Btw, I like the some stand up on the side.

I tried copy and pasting a profile pic and couldn't do it...

Can you or someone provide a step-by-step way to post my profile pic.
I am more familiar with Ning hosted sites.

-Rev. Larry Wallenmeyer.
Are you using an image from your device, or are you trying to attach an internet image?

I'm trying to copy my profile pic from FB or Twitter and then paste it here.
Not working...
You probably need to save it to your device first.
I have been a Constitutional-Conservative since I became a Biblical-Christian on August 14th, 1976. Before then I was a Public School "educated" far Left Liberal.
I am a strict constructionist and Originalist on The Bible, The Declaration of Independence, The Federalist Papers, The Constitution, and Bill of Rights (I include Amendment 11 with the first 10).
I support Ted Cruz because as my research shows him to be the ONLY Biblical-Christian and Constitutional-Conservative in the race.
I personally use and accept only information, evidence, quotes, facts from credible, reliable, and verifiable sources, meaning that it should not be a "stand alone" source UNLESS it is from an site that has consistently been verifiable and credible for a long time with a solid track record for accuracy and being correct. The sites I rely on most are:
The National Review
Wall Builders
Bible Gateway
American Thinker
Right Scoop
Conservative Review
Jihad Watch
The Religion of Peace
Pamela Gellar
Western Journalism
Human Events
Conservative Fifty
The Federalist...

I am glad to be on board and look forward to working to restore America back to Constitutional governance.

God Bless.

-Rev. Larry Wallenmeyer.

Welcome but . . .

Shouldn't you have posted your introduction in the introduction forum? Are you a real reverend?

That is so strange, that a person would suddenly "turn into" a hardcore conservative Christian??? Yikes. Lol.
Btw, I like the some stand up on the side.

I tried copy and pasting a profile pic and couldn't do it...

Can you or someone provide a step-by-step way to post my profile pic.
I am more familiar with Ning hosted sites.

-Rev. Larry Wallenmeyer.

Stand up on the side?


Only seen Fred Astaire do it before

Yes, I taught him...though he was quite amateurish at it.
i got questions.....why does gensis note the men from the heavens breeding with earth women....were the nephilims ....we can start there....
The Genesis account as understood by a strict constructionist/originalist such as myself means "the sons of God", the godly line of Seth began to internarry with the "sons of men", the wicked offspring of Cain, which is a violation of God's command which God spoke of in great detail in Leviticus chpts. 18-20 and II Corinthians 6:14-7:1.
It is a more loose interpretation stemming from the Gnostics and other mystics and esotercs that set forth that angels, heavenly or fallen, mated with mankind. Jesus dimisses that view in Matthew 19:1-23 where he says angels do not marry nor are given in marriage. Also it must be noted that angels an mankind arw not the same species or kind, hence we couldn't produce offspring even if we mated, no more than if mankind and goats mated, contrary to what Muslims believe and practice.
why am i not surprised that a well read conservative cant figure out the avatar or signature...and welcome
I have primarily used Ning hosted sites. I am well read in The Bible, Founding Documents, history and humor, a tech savvy guy...not so much.
Being a Christian or a Conservative as no bering...j/s...
I have been a Constitutional-Conservative since I became a Biblical-Christian on August 14th, 1976. Before then I was a Public School "educated" far Left Liberal.
I am a strict constructionist and Originalist on The Bible, The Declaration of Independence, The Federalist Papers, The Constitution, and Bill of Rights (I include Amendment 11 with the first 10).
I support Ted Cruz because as my research shows him to be the ONLY Biblical-Christian and Constitutional-Conservative in the race.
I personally use and accept only information, evidence, quotes, facts from credible, reliable, and verifiable sources, meaning that it should not be a "stand alone" source UNLESS it is from an site that has consistently been verifiable and credible for a long time with a solid track record for accuracy and being correct. The sites I rely on most are:
The National Review
Wall Builders
Bible Gateway
American Thinker
Right Scoop
Conservative Review
Jihad Watch
The Religion of Peace
Pamela Gellar
Western Journalism
Human Events
Conservative Fifty
The Federalist...

I am glad to be on board and look forward to working to restore America back to Constitutional governance.

God Bless.

-Rev. Larry Wallenmeyer.

Welcome but . . .

Shouldn't you have posted your introduction in the introduction forum? Are you a real reverend?

That is so strange, that a person would suddenly "turn into" a hardcore conservative Christian??? Yikes. Lol.
It wasn't "suddenly", I was brought up in Christian and Conservative home, I rebelled til age of 17, at which time I gave my heart to The Lord Jesus Christ, and then accepted the Christian and Conservative principles and values I was brought with. And since August 14, 1976 I have devoted my life to studying, learning, loving and living according to God's Word.
I have been a Constitutional-Conservative since I became a Biblical-Christian on August 14th, 1976. Before then I was a Public School "educated" far Left Liberal.
I am a strict constructionist and Originalist on The Bible, The Declaration of Independence, The Federalist Papers, The Constitution, and Bill of Rights (I include Amendment 11 with the first 10).
I support Ted Cruz because as my research shows him to be the ONLY Biblical-Christian and Constitutional-Conservative in the race.
I personally use and accept only information, evidence, quotes, facts from credible, reliable, and verifiable sources, meaning that it should not be a "stand alone" source UNLESS it is from an site that has consistently been verifiable and credible for a long time with a solid track record for accuracy and being correct. The sites I rely on most are:
The National Review
Wall Builders
Bible Gateway
American Thinker
Right Scoop
Conservative Review
Jihad Watch
The Religion of Peace
Pamela Gellar
Western Journalism
Human Events
Conservative Fifty
The Federalist...

