Give an example of when man's ethics and morality are superior to Gawds

I've been noticing Christians get a pass on a lot more than just murder. Adultery too. How do they get away with murder? Besides the obvious us killing arabs for oil? Christian women get to have abortions and still go to heaven. In Christians eyes, abortion is murder. Yet many Christian women believe they are going to heaven even after they have had abortions. Why is that? Because they believe in Jesus? Because they are sorry? Well Atheist women are sorry too when they have abortions. But they go to hell for their sins. So Christians get a pass on murder. They also get to commit adultery apparently and still go to heaven. Matt 5:28 but I say to you that everyone who even looks at a woman with lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.
but you see, that is the difference between Christianity and your believe paradise should belong to those who do only good things (defined, I expect, as those things you do versus the bad things other people do)......

Christianity, on the other hand, argues that all who are disobedient are equally sinful, and the paradise is for those who believe in God......

the paradise of the Christian God will be filled with those who believe in him......your paradise will be populated by yourself......
I'll go first. This example is pretty obvious. SLAVERY--Gawd approves of slavery, but men condemn slavery. We even fought a war over it because it's repulsive.
I have a question......why are you stupid enough to believe God approves of slavery?.......

Where did Gawd disapprove of slavery? When did Jesus speak out against slavery, for that matter? In the Old Testament they pretty much laid down regulations for its "just" practice.

Ephesians 6:
Easy-to-Read Version (ERV)

Slaves and Masters
5 Slaves, obey your masters here on earth with fear and respect. And do this with a heart that is true, just as you obey Christ. 6 You must do this not just to please your masters while they are watching, but all the time. Since you are really slaves of Christ, you must do with all your heart what God wants. 7 Do your work, and be happy to do it. Work as though it is the Lord you are serving, not just an earthly master. 8 Remember that the Lord will give everyone a reward for doing good. Everyone, slave or free, will get a reward for the good things they do.
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I'll go first. This example is pretty obvious. SLAVERY--Gawd approves of slavery, but men condemn slavery. We even fought a war over it because it's repulsive.
I have a question......why are you stupid enough to believe God approves of slavery?.......

Nope, doesn't sound like Gawd was against slavery.

Exodus 21 - These are the laws you are to set - Bible Gateway

Other Laws and Commands
21 Then God said to Moses, “These are the other laws that you will give to the people:

2 “If you buy a Hebrew slave, then that slave will serve for only six years. After six years, he will be free, and he will have to pay nothing. 3 If he is not married when he becomes your slave, when he becomes free, he will leave without a wife. But if the man is married when he becomes your slave, then he will keep his wife at the time he is made free. 4 If the slave is not married, the master can give him a wife. If that wife gives birth to sons or daughters, she and her children will belong to the master. After the slave is finished with his years of service, he will be made free.
Everyone, slave or free, will get a reward for the good things they do.
and somehow, in your mind, you think this tells us that God wants people to own slaves?.......what would have told you the opposite, if he had said "slaves, rise up and kill your masters in their sleep!"?....

how about the book of Philemon, where Paul told the slave owner to take his slave back, not as a slave, but as a brother?.......
I'll go first. This example is pretty obvious. SLAVERY--Gawd approves of slavery, but men condemn slavery. We even fought a war over it because it's repulsive.
I have a question......why are you stupid enough to believe God approves of slavery?.......

Nope, doesn't sound like Gawd was against slavery.

Exodus 21 - These are the laws you are to set - Bible Gateway

Other Laws and Commands
21 Then God said to Moses, “These are the other laws that you will give to the people:

2 “If you buy a Hebrew slave, then that slave will serve for only six years. After six years, he will be free, and he will have to pay nothing. 3 If he is not married when he becomes your slave, when he becomes free, he will leave without a wife. But if the man is married when he becomes your slave, then he will keep his wife at the time he is made free. 4 If the slave is not married, the master can give him a wife. If that wife gives birth to sons or daughters, she and her children will belong to the master. After the slave is finished with his years of service, he will be made free.

I'm pretty sure that setting someone free after six years doesn't fall within the definition of slavery you are pretending it does.......
I'll go first. This example is pretty obvious. SLAVERY--Gawd approves of slavery, but men condemn slavery. We even fought a war over it because it's repulsive.
I have a question......why are you stupid enough to believe God approves of slavery?.......

Nope, doesn't sound like Gawd was against slavery.

Exodus 21 - These are the laws you are to set - Bible Gateway

Other Laws and Commands
21 Then God said to Moses, “These are the other laws that you will give to the people:

2 “If you buy a Hebrew slave, then that slave will serve for only six years. After six years, he will be free, and he will have to pay nothing. 3 If he is not married when he becomes your slave, when he becomes free, he will leave without a wife. But if the man is married when he becomes your slave, then he will keep his wife at the time he is made free. 4 If the slave is not married, the master can give him a wife. If that wife gives birth to sons or daughters, she and her children will belong to the master. After the slave is finished with his years of service, he will be made free.

