Get Used to It: Israel Is Here to Stay

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Was that 'video' supposed to be some kind of a 'point'?

Here my original post:

Israel is here to stay. The question is how far into the future this becomes a global conflict. I think Israel needs a new PR approach. Stop using mythology as a moral reason and just call it conquest. It’s obvious the West Bank settlements will not stop. In time the clashes will get worse. So why not just stop beating around the bush. The side with the better weapons is who is truly right, for now. In the end none of it will matter.

So yes, it was a point.
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All the more reason to expel the Palestinians sooner rather than later, and to move Israelis into the vacuum. Time to get it the hell over with.

Might as well get it the hell over with, send the Palestinians packing across the borders to Jordan and Egypt and Lebanon, and thereby eliminate the internal threat.

External threats are a lot easier to deal with, as opposed to internal ones, because dealing with external threats calls Legitimate Warfare status into play, rather than policing and restoring order in a so-called occupied zone.

Dealing with threats across the border, it's a simple and joyous 'Weapons Free' situation.

Not to mention that most of the Palestinians will be so happy to have escaped their 65-year-old refugee shitholes, that they'll quickly begin to assimilate into their new surroundings, and any guerrilla-in-exile will fizzle-out after a generation or two, as people build new lives and begin enjoying life free from the daily risks and tensions that Hamas, Fatah, etc., subject them to presently.

Eventually becoming happy Egyptian, Jordanian and Lebanese citizens, and finally able to put their 65-year-old nightmare behind them; especially if the Israelis pay them off handsomely and help them with the logistics and administrative detail of moving.

That would be an expensive proposition (paying them off) but is likely to lead to reasonably contented refugees/immigrants. Small price for securing the remaining fragments of Eretz Yisrael still under Muslim control.

If the Muslims are ejected from Gaza (and, quite possibly, the West Bank), in a couple of decades, their movement will sputter to a stop like a car caught on the road with an empty gas tank.

All brave words and protestations to the contrary notwiithstanding...
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All the more reason to expel the Palestinians sooner rather than later, and to move Israelis into the vacuum. Time to get it the hell over with.
Is that your................FINAL..................SOLUTION?
Wouldn't surprise me in the slightest.

There is no long-term compromising with the Muslim-Arab Palestinians, so, the alternatives are...

1. the Israelis pack up and scatter for another 2000 years

2. the Israelis commit slow suicide by agreeing to a two-state solution

3. the Israelis commit slow suicide by re-absorbing them back into a one-state solution

4. the Israelis emulate the Muslims of the region who kicked out their Jews, and return the favor by kicking out their own Muslims

The Europeans (and their offshoot civilizations in North America and Oceania) have a long tradition and history of expelling Jews, so, collectively, they'll understand Jews expelling Muslims.

But, if and when that comes, at least the Palestinians will still be alive at the end of the sequence...

Which is more than the Jews can say if they lose, as expressed in the blood-oaths that Muslim-Arabs of the region have been spouting for decades; namely, to drown the Jews in the Mediterranean.

If it comes, the Israeli-effected 'Final Solution' is likely to be far more humane and merciful than any Arab 'Final Solution'.

Besides... given the Muslim-Arab Palestinian background and connections to actual Naziism and Facism, the Arab's verion of the 'Final Soluton' would come far closer to the Nazi implications than would the Israeli one.

The Jews of Israel have a narrow (a decade or two, at best) window of opportunity to clear Gaza and the West Bank, without their nearby Muslim-Arab neighbor-states interfering to any practical and effective extent.

The Grand Muslim Expulsion is far more likely to occur in the next 10-20 years than it ever was in the past, or is likey to be, in the next century or two beyond that mark.

If they're gonna do it, they'll do it 'now' (within the next 10 to 20 years), while they have excellent prospects for success.

Ultimately, this is a life-and-death, winner-take-all strugle, and 'fair' has nothing to do with it.
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All the more reason to expel the Palestinians sooner rather than later, and to move Israelis into the vacuum. Time to get it the hell over with.
Is that your................FINAL..................SOLUTION?
Wouldn't surprise me in the slightest.

