Get Used to It: Israel Is Here to Stay

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To much of the world, Israel is a rogue nuclear state in illegal occupation of the West Bank and with a human rights record down at the bottom of the list. It doesn't matter whether you or I agree with that characterization, but it does explain why, were it not for the US vetoes in the Security Council, Israel would have long since abandoned its annexation of lebensraum in Judea and Samaria and been placed under IAEA sanctions much as Iran and North Korea.

The Jewish State is in a pickle and it cannot shoot its way out. The USA has only limited ability to sustain the Israeli state in the face of world opinion. No state utterly dependent on another for its survival can be considered truly sovereign. Even American domestic politics can not sustain support for Israel as it becomes clearer and clearer that Israel has abandoned the two-state solution to which it is formally committed and is interested in annexation.
Most aid is in the form of load guarantees. The US gets increase income due to taxes on sales and services for the money spent in the US with no layout.
Loans get paid back with interest.
Military aid gets paid for at cost to US not expected retail value. Design changes by Israel have profited the US and the manufacturers.
Israeli aid is a fraction of total US global aid. US gives far more to arabs states, most of which is in the form of grants.
The anti-Semites try to make everyone believe the US pays Israel to fight the puny "Palestinians". What a laugh!

Yea, there is no fight versus the Palestinians, it is a slaughter.

Oi vey, ve need ze vhite phospherous against ze Palestinians! Ve cant' have a second Holocau$t!

Arab Ass-Kissing classes are down the hall, make a left, out the door, third minaret past the outhouse...
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To much of the world, Israel is a rogue nuclear state in illegal occupation of the West Bank and with a human rights record down at the bottom of the list. It doesn't matter whether you or I agree with that characterization, but it does explain why, were it not for the US vetoes in the Security Council, Israel would have long since abandoned its annexation of lebensraum in Judea and Samaria and been placed under IAEA sanctions much as Iran and North Korea.

The Jewish State is in a pickle and it cannot shoot its way out. The USA has only limited ability to sustain the Israeli state in the face of world opinion. No state utterly dependent on another for its survival can be considered truly sovereign. Even American domestic politics can not sustain support for Israel as it becomes clearer and clearer that Israel has abandoned the two-state solution to which it is formally committed and is interested in annexation.
Should Israel annex all the land between the River and the sea, what chance do you see of a democratic one-state solution?
Should Israel annex all the land between the River and the sea, what chance do you see of a democratic one-state solution?
Establishing of the office of the emigrant assistance and palistanians can dance it from there, of course. That's what the international community should've been busy about yesterday.
Should Israel annex all the land between the River and the sea, what chance do you see of a democratic one-state solution?
Establishing of the office of the emigrant assistance and palistanians can dance it from there, of course. That's what the international community should've been busy about yesterday.
How long are Jews going to depend on the international community to clean up their messes? How many Palestinians can dance their way into you humble abode, Drivel?
Should Israel annex all the land between the River and the sea, what chance do you see of a democratic one-state solution?
Establishing of the office of the emigrant assistance and palistanians can dance it from there, of course. That's what the international community should've been busy about yesterday.
How long are Jews going to depend on the international community to clean up their messes?
As long as the international community doesn't seem like getting a life and a job! LOL
How many Palestinians can dance their way into you humble abode, Drivel?
Non sequitur drivel.
Boycotting the Israel Boycotters

December 24, 2013 by Daniel Greenfield



The sooner action begins; the less likely it will be that any major university will cross that red line. If it does cross that red line then the legislation will be burdened by protests from students and faculty.

While BDS activists target companies and individuals, they have had their biggest successes with non-profits. And non-profits are vulnerable because they are parasitically dependent on outside money.

Until the government acts, individuals who are asked to donate to colleges should reply that they will only donate if it is established that their money will not in any way go to fund members or groups that conduct a boycott of Israel. Enough such requests will lead to an internal “boycott” within academic institutions forcing them to carefully source funds to and segregate funds around boycotting groups.

Even a public conversation about such measures will encourage the remaining 81 schools that are institutional members, such as Rutgers, Brigham Young University, the University of Texas and NYU, to join the schools such as Penn State that have done the right thing by pulling out.


The United States is not Nazi Germany even if some academics talk like it is and act like it is. Those academics who try to play Goebbels may have a nasty surprise waiting for them when Americans reject them and everything that they stand for.

