Give me one good reason why I should vote for Hillary.

OK. Let's hear them, if you've got any. Be informed. Because you don't want to vote for Trump, is not a valid reason. I want to see if anyone has a reason, based on her accomplishments, for deserving anyone's vote.

has executive experience. I remember a whole slew of right-wing whackos on this very board calling Obama unqualified because he had no exec experience. Hillary has plenty. In spades...
As senator, her legislative proposals were trivial and few.
If you're so damn sexist and stupid that you can't see how insane your comments are, then vote for Trump. Because he has accomplished sooooo much.

You do realize his dumbass ran for president in 2000, right?

But he is a LOSER. So he accomplished NOTHING.
As SoS she did a horrible job and would do much worse if she was elected prez.
I think she did pretty well, and so did Mike Pence say she did well, until Trump butt raped him.
Not wanting Trump to be president is an exceedingly valid reason.

Remember, a significant number of voters – perhaps a majority – don’t vote ‘for’ anyone, only against.

Casting a ballot for Clinton to ensure Trump doesn’t become president is not to vote ‘for’ Clinton.

Ummm, yes it is! And there will be millions of votes for Clinton by people who know Trump would be an absolute disaster for America (and the World!).
These people may well hate Clinton, but they'll hold their nose and vote for her, because they take Democracy seriously, and don't want to see it subverted like Germany 1933.

Douche bags like you keep saying this, but I'd like to see what how they rationalize it in their heads. I know it's just a standard knee jerk Clinton talking point, but it should be fun to watch the contortions you morons go through trying to justify it.
OK. Let's hear them, if you've got any. Be informed. Because you don't want to vote for Trump, is not a valid reason. I want to see if anyone has a reason, based on her accomplishments, for deserving anyone's vote.

has executive experience. I remember a whole slew of right-wing whackos on this very board calling Obama unqualified because he had no exec experience. Hillary has plenty. In spades...
He "executive experience" was a total disaster. ISIS is overrunning the entire Middle East because of her.
Still waiting for a list of her accomplishments, just admit she doesn't have any grow a pair of balls.

Well, you asked for it. Now other than groping women, stiffing tradespeople, telling lies constantly, and making money off the back of his daddy's inheritance, what has the Donald accomplished?

•First ever student commencement speaker at Wellesley College.
•President of the Wellesley Young Republicans
•Intern at the House Republican Conference
•Distinguished graduate of Yale Law School
•Editorial board of the Yale Review of Law and Social Action
•Appointed to Senator Walter Mondale's Subcommittee on Migratory Labor.
•Co-founded Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families
•Staff attorney for Children's Defense Fund
•Faculty member in the School of Law at the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
•Former Director of the Arkansas Legal Aid Clinic.
•First female chair of the Legal Services Corporation
•First female partner at Rose Law Firm.
•Former civil litigation attorney.
•Former Law Professor at the University of Arkansas School of Law.
•twice listed by The National Law Journal as one of the hundred most influential lawyers in America
•Former First Lady of Arkansas.
•Arkansas Woman of the Year in 1983
•Chair of the American Bar Association's Commission on Women in the Profession
•twice named by the National Law Journal as one of the 100 most influential lawyers in America
•created Arkansas's Home Instruction Program for Preschool Youth
•led a task force that reformed Arkansas's education system
•Board of directors of Wal-Mart and several other corporations
•Instrumental in passage of the State Children's Health Insurance Program
•Promoted nationwide immunization against childhood illnesses
•Successfully sought to increase research funding for prostate cancer and childhood asthma at the National Institutes of Health
•Worked to investigate reports of an illness that affected veterans of the Gulf War (now recognized as Gulf War Syndrome)
•Helped create the Office on Violence Against Women at the Department of Justice
•Initiated and shepherded the Adoption and Safe Families Act
•First FLOTUS in US History to hold a postgraduate degree
•Traveled to 79 countries during time as FLOTUS
•Helped create Vital Voices, an international initiative to promote the participation of women in the political processes of their countries.
•Served on five Senate committees:
-Committee on Budget (2001–2002)
-Committee on Armed Services (2003–2009)
-Committee on Environment and Public Works (2001–2009)
-Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (2001–2009)
-Special Committee on Aging.
•Member of the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe
•Instrumental in securing $21 billion in funding for the World Trade Center site's redevelopment
•Leading role in investigating the health issues faced by 9/11 first responders.
•In the aftermath of September 11th, she worked closely with her senior Senate counterpart from New York, Sen. Charles Schumer, on securing $21.4 billion in funding for the World Trade Center redevelopment.
• Middle East ceasefire. In November 2012, Secretary of State Clinton brokered a ceasefire deal between Israel and Hamas.
•Introduced the Family Entertainment Protection Act, intended to protect children from inappropriate content found in video games.
•First ex-FLOTUS in US History to be elected to the United States Senate (and re-elected)
•Two-term New York Senator
-(senate stats here:
-(voting record here:
•Former US Secretary of State
•GRAMMY Award Winner
As senator, her legislative proposals were trivial and few.
If you're so damn sexist and stupid that you can't see how insane your comments are, then vote for Trump. Because he has accomplished sooooo much.

