Gingrich Doubles Down On Child Labor: Poor Kids Should ‘Clean The Bathroom’

Actually, bleach and ammonia are dangerous all on their own. You don't have to mix them together. Look it up on Mr. Google.

Based on your comment about 9 year olds being able to handle it, I'm assuming that you have no contact at all with children, or, again, that you're not serious.

What the fuck could a 9-year-old do with bleach or ammonia that would put them in harms way besides mixing the two???

The shit would burn there eyes before they could even think of doing something dangerous.

When their eyes hurt they will take it as a sign that means "this shit is bad." :lol:

You know - fire is hot...

Is your complaint that somehow janitorial work is to be looked down upon or that he is suggesting a way for unemployed youth to be able to work for pay? I worked while in high school and I would have done janitorial work which would have been easier than what I did. Where do you get this "working-class students" thing? Unfortunately these poor unemployeed students for the most part don't have "working class parents".

There is no shame in janitorial work and it will provide good experience for these unemployed high school students by teaching them work ethics. What was your first job?

Yes, in HIGH SCHOOL. Newt isn't talking about HIGH SCHOOL.

Quit making shit up dummy....

You do realize intelligent people base their opinions on facts and they don't speculate and when they do they clearly say "in my opinion I believe_______________"

That's why I really don't like you progressive liars - you state everything as facts...

Is your complaint that somehow janitorial work is to be looked down upon or that he is suggesting a way for unemployed youth to be able to work for pay? I worked while in high school and I would have done janitorial work which would have been easier than what I did. Where do you get this "working-class students" thing? Unfortunately these poor unemployeed students for the most part don't have "working class parents".

There is no shame in janitorial work and it will provide good experience for these unemployed high school students by teaching them work ethics. What was your first job?

Yes, in HIGH SCHOOL. Newt isn't talking about HIGH SCHOOL.

you should listen again to what he actually said
Actually, bleach and ammonia are dangerous all on their own. You don't have to mix them together. Look it up on Mr. Google.

Based on your comment about 9 year olds being able to handle it, I'm assuming that you have no contact at all with children, or, again, that you're not serious.

Who says bleach or ammonia are used to clean bathrooms? I am a fairly clean person--clean my bathroom all of the time and use neither?

So now we have moved into the midget minded liberal assumption that because a 9 year old wants to clean a bathroom (for Gods sake) that it somehow puts their life in danger---:lol::lol::lol::lol: Holy crap--:lol::lol::lol:

I suppose delivering newspapers--household chores for an allowance--taking out the garbage--feeding the dog--cleaning up after the dog--helping with the dishes-stacking wood---racking the lawn is "hazardous" to a kids health also---:lol::lol:
Actually, bleach and ammonia are dangerous all on their own. You don't have to mix them together. Look it up on Mr. Google.

Based on your comment about 9 year olds being able to handle it, I'm assuming that you have no contact at all with children, or, again, that you're not serious.

Who says bleach or ammonia are used to clean bathrooms? I am a fairly clean person--clean my bathroom all of the time and use neither?

So now we have moved into the midget minded liberal assumption that because a 9 year old wants to clean a bathroom (for Gods sake) that it somehow puts their life in danger---:lol::lol::lol::lol: Holy crap--:lol::lol::lol:

I suppose delivering newspapers--household chores for an allowance--taking out the garbage--feeding the dog--cleaning up after the dog--helping with the dishes-stacking wood---racking the lawn is "hazardous" to a kids health also---:lol::lol:

Yep, according to SAT kids should sit on their ass until they're 18 and then they should learn how to do work and hopefully by the time they're 30 they can be trusted enough to peal a potato without cutting off one of their fingers...
You nutjobs are becoming so adept at moving the goalposts during a discussion that this fucking game is gonna need to put the refs on Harleys.
Imagine a kid working all of their life without having a childhood because some silly fucker decided that kids should work as early as possible in order to become someone successful.

"DANCE, Micheal! Stop being so fucking LAZY! You'll like where this ship is heading!"
That isnt work! That is the parents pushing their kids into something that will hopefully make money ... millions.
Hell my kids get more HOMEWORK than I think they do in school!! This takes up more time than an hour here and an hour there of work that would give them self worth and responsibility, but that is not what the progressives want.
Imagine a kid working all of their life without having a childhood because some silly fucker decided that kids should work as early as possible in order to become someone successful.

"DANCE, Micheal! Stop being so fucking LAZY! You'll like where this ship is heading!"
That isnt work! That is the parents pushing their kids into something that will hopefully make money ... millions.
Hell my kids get more HOMEWORK than I think they do in school!! This takes up more time than an hour here and an hour there of work that would give them self worth and responsibility, but that is not what the progressives want.

You're kidding right? No..of course your not. Joe Jackson buried the son he sent to an early grave.

Not something you'd realize.
Imagine a kid working all of their life without having a childhood because some silly fucker decided that kids should work as early as possible in order to become someone successful.

