Getting 911 correct - simple question

cruise missile or 757

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Even the outer ring shows no damage from wings or engines.

People seem to believe that passenger jets have the same maneuvering skills of a fighter jet when it's really just a bus with wings. The naysayers want us to believe that an amatuer pilot with questionable flying skills could fly a 757 in an 8,000 foot descending 270 degree corkscrew turn and fly a foot off of the ground and create a hole that doesn't fit the dimensions of said move along you "whack-jobs"......nothing to see here because gubermint would never, EVER lie!
An amateur pilot has a target the size of the Pentagon
I could hit it with ten minutes practice

Holes do not match the size of the object that hit it. There is a blow out effect

Yet there was a computer and paper next to the hole that wasn't even disturbed. The fact that they have refused to show actual footage of the plane actually hitting the Pentagon when it is surrounded by cameras or released the cameras that were confiscated from businesses surrounding the Pentagon that would corroborate the official story speaks volumes to me.

as always,USMBS resident troll WRONGwinger,gets his ass OWNED by you.HEE HEE.

Wrong your friend is the only one who got owned

YOU betcha............sometimes I just have to do the "face palm" as to how people can be so fucking blinded. I blame it on the same affliction I had for 11's called "cognitive dissonance". The truth is too frightening because all of one's preconceived notions and beliefs are kicked to the curb. I could barely eat or sleep for a month when I had my epiphany and I don't wish the way I felt on anyone. The fact remains is that we are not in Kansas anymore and the sooner you realize that? The better off you will be.
Planes do not break up at 500 mph
They routinely fly at that speed

Planes break up when they hit a solid object
Like the Pentagon

Planes can fly that fast at high altitudes because the air is thinner.
Planes fly at high speeds due to thrust from the engines
In addition, a plane moving from a higher altitude to a lower altitude will accelerate due to the forces of gravity plus the thrust of the engines

I am going to go with the opinions of experienced pilots that say that planes cannot fly at over 500 MPH at ground level without breaking up if it's all the same to you.
No you are not

You are making shit up and ignoring basic laws of physics

Try this Force= Mass x Acceleration

Passenger plans are essentially buses with wings and jet engines. They are not built for aeronautical maneuvers and certainly not the kind of aircraft that were allegedly performed by an amatuer that struggled behind the controls of a small Cessna plane. Hani Hanjour attempted to rent a Cessna three weeks before 9/11 but was made to pass a chaperoned flight test that he failed in a major way. So, I am saying that the official story is 100% bullshit.
And you are a fool as yes even a bus with wings can perform and is designed to perform the simple maneuvers performed by the hijackers on 911.

It is simply the content of the space between your ears which is PROVEN 100% bullshit.

BTW check your punctuation bitch
You know, considering the complete destruction of the outer ring, with a hole punched in ring number 2, it would take more than just one cruise missile to do that kind of damage. And, if there were 2 or more cruise missiles fired, there would be multiple explosions. There weren't.

Don't forget y'all, the Pentagon is made from reinforced concrete, is 5 stories tall, and those rings are wide as well.

So, this hijacker was able to fly just off the ground sans one wing (as that is the official story)

The evidence proves conclusively it was hit by a 757.

You have no evidence to the contrary and even such a quote as you reference proves.................nothing.

BTW there is no such thing as a shill.

ROTFLMAO!!!!!! The Pentagon could only produce those few frames??? The FBI confiscated all the cameras from businesses as "evidence" but never released the footage? HOLY shit, how fucking stupid are you????

Dude, Why in the hell would a gas station have their cameras pointed at the pentagon or the sky? Their cameras were pointed at their places of business. You're *assuming* that for no particular reason.....a gas station would have its security camera pointed not at their gas pumps or at their merchandise inside the stores. But at a building across the freeway, or pointed uselessly into the sky.

Your explanation of events is, as always, stupidly complicated, wildly elaborate, and doesn't make a lick of sense.

The 'cruise missile' explanation is just awful. Again, why wouldn't they simply crash the plane? They clearly had no problem killing people. It would inflict horrific damage. And it wouldn't require your insanely complicated, horrendously improbable conspiracy cover up.

