Giuliani drops another Biden bomb: "Keep your eye on Romania'

Excuse me? My post above does not have anonymous sources quoted. It's about the actual arrest of these two Russians.
It's not from Facebook, idiot. It's from the Wall Street Journal.
Sorry reality isn't suiting you very well.

These two idiots are charged with using a false name for an LLC that they had not yet completely set up yet.

None of this affect Giuliani in any way shape or form.

Jeebus, you Woketards are stupid.
"Keep your eye on Romania."

Giuliani-speak for, "I'm about to shit another pile of manufactured bullshit for you submissive dumb fucks to eat when the timing is right."
This is why the Dims are moving now to impeach Trump in the Kangaroo court that does not allow Trump due process and shuts the GOP out entirely.

If by some outrageous circumstance the Senate upholds the rigged impeachment in the House, there will be a civil war, do not doubt it.
If Trump is impeached by the House, he will get his due process in the Senate trial.

Then he can be put under oath and asked about his sex life, like Clinton was.

Let's do it!
Why do you care what Trump does outside of the oval office in his sex life ? Gay?
The Republicans set the bar.

Look at them whining now! :lol:
The charges are frivolous and will be thrown out. This is an attempt to intimidate these people and discredit them. It wont work.. ANOTHER BOOMERANG THAT IS ABOUT TO BUST DEMOCRATS IN THE CHOPS..
When they are exonerated its going to blow up in Democrats faces..
The indictment is here:

23.Based on published reports, there is reason to believe that GEP may have violated 52 U.S.C. § 30122 by “[g]iving money . . . , all or part of which was provided to” GEP by Igor Fruman, Lev Parnas,or another person (i.e., the true contributor(s)) without disclosing the true source of money at the time of making the contribution to America First Action. See 11C.F.R.§110.4(b)(2)(i).
24.Based on published reports, there is reason to believe that Igor Fruman,Lev Parnas,and any other person(s) who created, operated and/or contributed to GEP may have violated 52U.S.C.§30122 by “[m]aking a contribution of money . . . and attributing as the source of the money . . . another person [namely, GEP] when in fact [the person(s) who created, operated and/or contributed to GEPwas] the source.” See 11C.F.R.§110.4(b)(2)(ii).
25.Based on published reports, there is reason to believe that GEP has violated 52 U.S.C. § 30122 by “knowingly permit[ting its] name to be used to effect such a contribution.” 52 U.S.C. § 30122.​

So instead of listing the owners of GEP as the donor, GEP was given as the donor by two newly minted American idiots who should have had lawyers do this shit.

Big nothingburger and has nothing to with Giuliani much less Trump himself.

But of course every Dimocrat shill and neocon NeverTrumpster will declare it a violation of the Constitution, an abomination to human rights and the most evil thing since t he dawn of time.

blah blah blah
On Tuesday we reported that a Ukrainian member of parliament revealed additional corruption involving former VP Joe Biden, who — according to the lawmaker — received upwards of $900,000 in laundered ‘lobbying’ money at a time when he was working on behalf of the Obama regime to undermine that country’s legitimate corruption investigations.

On Tuesday evening, Rudy Giuliani, legal counsel for President Trump, went on “Hannity” to explain in further detail the corruption allegation and add some additional details.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Russia, Ukraine, Romania......his son with CHINA! What next? Georgia, Moldova, Hungary or Bulgaria?
The $900,000 Biden thing was fake, dumbass. Try to keep up.

As for Giuliani, he better watch his back. All kinds of slime and ooze on his client list is coming to light. Money launderers, US sanctions violators. There is no one too crooked or anti-American for Crazy Eyes Rudy to take some pieces of silver from.

How the fuck was that "fake"?
On Tuesday we reported that a Ukrainian member of parliament revealed additional corruption involving former VP Joe Biden, who — according to the lawmaker — received upwards of $900,000 in laundered ‘lobbying’ money at a time when he was working on behalf of the Obama regime to undermine that country’s legitimate corruption investigations.

On Tuesday evening, Rudy Giuliani, legal counsel for President Trump, went on “Hannity” to explain in further detail the corruption allegation and add some additional details.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Russia, Ukraine, Romania......his son with CHINA! What next? Georgia, Moldova, Hungary or Bulgaria?
The $900,000 Biden thing was fake, dumbass. Try to keep up.

