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Gingrich - Obama the most dangerous President in US history.

Bullshit, to promote the general welfare "Notice sallow left out the word promote" is to make it a level playing field for all to succeed on there own, not for the government to take care of you. And the commerce clause allows for the government to regulate how much of and what you can buy in interstate commerce, it does not authorize them to take money from one individual to take care of another.

And your getting into Scalia style "literalisms". Which is always a fun road.

Nope, I just read the constitution for what it says and means, not what I can interpret it into meaning like alot of you guys on the left do.

Ah..so where in the constitution is the Unitary Executive?
Signing statements?
Air Force?
State Secrets?
Classified Documents?
Provision for professional full time soldiers?
Executive Priviledge?
Electronic Surveillence?
Marital Law?
Qualification for Judges?
Primary Elections?

Go on..take your time.
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Newt's words were meant to rouse the rabid Right wing base. Those knuckle draggers LOVE bitter divisive partisanship. They LOVE the do-nothing Republican Congress. They would rather divide the nation on political lines than help the nation recover from the Bush train wreck.

That's why we got the Tea Party. That's why Standard and Poors downgraded the American credit rating. And soon, one of their numbers is going to go too far in his zealotry and take a pot shot at the President of the United States of America because..........they "love" America so much.

Standard and Poors wanted 4 trillion cut from the government budget in 10 years . The Dems stopped that and got only 1.2 trillion cut.
It is the Dems that caused the downgrade Nosmo king.
The Teas Party rose because of the insane new health care bill, by Dems.

The S&P never rated anything like that before. How they rated financial instruments use to be based solely on a mathematical equation, not political punditry.

And the fucked it up badly with US bonds..initially..by over a trillion.

Which is nothing new..they missed the boat on mortgage backed derivatives.
what? flunked that civics test, huh?

I shall rephrase, the democrat controlled senate are the ones blocking all legislation from being voted on. Was that simple enough for ya?
So it was the Democratically controlled Senate that forced an accelerated time table on the Keystone Pipeline decision effectively scuttling it? It was the Democratically controlled Senate that dragged its feet over the debt limit extension causing the credit rating to be downgraded? It was the Democratically controlled Senate that forced an eleventh hour Mexican standoff over routine legislation to keep the government operating?

Sure sounds obstructionist to me! But didn't Republican Congressional leaders decide to make the President hobbled in order to ensure his defeat in 2012? That sounds like a decision made out of political power rather than the interests of the American people.

Do you think Congress should put political power ahead of the needs of the American people? That sure seems like what the current Republican controlled House of Representatives are doing.

I thought Obama didn't need congress? Remember, he can pretty much do what he wants to do. The keystone pipeline was not a new issue, they had been talking about that gem for months before the debt limit extension was voted on. I find it awful convenient for the senate democrats to halt all procedures in the chamber so nothing gets done so that the president can turn it around and say that it is the GOP in congress who are holding things up. Only people like you who do not pay attention other than watching MSNBC buys into this charade.
There is no difference between the ones I mentioned. We survived Wilson, FDR. and Carter I doubt we will survive another 4 years of obamush, or obamush agenda supporters such as Getrich and Romney

Yes, we are still alive, but polcies implemented by these four will lead to our doom. Wilson signed the federal reserve into law, FDR the new Deal, Carter had the first community reinvestment act, and Obamas Healthcare will help put the nail in the coffin should it hold up in the supreme court. All four passed unconstitutional legislation that hurt the country and created massive debt.

Agreed their polices got us to this point but we can change those polices, We cannot keep piling onto those polices and think we can survive as a nation. RIGHT NOW THE MOST DANGEROUS POLITICIANS ARE Getrich and Romney and Obama. We cannot survive as a nation with what we have now and what they would extend in the future.
Personally I like Santorum right now, but we will see what happens.
Carter passed that Act to stop things like Willowbrook from happening. It broke up big institutions and made community based "halfway" houses. Those were working, by the way. Reagan defunded them..and put the loonies on the street. I was alive during that time. After Reagan came to office the homeless population here exploded. And that's because the mentally ill had no where to go.

God forbid citizens take care of themselves and get that gubment Tit out of there mouths.

You posting this, demonstrates you have no idea what mental illness is all about.

It's kind of saying..

"God forbid a paraplegic climb a ladder on his own.." or something like that.

While a person may look "normal", the way that person experiences the world is vastly different then what a "normal" person does due to a defect in the brain.

States issue, not a federal. Nuff said on that topic. I know all about mental health to be honest, I have to deal with the mentally challenged like you guys everytime I get on these boards.
And your getting into Scalia style "literalisms". Which is always a fun road.

Nope, I just read the constitution for what it says and means, not what I can interpret it into meaning like alot of you guys on the left do.

Ah..so where in the constitution is the Unitary Executive?
Signing statements?
Air Force?
State Secrets?
Classified Documents?
Provision for professional full time soldiers?
Executive Priviledge?
Electronic Surveillence?
Marital Law?
Qualification for Judges?
Primary Elections?

