Gingrich Doubles Down On Child Labor: Poor Kids Should ‘Clean The Bathroom’

So he did say 9 year old Poor kids should be put to work? Forget the pimps and ho nonsense, did he actually say 9 year old poor kids should work?

I guess Cain was right, blacks were brainwashed to be dems.

Not An Onion Spoof: Newt Gingrich’s Education Plan Is To Fire Janitors And Replace Them With Kids | Mediaite

Newt: Fire the janitors, hire kids to clean schools - Maggie Haberman -

while newt is saying kids as young as nine should be put to work... as punishment because their parents are poor..... he did not say specifically say they would instead grow up to be pimps or drug dealers......

he says the thing about pimps and drug dealers in another speech later

enough with the freaking spin. Look at my previous post......Obama was heralded for the idea of our children becoiming part of a work corp in the community back during his first campaign.

Give the spin a rest. You are too good a poster on here to get caught up in the spin.

i dont remeber obama pushing the idea of 9-14 year olds being put to work as janitors......

got a link to that or do you want to just retract it now?
yeah a kid earning 8/hr cleaning toilets is not going to be enticed to making 500/day selling drugs........


You really have a warped sense of our youth.

So you think ANY kid will pass on ethics and morals to make as much money as possible?

I dont.

I believe a kid with a paper route and a sense of responsibility is less apt to see ANY virtue in selling drugs no matter how much money he can make.

Whereas a kid with nothing to do but walk the streets is more likely (not always) todfall into a crowd that teaches him to lose sight of ethics and go for the big bucks.
my google is just fine.

Newt did not say anything close to what the hack quoted.

actually he did.....

i already provided links in this thread......

Gingrich Says Obama Must Have “Cognitive Dissonance” About Plight of African-American Community - ABC News

“Young children who are poor ought to learn how to go to work,” he continued. “What I’ve said is, for example, it would be great if inner city schools and poor neighborhood schools actually hired the children to do things. Some of the things they could do is work in the library, work in the front office. Some of them frankly, could be janitorial.

Gingrich notes that “the first counter-attack is ‘Do you realize how hard janitorial work is and do you realize how dangerous it is?’ So I come back and say, OK, what if they cleaned out the bathrooms and what if they mopped the floors? What if in the summer they repainted the school? What if in that process they were actually learning to work, learning to earn money, they had money on their own, they didn’t have to become a pimp or a prostitute or a drug dealer, they had money on their own? They had the dignity of work, and learned how to be around adults who actually wanted to mentor them and help them?

yes...and the links show that he said nothing at all like that.

the links show that he thinks poor kids ages 9-14 should be put to work......

and the other link shows that he did they would probalby otherswise become pimop, p[rostitutes and drug dealers.......
Newt wants to get rid of janitors and replace them with poor kids working under one 'master janitor.'

Imagine that,

a white Southern conservative who once wrote a novel fantasizing about what if the South won the war is now fantasizing about putting poor kids from poor families to work doing menial, manual labor,

all overseen by someone referred to as the Master.

Newt: "If we put 9 year old poor kids to work, cleaning toilets, they might not become pimps, prostitutes & drug dealers.
See poor kids don't have a good work ethic because of the example set for them. So we should put them to work. By setting an age limit on work, you limit the number of people who can get jobs."

Seriously, he said that. Seriously.

That way we don't have to worry about them doing well in school. Getting scholarships to the schools that in Newts' world, really should just have nice rich white kids in them.

Because we know there are no spoiled white rich kids who have a poor work ethic. It's not like I went to college with a BUNCH of them.

I'm sure Paris Hilton has the work ethic and moral fiber Newt is hoping all kids can someday achieve. Speaking of pimps & ho's...

What a DOOOoooshbag.

Partisan faggots like you would only worry about how the higher unemployment number would make Obama look bad......
Is this guy an asshole or what?

Probably nothing will drive poor kids towards the relatively easy money available in the career fields of pimping, prostitution, or drug dealing faster than a few weeks of cleaning toilets for next to nothing.

I thought you were smarter than that.
Newt never said that...this guy who posted this quote is a freaking loser who compromises the integrity of good debate.
He should be banned from this site.,
He outright lied.

There are sites that would ban someone for this kind of conduct, or at least suspend them. There are a lot of people who make the spread of this kind of rumor, false plants etc, their hobby to keep the offal in the oval.
yeah a kid earning 8/hr cleaning toilets is not going to be enticed to making 500/day selling drugs........


You really have a warped sense of our youth.

So you think ANY kid will pass on ethics and morals to make as much money as possible?