"DANCE, Micheal! Stop being so fucking LAZY! You'll like where this ship is heading!"
That isn't work! That is the parents pushing their kids into something that will hopefully make money ... millions.
Hell my kids get more HOMEWORK than I think they do in school!! This takes up more time than an hour here and an hour there of work that would give them self worth and responsibility, but that is not what the progressives want.

You're kidding right? No..of course your not. Joe Jackson buried the son he sent to an early grave.

Not something you'd realize.

omg. are people EVER responsible for their own lives? Joe fed Michale drugs?
I guess Jackson wasn't an adult who could decide he didn't want to stay in the music business.

you people are so over dramatic. should calm down. You are always so emotional. Relax.

You should take your own advice. you take something from all places Thinkprogress and run it into the ground...I hope you feel better after two days of ranting.
I never took anything from anywhere.....and I have not ranted. You, on the other hand, have been unable to control your emotions. How's your blood pressure?
I never took anything from anywhere.....and I have not ranted. You, on the other hand, have been unable to control your emotions. How's your blood pressure?

now I'm off to work, but you please carry this silly over dramatic thread on.
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I've never cut my finger off scrubbing a toilet..

I've done some high-risk jobs in my life but scrubbing a toilet or taking your food order wasn't one of them...

Not to mention you're fucking dumb if you believe anyone in society would allow a child to work high risk jobs...

If you think I would put a child in danger then you're fucking dumb.... No one is advocating that..

Newt is advocating that. Newt is advocating that children work in a job that does have significant risks.

I would guess there is less risk in pushing a broom, emptying wastebaskets and cleaning toilets than running with gangs. but you go on thinkingnthat would ruin the children's future..


Next order of business..Have Hazmat Teams come in and clean toilets in schools. Pour in bleach, wait and flush. Like putting them on the front line of a nuclear disaster. :rolleyes:
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The problem here is that these nutters want to employ working class children so they can earn money to help their hard-working parents feed and clothe them.

There is no mention of wealthy children working in a similar manner.

I worked in Japan for several years......a couple of them in a Japanese High School. The students there spend a few minutes each day cleaning the classrooms and common areas.....including restrooms. They are not paid....and ALL students are involved, regardless of their economic status.

In every Japanese and poor alike meet up twice per year to tend to overgrown lots and clean up river banks, etc. Nobody is paid......but if you don't participate, you are expected to pay up in lieu of your labor.

That is how one is taught personal responsibility...........not by trading labor for food. Assholes.

And now it's time for today's episode of "What's Wrong With This Liberal Argument?"

The problem, my friend, is that you responded to a point that assumed that people who need money would take paying jobs with an example of charity where there was no assumption that people who need money would do it, everyone does.

Hmm...people who need money will take paying jobs, people who don't volunteer to clean up the community. Wow, you're onto something there. Note you actually gave an excellent example of my point that liberals actually do not want to equate work with money....
Newt: "If we put 9 year old poor kids to work, cleaning toilets, they might not become pimps, prostitutes & drug dealers.
See poor kids don't have a good work ethic because of the example set for them. So we should put them to work. By setting an age limit on work, you limit the number of people who can get jobs."

Seriously, he said that. Seriously.

That way we don't have to worry about them doing well in school. Getting scholarships to the schools that in Newts' world, really should just have nice rich white kids in them.

Because we know there are no spoiled white rich kids who have a poor work ethic. It's not like I went to college with a BUNCH of them.

I'm sure Paris Hilton has the work ethic and moral fiber Newt is hoping all kids can someday achieve. Speaking of pimps & ho's...

What a DOOOoooshbag.

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The problem here is that these nutters want to employ working class children so they can earn money to help their hard-working parents feed and clothe them.

There is no mention of wealthy children working in a similar manner.

I worked in Japan for several years......a couple of them in a Japanese High School. The students there spend a few minutes each day cleaning the classrooms and common areas.....including restrooms. They are not paid....and ALL students are involved, regardless of their economic status.

In every Japanese and poor alike meet up twice per year to tend to overgrown lots and clean up river banks, etc. Nobody is paid......but if you don't participate, you are expected to pay up in lieu of your labor.

That is how one is taught personal responsibility...........not by trading labor for food. Assholes.

And now it's time for today's episode of "What's Wrong With This Liberal Argument?"

The problem, my friend, is that you responded to a point that assumed that people who need money would take paying jobs with an example of charity where there was no assumption that people who need money would do it, everyone does.

Hmm...people who need money will take paying jobs, people who don't volunteer to clean up the community. Wow, you're onto something there. Note you actually gave an excellent example of my point that liberals actually do not want to equate work with money....

Try again. I have no idea what you think you read.....but your reply suggests that you failed to understand my point.

Meybe you should break it down senetnce by sentence and see if you can comprehend.
If you infer the meaning of his statement, it's not all that preposterous.

BTW, I love Paris. She's hot.
Newt: "If we put 9 year old poor kids to work, cleaning toilets, they might not become pimps, prostitutes & drug dealers.
Aside from Newt being a political prostitute and a pimp himself, this quote he stole is a good quote, but as it says on site: "often these politicians will speak the truth, but what surrounds them off stage are the..."

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