Cameras at the Pentagon would be focused for building security. Their purpose is to thwart anyone trying to illegally enter the building perimeter
They would not pick up an aircraft flying at 500 mph until the last instant

Planes can't fly at 500 MPH at low altitude without breaking up which is why planes start their descent 30 minutes before landing.

You are a prove liar that is NOT the official story.

You are also as stupid and uninformed on this subject as you are about the Oklahoma bombing as there is no rule or science which precludes aircraft from flying at 500 MPH without breaking up.

The fact is there is no difference between flying that fast at ground level or at thousands of feet.

"prove liar?....dude, please learn basic English........HOLY shit.....
People seem to believe that passenger jets have the same maneuvering skills of a fighter jet when it's really just a bus with wings. The naysayers want us to believe that an amatuer pilot with questionable flying skills could fly a 757 in an 8,000 foot descending 270 degree corkscrew turn and fly a foot off of the ground and create a hole that doesn't fit the dimensions of said move along you "whack-jobs"......nothing to see here because gubermint would never, EVER lie!
An amateur pilot has a target the size of the Pentagon
I could hit it with ten minutes practice

Holes do not match the size of the object that hit it. There is a blow out effect

Yet there was a computer and paper next to the hole that wasn't even disturbed. The fact that they have refused to show actual footage of the plane actually hitting the Pentagon when it is surrounded by cameras or released the cameras that were confiscated from businesses surrounding the Pentagon that would corroborate the official story speaks volumes to me.

as always,USMBS resident troll WRONGwinger,gets his ass OWNED by you.HEE HEE.

Wrong your friend is the only one who got owned

YOU betcha............sometimes I just have to do the "face palm" as to how people can be so fucking blinded. I blame it on the same affliction I had for 11's called "cognitive dissonance". The truth is too frightening because all of one's preconceived notions and beliefs are kicked to the curb. I could barely eat or sleep for a month when I had my epiphany and I don't wish the way I felt on anyone. The fact remains is that we are not in Kansas anymore and the sooner you realize that? The better off you will be.
I am sure your impotence and second rate life requires that you believe you are more enlightened than others but in fact you are just naive and gullible and not well informed.

You are proven wrong and others know better than you and you need to learn to use commas boy
You know, considering the complete destruction of the outer ring, with a hole punched in ring number 2, it would take more than just one cruise missile to do that kind of damage. And, if there were 2 or more cruise missiles fired, there would be multiple explosions. There weren't.

Don't forget y'all, the Pentagon is made from reinforced concrete, is 5 stories tall, and those rings are wide as well.

So, this hijacker was able to fly just off the ground sans one wing (as that is the official story)
ROTFLMAO!!!!!! The Pentagon could only produce those few frames??? The FBI confiscated all the cameras from businesses as "evidence" but never released the footage? HOLY shit, how fucking stupid are you????

Dude, Why in the hell would a gas station have their cameras pointed at the pentagon or the sky? Their cameras were pointed at their places of business. You're *assuming* that for no particular reason.....a gas station would have its security camera pointed not at their gas pumps or at their merchandise inside the stores. But at a building across the freeway, or pointed uselessly into the sky.

Your explanation of events is, as always, stupidly complicated, wildly elaborate, and doesn't make a lick of sense.

The 'cruise missile' explanation is just awful. Again, why wouldn't they simply crash the plane? They clearly had no problem killing people. It would inflict horrific damage. And it wouldn't require your insanely complicated, horrendously improbable conspiracy cover up.

Cameras at the Pentagon would be focused for building security. Their purpose is to thwart anyone trying to illegally enter the building perimeter
They would not pick up an aircraft flying at 500 mph until the last instant

Planes can't fly at 500 MPH at low altitude without breaking up which is why planes start their descent 30 minutes before landing.

You are a prove liar that is NOT the official story.

You are also as stupid and uninformed on this subject as you are about the Oklahoma bombing as there is no rule or science which precludes aircraft from flying at 500 MPH without breaking up.

