Gingrich calls for deporting Muslims who believe in Shariah

And the same for anyone who believe Leviticus.
It is interesting and illuminating that libtards like yourself cannot distinguish between Sharia law advocates of our times, and those who believe that an ancient text of similar law from thousands of years ago is legitimate, its morals still in in force, but its legal standards not applicable because we are not ancient Israel.

While I am not a psychologist of any sort, it is safe to say that you are a certified idiot based on your inability to see the distinctions between Sharia and 'believing in' Leviticus, jack ass.
There is no difference, and your insults show you know it.
Thank you.
And the same for anyone who believe Leviticus.
It is interesting and illuminating that libtards like yourself cannot distinguish between Sharia law advocates of our times, and those who believe that an ancient text of similar law from thousands of years ago is legitimate, its morals still in in force, but its legal standards not applicable because we are not ancient Israel.

While I am not a psychologist of any sort, it is safe to say that you are a certified idiot based on your inability to see the distinctions between Sharia and 'believing in' Leviticus, jack ass.
There is no difference, and your insults shoe you know it.
Thank you.
No, I dont 'shoe' it.

I pointed out what a stupid post you made and why it was stupid, and you just double down on stupidity.

Standard libtardism.
And the same for anyone who believe Leviticus.
It is interesting and illuminating that libtards like yourself cannot distinguish between Sharia law advocates of our times, and those who believe that an ancient text of similar law from thousands of years ago is legitimate, its morals still in in force, but its legal standards not applicable because we are not ancient Israel.

While I am not a psychologist of any sort, it is safe to say that you are a certified idiot based on your inability to see the distinctions between Sharia and 'believing in' Leviticus, jack ass.
There is no difference, and your insults shoe you know it.
Thank you.
No, I dont 'shoe' it.

I pointed out what a stupid post you made and why it was stupid, and you just double down on stupidity.

Standard libtardism.
Thanks again for your insults in place of a valid argument.
And the same for anyone who believe Leviticus.
It is interesting and illuminating that libtards like yourself cannot distinguish between Sharia law advocates of our times, and those who believe that an ancient text of similar law from thousands of years ago is legitimate, its morals still in in force, but its legal standards not applicable because we are not ancient Israel.

While I am not a psychologist of any sort, it is safe to say that you are a certified idiot based on your inability to see the distinctions between Sharia and 'believing in' Leviticus, jack ass.
There is no difference, and your insults shoe you know it.
Thank you.
No, I dont 'shoe' it.

I pointed out what a stupid post you made and why it was stupid, and you just double down on stupidity.

Standard libtardism.
Thanks again for your insults in place of a valid argument.
I already made the valid OBSERVATION, which is not an argument, idiot.

Sharia law is advocated as a way of administering the law of the land TODAY in PRESENT TIMES, and your lame-ass moronic comparison to people who believe that Leviticus has valid MORAL TEACHING for today is just beyond simple stupidity and presses the envelope of willful ignorance multiplied by brain damaged imbecility.
That's right, I forgot about that first Amendment thing.
How does one forget something that is completely irrelevant to the topic?

First amendment is irrelevant to the topic?
The First Amendment bans religious tests on government employees and officials.

It has nothing to do with immigration laws, and we have many times in the past legally banned certain religions, and in effect still have some bans on the practices of others, for example the Thugee cult.
ALL Muslims believe in Sharia. That what being a Muslim MEANS.

How is this supposed to work, I wonder?
I asked a Muslim friend if he wanted to have Sharia law in the US. He was amused and said he and his family already live their lives by Sharia law. He says he never had a conflict with secular law.

I don't care for Newt but he is no fool. What he will do is pander to support Trump and maybe get the VP spot.
Eventually muslims who believe in shariah law want enforcement of those laws from the courts. They want shariah law observed by the whole of the society they live in. Muslims see nothing wrong with these demands.
And the same for anyone who believe Leviticus.
It is interesting and illuminating that libtards like yourself cannot distinguish between Sharia law advocates of our times, and those who believe that an ancient text of similar law from thousands of years ago is legitimate, its morals still in in force, but its legal standards not applicable because we are not ancient Israel.

While I am not a psychologist of any sort, it is safe to say that you are a certified idiot based on your inability to see the distinctions between Sharia and 'believing in' Leviticus, jack ass.
There is no difference, and your insults shoe you know it.
Thank you.
No, I dont 'shoe' it.

I pointed out what a stupid post you made and why it was stupid, and you just double down on stupidity.