I dont.

I believe a kid with a paper route and a sense of responsibility is less apt to see ANY virtue in selling drugs no matter how much money he can make.

Whereas a kid with nothing to do but walk the streets is more likely (not always) todfall into a crowd that teaches him to lose sight of ethics and go for the big bucks.

most kids in poor communities yes........

there are no such things as paper routes in poor communities...... thats the middle class leave it to beaver scenarios where responsibility and wthics is more important than the money earned because the parents are making enough to put food on the table and clothes in the drawers.......

and you obviously never delt drugs otherwise you would know there is a greater sense of responsibility and ethics involved because the punishments for breaking them are often a beating or worse........
Newt: "If we put 9 year old poor kids to work, cleaning toilets, they might not become pimps, prostitutes & drug dealers.
See poor kids don't have a good work ethic because of the example set for them. So we should put them to work. By setting an age limit on work, you limit the number of people who can get jobs."

Seriously, he said that. Seriously.

That way we don't have to worry about them doing well in school. Getting scholarships to the schools that in Newts' world, really should just have nice rich white kids in them.

Because we know there are no spoiled white rich kids who have a poor work ethic. It's not like I went to college with a BUNCH of them.

I'm sure Paris Hilton has the work ethic and moral fiber Newt is hoping all kids can someday achieve. Speaking of pimps & ho's...

What a DOOOoooshbag.

I don't quite know what you mean about not worrying about kids doing well in school and the correlation with the statement of Newt's. No where does he talk about work ethics of spoiled rich kids. Paris Hilton never appears in any of his quotes.

What he might be talking about however, is some of the teenagers may not have good role models at home. I believe studies have shown that more welfare people are more often poor than not and don't seek work as easily as those who want a check and is willing to work for it.

(Of course there's always OWSers that don't care to work but want that $20.00 an hour. God only knows where they get ideas like that. In their dreams perhaps.)

Let's put kids in workable situations that they can learn the value of a dollar, a work ethic, being productive and proud of themselves and making a difference in their lives. It's a choice they didn't have before.

I push a broom quite often and clean toilets often. It hasn' ruined me yet. Seriously. Sigh.
yeah a kid earning 8/hr cleaning toilets is not going to be enticed to making 500/day selling drugs........


You really have a warped sense of our youth.

So you think ANY kid will pass on ethics and morals to make as much money as possible?

I dont.

I believe a kid with a paper route and a sense of responsibility is less apt to see ANY virtue in selling drugs no matter how much money he can make.

Whereas a kid with nothing to do but walk the streets is more likely (not always) todfall into a crowd that teaches him to lose sight of ethics and go for the big bucks.

most kids in poor communities yes........

there are no such things as paper routes in poor communities...... thats the middle class leave it to beaver scenarios where responsibility and wthics is more important than the money earned because the parents are making enough to put food on the table and clothes in the drawers.......

and you obviously never delt drugs otherwise you would know there is a greater sense of responsibility and ethics involved because the punishments for breaking them are often a beating or worse........

hey...sorry I freaked out onyou. I have little patience for spin. You did not deserve that from me.

I used paper route as an example.

In the inner city it is "bagging groceries"...something I did to make some extra money.

And no...Inever dealt drugs...but I find it humorous that you apply ethics to something that is breaking the law...

But I am not judgung....I know many a drug dealer that woke up later in years and saw the err of their ways.

We all make mistkes that are usually prompted by our desire tomake money.
Newt: "If we put 9 year old poor kids to work, cleaning toilets, they might not become pimps, prostitutes & drug dealers.
See poor kids don't have a good work ethic because of the example set for them. So we should put them to work. By setting an age limit on work, you limit the number of people who can get jobs."

Seriously, he said that. Seriously.

That way we don't have to worry about them doing well in school. Getting scholarships to the schools that in Newts' world, really should just have nice rich white kids in them.

Because we know there are no spoiled white rich kids who have a poor work ethic. It's not like I went to college with a BUNCH of them.

I'm sure Paris Hilton has the work ethic and moral fiber Newt is hoping all kids can someday achieve. Speaking of pimps & ho's...

What a DOOOoooshbag.

Funny thing......I do what is known as "boolean searches" on the internet. It uses boolean logic to fine tune your allows me to find exact quotes.

This quote...

"If we put 9 year old poor kids to work, cleaning toilets, they might not become pimps, prostitutes"

Came up with only two links.

One was to this page and one was to a forum called Political Forum

And it was in an exact same post by a person called "nopartyaffiliation" who has the same exact avatar as you.