The fact is there is no difference between flying that fast at ground level or at thousands of feet.

"prove liar?....dude, please learn basic English........HOLY shit.....
It was clear and correct english and it is also a fact.

You are a PROVEN idiotic liar now learn to use commas you uneducated fool then you will not be my bitch with every post
Planes can fly that fast at high altitudes because the air is thinner.
Planes fly at high speeds due to thrust from the engines
In addition, a plane moving from a higher altitude to a lower altitude will accelerate due to the forces of gravity plus the thrust of the engines

I am going to go with the opinions of experienced pilots that say that planes cannot fly at over 500 MPH at ground level without breaking up if it's all the same to you.
No you are not

You are making shit up and ignoring basic laws of physics

Try this Force= Mass x Acceleration

Passenger plans are essentially buses with wings and jet engines. They are not built for aeronautical maneuvers and certainly not the kind of aircraft that were allegedly performed by an amatuer that struggled behind the controls of a small Cessna plane. Hani Hanjour attempted to rent a Cessna three weeks before 9/11 but was made to pass a chaperoned flight test that he failed in a major way. So, I am saying that the official story is 100% bullshit.
And you are a fool as yes even a bus with wings can perform and is designed to perform the simple maneuvers performed by the hijackers on 911.

It is simply the content of the space between your ears which is PROVEN 100% bullshit.

BTW check your punctuation bitch

Really? An inexperienced pilot that couldn't even work the controls of a Cessna did a highly improbable 270 degree corkscrew turn with one wing and fly inches off the ground while not disturbing the landscape? Do you believe in the tooth fairy as well?
Planes fly at high speeds due to thrust from the engines
In addition, a plane moving from a higher altitude to a lower altitude will accelerate due to the forces of gravity plus the thrust of the engines

I am going to go with the opinions of experienced pilots that say that planes cannot fly at over 500 MPH at ground level without breaking up if it's all the same to you.
No you are not

You are making shit up and ignoring basic laws of physics

Try this Force= Mass x Acceleration

Passenger plans are essentially buses with wings and jet engines. They are not built for aeronautical maneuvers and certainly not the kind of aircraft that were allegedly performed by an amatuer that struggled behind the controls of a small Cessna plane. Hani Hanjour attempted to rent a Cessna three weeks before 9/11 but was made to pass a chaperoned flight test that he failed in a major way. So, I am saying that the official story is 100% bullshit.
And you are a fool as yes even a bus with wings can perform and is designed to perform the simple maneuvers performed by the hijackers on 911.

It is simply the content of the space between your ears which is PROVEN 100% bullshit.

BTW check your punctuation bitch

Really? An inexperienced pilot that couldn't even work the controls of a Cessna did a highly improbable 270 degree corkscrew turn with one wing and fly inches off the ground while not disturbing the landscape? Do you believe in the tooth fairy as well?

They COULD work the controls of a cessna.

No one ever described the hijackers doing the rest of the crap you just posted.

You are lying again and being pwned
Planes fly at high speeds due to thrust from the engines
In addition, a plane moving from a higher altitude to a lower altitude will accelerate due to the forces of gravity plus the thrust of the engines

I am going to go with the opinions of experienced pilots that say that planes cannot fly at over 500 MPH at ground level without breaking up if it's all the same to you.
No you are not

You are making shit up and ignoring basic laws of physics

Try this Force= Mass x Acceleration

Passenger plans are essentially buses with wings and jet engines. They are not built for aeronautical maneuvers and certainly not the kind of aircraft that were allegedly performed by an amatuer that struggled behind the controls of a small Cessna plane. Hani Hanjour attempted to rent a Cessna three weeks before 9/11 but was made to pass a chaperoned flight test that he failed in a major way. So, I am saying that the official story is 100% bullshit.
And you are a fool as yes even a bus with wings can perform and is designed to perform the simple maneuvers performed by the hijackers on 911.

It is simply the content of the space between your ears which is PROVEN 100% bullshit.