Boycotting the Israel Boycotters | FrontPage Magazine
Jihadists Flock to Israel’s Borders

December 31, 2013 by P. David Hornik



In light of that, it is hard to look forward to Secretary of State John Kerry’s next visit to Israel, set for later this week. Kerry’s Israeli-Palestinian “peace process” now centers on the Jordan Valley—which can only mean undermining the current stability and replacing it with something worse.


With firing incidents from Lebanon, Gaza, and Syria and Secretary Kerry once again on his way, it is hard not to feel beleaguered. The United States has an old habit of strengthening Israel with one hand and weakening and threatening it with the other. Under Obama and Kerry, it’s become an obsession.

Jihadists Flock to Israel?s Borders | FrontPage Magazine

Ariel Sharon: Larger Than Life

January 13, 2014 by Caroline Glick


Ariel Sharon, who died Saturday at age 85, after being suspended comatose, between life and death for the past eight years, was the final Israeli prime minister from the generation that fought in the 1948 War of Independence.

And as with others of his generation, the growth and development of the country were reflected in his career.

Sharon was a dazzling military commander. He was one of the original authors of Israel’s trailblazing counter-terror strategies. The large battles against regular armies that he commanded in the 1956 Suez campaign, the 1967 Six Day War, and the 1973 Yom Kippur War are still taught in military academies around the world for their tactical brilliance.

Sharon was a risk-taker. The most prominent shared quality of his military battles and his political ones was that they were always over high stakes. As a general, Sharon’s gutsiness paid off in spades more often than not. As a politician, the results were less impressive.


Sharon was one of the warmest, most engaging political leaders Israel has ever seen. He had an infectious sense of humor, a true love of life, of Israel, and of Israelis that made even his greatest Israeli critics like him.

Sharon was larger than life. His accomplishments and failures were similarly outsized. And while much of what happened to him, particularly at the hands of the media, reflects the larger predicament of all of Israel, there can be no doubt that Ariel Sharon was one of a kind.

Ariel Sharon: Larger Than Life | FrontPage Magazine
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Israel, not surprisingly, has more Jews in its population than any other country: six million. The USA is right behind Israel with five and one-half million. Number three is France with fewer than half a million, one-tenth of the US number. For practical purposes, all the Jews in the world live in just two countries: Israel and the USA. The total combined Jewish population of Israel, the USA and France is quite a bit smaller than the population of Cairo, Egypt.

But population numbers don't tell the story. American Jews are a bit over 1% of the population and are vastly more wealthy and influential than the Jews of Israel. The power of AIPAC and other Jewish political lobbyist organizations to influence United States policy is greater than the diplomatic influence of any other nation.

Israel is a dependency of the United States. US military aid alone is four million dollars a day, and the total of economic subsidies and support is far greater than that. Israel has become a garrison state of the USA yet despite its dependency, Israel holds the whip hand in its partnership with the world's only superpower, which is also Israel's only ally and friend.

Israel's diplomatic, military and economic situation is indeed precarious, especially when one considers that Israel is about the size of the state of New Jersey and, by the admission of its own security analysts, could not survive even a single successful nuclear attack.

The original focus and mission of the Zionist founders of Israel has been abandoned under the rising political dominance of the haredim ultra-Orthodox and recent Russian immigrants and replaced by a militaristic expansionism which seeks Eretz Israel through the gradual ingestion of the West Bank.

Israel's quest for lebensraum through American military backing has cost the Jewish state the support of virtually every member state of the UN except the USA. Freed from the need to placate world opinion, the Likud party of Netanyahu has grown giddy with power and now even repudiates its long-standing commitment to a two-state solution to the Palestinian issue, supremely confident that its power over the US government is such that Washington will not dare to object.

Is Israel here to stay? Israel hangs by a single thread. There have been Crusader states in the region before. Baldwin's Kingdom of Jerusalem lasted for two centuries before dissolving into the surrounding Islamic sea. The Arab world is confident that this last vestige of 20th century British imperialism will not survive that long. "the Jews have the watches," they say, "but we've got the time.
Should Israel annex all the land between the River and the sea, what chance do you see of a democratic one-state solution?
Establishing of the office of the emigrant assistance and palistanians can dance it from there, of course. That's what the international community should've been busy about yesterday.
How long are Jews going to depend on the international community to clean up their messes? How many Palestinians can dance their way into you humble abode, Drivel?