Standard libtardism.
Thanks again for your insults in place of a valid argument.
I already made the valid OBSERVATION, which is not an argument, idiot.

Sharia law is advocated as a way of administering the law of the land TODAY in PRESENT TIMES, and your lame-ass moronic comparison to people who believe that Leviticus has valid MORAL TEACHING for today is just beyond simple stupidity and presses the envelope of willful ignorance multiplied by brain damaged imbecility.
Christian Pastor Calls Orlando Massacre ‘Good News’ Because 50 ‘F*ggots’ Died (VIDEO) | Addicting Info | The Knowledge You Crave

Anderson says that this is “good news” because “there’s 50 less pedophiles in the world.” The “Christian” pastor praised the shooter for eliminating his victims because they were “just disgusting homosexuals at a gay bar.” While he says he would never advocate violence (except for the time he prayed that President Obama would “die and go to hell” and his statement that all gay people should be murdered, of course), Anderson is clear that the Muslim man who killed all those people was simply following the Bible (what?):

Now let me just be real clear: I’ve never advocated for violence. I don’t believe in, you know, taking the law into our own hands. I would never go in and shoot up a gay bar — so-called. I don’t believe it’s right for us to just be a vigilante… But I will say this: The Bible says that homosexuals should be put to death, in Leviticus 20:13. Obviously, it’s not right for somebody to just, you know, shoot up the place, because that’s not going through the proper channels. But these people all should have been killed, anyway, but they should have been killed through the proper channels, as in they should have been executed by a righteous government that would have tried them, convicted them, and saw them executed. Because, in Leviticus 20:13, God’s perfect law, he put the death penalty on murder, and he also put the death penalty on homosexuality. That’s what the Bible says, plain and simple.
Christian Pastor Calls Orlando Massacre ‘Good News’ Because 50 ‘F*ggots’ Died (VIDEO) | Addicting Info | The Knowledge You Crave

Anderson says that this is “good news” because “there’s 50 less pedophiles in the world.” The “Christian” pastor praised the shooter for eliminating his victims because they were “just disgusting homosexuals at a gay bar.” While he says he would never advocate violence (except for the time he prayed that President Obama would “die and go to hell” and his statement that all gay people should be murdered, of course), Anderson is clear that the Muslim man who killed all those people was simply following the Bible (what?):

Now let me just be real clear: I’ve never advocated for violence. I don’t believe in, you know, taking the law into our own hands. I would never go in and shoot up a gay bar — so-called. I don’t believe it’s right for us to just be a vigilante… But I will say this: The Bible says that homosexuals should be put to death, in Leviticus 20:13. Obviously, it’s not right for somebody to just, you know, shoot up the place, because that’s not going through the proper channels. But these people all should have been killed, anyway, but they should have been killed through the proper channels, as in they should have been executed by a righteous government that would have tried them, convicted them, and saw them executed. Because, in Leviticus 20:13, God’s perfect law, he put the death penalty on murder, and he also put the death penalty on homosexuality. That’s what the Bible says, plain and simple.
ROFLMAO, you leftwing fucktards repeatedly deny that hundreds millions of followers of atheistic communism of Mao and Stalin do not speak for your ideology, but you rush to use use every fringe halfbaked retard Baptist out there that says crazy shit as representing ALL of Christendom, which BTW for the record is mostly Catholic and Eastern Orthodox, not Protestant and certainly not Baptist.

Again, you present a failure to analyse, understand or be simply honest about the subject you are addressing.

My bet is that it is due to your inability to understand via your inbred stupidity.
Loretta Lynch thinks this can be stopped with love.
I agree 100% ! :clap:

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.) called for extreme measures against Muslims in the United States after a deadly terrorist attack rocked Nice, France.

“You have to monitor the mosques,” Gingrich said Thursday evening on Fox News's "Hannity." "Where do you think the primary source of recruitment is? We should ... test every person here who is of a Muslim background, and if they believe in Shariah, they should be deported.”

Gingrich, who is believed to be on Donald Trump's shortlist for running mate, said law enforcement must increase its vigilance of the nation’s Muslims to fight terrorism.

“This is the fault of Western elites who lack the guts to do what is right, to do what is necessary,” he said. "We better rethink the rules, or we’re going to lose the war.”

Dozens died Thursday when an attacker drove a truck into a crowd celebrating Bastille Day.

French President François Hollande said that 77 people were killed, and many more are believed to be injured.

Gingrich calls for deporting Muslims who believe in Shariah
Good plan.
I agree 100% ! :clap:

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.) called for extreme measures against Muslims in the United States after a deadly terrorist attack rocked Nice, France.

