Giuliani concedes he lied about election workers in Georgia

Why not? Joe Biden is an incestuous pervert. Defamatory but true.

You're talking about yourself again, FruitLoops. And there's no such thing as "defamatory but true." If it's true, it's not defamation. Giuliani defamed them by lying about what they did. They have an independent state investigation on their side. Giuliani has lies on his. It's going to cost him dearly and I'm gonna love every minute of it.

You're talking about yourself again, FruitLoops. And there's no such thing as "defamatory but true." If it's true, it's not defamation. Giuliani defamed them by lying about what they did. They have an independent state investigation on their side. Giuliani has lies on his. It's going to cost him dearly and I'm gonna love every minute of it.

Sorry. Joe is a perverted POS. Nothing you can say will ever change that.

You're such a rambtard. I bitchslap you with facts you can't handle so what does a rambtard do? Changes the debate to a useless 6 week old poll. :lmao:

Rambtard, aside from the fact that election polls this far out from the election are meaningless, Biden has a 1 point lead in an average of the latest polls...

Oh, and Giuliani still called them out by their names as he defamed them.


To him it means.........something?
Why would you be upset about someone lying? The people you listen to do it constantly.

So, a Six (06) week old poll is best use to wipe yourself or blow your fucking nose. A poll, especially one that is SIX (06) Fucking Weeks Old means less than nothing.

Did you, as a MAGA MAGGOT actually think that no other member of the forum would check date of your SIX (06) Week fucking old poll?

Any poll, especially on that is SIX (06) Fucking Weeks Old are nothing but a snap shot, that's all. They mean nothing. There no real indication of how an individual and/or individuals will vote NEXT FUCKING YEAR!!!!!

Any poll, especially one SIX (06) FUCKING WEEK OLD are a waste of time. There can no real indications of voter trends a year out of damn thing.

You posting stupid poll does indicate your own desperation. Desperate to show something that you cannot prove. Which is typical for a MAGA MAGGOT.
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So, a Six (06) week old poll is best use to wipe yourself or blow your fucking nose. A poll, especially one that is SIX (06) Fucking Weeks Old means less than nothing.

Did you, as a MAGA MAGGOT actually think that no other member of the forum would check date of your SIX (06) Week fucking old poll?

Any poll, especially on that is SIX (06) Fucking Weeks Old are nothing but a snap shot, that's all. They mean nothing. There no real indication of how individual will vote NEXT FUCKING YEAR!!!!!

Any poll, especially one SIX (06) FUCKING WEEK OLD are a waste of time. There can indications a year out of damn thing.

You posting stupid poll does indicate your own desperation. Desperate to show something that you cannot prove. Which is typical for a MAGA MAGGOT.
Calm down mental midget. Polls are only there to spread lies one way or the other. People only pay attention to ones they like.

Also I am not worried about what other members do.
You're talking about yourself again, FruitLoops. And there's no such thing as "defamatory but true." If it's true, it's not defamation. Giuliani defamed them by lying about what they did. They have an independent state investigation on their side. Giuliani has lies on his. It's going to cost him dearly and I'm gonna love every minute of it.


Don't confuse him. His somewhat lackadaisical if not down right lazy thought process cannot coherent well thought logical answers.

Defamation is best defined as Damaging the good reputation of someone (in this case two Women - a Mother and her own Daughter to boot) with slanderous and libelous words. Accusing the Mother and Daughter of manipulating ballots. Ghouli lied about these Women.

There is no such as "Defamatory but true". One act cancels out the other.

Defamation is damaging the good reputation of another person and/or persons, in this case two Women a Mother and Daughter to boot.

Ghouli slandered them, by his own words libeled them. There is not single shred honesty in what Ghouli did. His own words put the lives of these two Women, a Mother and her Daughter in jeopardy, their lives were threatened. How is that possibly defined as "honest"?
The problem here is that there is no way to definitively know the answer without meaningful (forensic) post-election audits in key states. This is one of the main reasons why the Left has resisted such audits. The disturbing reality is that zero states have meaningful (forensic) post-election audits! None. Nada.

