Gingrich calls for deporting Muslims who believe in Shariah

I agree 100% ! :clap:

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.) called for extreme measures against Muslims in the United States after a deadly terrorist attack rocked Nice, France.

“You have to monitor the mosques,” Gingrich said Thursday evening on Fox News's "Hannity." "Where do you think the primary source of recruitment is? We should ... test every person here who is of a Muslim background, and if they believe in Shariah, they should be deported.”

Gingrich, who is believed to be on Donald Trump's shortlist for running mate, said law enforcement must increase its vigilance of the nation’s Muslims to fight terrorism.

“This is the fault of Western elites who lack the guts to do what is right, to do what is necessary,” he said. "We better rethink the rules, or we’re going to lose the war.”

Dozens died Thursday when an attacker drove a truck into a crowd celebrating Bastille Day.

French President François Hollande said that 77 people were killed, and many more are believed to be injured.

Gingrich calls for deporting Muslims who believe in Shariah
Good plan.
So what is the plan on just where they'll all be deported to?
To countries that support shariah law obviously.
Didn't spend more than a second thinking about this, did you?

You can't deport Natural Born Citizens, so let just stop with that nonsense right now, and that is what Newt Gingrich is calling.

There is nothing you can do when it come to those born as a citizen because the Constitution protects them.

Now are you will to change the Constitution and start denying American Citizens their rights?

you can't deport ANY citizens. you can't deport someone for their religious beliefs. you can deport them for their actions.

the absurdity of newtie and the bigots. :cuckoo:
. OMG you are so fucking smart. I guess Newrt didn't know that. Please write him and set him straight. He'll marvel at your intellect.

i am smart, unlike the insane shrieking hysterical bigots.

i can't help it if newtie is more intent on riling up the lunatic base than caring about what is good for our country.

but then again, he always has.
Just like obuthole riling up racial division.

i wouldn't know who that is, bigot. but we do all know what "america first" is.

so no.

white supremacist pond scum are funny.
I agree 100% ! :clap:

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.) called for extreme measures against Muslims in the United States after a deadly terrorist attack rocked Nice, France.

“You have to monitor the mosques,” Gingrich said Thursday evening on Fox News's "Hannity." "Where do you think the primary source of recruitment is? We should ... test every person here who is of a Muslim background, and if they believe in Shariah, they should be deported.”

Gingrich, who is believed to be on Donald Trump's shortlist for running mate, said law enforcement must increase its vigilance of the nation’s Muslims to fight terrorism.

“This is the fault of Western elites who lack the guts to do what is right, to do what is necessary,” he said. "We better rethink the rules, or we’re going to lose the war.”

Dozens died Thursday when an attacker drove a truck into a crowd celebrating Bastille Day.

French President François Hollande said that 77 people were killed, and many more are believed to be injured.

Gingrich calls for deporting Muslims who believe in Shariah

Best thing he's ever said.

if by best you mean unconstitutional, idiotic and impossible.

then i guess so.
Eventually muslims who believe in shariah law want enforcement of those laws from the courts. They want shariah law observed by the whole of the society they live in.

If they constitute a majority in an area and exercise their vote, don't they have the right to enact any law so long as it doesn't conflict with the Constitution, Fed. law, or state law? Isn't that what democracy means?

Muslims see nothing wrong with these demands.
If so it makes them no different from evangelical Christians in the US. Blue laws, abortion laws, gay marriage laws, and the teaching of creationism are examples of religious-based laws..

All of your examples, save blue laws , have been ruled unconstitutional. You realize that right?

Of course assholes who immigrate here from other countries and refuse to assimilate should be sent back whence they came.
Can you show me a law that makes people assimilate when they move here?

Here are the laws regarding becoming a US citizen

U.S. Citizenship & Naturalization Overview - FindLaw

Are you in fact suggesting that the refugees we allow over here should not have to meet the same legal standards we ask of other groups who wish to become citizens?

