Getting Omicron

The risk for any given individual doesn't seem much worse than seasonal flus. But we have a degree of herd immunity to those and they don't spread nearly as quickly. The risk is a third of the population coming down with the flu at the same time. That would be a shitshow, and many people would die.
Are there any reasons why you would be concerned about getting Omicron, above and beyond the typical symptoms that go with a typical cold?
Are there any reasons why you would be concerned about getting Omicron, above and beyond the typical symptoms that go with a typical cold?

Definition of the mild seasonal sniffles circa 2019: the Common Cold

Definition of the mild seasonal sniffles circa 2021-22: OMG I'm gonna die

Definition of American asshole circa 2019: that guy who cut me off on the beltway

Definition of American asshole circa 2021-22: Chicken littles and the rest of their mRNA vaccinated pals.





It’s less severe, but people are still going to the hospital and dying from it
The last I checked on the official Omicron death to thread, the omicron death toll is still zero.

The last I checked on the official Omicron death to thread, the omicron death toll is still zero.

Liberals don't see zeros.
My perspective is that we know roughly1 in100 people who contract this disease will die from it.
The last time I checked the official omicron death toll thread, the omicron death toll was still zero.

So far no one had died from omicron. A few people have died that tested positive for omicron. Yet, omicron strikes terror in the hearts of politicians, Branch Covidians and apostles of Saint Fauci of Mengele. Why? Because once you are infected with omicron you are immune to every varient of covid. Their power is gone.
The whole problem is, it is still a Covid19 variant. From the beginning we have seen people like myself that had it like a bad flue or some even a mild flue, yet other (even young, seemingly healthy, like my 31 year old next door neighbor) go very critical very fast and there doesn't seem to be much predicting how an individual will react to it. Easy to say "pre-existing conditions", but half the people even on this board under 45 haven't seen a doctor in more than a year and half the people out there in the public don't think or know they have a pre-existing condition.
This Omicron is supposed to be less severe on average, but how would you like to find out you were one of the susceptible ones, when you thought you were one of the people that could beat it hand down, but you found out too late?
Do you know how many people have died from omi-con?
Have you spoken to a doctor about it or just read media articles.
Are there any reasons why you would be concerned about getting Omicron, above and beyond the typical symptoms that go with a typical cold?
Are there any reasons why you would be concerned about getting Omicron, above and beyond the typical symptoms that go with a typical cold?
I know 5 people that have caught it, none had to go to the hospital. All but 1 had worse symptoms than a cold. Stuck in bed for 4 days with a killer headache. These were all healthy people under 50. I'd be worried about elderly or people with underlying conditions catching it.
I know 5 people that have caught it, none had to go to the hospital. All but 1 had worse symptoms than a cold. Stuck in bed for 4 days with a killer headache. These were all healthy people under 50. I'd be worried about elderly or people with underlying conditions catching it.
Sounds like omi-con only messes up friends of lefties. You know all 5 of the people who got killer headaches and had to stay in bed.
Because doctors are a more reliable source for medical information than media articles. Wouldn't you agree?
If you think you need to talk to a doctor about what to do about paper cuts or colds, you go right ahead. On that note, have YOU talked to a doctor about omi-con? What did he tell you? More vaccines?

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