How Did the Dems Win in 2020?​

July 28, 2023/in Commentary, Elections, Hot Topics, News, Policy, Politics, Social Issues, Waste, Fraud and Abuse/by John Droz, Jr.

Knowing the correct answer is CRITICALLY important for 2024.

Like a train coming down the tracks of a tunnel we are in, the 2024 national elections are daily looming ever LARGER…
The only ways of avoiding the 2020 results are to: a) accurately determine what happened in 2020, and b) take timely and effective measures to see that it won’t be repeated in 2024.
There are all sorts of theories as to how the Democrats won the 2020 Presidential (and some congressional seats). On closer analysis, they boil down to two main conjectures:
1 – the Dems worked harder and smarter than the R’s, and/or
2 – they cheated.
The answer is almost certainly a combination of both. That leads to the extremely important question of how much of each: 50/50? 60/40? 90/10?
We MUST know that answer as it will determine the time, effort, and money we invest to respond. For example, if the results were 90% due to #1 and 10% to #2, that says that our focus should be on how to work harder and smarter.
On the other hand, if the results were 10% due to #1 and 90% to #2, that clearly tells us that our focus should be on stopping cheating (legislation, lawsuits, audits, etc.).
The problem here is that there is no way to definitively know the answer without meaningful (forensic) post-election audits in key states. This is one of the main reasons why the Left has resisted such audits. The disturbing reality is that zero states have meaningful (forensic) post-election audits! None. Nada.
To see what a meaningful post-election audit consists of, please read this Report. Here is a short video about that Report.
So how do we decide how Dems won in 2020? I propose that we look at some of the evidence for each of the two main theories presented, and decide which is stronger…
THEORY #1: The Dems won in 2020 because they worked harder and smarter than Rs.
Working harder and smarter means that they did a better job with key things like: 1) messaging, 2) raising money, 3) getting their supporters to vote (e.g., absentee ballots), 4) legal maneuvering (e.g., lawsuits), 5) taking advantage of COVID (e.g., declaring emergency measures), ETC.
Most objective election experts would agree that (by and large) the Dems did do a better job with ALL of these. For the sake of argument (and to keep this commentary from getting too long) I am willing to concede that these are all true, without having to cite documented examples of each. [BTW, contributing to this conclusion is that the RNC has been considerably short of exemplary (e.g., here).]
However, let’s not jump the gun here, as correlation does not prove causation. Before we decide what are our best actions for 2024, we need to carefully examine the evidence for the other argument — and then decide which dominates.
THEORY #2: The Dems won in 2020 because they cheated.
As mentioned above, the best way to prove the level of election malfeasance is to do sample post-election forensic audits in swing states. However, since no state did a forensic post-election audit following the 2020 elections, we are left with making conclusions from other evidence. I could cite multiple examples here, but for the sake of brevity let’s just consider the following three independent pieces of lesser-publicized evidence that support the second explanation…
First Evidence for Theory #2 —
Although no state did a full forensic post-election audit in 2020, in one state there was a partial forensic post-election audit in 2020: Nevada. What did that audit demonstrate?
The Nevada results were testified to at a Congressional hearing, and nationally televised (I happened to see it). A team of experts examined every Nevada voter in the 2020 elections, and compared the voter registration filed with the State to other public records (e.g., death certificates). They found six (6) different categories of fraud (e.g., the same people voting more than once). After deleting duplications, these experts concluded that there were some 130,000 fraudulent Nevada votes in 2020! For perspective, Biden was Nevada’s choice for President, winning by about 34,000± votes.
So did harder work and smarter efforts win Nevada for Dems in 2020? This evidence says that is not likely as something like 90% of it is attributable to dishonesty.
Third Evidence for Theory #2 —

Another fascinating Report generated by my team is a Contrast Analysis. What a statistical Ph.D. did was to compare the voting results in the 2016 Presidential election to the 2020 Presidential election — for every county in every state!