There is no long-term compromising with the Muslim-Arab Palestinians, so, the alternatives are...

1. the Israelis pack up and scatter for another 2000 years

2. the Israelis commit slow suicide by agreeing to a two-state solution

3. the Israelis commit slow suicide by re-absorbing them back into a one-state solution

4. the Israelis emulate the Muslims of the region who kicked out their Jews, and return the favor by kicking out their own Muslims

The Europeans (and their offshoot civilizations in North America and Oceania) have a long tradition and history of expelling Jews, so, collectively, they'll understand Jews expelling Muslims.

But, if and when that comes, at least the Palestinians will still be alive at the end of the sequence...

Which is more than the Jews can say if they lose, as expressed in the blood-oaths that Muslim-Arabs of the region have been spouting for decades; namely, to drown the Jews in the Mediterranean.

If it comes, the Israeli-effected 'Final Solution' is likely to be far more humane and merciful than any Arab 'Final Solution'.

Besides... given the Muslim-Arab Palestinian background and connections to actual Naziism and Facism, the Arab's verion of the 'Final Soluton' would come far closer to the Nazi implications than would the Israeli one.

The Jews of Israel have a narrow (a decade or two, at best) window of opportunity to clear Gaza and the West Bank, without their nearby Muslim-Arab neighbor-states interfering to any practical and effective extent.

The Grand Muslim Expulsion is far more likely to occur in the next 10-20 years than it ever was in the past, or is likey to be, in the next century or two beyond that mark.

If they're gonna do it, they'll do it 'now' (within the next 10 to 20 years), while they have excellent prospects for success.

Chaim Weizman tried to forcibly expel the rest of the Arabs in 1950-51. He approached the US to pay for it.. He asked ARAMCO and Ibn Saud to take them in to build TAPLINE.

KSA was still very poor in those days.. and those jobs went to Saudis... although KSA did already employ some 250,000 Palestinians.. Christian and Muslim.

The European Jews went to Palestine seeking sanctuary and a new life.. Look at the outcome.... Its not something I would be proud of.
All the more reason to expel the Palestinians sooner rather than later, and to move Israelis into the vacuum. Time to get it the hell over with.
Is that your................FINAL..................SOLUTION?

My final solution is to pre-empt the peace process and make a declaration of intent that as of a certain date the state of Palestine will exist behind these affixed borders. And that any belligerence shown will be a clear breach of the UN charter so rendering Palestine to attack. let the U.N. pick the bones out of the unilateral declaration and see how far they get before they fall foul of their own charter.

We all know your FINAL SOLUTION is the genocide of every Jew because you believe that your bad debts will die with them.
Is that your................FINAL..................SOLUTION?
Wouldn't surprise me in the slightest.

There is no long-term compromising with the Muslim-Arab Palestinians, so, the alternatives are...

1. the Israelis pack up and scatter for another 2000 years

2. the Israelis commit slow suicide by agreeing to a two-state solution

3. the Israelis commit slow suicide by re-absorbing them back into a one-state solution

4. the Israelis emulate the Muslims of the region who kicked out their Jews, and return the favor by kicking out their own Muslims

The Europeans (and their offshoot civilizations in North America and Oceania) have a long tradition and history of expelling Jews, so, collectively, they'll understand Jews expelling Muslims.

But, if and when that comes, at least the Palestinians will still be alive at the end of the sequence...

Which is more than the Jews can say if they lose, as expressed in the blood-oaths that Muslim-Arabs of the region have been spouting for decades; namely, to drown the Jews in the Mediterranean.

If it comes, the Israeli-effected 'Final Solution' is likely to be far more humane and merciful than any Arab 'Final Solution'.

Besides... given the Muslim-Arab Palestinian background and connections to actual Naziism and Facism, the Arab's verion of the 'Final Soluton' would come far closer to the Nazi implications than would the Israeli one.

The Jews of Israel have a narrow (a decade or two, at best) window of opportunity to clear Gaza and the West Bank, without their nearby Muslim-Arab neighbor-states interfering to any practical and effective extent.

