Glenn Beck Going to Blow Nothing but Hot Air Yet Again?


Platinum Member
Apr 9, 2012

We all saw how Beck flopped on his last "explosive scandal", but that won't stop him. Here's another one where he is claiming that his:

The Blaze network will break a story that is going to rock the nation and take down the entire power structure.

He goes on to say that "We are going to be greatly divided as a nation. In the next ten days and you are going to witness things in American history that have never been witnessed before"

As always take this with a grain of salt, in case the source didn't give it away. What do you think is going to happen? More stupidity or actually something of substance?

UPDATE: If you don't watch the video he is saying that it will take down the GOP AND the Dems. Not that it means anything but I wanted to fill in the blanks

Read the full story here: Within 24 Hours, Glenn Beck Will Break News That Will Rock the Nation and Take Down The Entire Power Structure | Right Wing Watch
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We all saw how Beck flopped on his last explosive scandal, but that won't stop him. Here's another one where he is claiming that his:

The Blaze network will break a story that is going to rock the nation and take down the entire power structure.

He goes on to say that "We are going to be greatly divided as a nation. Iin the next ten days and you are going to witness things in American history that have never been witnessed before"

As always take this with a grain of salt, in case the source didn't give it away. What do you think is going to happen? More stupidity or actually something of substance?

Read the full story here: Within 24 Hours, Glenn Beck Will Break News That Will Rock the Nation and Take Down The Entire Power Structure | Right Wing Watch

Oh. how funny! :lol: :lol: And the stupid RWrs will eat it all up.
I do hope he is right though when he says it will take the GOP AND Dems down. That is something I've been dreaming of for years :)
This is exactly why as a true conservative.. I can't really stand listening to these talk shows... from either side..

It's all for ratings.. not really truthful reporting or due diligence
We all saw how Beck flopped on his last explosive scandal, but that won't stop him. Here's another one where he is claiming that his:

The Blaze network will break a story that is going to rock the nation and take down the entire power structure.

He goes on to say that "We are going to be greatly divided as a nation. Iin the next ten days and you are going to witness things in American history that have never been witnessed before"

As always take this with a grain of salt, in case the source didn't give it away. What do you think is going to happen? More stupidity or actually something of substance?

Read the full story here: Within 24 Hours, Glenn Beck Will Break News That Will Rock the Nation and Take Down The Entire Power Structure | Right Wing Watch

Oh. how funny! :lol: :lol: And the stupid RWrs will eat it all up.
see my post above, supposedly it will take EVERYONE down.
Nothing will change anyone's mind whether he has something or not.
Monsanto scandal...what, maybe 2% of the population knows about it?
AmBev's enormous grip on both houses continuing it's road to a 80% market share dominance through the 3 tier system regulation that maintains their ability to grow uber fast....maybe 0.2% of the population knows.
We are more of a plutocracy than a democratic republic...maybe 5% of the population even knows what a plutocracy even means.
And on and on and on
Thing is, if he really had something, he'd break it. This bullshit of "I'm going to release explosive news" is a dead giveaway that it's all hype. IF Beck really had something earth shattering, then the release of it would thrust him into the spotlight - so there is no chance he'd withhold it.
Thing is, if he really had something, he'd break it. This bullshit of "I'm going to release explosive news" is a dead giveaway that it's all hype. IF Beck really had something earth shattering, then the release of it would thrust him into the spotlight - so there is no chance he'd withhold it.

Not necessarily. When a professional media outlet learns something big and new, we don't hear about it till they vet it. Someone like Beck can't keep his mouth shut and is bursting at the seam to reveal "it".
I watched Beck for a little while a long time ago but quickly grew tired of his constant sensationalist declarations and loose connections "proving" one thing or another.
He is a tool. Which doesn't mean he is always wrong, just most of the time.
Not necessarily. When a professional media outlet learns something big and new, we don't hear about it till they vet it.


Are you kidding me?

The major media doesn't vet shit. Look at the fiasco of the Nikoula Nikoula story back when the Obama administration was lying about Benghazi? It was hourly retractions, because NOTHING was vetted.

Our media sits on stories that might harm the democratic party - but Beck is a publicity whore, not the New York Times looking to serve the DNC. Beck exists for self-promotion.

Someone like Beck can't keep his mouth shut and is bursting at the seam to reveal "it".
I watched Beck for a little while a long time ago but quickly grew tired of his constant sensationalist declarations and loose connections "proving" one thing or another.
He is a tool. Which doesn't mean he is always wrong, just most of the time.

I'd go as far as to say he's right more often than wrong - but self-aggrandizement is his major motivator.
Nothing will change anyone's mind whether he has something or not.
Monsanto scandal...what, maybe 2% of the population knows about it?
AmBev's enormous grip on both houses continuing it's road to a 80% market share dominance through the 3 tier system regulation that maintains their ability to grow uber fast....maybe 0.2% of the population knows.
We are more of a plutocracy than a democratic republic...maybe 5% of the population even knows what a plutocracy even means.
And on and on and on

^ that
Thing is, if he really had something, he'd break it. This bullshit of "I'm going to release explosive news" is a dead giveaway that it's all hype. IF Beck really had something earth shattering, then the release of it would thrust him into the spotlight - so there is no chance he'd withhold it.

Hey, it works for trump, arpaio and other rw frauds.

rw's do eat this shit up. They love it and to them, its the same as fact. Anyone who doesn't believe just has to look at all these non-scandals. Issa and the Rs can't find even one iota of incriminating evidence against the president but that doesn't stop them from their daily grandstanding and the rw's love it.

As for Beck and hot air, like lushbo, he's just doing his job. That's what his rw fans want and its what they pay for.

Will rw's ever demand that the Rs actually do their job, actually work for their constituents? Apparently not.
Not necessarily. When a professional media outlet learns something big and new, we don't hear about it till they vet it.


Are you kidding me?

The major media doesn't vet shit. Look at the fiasco of the Nikoula Nikoula story back when the Obama administration was lying about Benghazi? It was hourly retractions, because NOTHING was vetted.

Our media sits on stories that might harm the democratic party - but Beck is a publicity whore, not the New York Times looking to serve the DNC. Beck exists for self-promotion.

Someone like Beck can't keep his mouth shut and is bursting at the seam to reveal "it".
I watched Beck for a little while a long time ago but quickly grew tired of his constant sensationalist declarations and loose connections "proving" one thing or another.
He is a tool. Which doesn't mean he is always wrong, just most of the time.

I'd go as far as to say he's right more often than wrong - but self-aggrandizement is his major motivator.


Like what?

See? I said the rw's eat this shit for breakfast and, right on cue ....
Thing is, if he really had something, he'd break it. This bullshit of "I'm going to release explosive news" is a dead giveaway that it's all hype. IF Beck really had something earth shattering, then the release of it would thrust him into the spotlight - so there is no chance he'd withhold it.
Yes. Announcing such things usually signifies lack of confidence or is just another sign of a bully's empty threat.

I had a friend in high school that would respond to the threat "I'm gonna whip your ass!" with a left jab followed by a right hook...followed by helping the poor, dazed bastard to his feet. Don't threaten to do something...just do it!

Glen Beck is a dope of the highest order.
Hey....maybe its nothing......but DRUDGE Tweeted this earlier today.

Survivors need to: Raise your spirituality. Raise your integrity. Raise your nutrition. Raise your physical health. Raise your consciousness


I do have to love the partisan assholes who see everything from a us vs them we are in the middle of some ideological war and one side is going to win out. Fucking lame......and tremendusly naive.
I thought Becks vocal chords were paralyzed. Kind of a drama queen. Like all political pundits I guess.

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