Muslims who believe in Sharia law can never assimilate.
What is this based on? I know one Muslim well and he gets along fine with everyone. He is deeply religious so that makes him a bit different from us secular types but no different from other religious types, such as Mormons.

Not all Muslims support Sharia, in fact there is a giant organization of Muslims in America who very much oppose Sharia. Those are the Muslims who have assimilated.

Then they should know who are the ones that support Sharia and should step forward to help identify and deport them.
Newt is absolutely correct!
Muslims who believe in Sharia law can never assimilate. The US Constitution and Sharia law share nothing, if you believe in one you cannot support the other! Time to rid the US of supporters of Sharia law!
To you too -- what is the plan on just where they'll all be deported to?
to their nation of origin, obviously
And if their nation of origin is US?
Converts get sent to prison.
So putting people in interment camps, prison because of their religion.

Hmmm. Where have I heard that before. :thinking:

If they are currently not a U.S. citizen, then deport them. If they are a citizen, then you have to place them on a list of known individuals who are believers in sharia, and monitor their activity.
Eventually muslims who believe in shariah law want enforcement of those laws from the courts. They want shariah law observed by the whole of the society they live in.

If they constitute a majority in an area and exercise their vote, don't they have the right to enact any law so long as it doesn't conflict with the Constitution, Fed. law, or state law? Isn't that what democracy means?

Muslims see nothing wrong with these demands.
If so it makes them no different from evangelical Christians in the US. Blue laws, abortion laws, gay marriage laws, and the teaching of creationism are examples of religious-based laws..

All of your examples, save blue laws , have been ruled unconstitutional. You realize that right?

Of course assholes who immigrate here from other countries and refuse to assimilate should be sent back whence they came.
Can you show me a law that makes people assimilate when they move here?

Here are the laws regarding becoming a US citizen

U.S. Citizenship & Naturalization Overview - FindLaw

Are you in fact suggesting that the refugees we allow over here should not have to meet the same legal standards we ask of other groups who wish to become citizens?
Nope, no law says you have to learn English, that is a social need...No law says you have to refute your religion to live in the USA...No law can be made as to the exercise of your religion in private..

You can't deport Natural Born Citizens, so let just stop with that nonsense right now, and that is what Newt Gingrich is calling.

There is nothing you can do when it come to those born as a citizen because the Constitution protects them.

Now are you will to change the Constitution and start denying American Citizens their rights?

you can't deport ANY citizens. you can't deport someone for their religious beliefs. you can deport them for their actions.

the absurdity of newtie and the bigots. :cuckoo:
. OMG you are so fucking smart. I guess Newrt didn't know that. Please write him and set him straight. He'll marvel at your intellect.

I guess he didn't seeing he stated he wanted to do it against American Citizens and you are trying to spin it that he did not mean what he said. Maybe you should read what he actually said and not try to spin it as something else!

of course he meant what he said.

funny thing is that one of the commentators observed that he apparently wants to prosecute thought crimes.
how pc of him ;)
Eventually muslims who believe in shariah law want enforcement of those laws from the courts. They want shariah law observed by the whole of the society they live in.

If they constitute a majority in an area and exercise their vote, don't they have the right to enact any law so long as it doesn't conflict with the Constitution, Fed. law, or state law? Isn't that what democracy means?

Muslims see nothing wrong with these demands.
If so it makes them no different from evangelical Christians in the US. Blue laws, abortion laws, gay marriage laws, and the teaching of creationism are examples of religious-based laws..

All of your examples, save blue laws , have been ruled unconstitutional. You realize that right?

Of course assholes who immigrate here from other countries and refuse to assimilate should be sent back whence they came.
Can you show me a law that makes people assimilate when they move here?

Here are the laws regarding becoming a US citizen

U.S. Citizenship & Naturalization Overview - FindLaw

Are you in fact suggesting that the refugees we allow over here should not have to meet the same legal standards we ask of other groups who wish to become citizens?
Nope, no law says you have to learn English, that is a social need...No law says you have to refute your religion to live in the USA...No law can be made as to the exercise of your religion in private..

