Glenn Beck Brings Fasting Child on Stage at Cruz Rally, Yells: “This is the Priesthood Rising!”

Beck lost it a long time ago. The man will have to be institutionalized. I knew he was deranged when he started crying on the air every week. At some point he had a breakdown, but was never treated. He needs help. Hopefully his friends and family will intervene.
Beck used to be really funny. I can remember listening to him on the radio when I'd be driving when I was still in Boston back during the 2004 election and I'd almost be crying from some of the stuff he'd say. Then Obama got elected and moved to television and just went bat shit crazy.
Beck used to be really funny. I can remember listening to him on the radio when I'd be driving when I was still in Boston back during the 2004 election and I'd almost be crying from some of the stuff he'd say. Then Obama got elected and moved to television and just went bat shit crazy.

Yeah, he had a breakdown at some point. I think it's some of the reason Fox News pushed him out. They could see something was wrong. He's very unstable. His friends & family really do need to intervene. But often with wealthy celebrities, that doesn't happen.
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Beck is far more stable than Sean or Rush or Donald, for that matter.

Yes, most active LDS members believe voting against Donald is a form of the "priesthood rising."
Wasn't Beck supposed to be going blind a few years back?
Our far right's grasp on sanity collapsed when it realized collectively the mainstream GOP will not pass their goals.

Neither will Trump.
Our far right's grasp on sanity collapsed when it realized collectively the mainstream GOP will not pass their goals.

Neither will Trump.

Agreed, the far right can only be used so much before the inevitable backlash. That is now happening and the problem for moderate Republicans is you actually need the wingnut vote to compete with Democrats/left of center who for the most part do not have a large far left contingent that is out of bounds for the Democratic party. wingnuts and moderate Republicans can't win without each other in a national election.

I have no idea how you fix that.
Agreed, the far right can only be used so much before the inevitable backlash. That is now happening and the problem for moderate Republicans is you actually need the wingnut vote to compete with Democrats/left of center who for the most part do not have a large far left contingent that is out of bounds for the Democratic party. wingnuts and moderate Republicans can't win without each other in a national election.

I have no idea how you fix that.

And I agree that the Rats no longer have a "far left that is out of bounds with the party"....they're ALL such thing as a blue-dog democrat anymore. They were lied to, cheated, and disenfranchised by the "progressive" (read Stalinist) hijacking of a once-proud party.
Beck is far more stable than Sean or Rush or Donald, for that matter.

Yes, most active LDS members believe voting against Donald is a form of the "priesthood rising."

Good grief! Rush and Sean are just fine thank you very much. Levin has gone off the deep end backing Cruz but the two top talkers are quite sane.
Agreed, the far right can only be used so much before the inevitable backlash. That is now happening and the problem for moderate Republicans is you actually need the wingnut vote to compete with Democrats/left of center who for the most part do not have a large far left contingent that is out of bounds for the Democratic party. wingnuts and moderate Republicans can't win without each other in a national election.

I have no idea how you fix that.

And I agree that the Rats no longer have a "far left that is out of bounds with the party"....they're ALL such thing as a blue-dog democrat anymore. They were lied to, cheated, and disenfranchised by the "progressive" (read Stalinist) hijacking of a once-proud party.

I'm referring to presidential elections. But when it comes to state congressional races, when Democrats actually show up they win. You should be happy most Americans don't vote in off year elections, it's your only opportunity to catch up.
I'm referring to presidential elections. But when it comes to state congressional races, when Democrats actually show up they win. You should be happy most Americans don't vote in off year elections, it's your only opportunity to catch up.

Ever wonder WHY they don't vote off-year? I contend they're lazy and stupid.
Answer me this, why is it that left wingers can go bat shit crazy by saying that terrorism is caused by global warming but when Beck wants to sacrifice a child to Ted Cruz he is the only one that is crazy?

Has anyone ever met the child that Beck wants to sacrifice? I've met some children that also might qualify.
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Nothing like Jeremiah wanting to sacrifice us all to her vengeful God, eh.
I'm referring to presidential elections. But when it comes to state congressional races, when Democrats actually show up they win. You should be happy most Americans don't vote in off year elections, it's your only opportunity to catch up.

Ever wonder WHY they don't vote off-year? I contend they're lazy and stupid.

I contend most Americans have plenty else going on in their lives.

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