BTW check your punctuation bitch

Really? An inexperienced pilot that couldn't even work the controls of a Cessna did a highly improbable 270 degree corkscrew turn with one wing and fly inches off the ground while not disturbing the landscape? Do you believe in the tooth fairy as well?
The only fairy tale is you pretending to have a functioning brain
Planes fly at high speeds due to thrust from the engines
In addition, a plane moving from a higher altitude to a lower altitude will accelerate due to the forces of gravity plus the thrust of the engines

I am going to go with the opinions of experienced pilots that say that planes cannot fly at over 500 MPH at ground level without breaking up if it's all the same to you.
No you are not

You are making shit up and ignoring basic laws of physics

Try this Force= Mass x Acceleration

Passenger plans are essentially buses with wings and jet engines. They are not built for aeronautical maneuvers and certainly not the kind of aircraft that were allegedly performed by an amatuer that struggled behind the controls of a small Cessna plane. Hani Hanjour attempted to rent a Cessna three weeks before 9/11 but was made to pass a chaperoned flight test that he failed in a major way. So, I am saying that the official story is 100% bullshit.
And you are a fool as yes even a bus with wings can perform and is designed to perform the simple maneuvers performed by the hijackers on 911.

It is simply the content of the space between your ears which is PROVEN 100% bullshit.

BTW check your punctuation bitch

Really? An inexperienced pilot that couldn't even work the controls of a Cessna did a highly improbable 270 degree corkscrew turn with one wing and fly inches off the ground while not disturbing the landscape? Do you believe in the tooth fairy as well?
Any and all aircraft can turn 270 degrees in a cork screw.

They can all fly inches off of the ground and in fact the landscape was disturbed.

What other childish lies of yours can I call out?
You know, considering the complete destruction of the outer ring, with a hole punched in ring number 2, it would take more than just one cruise missile to do that kind of damage. And, if there were 2 or more cruise missiles fired, there would be multiple explosions. There weren't.

Don't forget y'all, the Pentagon is made from reinforced concrete, is 5 stories tall, and those rings are wide as well.

So, this hijacker was able to fly just off the ground sans one wing (as that is the official story)
Dude, Why in the hell would a gas station have their cameras pointed at the pentagon or the sky? Their cameras were pointed at their places of business. You're *assuming* that for no particular reason.....a gas station would have its security camera pointed not at their gas pumps or at their merchandise inside the stores. But at a building across the freeway, or pointed uselessly into the sky.

Your explanation of events is, as always, stupidly complicated, wildly elaborate, and doesn't make a lick of sense.

The 'cruise missile' explanation is just awful. Again, why wouldn't they simply crash the plane? They clearly had no problem killing people. It would inflict horrific damage. And it wouldn't require your insanely complicated, horrendously improbable conspiracy cover up.

Cameras at the Pentagon would be focused for building security. Their purpose is to thwart anyone trying to illegally enter the building perimeter
They would not pick up an aircraft flying at 500 mph until the last instant

Planes can't fly at 500 MPH at low altitude without breaking up which is why planes start their descent 30 minutes before landing.

You are a prove liar that is NOT the official story.

You are also as stupid and uninformed on this subject as you are about the Oklahoma bombing as there is no rule or science which precludes aircraft from flying at 500 MPH without breaking up.

The fact is there is no difference between flying that fast at ground level or at thousands of feet.

"prove liar?....dude, please learn basic English........HOLY shit.....
It was clear and correct english and it is also a fact.

You are a PROVEN idiotic liar now learn to use commas you uneducated fool then you will not be my bitch with every post

ROTFLMAO!!!!!! Great meltdown, Soupy!!!!!! Do you have anything else left in the tank? I mean seriously! The ol "uh-uh" defense always amuses me. It would work great in a court of statutory law. Hell, I bet that they would dismiss the case right there and then!

D.A to judge/administrator: "I wish to drop all charges as the defendant has out-maneuvered me with the ol "Uh-uh" defense."

Judge/administrator turns to you and says? : "Well played, defendant.....well dismissed!" as he slams his gavel and removes himself from the bench....

