Gingrich calls for deporting Muslims who believe in Shariah


Don't you think Muslims will say they don't believe in Sharia, when asked?

That's just so not the point. He's essentially telling the world we won't stand for this lifestyle and we'll protect our own. And yes, there will be some that don't care and will support shariah.

So then tell the entire board how Newt Gingrich will deport Naturally Born Citizens that believe in Sharia Law?

Now before you claim that is not what he said then read the article again because he clearly stated those here and not coming here.

Now I know the Progressive Liberal hate the Constitution because of the Second Amendment and the Tea Party Caucus Member hate it because of the First Amendment but you can't deport people because of their religion.

Now I will let you argue about that is not what he meant when it clearly states he said here and to deport everyone that believe in Sharia law...

Oh, and I don't believe in Sharia Law and I know you will claim I love and support terrorism because hey I am pointing out the facts and telling you what he ( Gingrich ) is proposing is UNCONSTITUTIONAL!

Don't you think Muslims will say they don't believe in Sharia, when asked?

That's just so not the point. He's essentially telling the world we won't stand for this lifestyle and we'll protect our own. And yes, there will be some that don't care and will support shariah.

So then tell the entire board how Newt Gingrich will deport Naturally Born Citizens that believe in Sharia Law?

Now before you claim that is not what he said then read the article again because he clearly stated those here and not coming here.

Now I know the Progressive Liberal hate the Constitution because of the Second Amendment and the Tea Party Caucus Member hate it because of the First Amendment but you can't deport people because of their religion.

Now I will let you argue about that is not what he meant when it clearly states he said here and to deport everyone that believe in Sharia law...

Oh, and I don't believe in Sharia Law and I know you will claim I love and support terrorism because hey I am pointing out the facts and telling you what he ( Gingrich ) is proposing is UNCONSTITUTIONAL!

Clearing he's referring to muslims who immigrated and have not obtained citizenship yet, or those that might be here illegally. Is not that fucking obvious??? Do you fucking liberals need EVERYTHING spoon fed to you?

It is unconstitutional to strip a person of their citizenship without just cause, i.e. they have committed a very serious crime. The grounds for losing ones citizenship are fairly narrow.
VOLUNTARY: Voluntary renunciation of United States citizenship is permitted by law. However, renunciation can only be made at a U.S. Consulate outside the United States. INVOLUNTARY: The following are grounds for involuntary loss of United States citizenship:

  • Person commits treason against the United States.
  • Person takes an oath of allegiance to a foreign state.
  • Person joins the armed forces of a country at war with the U.S.

Expanding the list of reasons the government can strip one of citizenship must be handled very carefully and deliberately.

I disagree with Gingrich on this one point; simply going to an AQ or ISIS website should not be grounds for prosecution or loss of citizenship. Citizens cannot be deported and they cannot be incarcerated without due process.

If these morons are truly joining ISIS or AQ, they will do something to hang themselves, so we dont need to broaden the law or make special laws against them. JUST ENFORCE EXISTING LAWS, monitor the radical clerics and deport any refugees or noncitizens here who want Sharia, are members of a Salafi Jihadist group or express support for the Muslim Caliphate, ISIS or AQ or war against the USA.

We cannot allow this conflict to truly diminish what the right of citizenship are for everyone else.
Clearing he's referring to muslims who immigrated and have not obtained citizenship yet, or those that might be here illegally. Is not that fucking obvious??? Do you fucking liberals need EVERYTHING spoon fed to you?
I have to agree with the liberals on this. Gingrich should have been more specific as stripping citizens of citizenship is a very inflammatory subject and if he keeps framing his comments without specifying he is not speaking of noncitizens he will alienate more than he unifies behind him.

I have watched that video several times last night after seeing it on live broadcast, and then watched it again today on this thread. Gingrich never says anything to put his comments in a context of it being about noncitizens, and he really needed to do that. I have followed Newt for decades and I truly think that was his intent, but he did not make that point plain or part of the context of his statement.

Well even the smartest people have oh-shit moments, Gingrich included.
funny thing is that one of the commentators observed that he apparently wants to prosecute thought crimes.
Yeah and for decades you libtards claimed that Stalin was just spiffy, too.

One might say that TREASON is only a thought crime, but most of us would disagree, and supporting a culture that is hostile to the US Constitution and the freedomsx we have here is borderline Treason and no mere thought crime.

If they are immigrants here not yet citizens, they should be immediately deported and never allowed back into our country.,

If they are citizens then they should be monitored closely and their associations tracked.
Not all Muslims are bad.
Spotting the fanatics will be easy.
Well spotting them BEFORE their terrorism is the catch, I guess, but yes, they all have social nexus around radical Salafi jihadist extremists clergy.

So we MUST monitor the mosques, find out who is a Jihadist cleric and monitor them closely and kick them out if they recruit for an extremist group or one of their minions performs an act of terrorism.
I agree 100% ! :clap:

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.) called for extreme measures against Muslims in the United States after a deadly terrorist attack rocked Nice, France.

“You have to monitor the mosques,” Gingrich said Thursday evening on Fox News's "Hannity." "Where do you think the primary source of recruitment is? We should ... test every person here who is of a Muslim background, and if they believe in Shariah, they should be deported.”

Gingrich, who is believed to be on Donald Trump's shortlist for running mate, said law enforcement must increase its vigilance of the nation’s Muslims to fight terrorism.