I am glad to be on board and look forward to working to restore America back to Constitutional governance.

God Bless.

-Rev. Larry Wallenmeyer.

Welcome but . . .

Shouldn't you have posted your introduction in the introduction forum? Are you a real reverend?

That is so strange, that a person would suddenly "turn into" a hardcore conservative Christian??? Yikes. Lol.
It wasn't "suddenly", I was brought up in Christian and Conservative home, I rebelled til age of 17, at which time I gave my heart to The Lord Jesus Christ, and then accepted the Christian and Conservative principles and values I was brought with. And since August 14, 1976 I have devoted my life to studying, learning, loving and living according to God's Word.

Really? Learning and loving? Interesting. Well, if you stick around, we shall see I suppose. :D

Are you a real Rev?
I have been a minister in some capacity since 1976.
I was brought up Southern Baptist, saved in an Assembly of God tent revival, and have pastored, assistant pastlred, youth pastored, worked a street and project ministry, teach Bible classes and lead worship as well as sing in the church.

Are you a real Rev?
I have been a minister in some capacity since 1976.
I was brought up Southern Baptist, saved in an Assembly of God tent revival, and have pastored, assistant pastlred, youth pastored, worked a street and project ministry, teach Bible classes and lead worship as well as sing in the church.

Ok. Thank you for your reply. :)

Are you a real Rev?
I have been a minister in some capacity since 1976.
I was brought up Southern Baptist, saved in an Assembly of God tent revival, and have pastored, assistant pastlred, youth pastored, worked a street and project ministry, teach Bible classes and lead worship as well as sing in the church.

Why did you choose to introduce yourself in the religious forum rather than in the introduction forum?
I have been a Constitutional-Conservative since I became a Biblical-Christian on August 14th, 1976. Before then I was a Public School "educated" far Left Liberal.
I am a strict constructionist and Originalist on The Bible, The Declaration of Independence, The Federalist Papers, The Constitution, and Bill of Rights (I include Amendment 11 with the first 10).
I support Ted Cruz because as my research shows him to be the ONLY Biblical-Christian and Constitutional-Conservative in the race.
I personally use and accept only information, evidence, quotes, facts from credible, reliable, and verifiable sources, meaning that it should not be a "stand alone" source UNLESS it is from an site that has consistently been verifiable and credible for a long time with a solid track record for accuracy and being correct. The sites I rely on most are:
The National Review
Wall Builders
Bible Gateway
American Thinker
Right Scoop
Conservative Review
Jihad Watch
The Religion of Peace
Pamela Gellar
Western Journalism
Human Events
Conservative Fifty
The Federalist...

I am glad to be on board and look forward to working to restore America back to Constitutional governance.

God Bless.

-Rev. Larry Wallenmeyer.

Welcome but . . .

Shouldn't you have posted your introduction in the introduction forum? Are you a real reverend?

That is so strange, that a person would suddenly "turn into" a hardcore conservative Christian??? Yikes. Lol.
It wasn't "suddenly", I was brought up in Christian and Conservative home, I rebelled til age of 17, at which time I gave my heart to The Lord Jesus Christ, and then accepted the Christian and Conservative principles and values I was brought with. And since August 14, 1976 I have devoted my life to studying, learning, loving and living according to God's Word.

Really? Learning and loving? Interesting. Well, if you stick around, we shall see I suppose. :D
I love Jesus and am a disciple...but, um, I aint perfect. Still a LOT of growing to do.
I have been a Constitutional-Conservative since I became a Biblical-Christian on August 14th, 1976. Before then I was a Public School "educated" far Left Liberal.
I am a strict constructionist and Originalist on The Bible, The Declaration of Independence, The Federalist Papers, The Constitution, and Bill of Rights (I include Amendment 11 with the first 10).
I support Ted Cruz because as my research shows him to be the ONLY Biblical-Christian and Constitutional-Conservative in the race.
I personally use and accept only information, evidence, quotes, facts from credible, reliable, and verifiable sources, meaning that it should not be a "stand alone" source UNLESS it is from an site that has consistently been verifiable and credible for a long time with a solid track record for accuracy and being correct. The sites I rely on most are:
The National Review
Wall Builders
Bible Gateway
American Thinker
Right Scoop
Conservative Review
Jihad Watch
The Religion of Peace
Pamela Gellar
Western Journalism
Human Events
Conservative Fifty
The Federalist...

I am glad to be on board and look forward to working to restore America back to Constitutional governance.

God Bless.

-Rev. Larry Wallenmeyer.

Welcome Reverend


Jump in and enjoy.
I also am a Christian and love to read history plus I am Constitutional-Conservative.
Fair warning though, we have some here that really are convinced by the left that we are evil bad people. :)

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