You are a fucking hack...and I actually liked some of your posts.

Then allow me to offer this: [ame=]Gingrich: Get Poor Kids To Work So They Don't Become Pimps or Prostitutes - YouTube[/ame]
(that's not me in the video!)

Not sure why your Google didn't produce the same result as my Google.
Newt: "If we put 9 year old poor kids to work, cleaning toilets, they might not become pimps, prostitutes & drug dealers.
See poor kids don't have a good work ethic because of the example set for them. So we should put them to work. By setting an age limit on work, you limit the number of people who can get jobs."

Seriously, he said that. Seriously.

That way we don't have to worry about them doing well in school. Getting scholarships to the schools that in Newts' world, really should just have nice rich white kids in them.

Because we know there are no spoiled white rich kids who have a poor work ethic. It's not like I went to college with a BUNCH of them.

I'm sure Paris Hilton has the work ethic and moral fiber Newt is hoping all kids can someday achieve. Speaking of pimps & ho's...

What a DOOOoooshbag.
Actually one thing I agree with him about.
Meybe you should break it down senetnce by sentence

Sure, I'll give explaining it to you a whack. Jobs pay money, people tend to take a job when they need money. Volunteer work doesn't pay money. People who have money often do volunteer work though they don't take jobs that pay low wages for menial work because they have money. They are different subjects. Kapish?
Newt: "If we put 9 year old poor kids to work, cleaning toilets, they might not become pimps, prostitutes & drug dealers.
See poor kids don't have a good work ethic because of the example set for them. So we should put them to work. By setting an age limit on work, you limit the number of people who can get jobs."

Seriously, he said that. Seriously.

That way we don't have to worry about them doing well in school. Getting scholarships to the schools that in Newts' world, really should just have nice rich white kids in them.

Because we know there are no spoiled white rich kids who have a poor work ethic. It's not like I went to college with a BUNCH of them.

I'm sure Paris Hilton has the work ethic and moral fiber Newt is hoping all kids can someday achieve. Speaking of pimps & ho's...

What a DOOOoooshbag.

Funny thing......I do what is known as "boolean searches" on the internet. It uses boolean logic to fine tune your allows me to find exact quotes.

This quote...

"If we put 9 year old poor kids to work, cleaning toilets, they might not become pimps, prostitutes"

Came up with only two links.

One was to this page and one was to a forum called Political Forum

And it was in an exact same post by a person called "nopartyaffiliation" who has the same exact avatar as you.

You are a fucking hack...and I actually liked some of your posts.

Then allow me to offer this: [ame=]Gingrich: Get Poor Kids To Work So They Don't Become Pimps or Prostitutes - YouTube[/ame]
(that's not me in the video!)

Not sure why your Google didn't produce the same result as my Google.


I saw that.
He did not say what you claim he siad you lying piece of shit.

Now take your fucking hack games elsewhwere.

Your credibility nop longer exists here.
Newt specifically says "they didn't have to become a pimp, or a prostitute, or a drug dealer" in that clip.

Here, in this transcript, he references kids "nine to 14" who worked, as being successful in later life.

Not An Onion Spoof: Newt Gingrich’s Education Plan Is To Fire Janitors And Replace Them With Kids | Mediaite

Newt specifically criticizes child labor laws. He calls them stupid. Child labor law DO NOT prevent 16 year old kids from working, so clearly, he is speaking of kids younger than 16. This is your clue to stop telling about your job as a junior in high school.

Newt is speaking of kids working without being supervised by their parents. This is your clue to stop talking about the jobs you did in your neighborhood as a child.

Child labor laws were designed, in part, to address the problem of adult unemployment.

Bleach and ammonia are hazardous chemicals. Sarcasm does not change reality.

Public restrooms have high levels of bacteria. Sarcasm does not change reality.

Children who go to school, then work two hours after school, and then do homework, will be working more hours than the majority of the Mr. Bumbles carrying on in this thread.

Newt's idea is stupid. Period. If you like the idea of taking a job from an adult and giving it to a school child, there's something wrong in your head. :cuckoo:
His idea doesn't make sense. He thinks making kids clean toilets will teach them about work and showing up on time etc., etc.?

That's what school does. You learn responsibility by being a good student. Enforce that principle and let the cleaners keep their jobs.

Let's see the quote in context.

I doubt he said wouldn't surprise me if he did but I searched for it and found no hits.

Looking pretty bad for the OP. I'll stand to be corrected if/when it happens though.

Plenty of dismal stuff in Gingrich's closet. Hope you guys nominate him.