You do realize his dumbass ran for president in 2000, right?

But he is a LOSER. So he accomplished NOTHING.
As SoS she did a horrible job and would do much worse if she was elected prez.
I think she did pretty well, and so did Mike Pence say she did well, until Trump butt raped him.

Trump has built a $10 billion dollar business and employs 34,000 people. Hillary, on the other hand, turned the entire Middle East over to ISIS. Great Accomplishment!
He "executive experience" was a total disaster. ISIS is overrunning the entire Middle East because of her.

She's probably one of the best you've had in the past 30 years. Under Obama and her, people actually began to respect the US again, especially after the amount of vitriole people felt when Dumbya was running the place.

ISIS was a vacuum created by the invasion of Iraq. Gee, whose watch was that under again??
As senator, her legislative proposals were trivial and few.
If you're so damn sexist and stupid that you can't see how insane your comments are, then vote for Trump. Because he has accomplished sooooo much.

You do realize his dumbass ran for president in 2000, right?

But he is a LOSER. So he accomplished NOTHING.
As SoS she did a horrible job and would do much worse if she was elected prez.
I think she did pretty well, and so did Mike Pence say she did well, until Trump butt raped him.

Trump has built a $10 billion dollar business and employs 34,000 people. Hillary, on the other hand, turned the entire Middle East over to ISIS. Great Accomplishment!
Trump is a Bitch
He "executive experience" was a total disaster. ISIS is overrunning the entire Middle East because of her.

She's probably one of the best you've had in the past 30 years. Under Obama and her, people actually began to respect the US again, especially after the amount of vitriole people felt when Dumbya was running the place.

ISIS was a vacuum created by the invasion of Iraq. Gee, whose watch was that under again??

What a giant load of horseshit. No one respects the United States anymore, especially the Middle East. They know they can do whatever they like with impunity. The Iranians are still laughing about the deal Obama gave them.
What a giant load of horseshit. No one respects the United States anymore, especially the Middle East. They know they can do whatever they like with impunity. The Iranians are still laughing about the deal Obama gave them.

I stand corrected. Those that matter respect the US. On the ground, almost unilaterally, every one of your allies thought Dumbya was a fucking idiot and had little or no respect for the US. Now all your allies like you again. Under Trump they'll hate you again.
Ben Roethlisberger is a great quarterback, therefore his wife should become the next Steelers quarterback after he retires? Hillary would never have been elected to anything if not for her husband and certainly is not qualified to be POTUS.
Are you high? If you want to use the football analogy then hillarys experience in the political realm as SOS and sentator etc would be her experience at quarterback that would qualify her for the job. Trump is the one who trying to take the ball because he's good at bowling... again, stupid analogy but I'll play

Then why did you guys elect obozo over Hillary in 2008?

