Giuliani threatens to "unload" on Mueller if he doesn't finish up the Russian investigation soon

Mueller doesn't want to stop his gravy train. He knows there is nothing there, but continuing the witch hunt keeps him in high cotton.
The Russian investigation is such a sham. Admit it was a fake and end it.

I keep up with this very carefully---because it looks to be the greatest mass case of Conspiracy and Sedition in American History---and all of the criminal behavior and "Russian Collusion" is on the part of the Democrats, including high officers in the Obama Government.

Trump-Haters ignore all of the building evidence of what I just said.

He is an article which contains just SOME of the evidence that Mueller's Russian Investigation is a sham and that the criminals were all on the Hillary Clinton Side.:

Was Hillary The Real Colluder?

You Budding Bolsheviks ought to read it. Are you Americans first or Socialists first?

Does it not bother you that after Mueller being on the job for more than a year....taking up the Comey/Strzok Witch Hunt which had gone on for more than a year itself---Mueller's work so far has led him recently to no more than a NY Prostitute Madam who knows a friend of Trump. (She also knows friends of every Democrat in New York.) He may nail Manafort for tax issues committed before even Obama was president. What has that to do with the Trump-Russian 2016 Election Collusion.

Answer: Not a damn thing.

This is a joke, and an insult....and the obsessional neuroses best described as Trump Derangement Syndrome is putting this country at risk.

Sanity ought to be involved. Right now, it is not.

Mueller doesn't want to stop his gravy train. He knows there is nothing there, but continuing the witch hunt keeps him in high cotton.

Nothing says 'witch hunt' like numerous guilty pleas and dozens of indictments.

Except that none are germane to the purpose of the investigation, Russian collusion. All are smoke and mirrors to keep the ball rolling.
Mueller doesn't want to stop his gravy train. He knows there is nothing there, but continuing the witch hunt keeps him in high cotton.

Nothing says 'witch hunt' like numerous guilty pleas and dozens of indictments.

Except that none are germane to the purpose of the investigation, Russian collusion. All are smoke and mirrors to keep the ball rolling.

Flynn plead guilty to lying about contacts between the Trump administration and the Russians.Which is super germane to the purpose of the investigation.

Papadopolis plead guilty to lying about contacts between, the Trump campaign and the Russians. Which is super germane to the purpose of the investigation.

Alex Van der Zwaan, son in law of one of Russia's richest men, plead guilty to lying about contact with the Trump campaign. Also super germane to the purpose of the investigation.

And there are about a dozen Russians indicated for their role in hacking the DNC server as part of Russia's effort to aid Trump in winning the presidential election. Also super germane to the purpose of the investigation

And that's just the guilty pleas and indictments. Trump has admitted that his campaign colluded with the Russians. With his campaign explicitly informed that the info they were seeking came from 'high level' sources in the Russian government and was part of Russia's effort to aid Trump. Which is super germane.

Then there's obstruction of justice....with Trump lying about the meeting between his campaign an a self proclaimed Russian operative. Trump compelling others to lie about the meeting between his campaign and a Russian Operative. And Trump trying to shut down the investigation into that meeting.

The Spanish government has turned over wire taps of Russian intelligence handler Alexander Torshin in talks with Don Jr for a secret meeting.

And that's just what we know of. Mueller hasn't even released his findings yet. We can only glean what we have so far on news reports and the filing of indictments.
The Russian investigation is such a sham. Admit it was a fake and end it.

I keep up with this very carefully---because it looks to be the greatest mass case of Conspiracy and Sedition in American History---and all of the criminal behavior and "Russian Collusion" is on the part of the Democrats, including high officers in the Obama Government.

Trump-Haters ignore all of the building evidence of what I just said.

He is an article which contains just SOME of the evidence that Mueller's Russian Investigation is a sham and that the criminals were all on the Hillary Clinton Side.:

Was Hillary The Real Colluder?

You Budding Bolsheviks ought to read it. Are you Americans first or Socialists first?

Does it not bother you that after Mueller being on the job for more than a year....taking up the Comey/Strzok Witch Hunt which had gone on for more than a year itself---Mueller's work so far has led him recently to no more than a NY Prostitute Madam who knows a friend of Trump. (She also knows friends of every Democrat in New York.) He may nail Manafort for tax issues committed before even Obama was president. What has that to do with the Trump-Russian 2016 Election Collusion.

Answer: Not a damn thing.

This is a joke, and an insult....and the obsessional neuroses best described as Trump Derangement Syndrome is putting this country at risk.

Sanity ought to be involved. Right now, it is not.

You kids need to realise that Infowars, breightbart, and yes even zerohedge are meant to be entertaining, not factual. You can't post that crap as if it is real.
The Russian investigation is such a sham. Admit it was a fake and end it.

I keep up with this very carefully---because it looks to be the greatest mass case of Conspiracy and Sedition in American History---and all of the criminal behavior and "Russian Collusion" is on the part of the Democrats, including high officers in the Obama Government.

Trump-Haters ignore all of the building evidence of what I just said.

He is an article which contains just SOME of the evidence that Mueller's Russian Investigation is a sham and that the criminals were all on the Hillary Clinton Side.:

Was Hillary The Real Colluder?

You Budding Bolsheviks ought to read it. Are you Americans first or Socialists first?

Does it not bother you that after Mueller being on the job for more than a year....taking up the Comey/Strzok Witch Hunt which had gone on for more than a year itself---Mueller's work so far has led him recently to no more than a NY Prostitute Madam who knows a friend of Trump. (She also knows friends of every Democrat in New York.) He may nail Manafort for tax issues committed before even Obama was president. What has that to do with the Trump-Russian 2016 Election Collusion.

Answer: Not a damn thing.

This is a joke, and an insult....and the obsessional neuroses best described as Trump Derangement Syndrome is putting this country at risk.

Sanity ought to be involved. Right now, it is not.

You kids need to realise that Infowars, breightbart, and yes even zerohedge are meant to be entertaining, not factual. You can't post that crap as if it is real.

Yeah, Alex Jones has straight up admitted he's an entertainer playing a character.

Turning to Jones for factual, expert analysis is like asking Doogie Howser for medical advice.....and then wondering why Neil Patrick Harris is looking at you like you're an idiot.
The Russian investigation is such a sham. Admit it was a fake and end it.

I keep up with this very carefully---because it looks to be the greatest mass case of Conspiracy and Sedition in American History---and all of the criminal behavior and "Russian Collusion" is on the part of the Democrats, including high officers in the Obama Government.

Trump-Haters ignore all of the building evidence of what I just said.

He is an article which contains just SOME of the evidence that Mueller's Russian Investigation is a sham and that the criminals were all on the Hillary Clinton Side.:

Was Hillary The Real Colluder?

You Budding Bolsheviks ought to read it. Are you Americans first or Socialists first?

Does it not bother you that after Mueller being on the job for more than a year....taking up the Comey/Strzok Witch Hunt which had gone on for more than a year itself---Mueller's work so far has led him recently to no more than a NY Prostitute Madam who knows a friend of Trump. (She also knows friends of every Democrat in New York.) He may nail Manafort for tax issues committed before even Obama was president. What has that to do with the Trump-Russian 2016 Election Collusion.

Answer: Not a damn thing.

This is a joke, and an insult....and the obsessional neuroses best described as Trump Derangement Syndrome is putting this country at risk.

Sanity ought to be involved. Right now, it is not.


Zero Hedge is an alt-right fake news site out of Austria. Their stance is and has always been Russia = good Obama = bad.

Zero Hedge - Wikipedia

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