Getting 911 correct - simple question

cruise missile or 757

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9-11 truthers are low life scum
That is a compliment

Based on ZERO evidence they mock the victims of 9-11 and tell their families they are fools for believing the buried the remains of their loved ones

Lots of people died on 9/11 and lots of people died at the OKC bombing and the official story was a lie about that as well.


You are lowlife scum who pisses on the graves of 9-11 victims
So, this hijacker was able to fly just off the ground sans one wing (as that is the official story)
Planes can't fly at 500 MPH at low altitude without breaking up which is why planes start their descent 30 minutes before landing.
Planes do not break up at 500 mph
They routinely fly at that speed

Planes break up when they hit a solid object
Like the Pentagon

Planes can fly that fast at high altitudes because the air is thinner.
Planes fly at high speeds due to thrust from the engines
In addition, a plane moving from a higher altitude to a lower altitude will accelerate due to the forces of gravity plus the thrust of the engines

I am going to go with the opinions of experienced pilots that say that planes cannot fly at over 500 MPH at ground level without breaking up if it's all the same to you.
No you are not

You are making shit up and ignoring basic laws of physics

Try this Force= Mass x Acceleration

Passenger plans are essentially buses with wings and jet engines. They are not built for aeronautical maneuvers and certainly not the kind of aircraft that were allegedly performed by an amatuer that struggled behind the controls of a small Cessna plane. Hani Hanjour attempted to rent a Cessna three weeks before 9/11 but was made to pass a chaperoned flight test that he failed in a major way. So, I am saying that the official story is 100% bullshit.
9-11 truthers are low life scum
That is a compliment

Based on ZERO evidence they mock the victims of 9-11 and tell their families they are fools for believing the buried the remains of their loved ones

Lots of people died on 9/11 and lots of people died at the OKC bombing and the official story was a lie about that as well.


You are lowlife scum who pisses on the graves of 9-11 victims

If it makes you feel better at night? Say whatever ya can't piss me off nor can you stop me from posting about this.
9-11 truthers are low life scum
That is a compliment

Based on ZERO evidence they mock the victims of 9-11 and tell their families they are fools for believing the buried the remains of their loved ones

Have you done any of your own research on the subject ? I would say no.
The true scum is the paid shills

remember this is a shill who says oswald shot JFK.LOL.
9-11 truthers are low life scum
That is a compliment

Based on ZERO evidence they mock the victims of 9-11 and tell their families they are fools for believing the buried the remains of their loved ones

Lots of people died on 9/11 and lots of people died at the OKC bombing and the official story was a lie about that as well.


You are lowlife scum who pisses on the graves of 9-11 victims

If it makes you feel better at night? Say whatever ya can't piss me off nor can you stop me from posting about this.

he is such a stupid fuck he thinks money can buy him happiness not understanding the karma he is brining down on himself that in the end,money will not be there to buy him the happiness he seeks.
There was inanest people killed on 9/11 the gov. don't give a fuck who they kill for there agenda. The only people who died at the pentagon was working in side at the time the missile hit
You are pathetic.

So, the nose of the "757" made THIS HOLE???


Interesting, where are the wings and engines?

Aluminum burns and the wings would fold back on impact. They have pictures of the engines inside the Pentagon, because with higher mass, they travel farther.
You know, considering the complete destruction of the outer ring, with a hole punched in ring number 2, it would take more than just one cruise missile to do that kind of damage. And, if there were 2 or more cruise missiles fired, there would be multiple explosions. There weren't.

Don't forget y'all, the Pentagon is made from reinforced concrete, is 5 stories tall, and those rings are wide as well.

