Give me one good reason why I should vote for Hillary.

Ben Roethlisberger is a great quarterback, therefore his wife should become the next Steelers quarterback after he retires? Hillary would never have been elected to anything if not for her husband and certainly is not qualified to be POTUS.
Are you high? If you want to use the football analogy then hillarys experience in the political realm as SOS and sentator etc would be her experience at quarterback that would qualify her for the job. Trump is the one who trying to take the ball because he's good at bowling... again, stupid analogy but I'll play

:laugh: I knew one of you people would contort yourself into believing that twisted justification.
Just playing of your retarded analogy. I know it's tough being owned, but you're handling it like a champ

Now you can't even speak clearly, calm yourself.
What don't you understand junior? I can slow down if it helps

When your average liberal begins spewing personal insults you know the top of their head is about to explode. You got called out and embarrassed, take it like a man.
Don't cry and deflect, was she lying or not when she promised Upstate NY jobs to get elected? You said, "one senator doesn't have the power to get everything she wants passed." well did she tell Upstate NY this? No of course she didn't she either is an incompetent and wasn't able to deliver or she lied her ass off. Suck on it.
Again, only backwoods, hostile jerks would consider trying but failing to fulfill a campaign promise a lie.

Indeed, if you morons had a Google machine or a LIBRARY, you could look up the word “lie” in the dictionary yourself.

Did Hillary duck sniper fire or did she lie? Was Hillary named after Sir Edmond Hillary or did she lie? Why do you insist on a beating, I don't know maybe you like getting beat up and stuffed into your locker.
Don't cry and deflect, was she lying or not when she promised Upstate NY jobs to get elected? You said, "one senator doesn't have the power to get everything she wants passed." well did she tell Upstate NY this? No of course she didn't she either is an incompetent and wasn't able to deliver or she lied her ass off. Suck on it.
Again, only backwoods, hostile jerks would consider trying but failing to fulfill a campaign promise a lie.

Indeed, if you morons had a Google machine or a LIBRARY, you could look up the word “lie” in the dictionary yourself.
Whatever you think about her honesty, or whether she tried or not, she failed. And she failed miserably. How does that make her qualified to be President?
Easy. She is a far superior diplomat than Trump could ever be, even in his wildest wet dream. I have more confidence in a smart strategic diplomat to run this country than a reactionary egomaniac douche bag who resorts to petty name calling and threats of lawsuits at the first sign of adversity. I'd love to see a shake up in our governmenty to tackle the horrible corruption that has evolved in Washington... and while Trump has been effective in calling much of it out, he just isn't even close to worthy enough to hold that office.

Clinton will help add to the corruption.
Are you high? If you want to use the football analogy then hillarys experience in the political realm as SOS and sentator etc would be her experience at quarterback that would qualify her for the job. Trump is the one who trying to take the ball because he's good at bowling... again, stupid analogy but I'll play

:laugh: I knew one of you people would contort yourself into believing that twisted justification.
Just playing of your retarded analogy. I know it's tough being owned, but you're handling it like a champ

Now you can't even speak clearly, calm yourself.
What don't you understand junior? I can slow down if it helps

When your average liberal begins spewing personal insults you know the top of their head is about to explode. You got called out and embarrassed, take it like a man.
Haha, read the thread, you started the insults, I was actually answering questions. Keep talking though, you do my work for me. Just like trump
OK. Let's hear them, if you've got any. Be informed. Because you don't want to vote for Trump, is not a valid reason. I want to see if anyone has a reason, based on her accomplishments, for deserving anyone's vote.

The Washington Post laid it out pretty well

IN THE gloom and ugliness of this political season, one encouraging truth is often overlooked: There is a well-qualified, well-prepared candidate on the ballot. Hillary Clinton has the potential to be an excellent president of the United States, and we endorse her without hesitation.

In a moment, we will explain our confidence. But first, allow us to anticipate a likely question: No, we are not making this endorsement simply because Ms. Clinton’s chief opponent is dreadful.

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump is dreadful, that is true — uniquely unqualified as a presidential candidate. If we believed that Ms. Clinton were the lesser of two evils, we might well urge you to vote for her anyway — that is how strongly we feel about Mr. Trump. But we would also tell you that was our judgment.

Fortunately, it is not.

We recognize that many Americans distrust and dislike Ms. Clinton. The negative feelings reflect in part the bitter partisanship of the nation’s politics today; in part the dishonest attacks she has been subjected to for decades; and in part her genuine flaws, missteps and weaknesses.

We are not blind to those. Ms. Clinton is inclined to circle the wagons and withhold information, from the closed meetings of her health-care panel in 1993 to the Whitewater affair, from the ostensibly personal emails she destroyed on her own say-so after leaving the State Department to her reluctance to disclose her pneumonia last month. Further, she and her husband, former president Bill Clinton, are not the first to cash in on the speech circuit, but they have done so on an unprecedented and unseemly scale. And no one will accuse Ms. Clinton of an excess of charisma: She has neither the eloquence of President Obama nor the folksy charm of former president George W. Bush or, for that matter, her husband.

