Getting 911 correct - simple question

cruise missile or 757

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Even the outer ring shows no damage from wings or engines.

People seem to believe that passenger jets have the same maneuvering skills of a fighter jet when it's really just a bus with wings. The naysayers want us to believe that an amatuer pilot with questionable flying skills could fly a 757 in an 8,000 foot descending 270 degree corkscrew turn and fly a foot off of the ground and create a hole that doesn't fit the dimensions of said move along you "whack-jobs"......nothing to see here because gubermint would never, EVER lie!
An amateur pilot has a target the size of the Pentagon
I could hit it with ten minutes practice

Holes do not match the size of the object that hit it. There is a blow out effect

Yet there was a computer and paper next to the hole that wasn't even disturbed. The fact that they have refused to show actual footage of the plane actually hitting the Pentagon when it is surrounded by cameras or released the cameras that were confiscated from businesses surrounding the Pentagon that would corroborate the official story speaks volumes to me.
I love it when truthers make up their own proof

Nobody has footage of the plane hitting the Pentagon. They do have data tracking the plane from takeoff to impact

But yet they couldn't intercept the plane? Show me the footage of the plane.......where are the wings?

Intercept with what?
The plane was tracked from takeoff to impact on radar.

Wings were stripped off on impact with a masonry building. You think wings will cut through bricks?
There are a few questions the 911 Truthers cannot answer. They will argue all day about how it couldn’t have happened the way the government said but they cannot offer any explanation of what did happen, at least not without easily debunked nonsense.

1. Why would the government do all of that when there were less complicated options?

2. How did the government lay out tons of explosives and miles of wiring to drop the towers without any of the thousands of employees and building security seeing them do it?

3. Where was the missile launched from and how did they keep that quiet?

4. What happened to the plane that “didn’t” hit the pentagon and where are those passengers?

5. Why didn’t Osama Bin Laden out our government?

6. How did the government keep the civilian air traffic controllers quiet?
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People seem to believe that passenger jets have the same maneuvering skills of a fighter jet when it's really just a bus with wings. The naysayers want us to believe that an amatuer pilot with questionable flying skills could fly a 757 in an 8,000 foot descending 270 degree corkscrew turn and fly a foot off of the ground and create a hole that doesn't fit the dimensions of said move along you "whack-jobs"......nothing to see here because gubermint would never, EVER lie!
An amateur pilot has a target the size of the Pentagon
I could hit it with ten minutes practice

Holes do not match the size of the object that hit it. There is a blow out effect

Yet there was a computer and paper next to the hole that wasn't even disturbed. The fact that they have refused to show actual footage of the plane actually hitting the Pentagon when it is surrounded by cameras or released the cameras that were confiscated from businesses surrounding the Pentagon that would corroborate the official story speaks volumes to me.
I love it when truthers make up their own proof

Nobody has footage of the plane hitting the Pentagon. They do have data tracking the plane from takeoff to impact

But yet they couldn't intercept the plane? Show me the footage of the plane.......where are the wings?

Intercept with what?
The plane was tracked from takeoff to impact on radar.

Wings were stripped off on impact with a masonry building. You think wings will cut through bricks?

Yep. Lightweight aluminum has very little chance when it goes up against reinforced concrete, which is what the Pentagon is made from.

The Pentagon - Wikipedia

Instead, the Pentagon was built as a reinforced concrete structure, using 680,000 tons of sand dredged from the Potomac River, and a lagoon was created beneath the Pentagon's river entrance. To minimize steel usage, concrete ramps were built rather than installing elevators.
People seem to believe that passenger jets have the same maneuvering skills of a fighter jet when it's really just a bus with wings. The naysayers want us to believe that an amatuer pilot with questionable flying skills could fly a 757 in an 8,000 foot descending 270 degree corkscrew turn and fly a foot off of the ground and create a hole that doesn't fit the dimensions of said move along you "whack-jobs"......nothing to see here because gubermint would never, EVER lie!
An amateur pilot has a target the size of the Pentagon
I could hit it with ten minutes practice

Holes do not match the size of the object that hit it. There is a blow out effect

Yet there was a computer and paper next to the hole that wasn't even disturbed. The fact that they have refused to show actual footage of the plane actually hitting the Pentagon when it is surrounded by cameras or released the cameras that were confiscated from businesses surrounding the Pentagon that would corroborate the official story speaks volumes to me.
I love it when truthers make up their own proof

Nobody has footage of the plane hitting the Pentagon. They do have data tracking the plane from takeoff to impact

But yet they couldn't intercept the plane? Show me the footage of the plane.......where are the wings?