Absolutely. The Freedom of espousing your religion is a foundation of this nation.

But, calling for and practicing a set of laws that oppose everything in the constitution is treason and practitioners should be treated as such.
If they constitute a majority in an area and exercise their vote, don't they have the right to enact any law so long as it doesn't conflict with the Constitution, Fed. law, or state law? Isn't that what democracy means?

If so it makes them no different from evangelical Christians in the US. Blue laws, abortion laws, gay marriage laws, and the teaching of creationism are examples of religious-based laws..

All of your examples, save blue laws , have been ruled unconstitutional. You realize that right?

Of course assholes who immigrate here from other countries and refuse to assimilate should be sent back whence they came.
Can you show me a law that makes people assimilate when they move here?

Here are the laws regarding becoming a US citizen

U.S. Citizenship & Naturalization Overview - FindLaw

Are you in fact suggesting that the refugees we allow over here should not have to meet the same legal standards we ask of other groups who wish to become citizens?
Nope, no law says you have to learn English, that is a social need...No law says you have to refute your religion to live in the USA...No law can be made as to the exercise of your religion in private..

Absolutely. The Freedom of espousing your religion is a foundation of this nation.

But, calling for and practicing a set of laws that oppose everything in the constitution is treason and practitioners should be treated as such.
Where in the Constitution does it say no polygamy?
This thread highlights nicely the inherent dopiness of the conservative mind.
While Gingrich is saying what he's saying and the minions are readily applauding, the Republicans are formulating probably the most socially conservative platform in history. Republicans are quietly crafting the outline for the Christian sharia state that they would like America to become.

A Handy List of All the Things the Republican Party Is Against in 2016
All of your examples, save blue laws , have been ruled unconstitutional. You realize that right?

Of course assholes who immigrate here from other countries and refuse to assimilate should be sent back whence they came.
Can you show me a law that makes people assimilate when they move here?

Here are the laws regarding becoming a US citizen

U.S. Citizenship & Naturalization Overview - FindLaw

Are you in fact suggesting that the refugees we allow over here should not have to meet the same legal standards we ask of other groups who wish to become citizens?
Nope, no law says you have to learn English, that is a social need...No law says you have to refute your religion to live in the USA...No law can be made as to the exercise of your religion in private..

Absolutely. The Freedom of espousing your religion is a foundation of this nation.

But, calling for and practicing a set of laws that oppose everything in the constitution is treason and practitioners should be treated as such.
Where in the Constitution does it say no polygamy?

It doesn't! That it was "outlawed was unconstitutional. Now that they are allowing same-sex marriage and transgenders, I can see where someone will go to court to overturn whatever made polygamy illegal.

Don't you think Muslims will say they don't believe in Sharia, when asked?

That's just so not the point. He's essentially telling the world we won't stand for this lifestyle and we'll protect our own. And yes, there will be some that don't care and will support shariah.

So then tell the entire board how Newt Gingrich will deport Naturally Born Citizens that believe in Sharia Law?

Now before you claim that is not what he said then read the article again because he clearly stated those here and not coming here.

Now I know the Progressive Liberal hate the Constitution because of the Second Amendment and the Tea Party Caucus Member hate it because of the First Amendment but you can't deport people because of their religion.

Now I will let you argue about that is not what he meant when it clearly states he said here and to deport everyone that believe in Sharia law...

Oh, and I don't believe in Sharia Law and I know you will claim I love and support terrorism because hey I am pointing out the facts and telling you what he ( Gingrich ) is proposing is UNCONSTITUTIONAL!

Clearing he's referring to muslims who immigrated and have not obtained citizenship yet, or those that might be here illegally. Is not that fucking obvious??? Do you fucking liberals need EVERYTHING spoon fed to you?

