Giving amnesty to illegals is a FEDERAL CRIME


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
Encouraging illegals to come here violates USC 1324 and granting amnesty certainly encourages more illegals to invade. And the penalties for such encouragement can be execution!

8 USC § 1324 - Bringing in and harboring certain aliens | Title 8 - Aliens and Nationality | U.S. Code | LII / Legal Information Institute

a) Criminal penalties
(A) Any person who—
(iv) encourages or induces an alien to come to, enter, or reside in
the United States, knowing or in reckless disregard of the fact that
such coming to, entry, or residence is or will be in violation of law;
shall be punished as provided in subparagraph (B).

(B) A person who violates subparagraph (A) shall, for each alien in
respect to whom such a violation occurs—
((iv) in the case of a violation of subparagraph (A)(i), (ii), (iii),
(iv), or (v) resulting in the death of any person, be punished by
death or imprisoned for any term of years or for life, fined under
title 18, or both.
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The EO and proposed immigration bill does not violate the law.

Your interp is invalid.
Obama said something recently and I can't get it out of my head.
He said there are problems with the Immigration system and they need to be fixed.
I am not quoting him here but for argument sake this is close.

Anyway...people coming here illegally is not immigration. Not to me anyway.
It is entering the country illegally.So when these folks do this and then find that they have it tough here and they are not making $25.00 an hour and don't have full medical coverage and a nice
pension plan this is not my fault.

Of course to a bleeding heart Liberal this is the republicans fault and the duty of a Liberal to punish the republican for the problems of the illegal alien.

I stand corrected.
I believe the political correct thing to say is the undocumented American...
The EO and proposed immigration bill does not violate the law.

Your interp is invalid.

You have 11 million plus people here illegally, then you grant them amnesty. What does that do for people in Mexico who intend to jump the fence? It encourages them. It isn't a conspiracy, it's a reality, and you have a President in Washington who has taken affirmative action and social justice to a very dangerous level.

It isn't my problem you refuse to see that though.
The EO and proposed immigration bill does not violate the law.

Your interp is invalid.

You have 11 million plus people here illegally, then you grant them amnesty. What does that do for people in Mexico who intend to jump the fence? It encourages them. It isn't a conspiracy, it's a reality, and you have a President in Washington who has taken affirmative action and social justice to a very dangerous level.

It isn't my problem you refuse to see that though.

I agree that we do not want Mexicans swimming, leaping, or pole vaulting into the US.

Immigration reform HAS TO be tried to a strengthened border prevention program and employer e-verify mandates that hurts business if they hire illegals.

Thank you.
The EO and proposed immigration bill does not violate the law.

Your interp is invalid.

You have 11 million plus people here illegally, then you grant them amnesty. What does that do for people in Mexico who intend to jump the fence? It encourages them. It isn't a conspiracy, it's a reality, and you have a President in Washington who has taken affirmative action and social justice to a very dangerous level.

It isn't my problem you refuse to see that though.

I agree that we do not want Mexicans swimming, leaping, or pole vaulting into the US.

Immigration reform HAS TO be tried to a strengthened border prevention program and employer e-verify mandates that hurts business if they hire illegals.

Thank you.

What good is "strengthened" immigration reform going to do for us when they keep flowing over the border? You need to send them home and make them do it the same way millions of other legal immigrants have done for almost two centuries.
The EO and proposed immigration bill does not violate the law.

Your interp is invalid.

You have 11 million plus people here illegally, then you grant them amnesty. What does that do for people in Mexico who intend to jump the fence? It encourages them. It isn't a conspiracy, it's a reality, and you have a President in Washington who has taken affirmative action and social justice to a very dangerous level.

It isn't my problem you refuse to see that though.

How do you know they’re 'here illegally'?

Do you have the court records of each of the 11 million persons documenting their 11 million convictions?

In the United States one is presumed innocent until proved guilty in a court of law, including those suspected of being in the country undocumented.

And because one is in the country undocumented doesn’t mean he’s ‘illegal.’ There are many in the country without documents whose cases are being reviewed by DHS; they’re allowed to stay until those reviews are completed, are not considered ‘illegal.’

Consider replacing your hate and ignorance with facts and the truth.
You have 11 million plus people here illegally, then you grant them amnesty. What does that do for people in Mexico who intend to jump the fence? It encourages them. It isn't a conspiracy, it's a reality, and you have a President in Washington who has taken affirmative action and social justice to a very dangerous level.