You know, someone brought it up further up the thread. When the attack first happened, they were tracking and landing EVERY PLANE OVER US AIRSPACE. How do I know this? Because all the applicants who were supposed to go to boot camp that day were sent back home, as were all the other applicants that came into the MEPS. We had to wait for the recruiters to come and pick their people up, and then we were sent home as well.

By the way................ever heard of this nifty little thing called radar and IFF? Hint: It's how they track aircraft over the US and keep track of where they are. question is.................if they tracked that aircraft from where it took off to the Pentagon, how did the terrorists get a false track generated in the airport towers?

As far as going and shooting the plane down? I'm sure they thought of that, but it would look REALLY BAD for a US military aircraft to shoot down a plane of civilians just to take out a couple of terrorists.

Besides.....................there's also the little problem of debris falling over populated areas.

But yet when Payne Stewart's plane lost cabin pressure and they lost contact with the plane? In 15 fighter jets were sent and escorted the plane to prevent it from crashing into a populated area. I believed the official bullshit story for over 10 years and defended it. I marginalized, demonized, shamed and criticized those that didn't. I would personally apologize to every single one of them if I could find them. You believe the official whom am I to criticize you (since you are not being a jerk) when I believed it myself for so long and defended it ad naseum? There were a litany of reasons that our controllers needed this. Everything from the goals of PNAC to the destruction of evidence and investigations into money laundering much like the Libor scandal, ten year securities of Russian assets that were illegally obtained that could not have passed the sniff test of the Security and Exchange Commission when the ruble was intentionally crashed in 1991......the psy-op of making people fine with being under constant surveillance because the apparatus to spy on every single American's data was put in place before 9/11/01 and the PATRIOT Act was written before this event as well.
People seem to believe that passenger jets have the same maneuvering skills of a fighter jet when it's really just a bus with wings. The naysayers want us to believe that an amatuer pilot with questionable flying skills could fly a 757 in an 8,000 foot descending 270 degree corkscrew turn and fly a foot off of the ground and create a hole that doesn't fit the dimensions of said move along you "whack-jobs"......nothing to see here because gubermint would never, EVER lie!
An amateur pilot has a target the size of the Pentagon
I could hit it with ten minutes practice

Holes do not match the size of the object that hit it. There is a blow out effect

Yet there was a computer and paper next to the hole that wasn't even disturbed. The fact that they have refused to show actual footage of the plane actually hitting the Pentagon when it is surrounded by cameras or released the cameras that were confiscated from businesses surrounding the Pentagon that would corroborate the official story speaks volumes to me.
I love it when truthers make up their own proof

Nobody has footage of the plane hitting the Pentagon. They do have data tracking the plane from takeoff to impact

But yet they couldn't intercept the plane? Show me the footage of the plane.......where are the wings?

Intercept with what?
The plane was tracked from takeoff to impact on radar.

Wings were stripped off on impact with a masonry building. You think wings will cut through bricks?

So, where are the wings??????/ They should be laying down by the hole that was allegedly left by the impact..........wings are pretty damn big.........they should be whole as they should have been sheared off on impact......
An amateur pilot has a target the size of the Pentagon
I could hit it with ten minutes practice

Holes do not match the size of the object that hit it. There is a blow out effect

Yet there was a computer and paper next to the hole that wasn't even disturbed. The fact that they have refused to show actual footage of the plane actually hitting the Pentagon when it is surrounded by cameras or released the cameras that were confiscated from businesses surrounding the Pentagon that would corroborate the official story speaks volumes to me.
I love it when truthers make up their own proof

Nobody has footage of the plane hitting the Pentagon. They do have data tracking the plane from takeoff to impact

But yet they couldn't intercept the plane? Show me the footage of the plane.......where are the wings?