As for Giuliani, he better watch his back. All kinds of slime and ooze on his client list is coming to light. Money launderers, US sanctions violators. There is no one too crooked or anti-American for Crazy Eyes Rudy to take some pieces of silver from.

How the fuck was that "fake"?
How the fuck was that "fake"?

Because it hurts Dims, so it is fake.

er, because g5000 said so!
This is why the Dims are moving now to impeach Trump in the Kangaroo court that does not allow Trump due process and shuts the GOP out entirely.

If by some outrageous circumstance the Senate upholds the rigged impeachment in the House, there will be a civil war, do not doubt it.
If Trump is impeached by the House, he will get his due process in the Senate trial.

Then he can be put under oath and asked about his sex life, like Clinton was.

Let's do it!
If Trump answers truthfully, he has nothing to worry about. To bad Clinton couldn't do it.
On Tuesday we reported that a Ukrainian member of parliament revealed additional corruption involving former VP Joe Biden, who — according to the lawmaker — received upwards of $900,000 in laundered ‘lobbying’ money at a time when he was working on behalf of the Obama regime to undermine that country’s legitimate corruption investigations.

On Tuesday evening, Rudy Giuliani, legal counsel for President Trump, went on “Hannity” to explain in further detail the corruption allegation and add some additional details.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Russia, Ukraine, Romania......his son with CHINA! What next? Georgia, Moldova, Hungary or Bulgaria?
The $900,000 Biden thing was fake, dumbass. Try to keep up.

As for Giuliani, he better watch his back. All kinds of slime and ooze on his client list is coming to light. Money launderers, US sanctions violators. There is no one too crooked or anti-American for Crazy Eyes Rudy to take some pieces of silver from.

How the fuck was that "fake"?
The story claimed Joe Biden was paid $900,000 by Burisma.

That's fake news. Literally.

The money was paid to Hunter Biden's company. As we already knew BEFORE this fake story.

All caught up now?
This is why the Dims are moving now to impeach Trump in the Kangaroo court that does not allow Trump due process and shuts the GOP out entirely.

If by some outrageous circumstance the Senate upholds the rigged impeachment in the House, there will be a civil war, do not doubt it.

Rebleating Trumpish propaganda, besmirching Congress for standing up to his beloved Dear Leader (nothing but a perfect call), and then angling for a civil war - not knowing whereof he speaks.

A rotting mind is a terrible thing.
This is why the Dims are moving now to impeach Trump in the Kangaroo court that does not allow Trump due process and shuts the GOP out entirely.

If by some outrageous circumstance the Senate upholds the rigged impeachment in the House, there will be a civil war, do not doubt it.
If Trump is impeached by the House, he will get his due process in the Senate trial.

Then he can be put under oath and asked about his sex life, like Clinton was.

Let's do it!
If Trump answers truthfully, he has nothing to worry about. To bad Clinton couldn't do it.
There were illegal payments made to Stormy. And Trump colluded with a foreign power to help him defeat a political opponent.

He has plenty to worry about under oath. And plenty to worry about from his third wife.
On Tuesday we reported that a Ukrainian member of parliament revealed additional corruption involving former VP Joe Biden, who — according to the lawmaker — received upwards of $900,000 in laundered ‘lobbying’ money at a time when he was working on behalf of the Obama regime to undermine that country’s legitimate corruption investigations.

On Tuesday evening, Rudy Giuliani, legal counsel for President Trump, went on “Hannity” to explain in further detail the corruption allegation and add some additional details.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Russia, Ukraine, Romania......his son with CHINA! What next? Georgia, Moldova, Hungary or Bulgaria?
The $900,000 Biden thing was fake, dumbass. Try to keep up.

As for Giuliani, he better watch his back. All kinds of slime and ooze on his client list is coming to light. Money launderers, US sanctions violators. There is no one too crooked or anti-American for Crazy Eyes Rudy to take some pieces of silver from.

How the fuck was that "fake"?
The story claimed Joe Biden was paid $900,000 by Burisma.