You know, considering the complete destruction of the outer ring, with a hole punched in ring number 2, it would take more than just one cruise missile to do that kind of damage. And, if there were 2 or more cruise missiles fired, there would be multiple explosions. There weren't.

Don't forget y'all, the Pentagon is made from reinforced concrete, is 5 stories tall, and those rings are wide as well.

So, this hijacker was able to fly just off the ground sans one wing (as that is the official story)
Cameras at the Pentagon would be focused for building security. Their purpose is to thwart anyone trying to illegally enter the building perimeter
They would not pick up an aircraft flying at 500 mph until the last instant

Planes can't fly at 500 MPH at low altitude without breaking up which is why planes start their descent 30 minutes before landing.

You are a prove liar that is NOT the official story.

You are also as stupid and uninformed on this subject as you are about the Oklahoma bombing as there is no rule or science which precludes aircraft from flying at 500 MPH without breaking up.

The fact is there is no difference between flying that fast at ground level or at thousands of feet.

"prove liar?....dude, please learn basic English........HOLY shit.....
It was clear and correct english and it is also a fact.

You are a PROVEN idiotic liar now learn to use commas you uneducated fool then you will not be my bitch with every post

ROTFLMAO!!!!!! Great meltdown, Soupy!!!!!! Do you have anything else left in the tank? I mean seriously! The ol "uh-uh" defense always amuses me. It would work great in a court of statutory law. Hell, I bet that they would dismiss the case right there and then!

D.A to judge/administrator: "I wish to drop all charges as the defendant has out-maneuvered me with the ol "Uh-uh" defense."

Judge/administrator turns to you and says? : "Well played, defendant.....well dismissed!" as he slams his gavel and removes himself from the bench....

Much like LARAM you betray your true age when faced with facts.

That is because everything I said was factual and you cannot refute it beyond simply lying like a brat.

Now you are crying like the teenager you are living in moms basement.

Now get off of her computer boy and go learn something
I am going to go with the opinions of experienced pilots that say that planes cannot fly at over 500 MPH at ground level without breaking up if it's all the same to you.
No you are not

You are making shit up and ignoring basic laws of physics

Try this Force= Mass x Acceleration

Passenger plans are essentially buses with wings and jet engines. They are not built for aeronautical maneuvers and certainly not the kind of aircraft that were allegedly performed by an amatuer that struggled behind the controls of a small Cessna plane. Hani Hanjour attempted to rent a Cessna three weeks before 9/11 but was made to pass a chaperoned flight test that he failed in a major way. So, I am saying that the official story is 100% bullshit.
And you are a fool as yes even a bus with wings can perform and is designed to perform the simple maneuvers performed by the hijackers on 911.

It is simply the content of the space between your ears which is PROVEN 100% bullshit.

BTW check your punctuation bitch

Really? An inexperienced pilot that couldn't even work the controls of a Cessna did a highly improbable 270 degree corkscrew turn with one wing and fly inches off the ground while not disturbing the landscape? Do you believe in the tooth fairy as well?
Any and all aircraft can turn 270 degrees in a cork screw.

They can all fly inches off of the ground and in fact the landscape was disturbed.

What other childish lies of yours can I call out?

LMAO!!! With one wing and allegedly fly FIVE HUNDRED miles an hour????? Right on, lil brother!!!! Makes total sense!!!

No you are not

You are making shit up and ignoring basic laws of physics

Try this Force= Mass x Acceleration

Passenger plans are essentially buses with wings and jet engines. They are not built for aeronautical maneuvers and certainly not the kind of aircraft that were allegedly performed by an amatuer that struggled behind the controls of a small Cessna plane. Hani Hanjour attempted to rent a Cessna three weeks before 9/11 but was made to pass a chaperoned flight test that he failed in a major way. So, I am saying that the official story is 100% bullshit.
And you are a fool as yes even a bus with wings can perform and is designed to perform the simple maneuvers performed by the hijackers on 911.

It is simply the content of the space between your ears which is PROVEN 100% bullshit.