I'm pretty sure that setting someone free after six years doesn't fall within the definition of slavery you are pretending it does.......

Instead of "12 Years a Slave" it's "6 Years a Slave."

A slave is a slave.

Maybe we should make you one for 6 years.
I've been noticing Christians get a pass on a lot more than just murder. Adultery too. How do they get away with murder? Besides the obvious us killing arabs for oil? Christian women get to have abortions and still go to heaven. In Christians eyes, abortion is murder. Yet many Christian women believe they are going to heaven even after they have had abortions. Why is that? Because they believe in Jesus? Because they are sorry? Well Atheist women are sorry too when they have abortions. But they go to hell for their sins. So Christians get a pass on murder. They also get to commit adultery apparently and still go to heaven. Matt 5:28 but I say to you that everyone who even looks at a woman with lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.
but you see, that is the difference between Christianity and your believe paradise should belong to those who do only good things (defined, I expect, as those things you do versus the bad things other people do)......

Christianity, on the other hand, argues that all who are disobedient are equally sinful, and the paradise is for those who believe in God......

the paradise of the Christian God will be filled with those who believe in him......your paradise will be populated by yourself......

Me Carla and Hollie will be happy in our heaven with bosses generic god.
I'll go first. This example is pretty obvious. SLAVERY--Gawd approves of slavery, but men condemn slavery. We even fought a war over it because it's repulsive.
I have a question......why are you stupid enough to believe God approves of slavery?.......

Nope, doesn't sound like Gawd was against slavery.

Exodus 21 - These are the laws you are to set - Bible Gateway

Other Laws and Commands
21 Then God said to Moses, “These are the other laws that you will give to the people:

2 “If you buy a Hebrew slave, then that slave will serve for only six years. After six years, he will be free, and he will have to pay nothing. 3 If he is not married when he becomes your slave, when he becomes free, he will leave without a wife. But if the man is married when he becomes your slave, then he will keep his wife at the time he is made free. 4 If the slave is not married, the master can give him a wife. If that wife gives birth to sons or daughters, she and her children will belong to the master. After the slave is finished with his years of service, he will be made free.

I'm pretty sure that setting someone free after six years doesn't fall within the definition of slavery you are pretending it does.......

Instead of "12 Years a Slave" it's "6 Years a Slave."

A slave is a slave.

Maybe we should make you one for 6 years.
you can play with it any way you remains true that the verse you cite does not indicate God approves of slavery.......I ask again, are you in fact stupid enough to believe he does?.......
I've been noticing Christians get a pass on a lot more than just murder. Adultery too. How do they get away with murder? Besides the obvious us killing arabs for oil? Christian women get to have abortions and still go to heaven. In Christians eyes, abortion is murder. Yet many Christian women believe they are going to heaven even after they have had abortions. Why is that? Because they believe in Jesus? Because they are sorry? Well Atheist women are sorry too when they have abortions. But they go to hell for their sins. So Christians get a pass on murder. They also get to commit adultery apparently and still go to heaven. Matt 5:28 but I say to you that everyone who even looks at a woman with lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.
but you see, that is the difference between Christianity and your believe paradise should belong to those who do only good things (defined, I expect, as those things you do versus the bad things other people do)......

Christianity, on the other hand, argues that all who are disobedient are equally sinful, and the paradise is for those who believe in God......

the paradise of the Christian God will be filled with those who believe in him......your paradise will be populated by yourself......

Me Carla and Hollie will be happy in our heaven with bosses generic god.
what makes you think Carla is going to let you into her heaven? may have done something she considers not "good" and you may not be welcome there.....and even if she does, how do you know her heaven even has indoor plumbing? you really want an eternity of outhouses and corn cobs?.....
I've been noticing Christians get a pass on a lot more than just murder. Adultery too. How do they get away with murder? Besides the obvious us killing arabs for oil? Christian women get to have abortions and still go to heaven. In Christians eyes, abortion is murder. Yet many Christian women believe they are going to heaven even after they have had abortions. Why is that? Because they believe in Jesus? Because they are sorry? Well Atheist women are sorry too when they have abortions. But they go to hell for their sins. So Christians get a pass on murder. They also get to commit adultery apparently and still go to heaven. Matt 5:28 but I say to you that everyone who even looks at a woman with lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.
but you see, that is the difference between Christianity and your believe paradise should belong to those who do only good things (defined, I expect, as those things you do versus the bad things other people do)......