What's CowardGeorge whining about now?
Israel, not surprisingly, has more Jews in its population than any other country: six million. The USA is right behind Israel with five and one-half million. Number three is France with fewer than half a million, one-tenth of the US number. For practical purposes, all the Jews in the world live in just two countries: Israel and the USA. The total combined Jewish population of Israel, the USA and France is quite a bit smaller than the population of Cairo, Egypt.

But population numbers don't tell the story. American Jews are a bit over 1% of the population and are vastly more wealthy and influential than the Jews of Israel. The power of AIPAC and other Jewish political lobbyist organizations to influence United States policy is greater than the diplomatic influence of any other nation.

Israel is a dependency of the United States. US military aid alone is four million dollars a day, and the total of economic subsidies and support is far greater than that. Israel has become a garrison state of the USA yet despite its dependency, Israel holds the whip hand in its partnership with the world's only superpower, which is also Israel's only ally and friend.

Israel's diplomatic, military and economic situation is indeed precarious, especially when one considers that Israel is about the size of the state of New Jersey and, by the admission of its own security analysts, could not survive even a single successful nuclear attack.

The original focus and mission of the Zionist founders of Israel has been abandoned under the rising political dominance of the haredim ultra-Orthodox and recent Russian immigrants and replaced by a militaristic expansionism which seeks Eretz Israel through the gradual ingestion of the West Bank.

Israel's quest for lebensraum through American military backing has cost the Jewish state the support of virtually every member state of the UN except the USA. Freed from the need to placate world opinion, the Likud party of Netanyahu has grown giddy with power and now even repudiates its long-standing commitment to a two-state solution to the Palestinian issue, supremely confident that its power over the US government is such that Washington will not dare to object.

Is Israel here to stay? Israel hangs by a single thread. There have been Crusader states in the region before. Baldwin's Kingdom of Jerusalem lasted for two centuries before dissolving into the surrounding Islamic sea. The Arab world is confident that this last vestige of 20th century British imperialism will not survive that long. "the Jews have the watches," they say, "but we've got the time.

"Israel hangs by a single thread"

LOL well you can keep telling yourself that drivel, but it sure as hell ain't true. If there is a country in the ME that is hanging on by a single thread, it sure as hell isn't Israel.
It’s stated this person comes from an influential Zionist family. (Perhaps someone living in Israel can validate that). He served in the Israeli army, his father was a general in the Israeli army, and his sister was murdered by Palestinian suicide bombers.

[ame=]An honest Israeli Jew tells the Real Truth about Israel - YouTube[/ame]

In my opinion he stands as a prime example that history is and will always be selective interpretation.
Israel is here to stay. The question is how far into the future this becomes a global conflict. I think Israel needs a new PR approach. Stop using mythology as a moral reason and just call it conquest. It’s obvious the West Bank settlements will not stop. In time the clashes will get worse. So why not just stop beating around the bush. The side with the better weapons is who is truly right, for now. In the end none of it will matter.
It’s stated this person comes from an influential Zionist family. (Perhaps someone living in Israel can validate that). He served in the Israeli army, his father was a general in the Israeli army, and his sister was murdered by Palestinian suicide bombers.

An honest Israeli Jew tells the Real Truth about Israel - YouTube

In my opinion he stands as a prime example that history is and will always be selective interpretation.
Israel is here to stay. The question is how far into the future this becomes a global conflict. I think Israel needs a new PR approach. Stop using mythology as a moral reason and just call it conquest. It’s obvious the West Bank settlements will not stop. In time the clashes will get worse. So why not just stop beating around the bush. The side with the better weapons is who is truly right, for now. In the end none of it will matter.

But, Ronin, the readers have seen this numerous times from ant-Israel people like you. We all know that there are Leftist Jews around who would roll over for the Arabs and don't care if Israel is destroyed. Why don't you tell us what the Hamas and Palestine Authority charters say about destroying Israel. This is actually more important than what some Leftist Jews think. I have a great idea. Since Ronin is bring up something that the viewers have seen before, he can also bring up that thing about what a Hamas' leader's son has to say about Hamas. I think the son is now living here in the U.S. He probably wanted to get away from the barbaric Hamas people.
It’s stated this person comes from an influential Zionist family. (Perhaps someone living in Israel can validate that). He served in the Israeli army, his father was a general in the Israeli army, and his sister was murdered by Palestinian suicide bombers.