But maybe, at this moment in history, that last weakness is also a strength. If Ms. Clinton is elected, she will attempt to govern an angrily divided nation, working with legislators who in many cases are determined to thwart her, while her defeated opponent quite possibly will pretend her victory is fraudulent.

What hope is there for progress in such an environment — for a way out of the gridlock that frustrates so many Americans? The temptation is to summon a “revolution,” as her chief primary opponent imagined, or promise to blow up the system, as Mr. Trump posits. Both temptations are dead ends, as Ms. Clinton understands. If progress is possible, it will be incremental and achieved with input from members of both parties. Eloquence and charm may matter less than policy chops and persistence.

It is fair to read Ms. Clinton’s career as a series of learning experiences that have prepared her well for such an environment. As first lady, she failed when she tried to radically remake the American health-care system. Instead of retreating, she reentered the fray to help enact a more modest but important reform expanding health-care access to poor children.

Her infamous “reset” with Russia offers a similar arc. We have not hesitated to criticize the Obama administration’s foreign policy, including its lukewarm support for Ukraine in the face of a Russian invasion, but criticism of the “reset” is off-base. When Ms. Clinton launched the policy, Dmitry Medvedev, not Vladimir Putin, was president of Russia, and nobody — maybe not even Mr. Putin — knew how things would play out. It was smart to test Mr. Medvedev’s willingness to cooperate, and in fact the United States and Russia made progress under Ms. Clinton’s leadership, including in nuclear-arms control and in facilitating resupply of U.S. troops in Afghanistan across Russian territory. As Mr. Putin reasserted himself and Russia became more hostile, Ms. Clinton was clear-eyed about the need to adjust U.S. policy.

She was similarly clear-eyed after winning election to the Senate in 2000. You might have expected her to hold some grudges, especially toward Republican legislators who had lambasted her husband in the most personal terms during his then-recent impeachment and Senate trial. But colleagues in both parties found her to be businesslike, knowledgeable, intent on accomplishment, willing to work across the aisle and less focused than most on getting credit.

Professionals in the State Department offer similar testimonials about her tenure as secretary during Mr. Obama’s first term: She reached out, listened to diverse points of view and, more than many politicians who come to that job with their own small teams, was open to intelligent advice. She was respected by employees and by counterparts overseas. She set priorities, including ensuring that “women’s rights are human rights” would rise from slogan to policy.

Her 2016 presidential campaign offers one more case study of lessons learned — a model of efficiency and of large egos subordinated to a larger cause — after her far less disciplined 2008 effort.

Ms. Clinton, in other words, is dogged, resilient, purposeful and smart. Unlike Mr. Clinton or Mr. Bush when they ascended, she knows Washington; unlike Mr. Obama when he ascended, she has executive experience. She does not let her feelings get in the way of the job at hand. She is well positioned to get something done.
Did Hillary duck sniper fire or did she lie? Was Hillary named after Sir Edmond Hillary or did she lie? Why do you insist on a beating, I don't know maybe you like getting beat up and stuffed into your locker.
She lied about the sniper fire. So now only have to wait another hour or two for Trump to open his mouth, because he will match that lie for sure. The idiot never met Putin, for instance, but pretended multiple times that he did.
OK. Let's hear them, if you've got any. Be informed. Because you don't want to vote for Trump, is not a valid reason. I want to see if anyone has a reason, based on her accomplishments, for deserving anyone's vote.
Dallas newspaper endorses Clinton, first Democrat in 76 years - The Portland Press Herald / Maine Sunday Telegram

Dallas newspaper endorses Clinton, first Democrat in 76 years

Instead, the editorial board praised Clinton:

“Resume vs. resume, judgment vs. judgment, this election is no contest.

In Clinton’s eight years in the U.S. Senate, she displayed reach and influence in foreign affairs. Though conservatives like to paint her as nakedly partisan, on Capitol Hill she gained respect from Republicans for working across the aisle: Two-thirds of her bills had GOP co-sponsors and included common ground with some of Congress’ most conservative lawmakers.

“As President Barack Obama’s first secretary of state, she helped make tough calls on the Middle East and the complex struggle against radical Islamic terrorism. It’s no accident that hundreds of Republican foreign policy hands back Clinton. She also has the support of dozens of top advisers from previous Republican administrations, including Henry Paulson, John Negroponte, Richard Armitage and Brent Scowcroft. Also on this list is Jim Glassman, the founding executive director of the George W. Bush Institute in Dallas.”

The Dallas Morning News included the perfunctory caveats – the emails, the foundation, the avoidance of news conferences – but concluded that “her errors are plainly in a different universe than her opponent’s.” What’s more, the paper slammed “political hyenas” who “refuse to see anything but conspiracies and cover-ups,” even when investigations clear Clinton of alleged crimes.
'Give me one good reason why I should vote for Hillary'

Easy. She is a far superior diplomat than Trump could ever be, even in his wildest wet dream. I have more confidence in a smart strategic diplomat to run this country than a reactionary egomaniac douche bag who resorts to petty name calling and threats of lawsuits at the first sign of adversity. I'd love to see a shake up in our governmenty to tackle the horrible corruption that has evolved in Washington... and while Trump has been effective in calling much of it out, he just isn't even close to worthy enough to hold that office.