I don't think Hillary is a very good candidate. To say I'm not excited about her being president is an understatement. I'll give her a chance and support her where I see fit. But I don't agree with many of her policies. I would have easily voted on the other side this election but y'all put Donald Fucking Trump up as the nominee. He's a clown and a joke and shouldn't be around within a mile of the White House

If you think he is bad you really should look at Mitch McConnell...and that turd leads the Senate.
Donald Trump should be a valid reason in itself. Although this election is the people choosing between a lesser of two evils, Hillary Clinton has enough political background and knowledge of how the government works to not run this country into a complete disaster. Trump has absolutely NO knowledge of government, domestic policy, foreign policy, foreign affairs, and the list goes on and on. He hasn't even proposed how he's going to do the things he says he will do (which is very little). Do you seriously want a racist, islamophobic, sexist man with the temperament of a 5 year old to run this country? If you fit into one of the categories I listed then be my guest, but I cannot see any decent human supporting this man and his empty rhetoric.

So again you voted Obama over Hillary...

He had zero knowledge of foreign policy and now just turned Yemen into another middle east quagmire
As senator, her legislative proposals were trivial and few.
If you're so damn sexist and stupid that you can't see how insane your comments are, then vote for Trump. Because he has accomplished sooooo much.

You do realize his dumbass ran for president in 2000, right?

But he is a LOSER. So he accomplished NOTHING.
As SoS she did a horrible job and would do much worse if she was elected prez.
I think she did pretty well, and so did Mike Pence say she did well, until Trump butt raped him.

If you're so damn sexist and stupid that you can't see how insane your comments are,

It's not my fault that you can't handle the truth and are too ignorant to comprehend what has been posted. :cuckoo:
Hillary Clinton, Empty Pantsuit: Her Track Record from the Senate

then vote for Trump
I don't like him either.
You do realize his dumbass ran for president in 2000, right?
I think she did pretty well, and so did Mike Pence say she did well

Then only the idiots who drank the Kool-Aid would agree with you and Pence. :cuckoo:

Hillary Clinton’s Record of Failure as Secretary of State
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I will not vote for either major party candidate

Glad you are not voting for the intolerable detestable clueless moron. Just vote. We want to run up the popular vote so Trump gets his sorry as kicked with the lowest percentage of the popular vote possible. That will make Clinton's final win over Trump more impressive.

If you don't vote then don't come bitching about the political establishment after the election.

You've disenfranchised yourselves by not being thoughtful enough to determine which major party candidate is closer to your political ideals and meets some standard of intelligence preparedness for the job and basic human moral decency and character.

It appears that you find all flaws, minor and major, to be equal among the two party candidates. That's rediculous since reality is all candidates will be flawed.

Since you can't decide which candidate is most flowed to the point of being dangerous you have decided to waste your vote.

But go ahead and vote. People like you deserve to join up with the third place loser or worse.
bear513, post: 15546852
He had zero knowledge of foreign policy and now just turned Yemen into another middle east quagmire

Obama has not turned Yemen into anything. US Presidents do not have power over every civil uprising and human disaster that happens during their term.

The worst attack on US soil took place while Bush was President. Democrats did not pin the 9/11 attack on Bush. His deteriorating approval rating was rescued by the attack. It went up to 92% after the attack. Half of those supporting the President were Democrats placing country over politics.

Obama has never been given 'country over politics' by Republicans. They blame him for every terrible situation that happens way outside our borders.

That's just what you did again.

That is detestable. Hillary is right.
bear513, post: 15546852
He had zero knowledge of foreign policy and now just turned Yemen into another middle east quagmire

Obama has not turned Yemen into anything. US Presidents do not have power over every civil uprising and human disaster that happens during their term.

The worst attack on US soil took place while Bush was President. Democrats did not pin the 9/11 attack on Bush. His deteriorating approval rating was rescued by the attack. It went up to 92% after the attack. Half of those supporting the President were Democrats placing country over politics.