That's fake news. Literally.

The money was paid to Hunter Biden's company. As we already knew BEFORE this fake story.

All caught up now?
You're correcting the Ukrainians? They didn't consult you first?

" KYIV. Oct 9 (Interfax-Ukraine) – Former U.S. Vice President Joe Biden received $900,000 for lobbying activities from Burisma Group, Ukraine's Verkhovna Rada member Andriy Derkach said citing investigation materials."

Burisma paid Joe Biden $900,000 for lobbying – Ukrainian MP

Derkach publicized documents which, as he said, "describe the mechanism of getting money by Biden Sr." at a press conference at Interfax-Ukraine's press center in Kyiv on Wednesday.
This is why the Dims are moving now to impeach Trump in the Kangaroo court that does not allow Trump due process and shuts the GOP out entirely.

If by some outrageous circumstance the Senate upholds the rigged impeachment in the House, there will be a civil war, do not doubt it.
If Trump is impeached by the House, he will get his due process in the Senate trial.

Then he can be put under oath and asked about his sex life, like Clinton was.

Let's do it!
If Trump answers truthfully, he has nothing to worry about. To bad Clinton couldn't do it.
There were illegal payments made to Stormy. And Trump colluded with a foreign power to help him defeat a political opponent.

He has plenty to worry about under oath. And plenty to worry about from his third wife.
Still with Russian collusion? Yep, any day now. You forget Stormy ended up paying him.
On Tuesday we reported that a Ukrainian member of parliament revealed additional corruption involving former VP Joe Biden, who — according to the lawmaker — received upwards of $900,000 in laundered ‘lobbying’ money at a time when he was working on behalf of the Obama regime to undermine that country’s legitimate corruption investigations.

On Tuesday evening, Rudy Giuliani, legal counsel for President Trump, went on “Hannity” to explain in further detail the corruption allegation and add some additional details.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...

Russia, Ukraine, Romania......his son with CHINA! What next? Georgia, Moldova, Hungary or Bulgaria?
The only things dropping around Rudy are his buddy’s as they get indicted for dirty business with Ukraine. Shameful. What are your thoughts on that? No biggie? Screw law and order?
This is why the Dims are moving now to impeach Trump in the Kangaroo court that does not allow Trump due process and shuts the GOP out entirely.

If by some outrageous circumstance the Senate upholds the rigged impeachment in the House, there will be a civil war, do not doubt it.
If Trump is impeached by the House, he will get his due process in the Senate trial.

Then he can be put under oath and asked about his sex life, like Clinton was.

Let's do it!
If Trump answers truthfully, he has nothing to worry about. To bad Clinton couldn't do it.
There were illegal payments made to Stormy. And Trump colluded with a foreign power to help him defeat a political opponent.

He has plenty to worry about under oath. And plenty to worry about from his third wife.
Still with Russian collusion? Yep, any day now. You forget Stormy ended up paying him.
There was an illegal payment made to Stormy. You can try to toss out red herrings, but it won't work.

And I did not say Russian collusion. Trump colluded with Zelensky.

But the fact Trump had just gotten out from under the Russia investigation and immediately colluded with Zelensky make sme wonder if maybe he did directly collude with Putin after all.

I never though Trump was stupid enough to directly collude, and said so many times on this forum. His underlings most certainly did. But I didn't think Trump was that stupid.

But now...I don't know. His call to Zelensky proves he IS that stupid.
You idiots are dead set on depriving Trump of his constitutional rights... Fascist!

Exactly what Rights does the Constitution give a President during an Impeachment by the House?
The constitution grants the president no special rights in regard to impeachment. His rights are exactly the same as any American. The constitution does not say that much about impeachment. However Senate rules contain the procedures which grant the accused certain rights in the trial which is basically the right to present a defense. The House Judiciary Committee draws up the charges (articles) creating the Bill of Impeachment and House votes on the bill. The House's part in impeachment is similar to a grand jury. It investigates and draws up charges.

Trump's claims about a witch hunt, unconstitutional illegal actions by the democrats, and his right to face his accusatory is just so much bullshit. He has the right to a defense once the House impeaches him. However, he does have the obligation to cooperate with the House in the inquiry.

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