Giuliani concedes he lied about election workers in Georgia

What is it? You liars. He never said that.
"While Giuliani does not admit to Plaintiffs' allegations, he — for purposes of this litigation only — does not contest the factual allegations," court documents filed Tuesday read.

In a declaration signed by Giuliani, he acknowledges that he made statements that "carry meaning that is defamatory per se" and that those comments were "actionable" and "false."

What have you got?
"While Giuliani does not admit to Plaintiffs' allegations, he — for purposes of this litigation only — does not contest the factual allegations," court documents filed Tuesday read.

In a declaration signed by Giuliani, he acknowledges that he made statements that "carry meaning that is defamatory per se" and that those comments were "actionable" and "false."

What have you got?
So, liar, where does he admit anything? Someone somewhere says he has documents? Typical lying democrat scum. Go away.
Raise your hand if you were stupid enough to believe what Guilani said about those workers.
Rudy is just one of the Mob Boss's criminal associates. How America's Mayor has fallen. I wish I had a chart of all the people that trump has destroyed with his lies. Why did Rudy fall like a sheep in line?

My theory is he thought trump would name him Attorney General, if he could overturn the election. He went way out on a limb and lied like a rug for the Mob Boss. Now he is one of the many clowns that trump has caused to be sued and basically one of many who trump has destroyed.

trump is still flying around the country lying, but Jack Smith has him by the short hairs. There are only two ways he can get out of the mess he has created:

1; Reach a plea deal with the DOJ which probably would include a provision where he never seeks or holds public office again. I am not even sure that is possible?

2. Runs as the repub nominee in 2024, wins and destroys the DOJ, so that his case is sidelined forever. This seems to be the option he is pursuing. It is a very long shot, but is not impossible.

My conclusion: If you read the indictments and understand what trump has done...the only way you can still support the man is you are a hopeless cult member or you are dead from the neck up.
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Plugs is a lowlife piece of shit..... 3rd-generation trailer trash with a fucktard stutter. There's no way to hide this. Jill was the babysitter and got promoted to the bedroom after the current wife died in a suspicious car wreck.

His crackhead sprog was fucking his dead brother's widow before the body was in the ground. Poor Ashley is a pathetic pill popper that requires intervention and rehab every 6 months. I suppose being dragged into the shower by daddy is not the ideal way to be raised.

The entire planet is laughing at us.... we're all stuttering shit clowns, by proxy.... although that's a promotion for a lot of the filthy fucking animals on the left.

There will be no recovery from this sub-human spectacle for several generations.

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Jill Biden was married from 1970-1975 to another man. Biden's wife died in a car crash from a tractor trailer hitting her vehicle in dec 1972. Jill didn't even meet Joe Biden till 1975. This is how using memes to get all your facts makes you stupid 10x over.
It's a defamation suit. He won't contest that his statements were a lie.
He didn’t say they were lies.

But congrats on belatedly catching on that it’s a civil suit.
That's a pretty good advantage for the plaintiffs.
It relieves them of that portion of their burden of proof. That’s true.
You can spin it any way you like, but Rudy is in trouble.
You can spin anything as you please. It doesn’t make you right. Rudy could lose. But then again, he might not.
You claim to be objective with your sig line? Laughable.
I am. You’re not. You are unable and unwilling to even try. That’s not laughable. It’s sad.
I know when the childish name calling starts, you have nothing more and I have won the argument.
Thanks for playing.
You’re dismissed Sister Oblivious.
He didn’t say they were lies.

But congrats on belatedly catching on that it’s a civil suit.

It relieves them of that portion of their burden of proof. That’s true.

You can spin anything as you please. It doesn’t make you right. Rudy could lose. But then again, he might not.

I am. You’re not. You are unable and unwilling to even try. That’s not laughable. It’s sad.


You’re dismissed Sister Oblivious.
You can spin anything as you please. It doesn’t make you right. Rudy could lose. But then again, he might not


Good call.

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