“This is the fault of Western elites who lack the guts to do what is right, to do what is necessary,” he said. "We better rethink the rules, or we’re going to lose the war.”

Dozens died Thursday when an attacker drove a truck into a crowd celebrating Bastille Day.

French President François Hollande said that 77 people were killed, and many more are believed to be injured.

Gingrich calls for deporting Muslims who believe in Shariah

You can't deport Natural Born Citizens, so let just stop with that nonsense right now, and that is what Newt Gingrich is calling.

There is nothing you can do when it come to those born as a citizen because the Constitution protects them.

Now are you will to change the Constitution and start denying American Citizens their rights?

you can't deport ANY citizens. you can't deport someone for their religious beliefs. you can deport them for their actions.

the absurdity of newtie and the bigots. :cuckoo:
. OMG you are so fucking smart. I guess Newrt didn't know that. Please write him and set him straight. He'll marvel at your intellect.

i am smart, unlike the insane shrieking hysterical bigots.

i can't help it if newtie is more intent on riling up the lunatic base than caring about what is good for our country.

but then again, he always has.
Actually you are dumb as a box of rocks, you don't have the smarts it takes to protect yourself.
funny thing is that one of the commentators observed that he apparently wants to prosecute thought crimes.
Yeah and for decades you libtards claimed that Stalin was just spiffy, too.

One might say that TREASON is only a thought crime, but most of us would disagree, and supporting a culture that is hostile to the US Constitution and the freedomsx we have here is borderline Treason and no mere thought crime.

If they are immigrants here not yet citizens, they should be immediately deported and never allowed back into our country.,

If they are citizens then they should be monitored closely and their associations tracked.

stalin was before my time. and i don't know anyone who said he was "spiffy". my own family left russia... some before some after the revolution. so i suppose you can make ignorant blanket statements . *shrug*

so you don't like the 1st or 4th amendment either, eh?
And the same for anyone who believe Leviticus.
It is interesting and illuminating that libtards like yourself cannot distinguish between Sharia law advocates of our times, and those who believe that an ancient text of similar law from thousands of years ago is legitimate, its morals still in in force, but its legal standards not applicable because we are not ancient Israel.

While I am not a psychologist of any sort, it is safe to say that you are a certified idiot based on your inability to see the distinctions between Sharia and 'believing in' Leviticus, jack ass.
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stalin was before my time. and i don't know anyone who said he was "spiffy". my own family left russia... some before some after the revolution. so i suppose you can make ignorant blanket statements . *shrug*

It is noted that you expressed no problem with Stalin or his programs of mass slaughter.

so you don't like the 1st or 4th amendment either, eh?

I love them all, but I actually have familiarity with them, unlike yourself.
funny thing is that one of the commentators observed that he apparently wants to prosecute thought crimes.
Yeah and for decades you libtards claimed that Stalin was just spiffy, too.

One might say that TREASON is only a thought crime, but most of us would disagree, and supporting a culture that is hostile to the US Constitution and the freedomsx we have here is borderline Treason and no mere thought crime.

If they are immigrants here not yet citizens, they should be immediately deported and never allowed back into our country.,

If they are citizens then they should be monitored closely and their associations tracked.

stalin was before my time. and i don't know anyone who said he was "spiffy". my own family left russia... some before some after the revolution. so i suppose you can make ignorant blanket statements . *shrug*

so you don't like the 1st or 4th amendment either, eh?
You don't know your history Silly Jilly.

Ever heard of Walter Duranty of the NY Slimes?

Don't feel bad sweetie...most libs don't know shit about history, which is why they believe in so much BS.
funny thing is that one of the commentators observed that he apparently wants to prosecute thought crimes.
Yeah and for decades you libtards claimed that Stalin was just spiffy, too.

One might say that TREASON is only a thought crime, but most of us would disagree, and supporting a culture that is hostile to the US Constitution and the freedomsx we have here is borderline Treason and no mere thought crime.

If they are immigrants here not yet citizens, they should be immediately deported and never allowed back into our country.,

If they are citizens then they should be monitored closely and their associations tracked.

stalin was before my time. and i don't know anyone who said he was "spiffy". my own family left russia... some before some after the revolution. so i suppose you can make ignorant blanket statements . *shrug*

so you don't like the 1st or 4th amendment either, eh?
You don't know your history Silly Jilly.

Ever heard of Walter Duranty of the NY Slimes?

Don't feel bad sweetie...most libs don't know shit about history, which is why they believe in so much BS.

I agree 100% ! :clap:

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.) called for extreme measures against Muslims in the United States after a deadly terrorist attack rocked Nice, France.

“You have to monitor the mosques,” Gingrich said Thursday evening on Fox News's "Hannity." "Where do you think the primary source of recruitment is? We should ... test every person here who is of a Muslim background, and if they believe in Shariah, they should be deported.”

Gingrich, who is believed to be on Donald Trump's shortlist for running mate, said law enforcement must increase its vigilance of the nation’s Muslims to fight terrorism.

“This is the fault of Western elites who lack the guts to do what is right, to do what is necessary,” he said. "We better rethink the rules, or we’re going to lose the war.”

Dozens died Thursday when an attacker drove a truck into a crowd celebrating Bastille Day.

French President François Hollande said that 77 people were killed, and many more are believed to be injured.

Gingrich calls for deporting Muslims who believe in Shariah
I long as we deport Christers who believe in Christian Sharia also.

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