So, this hijacker was able to fly just off the ground sans one wing (as that is the official story)
Cameras at the Pentagon would be focused for building security. Their purpose is to thwart anyone trying to illegally enter the building perimeter
They would not pick up an aircraft flying at 500 mph until the last instant

Planes can't fly at 500 MPH at low altitude without breaking up which is why planes start their descent 30 minutes before landing.
Planes do not break up at 500 mph
They routinely fly at that speed

Planes break up when they hit a solid object
Like the Pentagon

Planes can fly that fast at high altitudes because the air is thinner.
Planes fly at high speeds due to thrust from the engines
In addition, a plane moving from a higher altitude to a lower altitude will accelerate due to the forces of gravity plus the thrust of the engines

I am going to go with the opinions of experienced pilots that say that planes cannot fly at over 500 MPH at ground level without breaking up if it's all the same to you.

The land speed record is 700 mph
Those are vehicles that never leave the ground

They do not break up due to speed
There was inanest people killed on 9/11 the gov. don't give a fuck who they kill for there agenda. The only people who died at the pentagon was working in side at the time the missile hit

So the Solicitor General of the United State's wife who was on that plane just disappeared leaving her family behind? Never mind she called her husband after the hijacking and before she died!
9-11 truthers are low life scum
That is a compliment

Based on ZERO evidence they mock the victims of 9-11 and tell their families they are fools for believing the buried the remains of their loved ones

Lots of people died on 9/11 and lots of people died at the OKC bombing and the official story was a lie about that as well.


You are lowlife scum who pisses on the graves of 9-11 victims

If it makes you feel better at night? Say whatever ya can't piss me off nor can you stop me from posting about this.
No Dale

You really are lowlife scum

People actually lost family members on 9-11 and you mock them and tell them their loved ones were not killed
That the shreds of body parts that they buried and mourn are fake

You are despicable
If the wings folded back what happened to them there is no picks of them

Aluminum shreds on impact and then burns in jet fuel. Ever hear of aluminum oxide? Aluminum airplanes turn into a white powder when burned.

Imagine taking a cannon and firing an aluminum Coke can at a concrete wall and then setting it on fire. What do you think would be left?
If the wings folded back what happened to them there is no picks of them


So, this hijacker was able to fly just off the ground sans one wing (as that is the official story)
Planes can't fly at 500 MPH at low altitude without breaking up which is why planes start their descent 30 minutes before landing.
Planes do not break up at 500 mph
They routinely fly at that speed

Planes break up when they hit a solid object
Like the Pentagon

Planes can fly that fast at high altitudes because the air is thinner.
Planes fly at high speeds due to thrust from the engines
In addition, a plane moving from a higher altitude to a lower altitude will accelerate due to the forces of gravity plus the thrust of the engines

I am going to go with the opinions of experienced pilots that say that planes cannot fly at over 500 MPH at ground level without breaking up if it's all the same to you.

The land speed record is 700 mph
Those are vehicles that never leave the ground

They do not break up due to speed

Those vehicles are built like planes and can hold up to 300 passengers, crew, pilots, luggage, hundreds of gallons of fuel with a fuselage made of aluminum?
So what this thread reveals - like so many before it - is that Truthers misrepresent, twist, and manufacture "facts" while ignoring anything that contradicts their various (and often diametrically opposed) theories.

All that is left to do is determine why they spend so much time chasing and posting their silliness when, as Skylar often notes, it was much easier to just crash a 757 into the pentagon than any of their absurdly convoluted explanations.

What do they gain or hope to accomplish? What is their motivation? Their agenda?
Where's the beef?
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But yet they couldn't intercept the plane? Show me the footage of the plane.......where are the wings?

Intercept with what?
The plane was tracked from takeoff to impact on radar.

Wings were stripped off on impact with a masonry building. You think wings will cut through bricks?

So, where are the wings??????/ They should be laying down by the hole that was allegedly left by the impact..........wings are pretty damn big.........they should be whole as they should have been sheared off on impact......

Ripped to shreds

Then there should be an ungodly amount of aluminum "shreds" surrounding the scene if that was the case. I, on the other hand, beg to differ...... because the way that plane wings are attached, it would have sheared them off in two distinct pieces. They are lightweight and due to the alleged speed of the plane hitting the Pentagon? It would have caused them to break off the plane like a's called "physics".

Don't you know that was planted there by the cabal? Or the Illuminati, or....umm.....The Jews? Something like that.

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