BTW check your punctuation bitch

Really? An inexperienced pilot that couldn't even work the controls of a Cessna did a highly improbable 270 degree corkscrew turn with one wing and fly inches off the ground while not disturbing the landscape? Do you believe in the tooth fairy as well?
Any and all aircraft can turn 270 degrees in a cork screw.

They can all fly inches off of the ground and in fact the landscape was disturbed.

What other childish lies of yours can I call out?

LMAO!!! With one wing and allegedly fly FIVE HUNDRED miles an hour????? Right on, lil brother!!!! Makes total sense!!!


It had both wings you dipshit and no one said other wise.

Yes such a plane can fly 500 MPH, it is in the official specs
So, this hijacker was able to fly just off the ground sans one wing (as that is the official story)
Planes can't fly at 500 MPH at low altitude without breaking up which is why planes start their descent 30 minutes before landing.

You are a prove liar that is NOT the official story.

You are also as stupid and uninformed on this subject as you are about the Oklahoma bombing as there is no rule or science which precludes aircraft from flying at 500 MPH without breaking up.

The fact is there is no difference between flying that fast at ground level or at thousands of feet.

"prove liar?....dude, please learn basic English........HOLY shit.....
It was clear and correct english and it is also a fact.

You are a PROVEN idiotic liar now learn to use commas you uneducated fool then you will not be my bitch with every post

ROTFLMAO!!!!!! Great meltdown, Soupy!!!!!! Do you have anything else left in the tank? I mean seriously! The ol "uh-uh" defense always amuses me. It would work great in a court of statutory law. Hell, I bet that they would dismiss the case right there and then!

D.A to judge/administrator: "I wish to drop all charges as the defendant has out-maneuvered me with the ol "Uh-uh" defense."

Judge/administrator turns to you and says? : "Well played, defendant.....well dismissed!" as he slams his gavel and removes himself from the bench....

Much like LARAM you betray your true age when faced with facts.

That is because everything I said was factual and you cannot refute it beyond simply lying like a brat.

Now you are crying like the teenager you are lining in moms basement.

Now get off of her computer boy and go learn something

LMAO!!!!!!!!!! Lining in my mom's basement???????

:alcoholic::alcoholic::alcoholic::alcoholic::alcoholic::alcoholic::alcoholic::alcoholic: have another!!!!!
You are a prove liar that is NOT the official story.

You are also as stupid and uninformed on this subject as you are about the Oklahoma bombing as there is no rule or science which precludes aircraft from flying at 500 MPH without breaking up.

The fact is there is no difference between flying that fast at ground level or at thousands of feet.

"prove liar?....dude, please learn basic English........HOLY shit.....
It was clear and correct english and it is also a fact.

You are a PROVEN idiotic liar now learn to use commas you uneducated fool then you will not be my bitch with every post

ROTFLMAO!!!!!! Great meltdown, Soupy!!!!!! Do you have anything else left in the tank? I mean seriously! The ol "uh-uh" defense always amuses me. It would work great in a court of statutory law. Hell, I bet that they would dismiss the case right there and then!

D.A to judge/administrator: "I wish to drop all charges as the defendant has out-maneuvered me with the ol "Uh-uh" defense."

Judge/administrator turns to you and says? : "Well played, defendant.....well dismissed!" as he slams his gavel and removes himself from the bench....

Much like LARAM you betray your true age when faced with facts.

That is because everything I said was factual and you cannot refute it beyond simply lying like a brat.

Now you are crying like the teenager you are lining in moms basement.

Now get off of her computer boy and go learn something

LMAO!!!!!!!!!! Lining in my mom's basement???????

:alcoholic::alcoholic::alcoholic::alcoholic::alcoholic::alcoholic::alcoholic::alcoholic: have another!!!!!

I said living and that is what was typed fool

And yes you do.
"prove liar?....dude, please learn basic English........HOLY shit.....
It was clear and correct english and it is also a fact.

