Gettysburg Museum Told to Remove Confederate Flags from Inside Museum

because history is racist

our country is fucked

Trump is a brief respite - we get 8 or 12 years maybe

thanks for the info
What's the big deal, blacks don't even go to Museum's
A museum is really the only place it belongs. We cannot forget what we did and what we allowed to be done. It can never be forgiven, there is no amount of money that would be retribution but more than anything else, we cannot let the reality of slavery in the US be forgotten or demeaned.
Hey Luddy, if slavery really affected blacks, how come they don't get up early and work all day?
Got to applaud a win for the 21st century :clap:
Do you try to be an asshole moron or does it just come naturally?
No effort here. I have the utmost contempt for people that fly Lee's battle flag, since the only reason it's so widespread is that it regained popularity when black people started fighting for their rights.
Got to applaud a win for the 21st century :clap:
Do you try to be an asshole moron or does it just come naturally?
No effort here. I have the utmost contempt for people that fly Lee's battle flag, since the only reason it's so widespread is that it regained popularity when black people started fighting for their rights.
What's Lee's flag? They are not known to the next generation, they are not even allowed inside museums thanks to Leftardism. Now in 30 years Democrats can proudly fly it again.
Why do you defend the flag of terrorists who killed more us troops than any enemy ever ?

Maybe we should fly alqueda flags at ground zero in NYC ?
What the heck does Gettysburg have to do with this? The story is about a little county museum in Georgia.
btw - this museum is in Georgia

makes it pretty hard to believe they are getting requests to remove the flag from a museum

this Taliban type thuggery from the left is getting worse & worse every day

I fear for my children and the health of this country
What's Lee's flag?

Something currently cherished and celebrated by the GOP base. People who worship the Democrats of 150 years ago. Crazy, huh?
Ya, I'm a Nazi too because I like Aushwitz being preserved, Commie because I like the Killing fields preserved, Imperialist because I like the bullet holes in the Fords Field buildings, racist because I like civil war history preserved.

You are one fascist freak, that is for sure.

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