Wrong again and if that is what he meant he would have said so. He stated those that are here and not migrating or illegally here, so that mean every Muslim here, but go ahead and lie about what he said because the truth is you would support the idea deporting Natural Born Citizens as long as they are Brown and Muslim!

Also feel free to prove I am a Liberal because last time I checked I am Libertarian but I am so glad that some worthless waste of life tell me what I am every day on this kunt of a site!

Now get to work and show where he said those that migrated here and illegal Muslims and when you can't well just know that I know you hate the Constitution as much as the Progressive Liberal hate it when it come to the second amendment!

So which one of us is acting like a Progressive Liberal and wanting laws to make us feel safe when it is worthless like you are?

Newt's only mistake was assuming he wasn't talking to retards like yourself who need everything spelled out. Yea, the former Speaker doesn't understand the law. Please. Use some common sense.

Don't you think Muslims will say they don't believe in Sharia, when asked?

That's just so not the point. He's essentially telling the world we won't stand for this lifestyle and we'll protect our own. And yes, there will be some that don't care and will support shariah.

So then tell the entire board how Newt Gingrich will deport Naturally Born Citizens that believe in Sharia Law?

Now before you claim that is not what he said then read the article again because he clearly stated those here and not coming here.

Now I know the Progressive Liberal hate the Constitution because of the Second Amendment and the Tea Party Caucus Member hate it because of the First Amendment but you can't deport people because of their religion.

Now I will let you argue about that is not what he meant when it clearly states he said here and to deport everyone that believe in Sharia law...

Oh, and I don't believe in Sharia Law and I know you will claim I love and support terrorism because hey I am pointing out the facts and telling you what he ( Gingrich ) is proposing is UNCONSTITUTIONAL!

Clearing he's referring to muslims who immigrated and have not obtained citizenship yet, or those that might be here illegally. Is not that fucking obvious??? Do you fucking liberals need EVERYTHING spoon fed to you?

Wrong again and if that is what he meant he would have said so. He stated those that are here and not migrating or illegally here, so that mean every Muslim here, but go ahead and lie about what he said because the truth is you would support the idea deporting Natural Born Citizens as long as they are Brown and Muslim!

Also feel free to prove I am a Liberal because last time I checked I am Libertarian but I am so glad that some worthless waste of life tell me what I am every day on this kunt of a site!

Now get to work and show where he said those that migrated here and illegal Muslims and when you can't well just know that I know you hate the Constitution as much as the Progressive Liberal hate it when it come to the second amendment!

So which one of us is acting like a Progressive Liberal and wanting laws to make us feel safe when it is worthless like you are?

Newt's only mistake was assuming he wasn't talking to retards like yourself who need everything spelled out. Yea, the former Speaker doesn't understand the law. Please. Use some common sense.
based on his statement, no, he doesn't understand the Constitution.

Don't you think Muslims will say they don't believe in Sharia, when asked?

That's just so not the point. He's essentially telling the world we won't stand for this lifestyle and we'll protect our own. And yes, there will be some that don't care and will support shariah.

So then tell the entire board how Newt Gingrich will deport Naturally Born Citizens that believe in Sharia Law?

Now before you claim that is not what he said then read the article again because he clearly stated those here and not coming here.

Now I know the Progressive Liberal hate the Constitution because of the Second Amendment and the Tea Party Caucus Member hate it because of the First Amendment but you can't deport people because of their religion.

Now I will let you argue about that is not what he meant when it clearly states he said here and to deport everyone that believe in Sharia law...

Oh, and I don't believe in Sharia Law and I know you will claim I love and support terrorism because hey I am pointing out the facts and telling you what he ( Gingrich ) is proposing is UNCONSTITUTIONAL!

Clearing he's referring to muslims who immigrated and have not obtained citizenship yet, or those that might be here illegally. Is not that fucking obvious??? Do you fucking liberals need EVERYTHING spoon fed to you?