You are a PROVEN idiotic liar now learn to use commas you uneducated fool then you will not be my bitch with every post

ROTFLMAO!!!!!! Great meltdown, Soupy!!!!!! Do you have anything else left in the tank? I mean seriously! The ol "uh-uh" defense always amuses me. It would work great in a court of statutory law. Hell, I bet that they would dismiss the case right there and then!

D.A to judge/administrator: "I wish to drop all charges as the defendant has out-maneuvered me with the ol "Uh-uh" defense."

Judge/administrator turns to you and says? : "Well played, defendant.....well dismissed!" as he slams his gavel and removes himself from the bench....

Much like LARAM you betray your true age when faced with facts.

That is because everything I said was factual and you cannot refute it beyond simply lying like a brat.

Now you are crying like the teenager you are lining in moms basement.

Now get off of her computer boy and go learn something

LMAO!!!!!!!!!! Lining in my mom's basement???????

:alcoholic::alcoholic::alcoholic::alcoholic::alcoholic::alcoholic::alcoholic::alcoholic: have another!!!!!

I said living and that is what was typed fool

And yes you do.

That was a "typed fool"???? What the fuck is that? What the hell are you drinking tonight??????

HOLY shit! I am gonna "bookmark" this thread!!!!
Soup Nazi Meltdown time!!!!!!!

Nope making Dale Smith into a bitch time with facts and evidence.

So seriously how does it feel to be the laughing stock of the world?

You DO know that it is true you have been proven wrong and fucking idiot.
It was clear and correct english and it is also a fact.

You are a PROVEN idiotic liar now learn to use commas you uneducated fool then you will not be my bitch with every post

ROTFLMAO!!!!!! Great meltdown, Soupy!!!!!! Do you have anything else left in the tank? I mean seriously! The ol "uh-uh" defense always amuses me. It would work great in a court of statutory law. Hell, I bet that they would dismiss the case right there and then!

D.A to judge/administrator: "I wish to drop all charges as the defendant has out-maneuvered me with the ol "Uh-uh" defense."

Judge/administrator turns to you and says? : "Well played, defendant.....well dismissed!" as he slams his gavel and removes himself from the bench....

Much like LARAM you betray your true age when faced with facts.

That is because everything I said was factual and you cannot refute it beyond simply lying like a brat.

Now you are crying like the teenager you are lining in moms basement.

Now get off of her computer boy and go learn something

LMAO!!!!!!!!!! Lining in my mom's basement???????

:alcoholic::alcoholic::alcoholic::alcoholic::alcoholic::alcoholic::alcoholic::alcoholic: have another!!!!!

I said living and that is what was typed fool

And yes you do.

That was a "typed fool"???? What the fuck is that? What the hell are you drinking tonight??????

HOLY shit! I am gonna "bookmark" this thread!!!!
You should for posterity so people can see how much of a dumbfuck you are
ROTFLMAO!!!!!! Great meltdown, Soupy!!!!!! Do you have anything else left in the tank? I mean seriously! The ol "uh-uh" defense always amuses me. It would work great in a court of statutory law. Hell, I bet that they would dismiss the case right there and then!

D.A to judge/administrator: "I wish to drop all charges as the defendant has out-maneuvered me with the ol "Uh-uh" defense."

Judge/administrator turns to you and says? : "Well played, defendant.....well dismissed!" as he slams his gavel and removes himself from the bench....

Much like LARAM you betray your true age when faced with facts.

That is because everything I said was factual and you cannot refute it beyond simply lying like a brat.

Now you are crying like the teenager you are lining in moms basement.

Now get off of her computer boy and go learn something

LMAO!!!!!!!!!! Lining in my mom's basement???????

:alcoholic::alcoholic::alcoholic::alcoholic::alcoholic::alcoholic::alcoholic::alcoholic: have another!!!!!

I said living and that is what was typed fool

And yes you do.

That was a "typed fool"???? What the fuck is that? What the hell are you drinking tonight??????

HOLY shit! I am gonna "bookmark" this thread!!!!
You should for posterity so people can see how much of a dumbfuck you are

Obviously....since according to you I am "lining in my mom's basement and being a "typed fool"......


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