Gettysburg Museum Told to Remove Confederate Flags from Inside Museum

Got to applaud a win for the 21st century :clap:
I am not surprised you feel this way - most leftists spend a great deal of their time trying to rewrite history, "protecting" folks from facts and banning evidence of the truth

kudos to you for being consistent
What's Lee's flag?

Something currently cherished and celebrated by the GOP base. People who worship the Democrats of 150 years ago. Crazy, huh?
Ya, I'm a Nazi too because I like Aushwitz being preserved, Commie because I like the Killing fields preserved, Imperialist because I like the bullet holes in the Fords Field buildings, racist because I like civil war history preserved.

You are one fascist freak, that is for sure.
Do they fly Nazi flags at Auschwitz?

Are these Trump supporters just "trying to preserve history?"

How stupid. It's a great museum.
Progressives can't tolerate anyone that disagrees with them…

I agree with a lot of progessivism but some take it too far. Same as the far right in many ways....

Extremism is the norm of today.
See that is the problem, the federal government and their progressive masters think that they know what's right for the average American.
They have no concept of individuality and any sort of freedom… It's all about the Village/deep state to them
btw - this museum is in Georgia

makes it pretty hard to believe they are getting requests to remove the flag from a museum

this Taliban type thuggery from the left is getting worse & worse every day

I fear for my children and the health of this country

I was just thinking of the Taliban, and their destruction of the Buddhas of Bamiyan. Not much difference between the Taliban and our LIbErals.
Got to applaud a win for the 21st century :clap:

How is it a win?
A couple pro-slavery flags taken down. A small win. But in Trump's Amerika, we need to take what we can get.

Yup, and kids aren't allowed to wear an American flag on their shirts at school, but Mexican flags on a shirt is acceptable. Quite some direction you're headed in.
^ dumbass :cuckoo:

Yeah, I'm the dumbass. :fu:
Got to applaud a win for the 21st century :clap:

How is it a win?
A couple pro-slavery flags taken down. A small win. But in Trump's Amerika, we need to take what we can get.

Yup, and kids aren't allowed to wear an American flag on their shirts at school, but Mexican flags on a shirt is acceptable. Quite some direction you're headed in.
^ dumbass :cuckoo:

Yeah, I'm the dumbass.
Correct :clap:
What's Lee's flag?

Something currently cherished and celebrated by the GOP base. People who worship the Democrats of 150 years ago. Crazy, huh?
Ya, I'm a Nazi too because I like Aushwitz being preserved, Commie because I like the Killing fields preserved, Imperialist because I like the bullet holes in the Fords Field buildings, racist because I like civil war history preserved.

You are one fascist freak, that is for sure.
Do they fly Nazi flags at Auschwitz?

Are these Trump supporters just "trying to preserve history?"

Do they fly Nazi flags at Auschwitz?
Are Nazi flags displayed in museums?... Yes they are!
Gettysburg Museum Told to Remove Confederate Flags from Inside Museum

Oh my god, you are hilarious. Gettysburg is not in Georgia, you amazing retard! :lol:

On August 20, 1864, U.S. General Judson Kilpatrick's cavalry raid escalated at the Nash Farm when 4, 700 Federal cavalry charged and broke through the Texans. This was the largest cavalry breakthrough saber charge in Georgia's history. Nash Farm was also the site of Confederate Gen. Stephen D. Lee's campsite in September 1864.

Nash Farm Battlefield | Civil War Trust
What's Lee's flag?

Something currently cherished and celebrated by the GOP base. People who worship the Democrats of 150 years ago. Crazy, huh?
Ya, I'm a Nazi too because I like Aushwitz being preserved, Commie because I like the Killing fields preserved, Imperialist because I like the bullet holes in the Fords Field buildings, racist because I like civil war history preserved.

You are one fascist freak, that is for sure.
Do they fly Nazi flags at Auschwitz?

Are these Trump supporters just "trying to preserve history?"

Those are LBJ Democrats. Just ask any of the retarded pseudocons on this forum. :lol:

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