An honest Israeli Jew tells the Real Truth about Israel - YouTube

In my opinion he stands as a prime example that history is and will always be selective interpretation.
Israel is here to stay. The question is how far into the future this becomes a global conflict. I think Israel needs a new PR approach. Stop using mythology as a moral reason and just call it conquest. It’s obvious the West Bank settlements will not stop. In time the clashes will get worse. So why not just stop beating around the bush. The side with the better weapons is who is truly right, for now. In the end none of it will matter.

But, Ronin, the readers have seen this numerous times from ant-Israel people like you. We all know that there are Leftist Jews around who would roll over for the Arabs and don't care if Israel is destroyed. Why don't you tell us what the Hamas and Palestine Authority charters say about destroying Israel. This is actually more important than what some Leftist Jews think. I have a great idea. Since Ronin is bring up something that the viewers have seen before, he can also bring up that thing about what a Hamas' leader's son has to say about Hamas. I think the son is now living here in the U.S. He probably wanted to get away from the barbaric Hamas people.

Mosab Hassan Yousef states he became an informant for the IDF to save lives on both sides. He did so under the agreement the targets would not be assassinated.

Miko Peled provides a perspective from both his parents as well as his own experience from the period when Palestinians were being driven from their homes. Which is what I was inferring to with historical selective interpretation.

That is a massive generalization. So I don’t know exactly what your point is. There are as many Arabs that are against Palestine as there are Jews against Israel? I have been reading the posts on this matter in this forum for a while without posting. The readers have seen it all numerous times. Aside from a current event which may pop up, it’s essentially the same argument, different threads.

There is enough historical record with the last 100 years to clearly spell out what has occurred. Whatever point a person has taken after researching for themselves is historical interpretation.

I was agreeing with the op Israel is here to stay. I also added my opinion that there is its nothing righteous but another chapter of world history in conquest. Israel is correct in what it does because it has superior weapons. Stating Hamas is barbaric ignores basic human nature and is another example of selective interpretation.

You already know “there are leftist Jews who will roll over for Arabs” so I don’t really need to go into what Hamas thinks of Israel.

There is enough barbaric actions on both sides to go around.
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It’s stated this person comes from an influential Zionist family. (Perhaps someone living in Israel can validate that). He served in the Israeli army, his father was a general in the Israeli army, and his sister was murdered by Palestinian suicide bombers.

An honest Israeli Jew tells the Real Truth about Israel - YouTube

In my opinion he stands as a prime example that history is and will always be selective interpretation.
Israel is here to stay. The question is how far into the future this becomes a global conflict. I think Israel needs a new PR approach. Stop using mythology as a moral reason and just call it conquest. It’s obvious the West Bank settlements will not stop. In time the clashes will get worse. So why not just stop beating around the bush. The side with the better weapons is who is truly right, for now. In the end none of it will matter.

But, Ronin, the readers have seen this numerous times from ant-Israel people like you. We all know that there are Leftist Jews around who would roll over for the Arabs and don't care if Israel is destroyed. Why don't you tell us what the Hamas and Palestine Authority charters say about destroying Israel. This is actually more important than what some Leftist Jews think. I have a great idea. Since Ronin is bring up something that the viewers have seen before, he can also bring up that thing about what a Hamas' leader's son has to say about Hamas. I think the son is now living here in the U.S. He probably wanted to get away from the barbaric Hamas people.

Mosab Hassan Yousef states he became an informant for the IDF to save lives on both sides. He did so under the agreement the targets would not be assassinated.

Miko Peled provides a perspective from both his parents as well as his own experience from the period when Palestinians were being driven from their homes. Which is what I was inferring to with historical selective interpretation.

That is a massive generalization. So I don’t know exactly what your point is. There are as many Arabs that are against Palestine as there are Jews against Israel? I have been reading the posts on this matter in this forum for a while without posting. The readers have seen it all numerous times. Aside from a current event which may pop up, it’s essentially the same argument, different threads.

There is enough historical record with the last 100 years to clearly spell out what has occurred. Whatever point a person has taken after researching for themselves is historical interpretation.

I was agreeing with the op Israel is here to stay. I also added my opinion that there is its nothing righteous but another chapter of world history in conquest. Israel is correct in what it does because it has superior weapons. Stating Hamas is barbaric ignores basic human nature and is another example of selective interpretation.

You already know “there are leftist Jews who will roll over for Arabs” so I don’t really need to go into what Hamas thinks of Israel.

There is enough barbaric actions on both sides to go around.