Christianity, on the other hand, argues that all who are disobedient are equally sinful, and the paradise is for those who believe in God......

the paradise of the Christian God will be filled with those who believe in him......your paradise will be populated by yourself......
This is considered to be an induced abortion to rid a woman of another man’s child.
not everyone is stupid enough to believe that.....pretty much all atheists believe that......of course atheists are all pretty stupid......

The angry fundie who believes in magic is calling everyone stupid.
?????....I'm not calling everyone stupid......just the atheists......
Thats because you're a product of a hateful, angry ideology.
I'll go first. This example is pretty obvious. SLAVERY--Gawd approves of slavery, but men condemn slavery. We even fought a war over it because it's repulsive.
I have a question......why are you stupid enough to believe God approves of slavery?.......

Nope, doesn't sound like Gawd was against slavery.

Exodus 21 - These are the laws you are to set - Bible Gateway

Other Laws and Commands
21 Then God said to Moses, “These are the other laws that you will give to the people:

2 “If you buy a Hebrew slave, then that slave will serve for only six years. After six years, he will be free, and he will have to pay nothing. 3 If he is not married when he becomes your slave, when he becomes free, he will leave without a wife. But if the man is married when he becomes your slave, then he will keep his wife at the time he is made free. 4 If the slave is not married, the master can give him a wife. If that wife gives birth to sons or daughters, she and her children will belong to the master. After the slave is finished with his years of service, he will be made free.

I'm pretty sure that setting someone free after six years doesn't fall within the definition of slavery you are pretending it does.......
I'm pretty sure that the term "ignorance is bliss" applies to those religious zealots who presume that slavery is excused by their gawds.
I've been noticing Christians get a pass on a lot more than just murder. Adultery too. How do they get away with murder? Besides the obvious us killing arabs for oil? Christian women get to have abortions and still go to heaven. In Christians eyes, abortion is murder. Yet many Christian women believe they are going to heaven even after they have had abortions. Why is that? Because they believe in Jesus? Because they are sorry? Well Atheist women are sorry too when they have abortions. But they go to hell for their sins. So Christians get a pass on murder. They also get to commit adultery apparently and still go to heaven. Matt 5:28 but I say to you that everyone who even looks at a woman with lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.
but you see, that is the difference between Christianity and your believe paradise should belong to those who do only good things (defined, I expect, as those things you do versus the bad things other people do)......

Christianity, on the other hand, argues that all who are disobedient are equally sinful, and the paradise is for those who believe in God......

the paradise of the Christian God will be filled with those who believe in him......your paradise will be populated by yourself......

Me Carla and Hollie will be happy in our heaven with bosses generic god.
what makes you think Carla is going to let you into her heaven? may have done something she considers not "good" and you may not be welcome there.....and even if she does, how do you know her heaven even has indoor plumbing? you really want an eternity of outhouses and corn cobs?.....

So nothing is eternal except for God and your soul? Got it.

Wishful thinking is the formation of beliefs and making decisions according to what might be pleasing to imagine instead of by appealing to evidence, rationality, or reality. It is a product of resolving conflicts between belief and desire.

the fantasy cycle” ... a pattern that recurs in personal lives, in politics, in history – and in storytelling. When we embark on a course of action which is unconsciously driven by wishful thinking, all may seem to go well for a time, in what may be called the “dream stage”. But because this make-believe can never be reconciled with reality, it leads to a “frustration stage” as things start to go wrong, prompting a more determined effort to keep the fantasy in being. As reality presses in, it leads to a “nightmare stage” as everything goes wrong, culminating in an “explosion into reality”, when the fantasy finally falls apart.

In addition to being a cognitive bias and a poor way of making decisions, wishful thinking is commonly held to be a specific informal fallacy in an argument when it is assumed that because we wish something to be true or false, it is actually true or false. This fallacy has the form "I wish that P is true/false, therefore P is true/false."[5] Wishful thinking, if this were true, would rely upon appeals to emotion, and would also be a red herring.
I'll go first. This example is pretty obvious. SLAVERY--Gawd approves of slavery, but men condemn slavery. We even fought a war over it because it's repulsive.

When people claim they get their morals from reading the Bible, I'm thinking REALLY? How so? I mean, we are way ahead concerning ethics and morality...way ahead.

Okay, your turn.

I don't feel the need to have people worship me.

Very true

My wife and I created our children but we do not expect them to spend one day a week worshiping us. We do not expect them to thank us for their dinner. We do not make them pray to us at night
Do you expect them to obey your rules, or do you let them make up their own as they go? Serious question.
Of course

And they do it without the fear of eternal damnation
I'll go first. This example is pretty obvious. SLAVERY--Gawd approves of slavery, but men condemn slavery. We even fought a war over it because it's repulsive.

