Girl Shoots Her BF In The Stomach Because He Wouldn’t Get Out Her House After She Broke Up With Him For Cheating!

When someone with a gun tells you to go away, you should probably do so.
Most violence comes with instructions on how to avoid it.
Underscores the well known fact that just having a gun in the house leads to gun violence instead of preventing it. Also why so many suicide attempts are successful

He was threatening to beat her and wouldn’t leave her house. Had she not taken the action she took who knows what would have happened. The way I see it is she was well within her rights to do what she did.
Underscores the well known fact that just having a gun in the house leads to gun violence instead of preventing it. Also why so many suicide attempts are successful
I suspect it's because people are trying to kill themselves. figured that out huh? In about 90 percent of the attempts involving firearms, they are successful. Outside of throwing oneself off of buildings, other attempts come in at 50% success or less
Underscores the well known fact that just having a gun in the house leads to gun violence instead of preventing it. Also why so many suicide attempts are successful

He was threatening to beat her and wouldn’t leave her house. Had she not taken the action she took who knows what would have happened. The way I see it is she was well within her rights to do what she did.

All too often though, if a gun is present, it becomes the first option; not the last.

She likely did what she thought she had to do. If it was or wasn’t... unknown
Anyone wanna take a guess as to the race of the shooter and victim?? ... :lol: :lol:
View attachment 326382
What does race have to do with this? Toy-boy was cheating. Why didn't he just leave in disgrace, having been found out?

There was one of those things on the internet a while back, in which a bride (Caucasian) was sent her wannabe "husband's" e-mails with his gal-pal, X rated. She nailed him at the altar and read them aloud to the congregation, thus narrowly escaping being married to him. He actually was there in a church to marry her, but had a chick on the side.

While I'm a bit squeamish about shooting people, this toy-boy did have it coming, and he knew it.
******* are question.
I don't like shooting people. But there must be some sort of punishment for people who do the sort of thing that he did. We cannot approve of this sort of conduct. There are stupid people who are heterosexual and continue to attack LGBTs, yet this sort of stuff happens between heterosexuals and we need to clean it up. Clean house!
Then she should have called the police. However, she is a violent groid sow. As for homosexuals, I hold no ill will toward them as people. However, their actions are an abomination to the lord and their punishment is eternal damnation. So, whether they die from GRIDS, at the hand of another gay or someone else, they should repent and cease their wicked ways or burn for eternity.

I don't know what a "groid sow" is. What's with the frankie graham bullshit? The incessant whining about LGBTs is getting really boring. Get a hobby.
You go, Girl.

Anyone wanna take a guess as to the race of the shooter and victim?? ... :lol: :lol:
View attachment 326382
What does race have to do with this? Toy-boy was cheating. Why didn't he just leave in disgrace, having been found out?

There was one of those things on the internet a while back, in which a bride (Caucasian) was sent her wannabe "husband's" e-mails with his gal-pal, X rated. She nailed him at the altar and read them aloud to the congregation, thus narrowly escaping being married to him. He actually was there in a church to marry her, but had a chick on the side.

While I'm a bit squeamish about shooting people, this toy-boy did have it coming, and he knew it.
******* are question.
I don't like shooting people. But there must be some sort of punishment for people who do the sort of thing that he did. We cannot approve of this sort of conduct. There are stupid people who are heterosexual and continue to attack LGBTs, yet this sort of stuff happens between heterosexuals and we need to clean it up. Clean house!
Then she should have called the police. However, she is a violent groid sow. As for homosexuals, I hold no ill will toward them as people. However, their actions are an abomination to the lord and their punishment is eternal damnation. So, whether they die from GRIDS, at the hand of another gay or someone else, they should repent and cease their wicked ways or burn for eternity.

I don't know what a "groid sow" is. What's with the frankie graham bullshit? The incessant whining about LGBTs is getting really boring. Get a hobby.
I'm not whining. I am just telling things like they are.
Anyone wanna take a guess as to the race of the shooter and victim?? ... :lol: :lol:
View attachment 326382
What does race have to do with this? Toy-boy was cheating. Why didn't he just leave in disgrace, having been found out?

There was one of those things on the internet a while back, in which a bride (Caucasian) was sent her wannabe "husband's" e-mails with his gal-pal, X rated. She nailed him at the altar and read them aloud to the congregation, thus narrowly escaping being married to him. He actually was there in a church to marry her, but had a chick on the side.

While I'm a bit squeamish about shooting people, this toy-boy did have it coming, and he knew it.
******* are question.
I don't like shooting people. But there must be some sort of punishment for people who do the sort of thing that he did. We cannot approve of this sort of conduct. There are stupid people who are heterosexual and continue to attack LGBTs, yet this sort of stuff happens between heterosexuals and we need to clean it up. Clean house!
Then she should have called the police. However, she is a violent groid sow. As for homosexuals, I hold no ill will toward them as people. However, their actions are an abomination to the lord and their punishment is eternal damnation. So, whether they die from GRIDS, at the hand of another gay or someone else, they should repent and cease their wicked ways or burn for eternity.

I don't know what a "groid sow" is. What's with the frankie graham bullshit? The incessant whining about LGBTs is getting really boring. Get a hobby.
I'm not whining. I am just telling things like they are.

You are whining, plain and simple. You right-wing nutjobs are caught in a cycle of whine, bitch, moan, complain, find another group of Americans that you haven't picked on for a while, repeat process. Cut the "burn for eternity" bullshit. Stop being a jackass.

I just goggled "groid sow." It comes from a white-trash racist website.You use it and then launch straight into bibble babble and spread your sicko brand of religion. You are disgusting. You ought to be ashamed of yourself. You must have had a terrible upbringing.
Open the OP's link if your curious as to the race of the shooter and victim. ... :cool:
Yeah. Do you indulge in this sort of crap? It comes from a white-trash website.
Yeah. Do you indulge in this sort of crap? It comes from a white-trash website.
I know this. If you continue to apologize for sin you will be in the pit with them.

Yeah. Like I "apologize for sin." You are really messed up. Another dumb culthead.
Shooting someone who would not leave a residence isn't legally justified unless there is some other factor
like evidence that the unwanted man was putting the woman in danger.
Sorry to interrupt the vigilante party.
If the man was threatening and menacing this woman (IF) and if the woman legitimately feared for her safety
that's another matter.

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