I am not using any mythology. I am taking the word of travelers throughout the area years and years ago who said that they saw very few Arabs, mainly Bedouins. I am also taking the word of Winston Churchill and the British officials who were actually in the area and who stated that the Aeabs came in droves from their poor surrounding countries for the jobs the Jews had for them. Now you and I don't even have to be any government official to see the population changes in this country as more and more people come from poor countries for jobs. Close your eyes to barbarism if you want to, but we have read enough to see what Hamas does and it wouldn't be called civilized behavior.
But, Ronin, the readers have seen this numerous times from ant-Israel people like you. We all know that there are Leftist Jews around who would roll over for the Arabs and don't care if Israel is destroyed. Why don't you tell us what the Hamas and Palestine Authority charters say about destroying Israel. This is actually more important than what some Leftist Jews think. I have a great idea. Since Ronin is bring up something that the viewers have seen before, he can also bring up that thing about what a Hamas' leader's son has to say about Hamas. I think the son is now living here in the U.S. He probably wanted to get away from the barbaric Hamas people.

Mosab Hassan Yousef states he became an informant for the IDF to save lives on both sides. He did so under the agreement the targets would not be assassinated.

Miko Peled provides a perspective from both his parents as well as his own experience from the period when Palestinians were being driven from their homes. Which is what I was inferring to with historical selective interpretation.

That is a massive generalization. So I don’t know exactly what your point is. There are as many Arabs that are against Palestine as there are Jews against Israel? I have been reading the posts on this matter in this forum for a while without posting. The readers have seen it all numerous times. Aside from a current event which may pop up, it’s essentially the same argument, different threads.

There is enough historical record with the last 100 years to clearly spell out what has occurred. Whatever point a person has taken after researching for themselves is historical interpretation.

I was agreeing with the op Israel is here to stay. I also added my opinion that there is its nothing righteous but another chapter of world history in conquest. Israel is correct in what it does because it has superior weapons. Stating Hamas is barbaric ignores basic human nature and is another example of selective interpretation.

You already know “there are leftist Jews who will roll over for Arabs” so I don’t really need to go into what Hamas thinks of Israel.

There is enough barbaric actions on both sides to go around.

I am not using any mythology. I am taking the word of travelers throughout the area years and years ago who said that they saw very few Arabs, mainly Bedouins. I am also taking the word of Winston Churchill and the British officials who were actually in the area and who stated that the Aeabs came in droves from their poor surrounding countries for the jobs the Jews had for them. Now you and I don't even have to be any government official to see the population changes in this country as more and more people come from poor countries for jobs. Close your eyes to barbarism if you want to, but we have read enough to see what Hamas does and it wouldn't be called civilized behavior.

I referenced Mythology to the idea of "This is mine because God said so".

You mention Winston Churchill who was no doubt a Zionist supporter, but also British officials? Have you viewed the census taken by the British in that time block? It shows a complete opposite of what your stating.

Word of travelers throughout the area years and years ago.

In my opinion (I say that because I wont presume to stand on a soap box and lecture history because it is interpretive) your verbal demeanor goes beyond being fallacious.
Mosab Hassan Yousef states he became an informant for the IDF to save lives on both sides. He did so under the agreement the targets would not be assassinated.

Miko Peled provides a perspective from both his parents as well as his own experience from the period when Palestinians were being driven from their homes. Which is what I was inferring to with historical selective interpretation.

That is a massive generalization. So I don’t know exactly what your point is. There are as many Arabs that are against Palestine as there are Jews against Israel? I have been reading the posts on this matter in this forum for a while without posting. The readers have seen it all numerous times. Aside from a current event which may pop up, it’s essentially the same argument, different threads.

There is enough historical record with the last 100 years to clearly spell out what has occurred. Whatever point a person has taken after researching for themselves is historical interpretation.

I was agreeing with the op Israel is here to stay. I also added my opinion that there is its nothing righteous but another chapter of world history in conquest. Israel is correct in what it does because it has superior weapons. Stating Hamas is barbaric ignores basic human nature and is another example of selective interpretation.

You already know “there are leftist Jews who will roll over for Arabs” so I don’t really need to go into what Hamas thinks of Israel.

There is enough barbaric actions on both sides to go around.