Let’s pick one state to see how this works. How about Michigan? The states are listed alphabetically in our Report, so Michigan is on page 31. The top part of the page has a graph of the results, and each of the 83 Michigan counties is one dot:

The bottom part of the page is a partial table showing the actual numbers. The table starts with the counties that had the most change (contrast) on the top, and the least on the bottom. By “change” I mean how many net votes did Trump get in 2016, compared to 2020. (If Trump won by 20,000 in 2016, and by 5,000 in 2020, that would be a positive Dem contrast of 15,000 votes.)

Note that this simplified analysis does not take into account Michigan’s population change between 2016 and 2020 (1± %), voter registrations, voter turnout, etc.). We also do not know how much money (e.g., Zuckerbucks) was allocated where in MI.
What the graph shows is that for 90%± of the counties THERE WAS NO APPRECIABLE CHANGE. That is graphed as the roughly straight solid line, above. In other words, Michigan was lost in 2020 due to what happened in eight (8) counties (10% of the State’s counties).
Second Evidence for Theory #2 —

There were a surprising number of large vote spikes in the 2020 election. My team examined the official 2020 election data and wrote a Report about these aberrations.

They identified twenty-seven (27) large vote spikes for the 2020 presidential election. Every one of them was in Biden’s favor. Let me repeat that: every one of them was in Biden’s favor! (See page 2 of the Report for yourself.)

This is statistically unexplainable.

There is no rational explanation that harder work and smarter efforts produced these spikes. The most logical deduction is that this is evidence supporting Theory 2.
With that video and other evidence Rudy could present they are going to have a very hard time.


Trump's lawyers lied to GA's senate by presenting selected segments of the surveillance video and lying about what they portrayed. The full surveillance video exposed their lies. Giuliani is fucked even if he is stuoid enough to try and use that surveillance video in court.
Calm down mental midget. Polls are only there to spread lies one way or the other. People only pay attention to ones they like.

Also I am not worried about what other members do.


It's not the polls lying. It's desperate idiots like you who lie about the polls.

You post a poll of "likely voters" but then you lie and claim it represents the entire country. Including children and babies.

Then when I post a poll of "adults," which say represents adults, you lie again, claiming it's bullshit for no reason other than you hate the results of that poll. Meanwhile, you've NEVER once posted a poll backing your lie that half the country believes the election was stolen.

If truth and reality were on your side, you wouldn't have to lie like ya do.

It's not the polls lying. It's desperate idiots like you who lie about the polls.

You post a poll of "likely voters" but then you lie and claim it represents the entire country. Including children and babies.

Then when I post a poll of "adults," which say represents adults, you lie again, claiming it's bullshit for no reason other than you hate the results of that poll. Meanwhile, you've NEVER once posted a poll backing your lie that half the country believes the election was stolen.

If truth and reality were on your side, you wouldn't have to lie like ya do.
No answers to the evidence presented in those three posts? I didn't think so.
No answers to the evidence presented in those three posts? I didn't think so.


That's not evidence, FruitLoops. :cuckoo:

It's some guy on a substack blog vomiting his completely ignorant opinion.

The reason it's completely ignorant is because HE frames his conclusions down to only one of two possibilities...

1 - the Dems worked harder and smarter than the R’s, and/or

2 - they cheated.

But that's HIS erroneous selection of possibilities as he intentionally leaves out other possibilities.

Such as Trump was a YUGELY flawed candidate who pissed off so many Americans in his 4 years in office, that even Joe Biden, who couldn't beat anyone else, schlonged Trump. That's the reality you're too deranged to see.
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Incest= Joe Biden. Period.

For perspective's sake, that lie is coming from an ignorant, inbred pervert who admitted he doesn't actually know the meaning of the word, "incest."

Want proof of that? Post proof Biden had sex with his daughter. And don't forget, you're not the dictionary. You don't get to make up your own definitions for words. Here is the actual definition...


sexual intercourse between persons so closely related that they are forbidden by law to marry

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