The Grand Muslim Expulsion is far more likely to occur in the next 10-20 years than it ever was in the past, or is likey to be, in the next century or two beyond that mark.

If they're gonna do it, they'll do it 'now' (within the next 10 to 20 years), while they have excellent prospects for success.

Chaim Weizman tried to forcibly expel the rest of the Arabs in 1950-51. He approached the US to pay for it.. He asked ARAMCO and Ibn Saud to take them in to build TAPLINE.

KSA was still very poor in those days.. and those jobs went to Saudis... although KSA did already employ some 250,000 Palestinians.. Christian and Muslim.

The European Jews went to Palestine seeking sanctuary and a new life.. Look at the outcome.... Its not something I would be proud of.

Yet you are very proud of your brothers MASS MURDER of 3,000 unarmed and innocent Americans in the name of allah. Or your brothers MASS MURDER of 50,000 mainly women and children in the refugee camps of Jordan.
All the more reason to expel the Palestinians sooner rather than later, and to move Israelis into the vacuum. Time to get it the hell over with.
Is that your................FINAL..................SOLUTION?

My final solution is to pre-empt the peace process and make a declaration of intent that as of a certain date the state of Palestine will exist behind these affixed borders. And that any belligerence shown will be a clear breach of the UN charter so rendering Palestine to attack. let the U.N. pick the bones out of the unilateral declaration and see how far they get before they fall foul of their own charter.

We all know your FINAL SOLUTION is the genocide of every Jew because you believe that your bad debts will die with them.

There is no land left for a Palestinian state.. The deal is sealed.. You will have to kill all of them.. along the lines of Hitler's plans.
Is that your................FINAL..................SOLUTION?

My final solution is to pre-empt the peace process and make a declaration of intent that as of a certain date the state of Palestine will exist behind these affixed borders. And that any belligerence shown will be a clear breach of the UN charter so rendering Palestine to attack. let the U.N. pick the bones out of the unilateral declaration and see how far they get before they fall foul of their own charter.

We all know your FINAL SOLUTION is the genocide of every Jew because you believe that your bad debts will die with them.

There is no land left for a Palestinian state.. The deal is sealed.. You will have to kill all of them.. along the lines of Hitler's plans.

You'd like to believe that, wouldn't you? There is plenty of land - if the Pals had ever focused on actually trying to make something of the part of the Mandate set aside just for them.
You'd like to believe that, wouldn't you? There is plenty of land - if the Pals had ever focused on actually trying to make something of the part of the Mandate set aside just for them.

Group A does not produce what is acceptable or to the standards of Group B.

Therefore Group B is entitled to what group A has.

One of the most commonly used inductive fallacies after God gave it to me.
"...There is no land left for a Palestinian state. The deal is sealed. You will have to kill all of them. along the lines of Hitler's plans."
Nope. Just tell 'em to pack up their cars and buses and head for the border, with tanks on their ass to ensure compliance. Once they cross, they're somebody else's problem.
I referenced Mythology to the idea of "This is mine because God said so".

You mention Winston Churchill who was no doubt a Zionist supporter, but also British officials? Have you viewed the census taken by the British in that time block? It shows a complete opposite of what your stating.

Word of travelers throughout the area years and years ago.

In my opinion (I say that because I wont presume to stand on a soap box and lecture history because it is interpretive) your verbal demeanor goes beyond being fallacious.
You've heard the song that starts, "This land is mine, God gave this land to me..............? Thats a fact.

No I had not heard that song before now. It illustrates my point with clarity. Thank you.
[ame=]This Land is Mine - YouTube[/ame]
Nice song. Who's the top cat now?
The top cat is exactly what this video shows at the end.

If your talking outside of that: The sun. It gives us life and could kill us at anytime. If one does not respect its power it will burn or give cancer in the long run. We can count on it as we circle around it; since humans had a concept of what it was. Most of all, we can actually see it.
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Canada Takes Its Place at the Table

January 24, 2014 by Caroline Glick


During a press conference with Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu on Tuesday, an Israeli reporter asked Prime Minister Stephen Harper, “Is Canada paying a price for being so supportive of Israel? Is it possible to support Israel and still have ties to the Arab world?”