Go on..take your time.

I am no way shape or form saying that it is not being violated all the time. I am however stating on issues which is constitutional and which is not. We are debating a one aspect, not bringing up history of other violations. Please try to stay on topic.
God forbid citizens take care of themselves and get that gubment Tit out of there mouths.

You posting this, demonstrates you have no idea what mental illness is all about.

It's kind of saying..

"God forbid a paraplegic climb a ladder on his own.." or something like that.

While a person may look "normal", the way that person experiences the world is vastly different then what a "normal" person does due to a defect in the brain.

States issue, not a federal. Nuff said on that topic. I know all about mental health to be honest, I have to deal with the mentally challenged like you guys everytime I get on these boards.

Of course it's "Nuff said". You ran out of ammo. You had to resort to the last bullet in the chamber..the one that says "Insult then run".. :lol:
You posting this, demonstrates you have no idea what mental illness is all about.

It's kind of saying..

"God forbid a paraplegic climb a ladder on his own.." or something like that.

While a person may look "normal", the way that person experiences the world is vastly different then what a "normal" person does due to a defect in the brain.

States issue, not a federal. Nuff said on that topic. I know all about mental health to be honest, I have to deal with the mentally challenged like you guys everytime I get on these boards.

Of course it's "Nuff said". You ran out of ammo. You had to resort to the last bullet in the chamber..the one that says "Insult then run".. :lol:

Nope, it is a states issue, that is the end of topic, the constitution was all the ammo I needed to defeat your argument. Another reason you guys hate the constitution so much, it goes against everything your ideology supports.
Nope, I just read the constitution for what it says and means, not what I can interpret it into meaning like alot of you guys on the left do.

Ah..so where in the constitution is the Unitary Executive?
Signing statements?
Air Force?
State Secrets?
Classified Documents?
Provision for professional full time soldiers?
Executive Priviledge?
Electronic Surveillence?
Marital Law?
Qualification for Judges?
Primary Elections?

Go on..take your time.

I am no way shape or form saying that it is not being violated all the time. I am however stating on issues which is constitutional and which is not. We are debating a one aspect, not bringing up history of other violations. Please try to stay on topic.

Chief..you're the guy "kitchen sinking" this..then getting upset when you get nailed on it.

When you start evoking the "constitution" and how some guys have followed it and some guys haven't you open yourself up for challenge.

k? :lol:
States issue, not a federal. Nuff said on that topic. I know all about mental health to be honest, I have to deal with the mentally challenged like you guys everytime I get on these boards.

Of course it's "Nuff said". You ran out of ammo. You had to resort to the last bullet in the chamber..the one that says "Insult then run".. :lol:

Nope, it is a states issue, that is the end of topic, the constitution was all the ammo I needed to defeat your argument. Another reason you guys hate the constitution so much, it goes against everything your ideology supports.


People like me wrote it, pal.

People like you fought them. :eusa_shhh:
Of course it's "Nuff said". You ran out of ammo. You had to resort to the last bullet in the chamber..the one that says "Insult then run".. :lol:

Nope, it is a states issue, that is the end of topic, the constitution was all the ammo I needed to defeat your argument. Another reason you guys hate the constitution so much, it goes against everything your ideology supports.


People like me wrote it, pal.

People like you fought them. :eusa_shhh:

Of course it's "Nuff said". You ran out of ammo. You had to resort to the last bullet in the chamber..the one that says "Insult then run".. :lol:

Nope, it is a states issue, that is the end of topic, the constitution was all the ammo I needed to defeat your argument. Another reason you guys hate the constitution so much, it goes against everything your ideology supports.


People like me wrote it, pal.

People like you fought them. :eusa_shhh:

you wear white wigs?
Nope, it is a states issue, that is the end of topic, the constitution was all the ammo I needed to defeat your argument. Another reason you guys hate the constitution so much, it goes against everything your ideology supports.


People like me wrote it, pal.

People like you fought them. :eusa_shhh:

you wear white wigs?

And I find them quite comfortable and stylish..thank you. :eusa_shhh:
You do realize that idiots like you by glorifying violence, and diefying a tool, guns, put the gun in that loons hands, don't you?

Anytime there is a bill to prevent the loons from getting their hands on guns, the NRA and rightwingnuts do their best to prevent that from happening. So we have a murder rate in this nation that is appalling. And war weopons on our streets.

2nd amendment is a right, and with each right comes responsibility. EVeryone has a right to keep and bear arms, and you also have the responsibility to not murder people with that gun. The idiot who commits the murder is to be held accountable, not the rest of the law abiding citizens who committed no crime. I understand those of you on the left have no clue what responsibility means, and we will never allow such an atrocity like the giffords shooting to be an excuse for you crazy bastards to restrict the law abiding ownership of guns. Get over it.

Where does the constitution say anything about guns? It says arms..

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mSjeTFx5JI4]Don't Be A Menace - "Do We Have A Problem?" - YouTube[/ame]

I want my nuke.

It's the only way to be sure.

The term arms is a 18th century military term for firearms.

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