Gingrich Doubles Down On Child Labor: Poor Kids Should ‘Clean The Bathroom’

No wonder kids from lib families go limp and call the police when they hear the words "Clean YOUR ROOM".

Child ABUSE.
Drinking the water was not supposed to be in the job description. :rolleyes:

Exposure to diseases such as hepatitis is a specific risk linked to the janitorial industry. Would you like to stroke your google a little bit before making another stupid retort?

These are inner city kids, at an inner city school. They are likely exposed to hepititis generally anyway. your solution, is to have them more opposed to upgrading health regimes and services in those areas.

While it sounds like a race to the guys are's really just um..

A race to the bottom.
Exposure to diseases such as hepatitis is a specific risk linked to the janitorial industry. Would you like to stroke your google a little bit before making another stupid retort?

These are inner city kids, at an inner city school. They are likely exposed to hepititis generally anyway.


oh, so "fuck it, they are inner city kids who are probably disease ridden anyway! Hepatitis doesn't occur in my SUBURB!"


I taught, counselled teachers in the inner city for 32 years. Never one case of hepatitis.
Exposure to diseases such as hepatitis is a specific risk linked to the janitorial industry. Would you like to stroke your google a little bit before making another stupid retort?

These are inner city kids, at an inner city school. They are likely exposed to hepititis generally anyway. your solution, is to have them more opposed to upgrading health regimes and services in those areas.

While it sounds like a race to the guys are's really just um..

A race to the bottom.

Those kids that start out at McDonalds or running pizzas are in a race to the bottom? Everyone starts at the bottom unless they have a great resume.
The idea that children should not work is very recent. Historically children worked both in and out of the home. Since it came from Think Progress, it's likely that they considerably altered the original statement or made it up completely.

All children should learn to work at the earliest ages possible.

Not trust fund babies.

I would bet that the majority of them work hardest of all and started earlier. Not all, Paris Hilton has never done anything. Ivanka Trump on the other hand is a different story.
Who here wouldn't went jack(10 year old) and jenny(12 year old) cleaning our bathrooms? Or maybe 15 year old john mowing our lawns? O'hell, how about 16 year old frank working in one of our coal mines, which powers are cities. All for money of course and of course this would free us of relying on the illegals ever again. I think it is more morally right to do it this way with our kids getting paid minimum wage or more.
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And with any luck, they'll need to work until the age of 75 or 80. What a quality of life standard. Work, work, work.
Can you read? Comprehend? What would you have 12 -15 year olds do to earn some money like allowances they do not get.

hey! why not sweep some chimneys or run underneath TEXTILE MILLS?!?!?


It looks good on a RESUME, right? And, who the fuck REALLY needs ten fingers? REAL AMERICAN adolescents work despite contracting an infection disease!

Maybe that is Obama's agenda. Haven't heard that from Gingrich.

Sounds like you listen to liberals.

It sounds like you just make shit up as you go along. When the fuck did OBAMA suggest putting teenagers into the janitorial field?

go ahead and sit there looking stupid for a minute before you post evidence that your looks runneth more than skin deep.
These are inner city kids, at an inner city school. They are likely exposed to hepititis generally anyway.


oh, so "fuck it, they are inner city kids who are probably disease ridden anyway! Hepatitis doesn't occur in my SUBURB!"


I taught, counselled teachers in the inner city for 32 years. Never one case of hepatitis.

..that you know of. Certainly, people with infection diseases like to wear their condition like a team jersey!



What did he say so wrong?? That kids should actually have some responsibility? Ooooooo BURN HIM AT THE STAKE.. MY GOD, he actually submitted that kids should be responsible for cleaning up after themselves. I know, I know.. according to the Mad Shitters logic (OWS) and the baby mama with 15 kids, SOMEBODY GOTTA PAY FOR MY KIDS.

Stupid has officially entered the building.


Yeah... personal responsibility is so darn stupid.
What did he say so wrong?? That kids should actually have some responsibility? Ooooooo BURN HIM AT THE STAKE.. MY GOD, he actually submitted that kids should be responsible for cleaning up after themselves. I know, I know.. according to the Mad Shitters logic (OWS) and the baby mama with 15 kids, SOMEBODY GOTTA PAY FOR MY KIDS.

Stupid has officially entered the building.


Yeah... personal responsibility is so darn stupid.

what is "personally responsible" about thrusting kids into semi-hazardous conditions?
Why does Newt hate working class kids?

And aside from that, how is he going to force kids to clean toilets?

Since when is encouraging people to work a sign of hate?

And since when is providing opportunities equal forcing?
Our children are the ones that should be doing the jobs the adults in America don't want to do. WE shouldn't have to import millions of third worlders into our country to do it!

If not, what's your solution?

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