I am not using any mythology. I am taking the word of travelers throughout the area years and years ago who said that they saw very few Arabs, mainly Bedouins. I am also taking the word of Winston Churchill and the British officials who were actually in the area and who stated that the Aeabs came in droves from their poor surrounding countries for the jobs the Jews had for them. Now you and I don't even have to be any government official to see the population changes in this country as more and more people come from poor countries for jobs. Close your eyes to barbarism if you want to, but we have read enough to see what Hamas does and it wouldn't be called civilized behavior.

I referenced Mythology to the idea of "This is mine because God said so".

You mention Winston Churchill who was no doubt a Zionist supporter, but also British officials? Have you viewed the census taken by the British in that time block? It shows a complete opposite of what your stating.

Word of travelers throughout the area years and years ago.

In my opinion (I say that because I wont presume to stand on a soap box and lecture history because it is interpretive) your verbal demeanor goes beyond being fallacious.

We all have our own opinions and are free to express them. If you don't believe what the British officials said in their reports, you are of course free to view the arhives in Britain. No doubt this is where you will find them. And, of course, if you could locate the Egyptian official who said not too long ago that the Gazans should come back to Egypt, you can ask him why he would make a statement like that. However, the bottom line here, even if you want to ignore it, is that the Arabs do not want to see any Jewish government anyplace in the Middle East. They want to govern it all.
Mosab Hassan Yousef states he became an informant for the IDF to save lives on both sides. He did so under the agreement the targets would not be assassinated.

Miko Peled provides a perspective from both his parents as well as his own experience from the period when Palestinians were being driven from their homes. Which is what I was inferring to with historical selective interpretation.

That is a massive generalization. So I don’t know exactly what your point is. There are as many Arabs that are against Palestine as there are Jews against Israel? I have been reading the posts on this matter in this forum for a while without posting. The readers have seen it all numerous times. Aside from a current event which may pop up, it’s essentially the same argument, different threads.

There is enough historical record with the last 100 years to clearly spell out what has occurred. Whatever point a person has taken after researching for themselves is historical interpretation.

I was agreeing with the op Israel is here to stay. I also added my opinion that there is its nothing righteous but another chapter of world history in conquest. Israel is correct in what it does because it has superior weapons. Stating Hamas is barbaric ignores basic human nature and is another example of selective interpretation.

You already know “there are leftist Jews who will roll over for Arabs” so I don’t really need to go into what Hamas thinks of Israel.

There is enough barbaric actions on both sides to go around.

I am not using any mythology. I am taking the word of travelers throughout the area years and years ago who said that they saw very few Arabs, mainly Bedouins. I am also taking the word of Winston Churchill and the British officials who were actually in the area and who stated that the Aeabs came in droves from their poor surrounding countries for the jobs the Jews had for them. Now you and I don't even have to be any government official to see the population changes in this country as more and more people come from poor countries for jobs. Close your eyes to barbarism if you want to, but we have read enough to see what Hamas does and it wouldn't be called civilized behavior.

I referenced Mythology to the idea of "This is mine because God said so".

You mention Winston Churchill who was no doubt a Zionist supporter, but also British officials? Have you viewed the census taken by the British in that time block? It shows a complete opposite of what your stating.

Word of travelers throughout the area years and years ago.

In my opinion (I say that because I wont presume to stand on a soap box and lecture history because it is interpretive) your verbal demeanor goes beyond being fallacious.
You've heard the song that starts, "This land is mine, God gave this land to me..............? Thats a fact.
I am not using any mythology. I am taking the word of travelers throughout the area years and years ago who said that they saw very few Arabs, mainly Bedouins. I am also taking the word of Winston Churchill and the British officials who were actually in the area and who stated that the Aeabs came in droves from their poor surrounding countries for the jobs the Jews had for them. Now you and I don't even have to be any government official to see the population changes in this country as more and more people come from poor countries for jobs. Close your eyes to barbarism if you want to, but we have read enough to see what Hamas does and it wouldn't be called civilized behavior.

I referenced Mythology to the idea of "This is mine because God said so".

You mention Winston Churchill who was no doubt a Zionist supporter, but also British officials? Have you viewed the census taken by the British in that time block? It shows a complete opposite of what your stating.

Word of travelers throughout the area years and years ago.

In my opinion (I say that because I wont presume to stand on a soap box and lecture history because it is interpretive) your verbal demeanor goes beyond being fallacious.
You've heard the song that starts, "This land is mine, God gave this land to me..............? Thats a fact.

No I had not heard that song before now. It illustrates my point with clarity. Thank you.
[ame=]This Land is Mine - YouTube[/ame]
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