In other words, what Harper acknowledged was that yes, Canada has lost contracts in some Arab countries due to its support for Israel. But by and large, it hasn’t taken a serious hit.

The obvious follow-up question would have been to ask if Canada gains anything from its support for Israel that can compensate for the economic hits it takes for it.

The answer to that question is yes, Canada, and other countries that support Israel now, when such support is more notable than it was in the past, do gain significantly from their actions. This is true on two levels.

First, economically, Israel is in a far different position than it was 20 years ago. During Harper’s visit, Canada and Israel updated their free trade agreement and signed a number of other agreements enhancing cooperation in multiple fields.

As Netanyahu said, “I think that cooperation makes us both stronger and more prosperous and more secure countries.”


Statements by Australian foreign ministers seldom receive global coverage. But Bishop’s did.

And the more outspoken Australia is in its support for Israel and rejection of the discourse of lies that characterizes the discussion of Israel, the more attention Australia will get and the more influential it will become on the world stage.

Like Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott, Harper’s decision to support Israel is rooted in his most deeply held convictions about right and wrong. There is nothing opportunistic about his policy.

It is therefore wonderful and empowering that by staying true to his beliefs, Harper is also transforming Canada into a force to be reckoned with on the global stage. Moreover, he is setting an example that will likely be followed by more and more countries, as the benefits of his embrace of Israel become widely recognized.

Canada Takes Its Place at the Table | FrontPage Magazine
You've heard the song that starts, "This land is mine, God gave this land to me..............? Thats a fact.

No I had not heard that song before now. It illustrates my point with clarity. Thank you.
[ame=]This Land is Mine - YouTube[/ame]
Nice song. Who's the top cat now?

This cartoon is misleading. The Babylonians, Greeks, Romans, Turks, etc. conquered Israel as part of their world conquests. Jews conquered ONLY the tiny country of Israel because that particular land meant so much to them.
Canada Takes Its Place at the Table

January 24, 2014 by Caroline Glick


During a press conference with Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu on Tuesday, an Israeli reporter asked Prime Minister Stephen Harper, “Is Canada paying a price for being so supportive of Israel? Is it possible to support Israel and still have ties to the Arab world?”


In other words, what Harper acknowledged was that yes, Canada has lost contracts in some Arab countries due to its support for Israel. But by and large, it hasn’t taken a serious hit.

The obvious follow-up question would have been to ask if Canada gains anything from its support for Israel that can compensate for the economic hits it takes for it.

The answer to that question is yes, Canada, and other countries that support Israel now, when such support is more notable than it was in the past, do gain significantly from their actions. This is true on two levels.

First, economically, Israel is in a far different position than it was 20 years ago. During Harper’s visit, Canada and Israel updated their free trade agreement and signed a number of other agreements enhancing cooperation in multiple fields.

As Netanyahu said, “I think that cooperation makes us both stronger and more prosperous and more secure countries.”


Statements by Australian foreign ministers seldom receive global coverage. But Bishop’s did.

And the more outspoken Australia is in its support for Israel and rejection of the discourse of lies that characterizes the discussion of Israel, the more attention Australia will get and the more influential it will become on the world stage.

Like Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott, Harper’s decision to support Israel is rooted in his most deeply held convictions about right and wrong. There is nothing opportunistic about his policy.

It is therefore wonderful and empowering that by staying true to his beliefs, Harper is also transforming Canada into a force to be reckoned with on the global stage. Moreover, he is setting an example that will likely be followed by more and more countries, as the benefits of his embrace of Israel become widely recognized.

Canada Takes Its Place at the Table | FrontPage Magazine

Stephen Harper wears a wig.
You'd like to believe that, wouldn't you? There is plenty of land - if the Pals had ever focused on actually trying to make something of the part of the Mandate set aside just for them.
Group A does not produce what is acceptable or to the standards of Group B. Therefore Group B is entitled to what group A has. One of the most commonly used inductive fallacies after God gave it to me.
The capacitive allah-gave-it-to-me?
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