Wrong again and if that is what he meant he would have said so. He stated those that are here and not migrating or illegally here, so that mean every Muslim here, but go ahead and lie about what he said because the truth is you would support the idea deporting Natural Born Citizens as long as they are Brown and Muslim!

Also feel free to prove I am a Liberal because last time I checked I am Libertarian but I am so glad that some worthless waste of life tell me what I am every day on this kunt of a site!

Now get to work and show where he said those that migrated here and illegal Muslims and when you can't well just know that I know you hate the Constitution as much as the Progressive Liberal hate it when it come to the second amendment!

So which one of us is acting like a Progressive Liberal and wanting laws to make us feel safe when it is worthless like you are?

Newt's only mistake was assuming he wasn't talking to retards like yourself who need everything spelled out. Yea, the former Speaker doesn't understand the law. Please. Use some common sense.

Go fuck yourself you lying piece of shit!

He stated every Muslim which mean Citizen and non-Citizen Muslim and you are still trying to deny the reality because you are too fucking stupid to accept he was wrong as usual!

Also I bet if Nancy Pelosi said something that stupid you would not be writing about how she was the former Speaker of the House and how she knows the law but instead highlighting her retarded remarks, but because you suck the balls of Newt Gingrich you will defend him until he tell you he meant every Muslim and then you will still defend him because let admit the fucking truth and that is you believe every Muslim and non-white across this country are a threat to National Security...

Good part is I am white, Libertarian and Unitarian so I do not need to worry about assholes like you asking me if I believe in Sharia Law!

Now try again and I want you to point out where he stated Illegal Muslims, Muslims coming here, and ones without citizenship and when you can not then which one of us is the real fucking retard?

Need laws so you can sleep knowing Mr. Muslim will not attack you while sucking your thumb?

Fucking cowards!
To you too -- what is the plan on just where they'll all be deported to?
to their nation of origin, obviously
And if their nation of origin is US?
Converts get sent to prison.
So putting people in interment camps, prison because of their religion.

Hmmm. Where have I heard that before. :thinking:

If they are currently not a U.S. citizen, then deport them. If they are a citizen, then you have to place them on a list of known individuals who are believers in sharia, and monitor their activity.
And maybe make them wear a little crescent badge on their clothes at all times, eh?
to their nation of origin, obviously
And if their nation of origin is US?
Converts get sent to prison.
So putting people in interment camps, prison because of their religion.

Hmmm. Where have I heard that before. :thinking:

If they are currently not a U.S. citizen, then deport them. If they are a citizen, then you have to place them on a list of known individuals who are believers in sharia, and monitor their activity.
And maybe make them wear a little crescent badge on their clothes at all times, eh?
it'd be even safer if we had them all in one spot - maybe we could find something for them to do while in their safe holding areas...
No matter this event just won the election for Trump! Trump says we have to tighten our borders while Hiliary wants to import 1 million more Muslim migrants in her first term!
You can't deport Natural Born Citizens, so let just stop with that nonsense right now, and that is what Newt Gingrich is calling.

There is nothing you can do when it come to those born as a citizen because the Constitution protects them.

Now are you will to change the Constitution and start denying American Citizens their rights?

you can't deport ANY citizens. you can't deport someone for their religious beliefs. you can deport them for their actions.

the absurdity of newtie and the bigots. :cuckoo:
. OMG you are so fucking smart. I guess Newrt didn't know that. Please write him and set him straight. He'll marvel at your intellect.

i am smart, unlike the insane shrieking hysterical bigots.

i can't help it if newtie is more intent on riling up the lunatic base than caring about what is good for our country.

but then again, he always has.
Just like obuthole riling up racial division.

i wouldn't know who that is, bigot. but we do all know what "america first" is.

so no.

white supremacist pond scum are funny.
You being a retard would not know that obama is obuthole. By the way, the racist meme is all you have. I don't Like obuthole because he is an anti American puke.

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