Clinton will help add to the corruption.
I don't disagree with that. I think they both will. Trump will expose a lot but would also creat a lot. It's a no win in that department with either candidate
Don't cry and deflect, was she lying or not when she promised Upstate NY jobs to get elected? You said, "one senator doesn't have the power to get everything she wants passed." well did she tell Upstate NY this? No of course she didn't she either is an incompetent and wasn't able to deliver or she lied her ass off. Suck on it.
Again, only backwoods, hostile jerks would consider trying but failing to fulfill a campaign promise a lie.

Indeed, if you morons had a Google machine or a LIBRARY, you could look up the word “lie” in the dictionary yourself.
Whatever you think about her honesty, or whether she tried or not, she failed. And she failed miserably. How does that make her qualified to be President?
Here is how life works in a civil society.

After you concede that calling her a liar was ridiculous, you can't then switch to failure.

Because being a failure means someone tried to do something and failed. You said she lied, which would mean she didn't even try at all.

The JUNIOR, first term senator from New York failed to bring home the bacon, but still won reelection in landslide. Gee, how horrible.
OK. Let's hear them, if you've got any. Be informed. Because you don't want to vote for Trump, is not a valid reason. I want to see if anyone has a reason, based on her accomplishments, for deserving anyone's vote.

There isn't one good reason why any sane person would vote for the corrupt old hag, but there are plenty of reasons not to.
Ben Roethlisberger is a great quarterback, therefore his wife should become the next Steelers quarterback after he retires? Hillary would never have been elected to anything if not for her husband and certainly is not qualified to be POTUS.
Are you high? If you want to use the football analogy then hillarys experience in the political realm as SOS and sentator etc would be her experience at quarterback that would qualify her for the job. Trump is the one who trying to take the ball because he's good at bowling... again, stupid analogy but I'll play

Then why did you guys elect obozo over Hillary in 2008?

Ben Roethlisberger is a great quarterback, therefore his wife should become the next Steelers quarterback after he retires? Hillary would never have been elected to anything if not for her husband and certainly is not qualified to be POTUS.
Are you high? If you want to use the football analogy then hillarys experience in the political realm as SOS and sentator etc would be her experience at quarterback that would qualify her for the job. Trump is the one who trying to take the ball because he's good at bowling... again, stupid analogy but I'll play

Then why did you guys elect obozo over Hillary in 2008?

I don't think Hillary is a very good candidate. To say I'm not excited about her being president is an understatement. I'll give her a chance and support her where I see fit. But I don't agree with many of her policies. I would have easily voted on the other side this election but y'all put Donald Fucking Trump up as the nominee. He's a clown and a joke and shouldn't be around within a mile of the White House
Donald Trump should be a valid reason in itself. Although this election is the people choosing between a lesser of two evils, Hillary Clinton has enough political background and knowledge of how the government works to not run this country into a complete disaster. Trump has absolutely NO knowledge of government, domestic policy, foreign policy, foreign affairs, and the list goes on and on. He hasn't even proposed how he's going to do the things he says he will do (which is very little). Do you seriously want a racist, islamophobic, sexist man with the temperament of a 5 year old to run this country? If you fit into one of the categories I listed then be my guest, but I cannot see any decent human supporting this man and his empty rhetoric.
OK. Let's hear them, if you've got any. Be informed. Because you don't want to vote for Trump, is not a valid reason. I want to see if anyone has a reason, based on her accomplishments, for deserving anyone's vote.
After a rocky start in 1992, she was an incredibly effective First Lady, and incredibly effective senator, and an incredibly effective Secretary of State.

Being a First Lady is not a qualification.

As senator, her legislative proposals were trivial and few.

As SoS she did a horrible job and would do much worse if she was elected prez.
Incredibly effective you say, that's laughable. :lmao:
Looks like you have a problem with reading comprehension.
First of all, your question is ridiculous. Voting is about making a choice between two or more people. A critical element in making a choice is comparison, contrast. Trying to remove such a critical element in the process is pointless. Perhaps you don't realize that.

Second, it's amusing that such a question would be asked, when any promotion of Trump is going to include a hyperbolic, wild-eyed attack on Clinton. And we both know many are gritting their teeth and voting for Trump because they have to, to beat her. We do know that, right?

The fact is, no answer is going to be "good enough" for you, and it's obvious. That's how partisan ideologues are on both sides, and it's why they have so little credibility.
So, you can't give a reason to vote for her. Got it. Not surprising, since she has no accomplishments to speak of, after 30 years.
She's a lousy candidate. She represents everything I loathe about politics and politicians.

And then there's Trump.

So I hate every minute of this. The Dems handed you guys a gift and you peed on it.
The attendance at Trump rallies say otherwise. Don't believe the polls.

Shades of 2012…. Tell your messiah to have his concession speech ready at 7 EST….we don’t want to be kept waiting again.

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