The kenyan makes Gingrich look like a God send. I hope we nominate too. He'll wipe the floor with Barry.

Obama was born in the USA.

The GOP doesn't stand a chance to regain the oval office if they nominate Newt Gingrich. All he'll do is fire up the base and energize the Democrats. As for the moderates, Obama will win them again since Newt is to the hard-right.

If that wasn't enough, Newt's credentials are flawed as well and his storied flip flops are only matched by his lack of ethics.

Yes, I would be most happy if the GOP nominates Gingrich. I think the guy who lives at 1600 Pennsylvania avenue in Washington DC will be pretty happy as well.

Let's see the quote in context.

I doubt he said wouldn't surprise me if he did but I searched for it and found no hits.

Looking pretty bad for the OP. I'll stand to be corrected if/when it happens though.

Plenty of dismal stuff in Gingrich's closet. Hope you guys nominate him.

THe hack made it up.

That is a fact.

I'll still wait to hear what was actually said but it does appear that Mr. Gingrich never said that exact phrase.
Newt: "If we put 9 year old poor kids to work, cleaning toilets, they might not become pimps, prostitutes & drug dealers.
See poor kids don't have a good work ethic because of the example set for them. So we should put them to work. By setting an age limit on work, you limit the number of people who can get jobs."

Seriously, he said that. Seriously.

That way we don't have to worry about them doing well in school. Getting scholarships to the schools that in Newts' world, really should just have nice rich white kids in them.

Because we know there are no spoiled white rich kids who have a poor work ethic. It's not like I went to college with a BUNCH of them.

I'm sure Paris Hilton has the work ethic and moral fiber Newt is hoping all kids can someday achieve. Speaking of pimps & ho's...

What a DOOOoooshbag.

Funny thing......I do what is known as "boolean searches" on the internet. It uses boolean logic to fine tune your allows me to find exact quotes.

This quote...

"If we put 9 year old poor kids to work, cleaning toilets, they might not become pimps, prostitutes"

Came up with only two links.

One was to this page and one was to a forum called Political Forum

And it was in an exact same post by a person called "nopartyaffiliation" who has the same exact avatar as you.

You are a fucking hack...and I actually liked some of your posts.

your google fu sucks.......

His Google link is fine. The quote doesn't appear anywhere except on message boards.

That having been said, Mr. Gingrich's idea is about the dumbest thing ever...until the next time he opens his mouth that is.
Newt specifically says "they didn't have to become a pimp, or a prostitute, or a drug dealer" in that clip.

Here, in this transcript, he references kids "nine to 14" who worked, as being successful in later life.

Not An Onion Spoof: Newt Gingrich’s Education Plan Is To Fire Janitors And Replace Them With Kids | Mediaite

Newt specifically criticizes child labor laws. He calls them stupid. Child labor law DO NOT prevent 16 year old kids from working, so clearly, he is speaking of kids younger than 16. This is your clue to stop telling about your job as a junior in high school.

Newt is speaking of kids working without being supervised by their parents. This is your clue to stop talking about the jobs you did in your neighborhood as a child.

Child labor laws were designed, in part, to address the problem of adult unemployment.

Bleach and ammonia are hazardous chemicals. Sarcasm does not change reality.

Public restrooms have high levels of bacteria. Sarcasm does not change reality.

Children who go to school, then work two hours after school, and then do homework, will be working more hours than the majority of the Mr. Bumbles carrying on in this thread.

Newt's idea is stupid. Period. If you like the idea of taking a job from an adult and giving it to a school child, there's something wrong in your head. :cuckoo:

You're dead on right; it is stupid.

Not only is the idea stupid...the fairly obvious attempt to chastise the "union" janitor is bush league. Does that sort of thing really work on Republicans? Are they that unsophisticated to not see this?

My question is why stop at the janitor? Hell, when I was a kid, I'd mow the neighborhood lawns for some extra bucks. Why not have them mow the school grounds? I guess the landscape crews aren't unionized and therefore can keep their job.

This is the best the GOP has to offer?
His idea doesn't make sense. He thinks making kids clean toilets will teach them about work and showing up on time etc., etc.?

That's what school does. You learn responsibility by being a good student. Enforce that principle and let the cleaners keep their jobs.

Explaining that work leads to money to a liberal is like explaining the orbit of the moon to a tuna fish sandwich.

Good Lord, let's try this again. If you hire people to clean bathrooms, they clean bathrooms and they get money for it. People who need jobs are more likely to do that then people who don't need jobs. It's called...wait for

Not all money comes from government checks for doing nothing. How do liberals not grasp this?

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