It isn't my problem you refuse to see that though.

I agree that we do not want Mexicans swimming, leaping, or pole vaulting into the US.

Immigration reform HAS TO be tried to a strengthened border prevention program and employer e-verify mandates that hurts business if they hire illegals.

Thank you.

What good is "strengthened" immigration reform going to do for us when they keep flowing over the border? You need to send them home and make them do it the same way millions of other legal immigrants have done for almost two centuries.

A tautology from you is meaningless. Go back and read what I wrote. mmmmkay?
Consider replacing your hate and ignorance with facts and the truth.

TemplarKormac cannot replace what fuels his hatred for Hispanics. It does not matter, because his way is the past that will not return.

Watch the immigration reform bill with e-verify business regulations and strengthened border security easily pass later this summer.
The EO and proposed immigration bill does not violate the law.

Your interp is invalid.

You have 11 million plus people here illegally, then you grant them amnesty. What does that do for people in Mexico who intend to jump the fence? It encourages them. It isn't a conspiracy, it's a reality, and you have a President in Washington who has taken affirmative action and social justice to a very dangerous level.

It isn't my problem you refuse to see that though.

How do you know they’re 'here illegally'?

Do you have the court records of each of the 11 million persons documenting their 11 million convictions?

In the United States one is presumed innocent until proved guilty in a court of law, including those suspected of being in the country undocumented.

And because one is in the country undocumented doesn’t mean he’s ‘illegal.’ There are many in the country without documents whose cases are being reviewed by DHS; they’re allowed to stay until those reviews are completed, are not considered ‘illegal.’

Consider replacing your hate and ignorance with facts and the truth.

Where is your facts and truth? Where is my hate and ignorance?

Where? I don't see it.

And why don't you try looking it up via the Homeland Security Department? They seem to know since they deal with all pending cases of potential illegal immigration. You can also try the US Census Bureau if you feel so inclined.

Don't sit there and defend criminal behavior.
Consider replacing your hate and ignorance with facts and the truth.

TemplarKormac cannot replace what fuels his hatred for Hispanics. It does not matter, because his way is the past that will not return.

Watch the immigration reform bill with e-verify business regulations and strengthened border security easily pass later this summer.

All you have accused me of is "hate and ignorance." What is missing is an actual argument. You cannot resist making blanket statements such as "he hates all hispanics." I've only been here less than 24 hours and you are already making unfounded assumptions about me. Hilarious.

Watch that oh so holy immigration reform bill of yours die in committee, it may never get voted on.
I agree that we do not want Mexicans swimming, leaping, or pole vaulting into the US.

Immigration reform HAS TO be tried to a strengthened border prevention program and employer e-verify mandates that hurts business if they hire illegals.

Thank you.

What good is "strengthened" immigration reform going to do for us when they keep flowing over the border? You need to send them home and make them do it the same way millions of other legal immigrants have done for almost two centuries.

A tautology from you is meaningless. Go back and read what I wrote. mmmmkay?

Throwing 10 dollar words at me won't make you any less wrong. I've read enough to know what your positions are. No need to hide it. Now, how about a real factual/empirical argument? Or do you do nothing but troll?
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TemplarK, you have every right to your silly opinion, every right to post it here, and every right to be mocked.

The factual, empirical discussion about the 14th Amendment and anchor births is over: they stay citizens.

The factual, empirical discussion about immigration reform is almost over and will be by the end of summer.

Calling me a troll for calling you out may make you feel better if not right. Go for it, Mr. ad hom.
legal or immigration thread. not politics

I would put it in conspiracy forum or Flame Zone because of what bullshit the OP is

Illegal immigration is one of the biggest political issues out there. THINK
The EO and proposed immigration bill does not violate the law.

Your interp is invalid.

HAHAHA. I'm not interpreting anything, you nitwit.Amnesty encourages illegals to come here so it's illegal. As simple as that.
The EO and proposed immigration bill does not violate the law.

Your interp is invalid.

You have 11 million plus people here illegally, then you grant them amnesty. What does that do for people in Mexico who intend to jump the fence? It encourages them. It isn't a conspiracy, it's a reality, and you have a President in Washington who has taken affirmative action and social justice to a very dangerous level.

It isn't my problem you refuse to see that though.

And he is not doing this all by himself. He has the help of Democrats and most Republicans.

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