Intercept with what?
The plane was tracked from takeoff to impact on radar.

Wings were stripped off on impact with a masonry building. You think wings will cut through bricks?

So, where are the wings??????/ They should be laying down by the hole that was allegedly left by the impact..........wings are pretty damn big.........they should be whole as they should have been sheared off on impact......

Ripped to shreds
Body parts from those on Flight 77 were recovered at the Pentagon crash sites

No need to discuss further
Yet there was a computer and paper next to the hole that wasn't even disturbed. The fact that they have refused to show actual footage of the plane actually hitting the Pentagon when it is surrounded by cameras or released the cameras that were confiscated from businesses surrounding the Pentagon that would corroborate the official story speaks volumes to me.
I love it when truthers make up their own proof

Nobody has footage of the plane hitting the Pentagon. They do have data tracking the plane from takeoff to impact

But yet they couldn't intercept the plane? Show me the footage of the plane.......where are the wings?

Intercept with what?
The plane was tracked from takeoff to impact on radar.

Wings were stripped off on impact with a masonry building. You think wings will cut through bricks?

So, where are the wings??????/ They should be laying down by the hole that was allegedly left by the impact..........wings are pretty damn big.........they should be whole as they should have been sheared off on impact......

Ripped to shreds

Then there should be an ungodly amount of aluminum "shreds" surrounding the scene if that was the case. I, on the other hand, beg to differ...... because the way that plane wings are attached, it would have sheared them off in two distinct pieces. They are lightweight and due to the alleged speed of the plane hitting the Pentagon? It would have caused them to break off the plane like a's called "physics".
I love it when truthers make up their own proof

Nobody has footage of the plane hitting the Pentagon. They do have data tracking the plane from takeoff to impact

But yet they couldn't intercept the plane? Show me the footage of the plane.......where are the wings?

Intercept with what?
The plane was tracked from takeoff to impact on radar.

Wings were stripped off on impact with a masonry building. You think wings will cut through bricks?

So, where are the wings??????/ They should be laying down by the hole that was allegedly left by the impact..........wings are pretty damn big.........they should be whole as they should have been sheared off on impact......

Ripped to shreds

Then there should be an ungodly amount of aluminum "shreds" surrounding the scene if that was the case. I, on the other hand, beg to differ...... because the way that plane wings are attached, it would have sheared them off in two distinct pieces. They are lightweight and due to the alleged speed of the plane hitting the Pentagon? It would have caused them to break off the plane like a's called "physics".
But yet they couldn't intercept the plane? Show me the footage of the plane.......where are the wings?

Intercept with what?
The plane was tracked from takeoff to impact on radar.

Wings were stripped off on impact with a masonry building. You think wings will cut through bricks?

So, where are the wings??????/ They should be laying down by the hole that was allegedly left by the impact..........wings are pretty damn big.........they should be whole as they should have been sheared off on impact......

Ripped to shreds

Then there should be an ungodly amount of aluminum "shreds" surrounding the scene if that was the case. I, on the other hand, beg to differ...... because the way that plane wings are attached, it would have sheared them off in two distinct pieces. They are lightweight and due to the alleged speed of the plane hitting the Pentagon? It would have caused them to break off the plane like a's called "physics".

You know, I've seen what happens to a car when it hits concrete at a high rate of speed. They pancake into cubes, and parts go flying all over the place. Imagine how much worse it would be for something made out of lightweight aluminum that is traveling 500 mph.

Thank you for posting the pic. It shows not only the wreckage from the plane, but how far it flew back from the building, because you can see the firefighters in the background.

Hey Dale, you wanted to know where the wings were,'s the pic that shows they shredded into a lot of pieces on impact.
But yet they couldn't intercept the plane? Show me the footage of the plane.......where are the wings?

Intercept with what?
The plane was tracked from takeoff to impact on radar.

Wings were stripped off on impact with a masonry building. You think wings will cut through bricks?

So, where are the wings??????/ They should be laying down by the hole that was allegedly left by the impact..........wings are pretty damn big.........they should be whole as they should have been sheared off on impact......