When people claim they get their morals from reading the Bible, I'm thinking REALLY? How so? I mean, we are way ahead concerning ethics and morality...way ahead.

Okay, your turn.

I don't feel the need to have people worship me.

Very true

My wife and I created our children but we do not expect them to spend one day a week worshiping us. We do not expect them to thank us for their dinner. We do not make them pray to us at night
Do you expect them to obey your rules, or do you let them make up their own as they go? Serious question.
Of course

And they do it without the fear of eternal damnation

I have found that people who choose to be "good" without fear of consequence, are much more sincere.
I've been noticing Christians get a pass on a lot more than just murder. Adultery too. How do they get away with murder? Besides the obvious us killing arabs for oil? Christian women get to have abortions and still go to heaven. In Christians eyes, abortion is murder. Yet many Christian women believe they are going to heaven even after they have had abortions. Why is that? Because they believe in Jesus? Because they are sorry? Well Atheist women are sorry too when they have abortions. But they go to hell for their sins. So Christians get a pass on murder. They also get to commit adultery apparently and still go to heaven. Matt 5:28 but I say to you that everyone who even looks at a woman with lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.
but you see, that is the difference between Christianity and your believe paradise should belong to those who do only good things (defined, I expect, as those things you do versus the bad things other people do)......

Christianity, on the other hand, argues that all who are disobedient are equally sinful, and the paradise is for those who believe in God......

the paradise of the Christian God will be filled with those who believe in him......your paradise will be populated by yourself......

Me Carla and Hollie will be happy in our heaven with bosses generic god.
what makes you think Carla is going to let you into her heaven? may have done something she considers not "good" and you may not be welcome there.....and even if she does, how do you know her heaven even has indoor plumbing? you really want an eternity of outhouses and corn cobs?.....

There is no heaven, not even for Carla.

In fact, this is as close to heaven as it gets!


I'll go first. This example is pretty obvious. SLAVERY--Gawd approves of slavery, but men condemn slavery. We even fought a war over it because it's repulsive.

When people claim they get their morals from reading the Bible, I'm thinking REALLY? How so? I mean, we are way ahead concerning ethics and morality...way ahead.

Okay, your turn.

I don't feel the need to have people worship me.

Very true

My wife and I created our children but we do not expect them to spend one day a week worshiping us. We do not expect them to thank us for their dinner. We do not make them pray to us at night
Do you expect them to obey your rules, or do you let them make up their own as they go? Serious question.
Of course

And they do it without the fear of eternal damnation

I have found that people who choose to be "good" without fear of consequence, are much more sincere.
What, to you, makes a person "good"?
I've been noticing Christians get a pass on a lot more than just murder. Adultery too. How do they get away with murder? Besides the obvious us killing arabs for oil? Christian women get to have abortions and still go to heaven. In Christians eyes, abortion is murder. Yet many Christian women believe they are going to heaven even after they have had abortions. Why is that? Because they believe in Jesus? Because they are sorry? Well Atheist women are sorry too when they have abortions. But they go to hell for their sins. So Christians get a pass on murder. They also get to commit adultery apparently and still go to heaven. Matt 5:28 but I say to you that everyone who even looks at a woman with lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.
but you see, that is the difference between Christianity and your believe paradise should belong to those who do only good things (defined, I expect, as those things you do versus the bad things other people do)......

Christianity, on the other hand, argues that all who are disobedient are equally sinful, and the paradise is for those who believe in God......

the paradise of the Christian God will be filled with those who believe in him......your paradise will be populated by yourself......

Me Carla and Hollie will be happy in our heaven with bosses generic god.
what makes you think Carla is going to let you into her heaven? may have done something she considers not "good" and you may not be welcome there.....and even if she does, how do you know her heaven even has indoor plumbing? you really want an eternity of outhouses and corn cobs?.....

There is no heaven, not even for Carla.

In fact, this is as close to heaven as it gets!


Id like to believe a heaven exists but I know its just wishful thinking and no threats from any preacher or usmb theist is going to convince me otherwise
I don't feel the need to have people worship me.

Very true

My wife and I created our children but we do not expect them to spend one day a week worshiping us. We do not expect them to thank us for their dinner. We do not make them pray to us at night
Do you expect them to obey your rules, or do you let them make up their own as they go? Serious question.
Of course

And they do it without the fear of eternal damnation

I have found that people who choose to be "good" without fear of consequence, are much more sincere.
What, to you, makes a person "good"?

That's a good question.

People who sincerely want to be good, are usually good people. No one is perfect, and even good people sometimes do bad things, for various reasons.

I would rather be around a felonious drug addict, than an arrogant pretentious Christian, who pretends they have the higher moral ground, and a direct line to Jesus.

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