Give me one good reason why I should vote for Hillary.

OK. Let's hear them, if you've got any. Be informed. Because you don't want to vote for Trump, is not a valid reason. I want to see if anyone has a reason, based on her accomplishments, for deserving anyone's vote.
After a rocky start in 1992, she was an incredibly effective First Lady, and incredibly effective senator, and an incredibly effective Secretary of State.
You people really need to stay away from the cool-aid.
Her approval ratings after leaving the senate and SoS office were over 70 percent, with remarkable bipartisan approval of her work.

After the fact, the skanks who didn't want her to be POTUS pretend she was ineffective and unpopular.

Not true.

And you have people like Bannon and Kellyanne Conway who have practically made a career of accusing and smearing the Clintons of every possible crime imaginable. Indeed, the vast right wing conspiracy is all wrapped up there in Trump's campaign. They and his supporters live in an alternate media universe that has little in common with reality.
Hillary Clinton is incompetent. After 30 years in government she has no real accomplishments and a long list of failures, that's her resume. In her most recent government role she was a colossal failure. Colin Powell who knows her well said everything she touches turns to shit. No rational person can review her resume and conclude that she is qualified or capable of being POTUS.
You sound like a parrot repeating a bs talking point. She has plenty of credible people that fully support her as president. Our current president being one, Leon Panetta another and a long list of many other rational thinking people who know what they are talking about

Translation~ they support hillary because they don't want to be thrown under the bus or worse ...end up dead.

To me there are two good reasons to vote for the filthy ass Crooked Hillary bitch.

The first is the entertainment of having Slick Willy having access to the White House Interns again and the ensuing sexual predator scandals. Better than anything you can watch on TV.

The second reason is that this country is totally turning into a shithole after eight years of this Obama asshole. Electing this filthy ass Crooked Hillary bitch will fuck everything up even more and will instigate an armed revolution to straighten out the mess and get back on the right the right track.
OK. Let's hear them, if you've got any. Be informed. Because you don't want to vote for Trump, is not a valid reason. I want to see if anyone has a reason, based on her accomplishments, for deserving anyone's vote.

There is NO reason to vote for the lying corporate whore. This whole "Trump Predator" stuff was trotted out as a diversion from the Wikileaks where we learned that Hiillary knows the Syrian refugees can't be vetted, that Donna Brazille INTERFERED during the primaries by tipping the Clinton campaign to Sen. Bernie Sanders' plans to launch an education-themed "Twitterstorm" run by his African-American outreach team back in January, that she lies about her support for the Syrian No-fly Zone, that most of the Clinton Foundation contributions come from non-American sources that she "privately" supports the Keystone Pipeline, that she's in Wall Street's pockets, that she supports fracking and that all these distractions are pre-planned.

Top Army general, soldiers help rescue crash victim from burning car

Vote Jill Stein!
Hillary Clinton is incompetent. After 30 years in government she has no real accomplishments and a long list of failures, that's her resume. In her most recent government role she was a colossal failure. Colin Powell who knows her well said everything she touches turns to shit. No rational person can review her resume and conclude that she is qualified or capable of being POTUS.
You sound like a parrot repeating a bs talking point. She has plenty of credible people that fully support her as president. Our current president being one, Leon Panetta another and a long list of many other rational thinking people who know what they are talking about

We keep asking you Hillary shit eaters for a list of her accomplishments and you keep running away when we do.
Hillary Clinton is incompetent. After 30 years in government she has no real accomplishments and a long list of failures, that's her resume. In her most recent government role she was a colossal failure. Colin Powell who knows her well said everything she touches turns to shit. No rational person can review her resume and conclude that she is qualified or capable of being POTUS.
You sound like a parrot repeating a bs talking point. She has plenty of credible people that fully support her as president. Our current president being one, Leon Panetta another and a long list of many other rational thinking people who know what they are talking about

We keep asking you Hillary shit eaters for a list of her accomplishments and you keep running away when we do.
Or listing things that aren't really accomplishments. Like the Russian reset. And the idiots mislabeled the button they sent to the Russians. Oh, how they must have laughed at that one.
Hillary Clinton is incompetent. After 30 years in government she has no real accomplishments and a long list of failures, that's her resume. In her most recent government role she was a colossal failure. Colin Powell who knows her well said everything she touches turns to shit. No rational person can review her resume and conclude that she is qualified or capable of being POTUS.
You sound like a parrot repeating a bs talking point. She has plenty of credible people that fully support her as president. Our current president being one, Leon Panetta another and a long list of many other rational thinking people who know what they are talking about

We keep asking you Hillary shit eaters for a list of her accomplishments and you keep running away when we do.
Or listing things that aren't really accomplishments. Like the Russian reset. And the idiots mislabeled the button they sent to the Russians. Oh, how they must have laughed at that one.

She's an incompetent hack, if not for her husband she couldn't get elected dog catcher.
Ben Roethlisberger is a great quarterback, therefore his wife should become the next Steelers quarterback after he retires? Hillary would never have been elected to anything if not for her husband and certainly is not qualified to be POTUS.
Ben Roethlisberger is a great quarterback, therefore his wife should become the next Steelers quarterback after he retires? Hillary would never have been elected to anything if not for her husband and certainly is not qualified to be POTUS.
The most mind numbingly sexist thing I have ever seen written. Especially given it was almost certainly written by someone who voted for GWB twice.
OK. Let's hear them, if you've got any. Be informed. Because you don't want to vote for Trump, is not a valid reason. I want to see if anyone has a reason, based on her accomplishments, for deserving anyone's vote.
Don't. You should not be taking advice on your precious vote from strangers on the Internet.
OK. Let's hear them, if you've got any. Be informed. Because you don't want to vote for Trump, is not a valid reason. I want to see if anyone has a reason, based on her accomplishments, for deserving anyone's vote.
Don't. You should not be taking advice on your precious vote from strangers on the Internet.
I already know who I'm voting for. I just wanted a good laugh. Because there is no reason to vote for that bitch. And some of the replies were simply hilarious. Stupid is funny, and you libs excel at it.
Ben Roethlisberger is a great quarterback, therefore his wife should become the next Steelers quarterback after he retires? Hillary would never have been elected to anything if not for her husband and certainly is not qualified to be POTUS.
The most mind numbingly sexist thing I have ever seen written. Especially given it was almost certainly written by someone who voted for GWB twice.

So the truth gives you a case of butt hurt, got it.
So the truth gives you a case of butt hurt, got it.
She is the most qualified person to ever run for a first term president.

:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: qualified at what, failing and doing a shitty job. List her accomplishments that qualify her I say you can't but lets see if you can back up such an insane claim. The idiot couldn't even deliver the jobs she promised to Upstate NY as senator let alone the whole country.
So the truth gives you a case of butt hurt, got it.
She is the most qualified person to ever run for a first term president.
The idiot couldn't even deliver the jobs she promised to Upstate NY as senator let alone the whole country.
Let's see who the people in upstate NY vote for. And one senator doesn't have the power to get everything she wants passed.

Sane people know this.

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