Ripped to shreds

Then there should be an ungodly amount of aluminum "shreds" surrounding the scene if that was the case. I, on the other hand, beg to differ...... because the way that plane wings are attached, it would have sheared them off in two distinct pieces. They are lightweight and due to the alleged speed of the plane hitting the Pentagon? It would have caused them to break off the plane like a's called "physics".

Wow, you could pick up those little pieces by hand..........
Intercept with what?
The plane was tracked from takeoff to impact on radar.

Wings were stripped off on impact with a masonry building. You think wings will cut through bricks?

So, where are the wings??????/ They should be laying down by the hole that was allegedly left by the impact..........wings are pretty damn big.........they should be whole as they should have been sheared off on impact......

Ripped to shreds

Then there should be an ungodly amount of aluminum "shreds" surrounding the scene if that was the case. I, on the other hand, beg to differ...... because the way that plane wings are attached, it would have sheared them off in two distinct pieces. They are lightweight and due to the alleged speed of the plane hitting the Pentagon? It would have caused them to break off the plane like a's called "physics".

Wow, you could pick up those little pieces by hand..........

Of course there are going to be little pieces. Ever seen how many pieces a NASCAR racecar dissolves into when it hits the wall? And that is only at around 200 mph. The plane was estimated to impact at 500 mph.

And yes, scientists can tell how fast something hits the ground, based on how it hit and what kind of damage was done.
So, where are the wings??????/ They should be laying down by the hole that was allegedly left by the impact..........wings are pretty damn big.........they should be whole as they should have been sheared off on impact......

Ripped to shreds

Then there should be an ungodly amount of aluminum "shreds" surrounding the scene if that was the case. I, on the other hand, beg to differ...... because the way that plane wings are attached, it would have sheared them off in two distinct pieces. They are lightweight and due to the alleged speed of the plane hitting the Pentagon? It would have caused them to break off the plane like a's called "physics".

Wow, you could pick up those little pieces by hand..........

Of course there are going to be little pieces. Ever seen how many pieces a NASCAR racecar dissolves into when it hits the wall? And that is only at around 200 mph. The plane was estimated to impact at 500 mph.

And yes, scientists can tell how fast something hits the ground, based on how it hit and what kind of damage was done.

What confuses me is that landing gear is allegedly found in the wreckage all the terrorist pilot had a reflex and put down landing gear but yet no landscape interruption shows torn up grass? Freefall of a plane may reach 500 plus MPH but not a 270 degree corkscrew turn that has to correct it's self to fly mere inches off the ground cannot do that. I am going to go with the pilots for 9/11 truth that had to land planes. The descension of a plane starts a good thirty minutes before it ever reaches the airport landing strip. There is no way that a plane can handle the change in air pressure and maintain a steady course at that speed........which is why experienced pilots are speaking out.
Intercept with what?
The plane was tracked from takeoff to impact on radar.

Wings were stripped off on impact with a masonry building. You think wings will cut through bricks?

So, where are the wings??????/ They should be laying down by the hole that was allegedly left by the impact..........wings are pretty damn big.........they should be whole as they should have been sheared off on impact......

Ripped to shreds

Then there should be an ungodly amount of aluminum "shreds" surrounding the scene if that was the case. I, on the other hand, beg to differ...... because the way that plane wings are attached, it would have sheared them off in two distinct pieces. They are lightweight and due to the alleged speed of the plane hitting the Pentagon? It would have caused them to break off the plane like a's called "physics".

Wow, you could pick up those little pieces by hand..........
See all the pieces in the background?
Where did they come from?

Did guys in trucks drive around throwing out airplane pieces without anyone noticing?

Where did they get pieces with serial numbers from flight 77?
You are pathetic.

So, the nose of the "757" made THIS HOLE???


Interesting, where are the wings and engines?

That isn’t the crash site.
Even the outer ring shows no damage from wings or engines.

People seem to believe that passenger jets have the same maneuvering skills of a fighter jet when it's really just a bus with wings. The naysayers want us to believe that an amatuer pilot with questionable flying skills could fly a 757 in an 8,000 foot descending 270 degree corkscrew turn and fly a foot off of the ground and create a hole that doesn't fit the dimensions of said move along you "whack-jobs"......nothing to see here because gubermint would never, EVER lie!