Obama has never been given 'country over politics' by Republicans. They blame him for every terrible situation that happens way outside our borders.

That's just what you did again.

That is detestable. Hillary is right.

I am saying it dumb fuck..

God damn chick you no nothing outside your kitchen like obozo knows..

How fucking ignorant of news and politics are you?

Could you even tell us where yemen is on a map?
bear513, post: 15546852
He had zero knowledge of foreign policy and now just turned Yemen into another middle east quagmire

Obama has not turned Yemen into anything. US Presidents do not have power over every civil uprising and human disaster that happens during their term.

The worst attack on US soil took place while Bush was President. Democrats did not pin the 9/11 attack on Bush. His deteriorating approval rating was rescued by the attack. It went up to 92% after the attack. Half of those supporting the President were Democrats placing country over politics.

Obama has never been given 'country over politics' by Republicans. They blame him for every terrible situation that happens way outside our borders.

That's just what you did again.

That is detestable. Hillary is right.

I am saying it dumb fuck..

God damn chick you no nothing outside your kitchen like obozo knows..

How fucking ignorant of news and politics are you?

Could you even tell us where yemen is on a map?

Iran backers fired on a U.S. warship a damn destroyer and instead of launching her missiles in self defense Obama waited a fucking day...

He is a god damn pussy as a president
OK. Let's hear them, if you've got any. Be informed. Because you don't want to vote for Trump, is not a valid reason. I want to see if anyone has a reason, based on her accomplishments, for deserving anyone's vote.

because if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor

bear513, post: 15546852
He had zero knowledge of foreign policy and now just turned Yemen into another middle east quagmire

Obama had a high degree of foreign policy knowledge when he ran for office. He was prepared for the debates and was prepared on day one when he became President under the worst economic conditions since the Great Depression. And Bush left the war in Afghanistan to Obama in a horrible near to an un-winnable position and a war weary US public from six horrible wasteful years in Bush's quagmire in Iraq.

Obama within three months of inauguration launched the biggest US air to ground invasion into Helmand Province to remove the Taliban from their toughest and most strategic stronghold. It turned around the war that Bush was losing.

Marines push south in Operation Dagger | The Long War Journal
The Long War Journal › 2009/07 › mari...
Jul 7, 2009 - The operation is the largest air assault by the Marine Corps since Vietnam. Operations Medusa and Mountain ...

Marines Battles Taliban In Helmand Valley ...
NPR › templates › story › story
Jul 2, 2009 - This was the largest air insertion the Marines have done since the Vietnam War. When we got to the ground, ...
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bear513, post: 15546852
He had zero knowledge of foreign policy and now just turned Yemen into another middle east quagmire

Obama had a high degree of foreign policy knowledge when he ran for office. He was prepared for the debates and was prepared on day one when he became President under the worst economic conditions since the Great Depression. And Bush left the war in Afghanistan to Obama in a horrible un-near to winnable position and a war weary US public from six horrible wasteful years in Bush's quagmire in Iraq.

Obama within three months of inauguration launched the biggest US air to ground invasion into Helmand Province to remove the Taliban from their toughest and most strategic stronghold. It turned around the war that Bush was losing.

Marines push south in Operation Dagger | The Long War Journal
The Long War Journal › 2009/07 › mari...
Jul 7, 2009 - The operation is the largest air assault by the Marine Corps since Vietnam. Operations Medusa and Mountain ...

Marines Battles Taliban In Helmand Valley ...
NPR › templates › story › story
Jul 2, 2009 - This was the largest air insertion the Marines have done since the Vietnam War. When we got to the ground, ...

Jesus Christ you do know now Russia is again preparing for a nuclear war with the U.S.?

You do know Russia is using Iran air basses for the first time since WWII?

You do know Putin hitch slapped Obama on his line in Syria and ran..

You do know Russia annexed Crimera

You do know China is island building?

You do know Russia is pushing the U.S.A.


God damn house wife this could go to WWIII..

You never ever fucking let a Russian think he has the upper hand..

He will destroy you.

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