at cost to US not expected retail value. Design changes by Israel have profited the US and the manufacturers.
Israeli aid is a fraction of total US global aid. US gives far more to arabs states, most of which is in the form of grants.
Most aid is in the form of load guarantees. The US gets increase income due to taxes on sales and services for the money spent in the US with no layout.
Loans get paid back with interest.
Military aid gets paid for at cost to US not expected retail value. Design changes by Israel have profited the US and the manufacturers.
Israeli aid is a fraction of total US global aid. US gives far more to arabs states, most of which is in the form of grants.

This is true, Saudi Arabia would collapse without America as well. It will be amusing to see to see the YKWs and the House of Saud shit their britches when they have to pay for the consequences of their past actions.
Saudi could pay the princes less. They don't need 24K gold Bentleys and BMWs or jewel encrusted toilets.
Qatar could cut back on $7 million teddy bears when it is haram for kids to have dolls and stuffed animals as toys.
Israel is only here to stay as long as America keeps the printing presses going. Once that stops, the teeming hordes of Arabs will overrun them. I will laugh from afar, sipping a gin and tonic and laughing at the irony.
I wonder if you fully appreciate the impact on your food prices that a limited nuclear exchange in the Middle East could produce?
Israel is only here to stay as long as America keeps the printing presses going. Once that stops, the teeming hordes of Arabs will overrun them. I will laugh from afar, sipping a gin and tonic and laughing at the irony.

Arabs can't stop killing each other you're an idiot:cuckoo:

They just need to turn the violence outward, they will pounce when they think Israel is weak. The Arabs wouldn't even be the primary trigger. Iran would be the puppet-master behind Israeli destruction most likely.

America is on the decline, it's collapse is an inevitability. I would be schwitzing for your fellow tribespeople in Israel.

Israel is never going to be weak...there's plenty of support without U.S. aid...Nazis hoping for the collapse of the U.S. and dead Jews...Some things never change :cuckoo:
Israel is only here to stay as long as America keeps the printing presses going. Once that stops, the teeming hordes of Arabs will overrun them. I will laugh from afar, sipping a gin and tonic and laughing at the irony.

Israel will be the last one standing, you on the other hand got smoked...:smoke:
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Israel is only here to stay as long as America keeps the printing presses going. Once that stops, the teeming hordes of Arabs will overrun them. I will laugh from afar, sipping a gin and tonic and laughing at the irony.

Israel will be the last one standing, you on the other hand got smoked...:smoke:
Here is the only reason why Israel is still standing:

"Israel is the largest cumulative recipient of U.S. foreign assistance since World War II. To date,
the United States has provided Israel $118 billion (current, or non-inflation-adjusted, dollars) in
bilateral assistance. Almost all U.S. bilateral aid to Israel is in the form of military assistance,
although in the past Israel also received significant economic assistance. Strong congressional
support for Israel has resulted in Israel receiving benefits not available to any other countries; for
example, Israel can use some U.S. military assistance both for research and development in the
United States and for military purchases from Israeli manufacturers. In addition, U.S. assistance
earmarked for Israel is generally delivered in the first 30 days of the fiscal year, while most other
recipients normally receive aid in installments. In addition to receiving U.S. State Department-
administered foreign assistance, Israel also receives funds from annual defense appropriations
bills for rocket and missile defense programs. Israel pursues some of those programs jointly with
the United States. "

"For FY2014, the Administration is requesting $3.1 billion in FMF to Israel and $15 million in
Migration and Refugee Assistance. The Missile Defense Agency’s FY2014 request for Israeli
Cooperative Programs is $95.782 million, including $52.607 million for Arrow III, $32.512
million for David’s Sling, and $10.663 million for Arrow II. The Department of Defense also is
requesting $220 million in FY2014 Procurement, Defense-wide funds for Iron Dome."
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Better to give Israel military aid (most of which has to be purchased from the US arms industry) than to give the Islamic regimes who would wipe out Israel in an instant and then spread Islam far and wide.
Better to give Israel military aid (most of which has to be purchased from the US arms industry) than to give the Islamic regimes who would wipe out Israel in an instant and then spread Islam far and wide.
Israel is far more likely to wipe out her neighbors than fall victim to Islam, as I'm sure you already know:

"Israel refuses to confirm or deny it has nuclear weapons or to describe how it would use them, an official policy of nuclear ambiguity, also known as 'nuclear opacity.'

"This has made it difficult for anyone outside the Israeli government to describe the country's true nuclear policy definitively, while still allowing Israel to influence the perceptions, strategies and actions of other governments.[7][8]

"However, over the years, some Israeli leaders have publically acknowledged their country's nuclear capability: Ephraim Katzir in 1974, Moshe Dayan in 1981, Shimon Peres in 1998, and Ehud Olmert in 2006.[9]

"During his 2006 confirmation hearings before the United States Senate regarding his appointment as George W. Bush's Secretary of Defense, Robert Gates admitted that Israel had nuclear weapons.[9]

"In his 2008 book The Culture of War, Martin van Creveld, a professor of military history at Israel’s Hebrew University, wrote that since Gates admitted that Israel had nuclear weapons, any talk of Israel's nuclear weapons in Israel can lead to 'arrest, trial, and imprisonment.'

"Thus Israeli commentators talk about 'doomsday weapons' and the 'Samson Option.'[10]

"Nevertheless, as early as 1976, the CIA believed that Israel possessed 10 to 20 nuclear weapons.[11]

"By 2002 it was estimated that the number had increased to between 75 and 200 thermonuclear weapons, each in the multiple-megaton range.[12]

"Kenneth S. Brower has estimated as many as 400 nuclear weapons.[13]

"These can be launched from land, sea and air.[14]

"This gives Israel a second strike option even if much of the country is destroyed.[15]"

Samson Option - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
...Most Russians don't want to see a nuclear-armed Israel, either...
Too late. And they don't get a say in the matter anyway.

"...What makes Jews less likely to use nuclear weapons than Persians?"

The Persians are governed by a medieval, dogmatic, martyrdom-encouraging, fundamentalist, radical, jihadi-sympathizing, theocratic autocracy, run by religious clerics?

The Israelis are governed by a modern secular government with no territorial or crusading ambitions beyond that of reclaiming all of their old homeland?

Just a guess.

NO! Not a guess! More like the sober unvarnished truth. One might add that Israel is completely democratic and that there is no example of a democracy starting an aggressive war against its neighbours.
Better to give Israel military aid (most of which has to be purchased from the US arms industry) than to give the Islamic regimes who would wipe out Israel in an instant and then spread Islam far and wide.
And just how would they do that?

Israel is the biggest military power in the ME.

No, very far from the biggest military power. Just the best.
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