Except that no one including the official report made any such claims and no evidence of any kind proves it was anything other than a 757.
Post 114 links to an article that says the plane that crashed in PA on 9/11 impacted the ground at 580 miles per hour.
A cesna takes a 30 degree approach on landing and landing speed is 30 to 60 knotts. This 747 would have had to come in at 1 to 5 degree approach at 500 miles per hour, sorry it can not happen. The PA flight wnet head long into the ground at a high rate of speed it did not manage a 1 to 5 degree approach and remain steady at that appraoch for over a mile. Good fucking luck accomplishing that. There are flight similators out there if you can do it I will kiss your ass!
It was not a 747,
it was a 757 which is completely different.

Yes it can happen and the specifications on the plane from boeing prove absolutely it can happen.

Kiss away boy you lost.

Only an idiot would believe that the Pentagon was hit by a 757....Lloyde England, (the cab driver whose taxi that showed the front windshield busted but no damage to the hood) admitted when he thought that he wasn't being recorded that this thing was bigger than all of us.

The evidence proves conclusively it was hit by a 757.

You have no evidence to the contrary and even such a quote as you reference proves.................nothing.

BTW there is no such thing as a shill.

ROTFLMAO!!!!!! The Pentagon could only produce those few frames??? The FBI confiscated all the cameras from businesses as "evidence" but never released the footage? HOLY shit, how fucking stupid are you????

Dude, Why in the hell would a gas station have their cameras pointed at the pentagon or the sky? Their cameras were pointed at their places of business. You're *assuming* that for no particular reason.....a gas station would have its security camera pointed not at their gas pumps or at their merchandise inside the stores. But at a building across the freeway, or pointed uselessly into the sky.

Your explanation of events is, as always, stupidly complicated, wildly elaborate, and doesn't make a lick of sense.

The 'cruise missile' explanation is just awful. Again, why wouldn't they simply crash the plane? They clearly had no problem killing people. It would inflict horrific damage. And it wouldn't require your insanely complicated, horrendously improbable conspiracy cover up.
A cesna takes a 30 degree approach on landing and landing speed is 30 to 60 knotts. This 747 would have had to come in at 1 to 5 degree approach at 500 miles per hour, sorry it can not happen. The PA flight wnet head long into the ground at a high rate of speed it did not manage a 1 to 5 degree approach and remain steady at that appraoch for over a mile. Good fucking luck accomplishing that. There are flight similators out there if you can do it I will kiss your ass!
It was not a 747,
it was a 757 which is completely different.

Yes it can happen and the specifications on the plane from boeing prove absolutely it can happen.

Kiss away boy you lost.

Only an idiot would believe that the Pentagon was hit by a 757....Lloyde England, (the cab driver whose taxi that showed the front windshield busted but no damage to the hood) admitted when he thought that he wasn't being recorded that this thing was bigger than all of us.

The evidence proves conclusively it was hit by a 757.

You have no evidence to the contrary and even such a quote as you reference proves.................nothing.

BTW there is no such thing as a shill.

ROTFLMAO!!!!!! The Pentagon could only produce those few frames??? The FBI confiscated all the cameras from businesses as "evidence" but never released the footage? HOLY shit, how fucking stupid are you????

Dude, Why in the hell would a gas station have their cameras pointed at the pentagon or the sky? Their cameras were pointed at their places of business. You're *assuming* that for no particular reason.....a gas station would have its security camera pointed not at their gas pumps or at their merchandise inside the stores. But at a building across the freeway, or pointed uselessly into the sky.

Your explanation of events is, as always, stupidly complicated, wildly elaborate, and doesn't make a lick of sense.

The 'cruise missile' explanation is just awful. Again, why wouldn't they simply crash the plane? They clearly had no problem killing people. It would inflict horrific damage. And it wouldn't require your insanely complicated, horrendously improbable conspiracy cover up.

Cameras at the Pentagon would be focused for building security. Their purpose is to thwart anyone trying to illegally enter the building perimeter
They would not pick up an aircraft flying at 500 mph until the last instant

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