“You have to monitor the mosques,” Gingrich said Thursday evening on Fox News's "Hannity." "Where do you think the primary source of recruitment is? We should ... test every person here who is of a Muslim background, and if they believe in Shariah, they should be deported.”

Gingrich, who is believed to be on Donald Trump's shortlist for running mate, said law enforcement must increase its vigilance of the nation’s Muslims to fight terrorism.

“This is the fault of Western elites who lack the guts to do what is right, to do what is necessary,” he said. "We better rethink the rules, or we’re going to lose the war.”

Dozens died Thursday when an attacker drove a truck into a crowd celebrating Bastille Day.

French President François Hollande said that 77 people were killed, and many more are believed to be injured.

Gingrich calls for deporting Muslims who believe in Shariah

that whole first amendment thing is meaningless, huh?

now tell me it's about "safety" so the first amendment doesn't count.

and then i'll point out that your 2nd amendment is about safety....

Guns are compatible with western values. Sharia is not.
I agree 100% ! :clap:

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.) called for extreme measures against Muslims in the United States after a deadly terrorist attack rocked Nice, France.

“You have to monitor the mosques,” Gingrich said Thursday evening on Fox News's "Hannity." "Where do you think the primary source of recruitment is? We should ... test every person here who is of a Muslim background, and if they believe in Shariah, they should be deported.”

Gingrich, who is believed to be on Donald Trump's shortlist for running mate, said law enforcement must increase its vigilance of the nation’s Muslims to fight terrorism.

“This is the fault of Western elites who lack the guts to do what is right, to do what is necessary,” he said. "We better rethink the rules, or we’re going to lose the war.”

Dozens died Thursday when an attacker drove a truck into a crowd celebrating Bastille Day.

French President François Hollande said that 77 people were killed, and many more are believed to be injured.

Gingrich calls for deporting Muslims who believe in Shariah

You can't deport Natural Born Citizens, so let just stop with that nonsense right now, and that is what Newt Gingrich is calling.

There is nothing you can do when it come to those born as a citizen because the Constitution protects them.

Now are you will to change the Constitution and start denying American Citizens their rights?

you can't deport ANY citizens. you can't deport someone for their religious beliefs. you can deport them for their actions.

the absurdity of newtie and the bigots. :cuckoo:
. OMG you are so fucking smart. I guess Newrt didn't know that. Please write him and set him straight. He'll marvel at your intellect.

i am smart, unlike the insane shrieking hysterical bigots.

i can't help it if newtie is more intent on riling up the lunatic base than caring about what is good for our country.

but then again, he always has.
Just like obuthole riling up racial division.
I agree 100% ! :clap:

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.) called for extreme measures against Muslims in the United States after a deadly terrorist attack rocked Nice, France.

“You have to monitor the mosques,” Gingrich said Thursday evening on Fox News's "Hannity." "Where do you think the primary source of recruitment is? We should ... test every person here who is of a Muslim background, and if they believe in Shariah, they should be deported.”

Gingrich, who is believed to be on Donald Trump's shortlist for running mate, said law enforcement must increase its vigilance of the nation’s Muslims to fight terrorism.

“This is the fault of Western elites who lack the guts to do what is right, to do what is necessary,” he said. "We better rethink the rules, or we’re going to lose the war.”

Dozens died Thursday when an attacker drove a truck into a crowd celebrating Bastille Day.

French President François Hollande said that 77 people were killed, and many more are believed to be injured.

Gingrich calls for deporting Muslims who believe in Shariah
Good plan.
So what is the plan on just where they'll all be deported to?
Eventually muslims who believe in shariah law want enforcement of those laws from the courts. They want shariah law observed by the whole of the society they live in.

If they constitute a majority in an area and exercise their vote, don't they have the right to enact any law so long as it doesn't conflict with the Constitution, Fed. law, or state law? Isn't that what democracy means?

Muslims see nothing wrong with these demands.
If so it makes them no different from evangelical Christians in the US. Blue laws, abortion laws, gay marriage laws, and the teaching of creationism are examples of religious-based laws..
Newt is absolutely correct!
Muslims who believe in Sharia law can never assimilate. The US Constitution and Sharia law share nothing, if you believe in one you cannot support the other! Time to rid the US of supporters of Sharia law!
Newt is absolutely correct!
Muslims who believe in Sharia law can never assimilate. The US Constitution and Sharia law share nothing, if you believe in one you cannot support the other! Time to rid the US of supporters of Sharia law!
To you too -- what is the plan on just where they'll all be deported to?

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