Girl excels on boys football team


You're tag line is funny. You've clearly not spent much time in the parts of the world that generate the majority of the refugees you'd be trading for...
More support for co-ed sports in the future. Segregation isn't good.
Depends. I have no problem with her competing with boys if she is better than the other boys. I have a huge problem with boys competing with women in girl's sports saying they are girls. females have fought for decades to be able to compete in the same number of athletic sports as males. It's called Title IX. Now, mentally ill males want to compete against females and take away all the opportunities females had. Sick. Anyone who thinks men should dominate women are sick.
She could play college ball possibly but soon the genetics catch up and your co-ed football dream turns to dust.
I have no problem with women competing with me if that's what they want to do. I have a huge problem with men thumping on women because they couldn't compete with other men. Those men are sickos.
why? Why is anyone interested in this? Countless boys across the country score multiple TD's in a single game every week. Do they get NIL deals? Does anyone outside their local area likely give a shit? So why is this interesting? What's different about this story and all the boys doing it every week? Look Im happy for this girl. Hope they pay her a ton of money and she lives happily ever after, but their doing so has zero to do with her ability on the football field. ZERO!
These days, everyone is clambering to get some “woke” gold stars, some pats on the back, and a few “atta boys.” Especially the younger generation. It's almost a requirement to jump on the woke bandwagon. Don't wanna be called any names, afterall.
why? Why is anyone interested in this? Countless boys across the country score multiple TD's in a single game every week. Do they get NIL deals? Does anyone outside their local area likely give a shit? So why is this interesting? What's different about this story and all the boys doing it every week? Look Im happy for this girl. Hope they pay her a ton of money and she lives happily ever after, but their doing so has zero to do with her ability on the football field. ZERO!
We live in a time where a girl competing with boys is a big deal.
Read the article again now that Im in front of a computer and not on my phone. It's 100% a gimmick. She didn't get an NIL deal because she's actually any good at football. She got a NIL deal because she has a vagina and wears a football uniform.
Many colleges have done this.. I remember when the one college had a girl soccer player kick off and she flubbed it like 25 yards out of bounds.. it was completely embarrassing, a 6th grade boy could do better.

And the leftist ESPN announcers were like “Wow! What a historic moment!”… ignoring how bad her performance was. She should have felt mocked and exploited after that.. she was a joke in it all. The social engineering attempt face-planted.. and we all SHOULD laugh at it, not personally at her, but at the attempt
Many colleges have done this.. I remember when the one college had a girl soccer player kick off and she flubbed it like 25 yards out of bounds.. it was completely embarrassing, a 6th grade boy could do better.

And the leftist ESPN announcers were like “Wow! What a historic moment!”… ignoring how bad her performance was. She should have felt mocked and exploited after that.. she was a joke in it all. The social engineering attempt face-planted.. and we all SHOULD laugh at it, not personally at her, but at the attempt
If anyone hates women its the people doing this type of stuff. It's saying I know you arent actually talented enough to achieve this on merit so Im going to just give it to you. Women would do themselves and everyone else a huge favor by telling people like this to fuck off that they dont need hand outs. They are plenty capable of earning what they get. Because they are.
More support for co-ed sports in the future. Segregation isn't good.
Calm down.
Some sports are already coed.​
Some are all women.​
Some are all men.​

The problem is when we allow biological males to compete against actual females in the women’s sports.

It is disgraceful to ruin the aspirations of talented female athletes.
If anyone hates women its the people doing this type of stuff. It's saying I know you arent actually talented enough to achieve this on merit so Im going to just give it to you. Women would do themselves and everyone else a huge favor by telling people like this to fuck off that they dont need hand outs. They are plenty capable of earning what they get. Because they are.
I found it:

The most important things to note are:

1. the near masterbatory description and tone by the announcer. I can understand mentioning it but this guy is completely over top, likely under strict orders from woke corporate bigwigs in sports media.

2. After the absolute failure, the announcer ignores it and continues to praise her in participation trophy fashion by saying “Wow! What day!… what, a, day!”

Like, it was a completely fabricated moment of virtue signaling masterbation. I’m not even a woman and I feel offended for them. The kicker, and women overall, are treated as a joke by this announcer, he’s actually mocking her without even knowing it with the heaviest dose of soft bigotry I’ve seen in a long time. The network should have been crushed for being so offensively pandering. They really think they’re doing women right by doing this
This is dangerous and going to cost money and be expensive as the lawyers always get involved. When we see individual sports, young women not fully developed do track and field, gymnastics and water sports incredibly. If mature and their bodies are not fully curved, it is noticeable as to degree of abilities in most cases.
This is dangerous and going to cost money and be expensive as the lawyers always get involved. When we see individual sports, young women not fully developed do track and field, gymnastics and water sports incredibly. If mature and their bodies are not fully curved, it is noticeable as to degree of abilities in most cases.
The moment a boy tackles the girl and touches her in the wrong place by accident, we can expect “sexual harassment” charges or “bullying” charges. Boys and girls are different and lines should be drawn in certain circumstances.

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