Glenn Beck = Insane

Historians know and refer to the Nazis as far-right wing.

Correction; Marxist academicians fraudulently label a totalitarian government with central control of the economy as "right wing" in hopes of distorting the crimes of the genocidal left.

] Ultra nationalists, appeal to patriotism, rejection of foreigners as 'true' Germans, appeal to the most base instincts and beliefs.

Conservatives in America incorrectly use the term 'socialism' because it serves their purpose. Lies and obfuscation are what modern Republicans are about. If you look at the tenets of modern conservatism they match up almost identically with Nazi tenets. Trump is only the harshest expression of this. Appeal to the baser instincts, tell people they are in danger from all sides, promise to 'restore' the country to some former non-existent glory, and claim 'follow me, I am the only one that can lead you to the promise land'.

Another poorly educated, ignorant leftist who thinks that demagoguery is a reasonable substitute for knowledge.

No Herr Goebbels, American Conservatives don't match up at all with the Nazis. Conservatives don't seek state control of the economy - YOU do though. Conservatives don't support the revocation of individual rights, replaced by group rights based on ethnicity or religion - YOU do though.
Historians know and refer to the Nazis as far-right wing.

Correction; Marxist academicians fraudulently label a totalitarian government with central control of the economy as "right wing" in hopes of distorting the crimes of the genocidal left.

] Ultra nationalists, appeal to patriotism, rejection of foreigners as 'true' Germans, appeal to the most base instincts and beliefs.

Conservatives in America incorrectly use the term 'socialism' because it serves their purpose. Lies and obfuscation are what modern Republicans are about. If you look at the tenets of modern conservatism they match up almost identically with Nazi tenets. Trump is only the harshest expression of this. Appeal to the baser instincts, tell people they are in danger from all sides, promise to 'restore' the country to some former non-existent glory, and claim 'follow me, I am the only one that can lead you to the promise land'.

Another poorly educated, ignorant leftist who thinks that demagoguery is a reasonable substitute for knowledge.

No Herr Goebbels, American Conservatives don't match up at all with the Nazis. Conservatives don't seek state control of the economy - YOU do though. Conservatives don't support the revocation of individual rights, replaced by group rights based on ethnicity or religion - YOU do though.

Ah yes, the ever self-deluding con. Nothing bad in the world could ever ever be associated with what you believe. So you lie to yourself and everyone else in ear-shot.

I don't rely on your bizarro opinion. History has already been written by, you know, smart people.

You are still free to self-delude to self-medicate. Its who you are.
"Angry" is the liberal word of the day.

You'd have to ask a liberal. Meanwhile, your only defense seems to be to plead ignorance, which isn't particularly impressive.

This from the guy who said sure he was laughing, but he was angry!!!!

And that was your go to clip, a clip he was laughing and having fun, to prove he's angry.

Angry doesn't mean they disagree with you. And BTW, to not be a liberal you have to not agree with them sometimes...
You guys need to explain the difference between the radicals and reactionaries. Then explain how the Nazis re reactionaries. For instance, the Nazis did not care for concepts of worker ownership, instead sought an increase in production as a means to restoring Germany to its great industrial past.

Reactionaries can be very xenophobic, intolerant, arrogant, nationalistic, or war mongering. Of course, this does not mean radicals are not. You can find such traits in some far left group. However, these traits are a type of staple amongst the most extreme version of reactionaries. The reason is due to the reactionaries belief they are restoring something of value to their followers.

Radicals seek to gain,give something new.

The Nazis sought to regain Germans prides and identity through War. Not create a new identity.

Historians know and refer to the Nazis as far-right wing. Ultra nationalists, appeal to patriotism, rejection of foreigners as 'true' Germans, appeal to the most base instincts and beliefs.

Conservatives in America incorrectly use the term 'socialism' because it serves their purpose. Lies and obfuscation are what modern Republicans are about. If you look at the tenets of modern conservatism they match up almost identically with Nazi tenets. Trump is only the harshest expression of this. Appeal to the baser instincts, tell people they are in danger from all sides, promise to 'restore' the country to some former non-existent glory, and claim 'follow me, I am the only one that can lead you to the promise land'.

You know, you really can not compare the American right with the Hard right wing groups found in Europe.

The Europeans love-hate affair with authoritarianism is something we Americans can not comprehend.

Remember--Europeans have a celebrated history of serving Kings and dictators

We, Americans, have a celebrated history of fighting kings and dictators.
Of course the basis for our right and left should differ just from noting this difference in our history.
Why Nazism Was Socialism and Why Socialism Is Totalitarian
As a result, the combination of price controls and shortages makes possible random movements of supply without any effect on price and profitability. In this situation, the production of the most trivial and unimportant goods, even pet rocks, can be expanded at the expense of the production of the most urgently needed and important goods, such as life-saving medicines, with no effect on the price or profitability of either good. Price controls would prevent the production of the medicines from becoming more profitable as their supply decreased, while a shortage even of pet rocks prevented their production from becoming less profitable as their supply increased.

As Mises showed, to cope with such unintended effects of its price controls, the government must either abolish the price controls or add further measures, namely, precisely the control over what is produced, in what quantity, by what methods, and to whom it is distributed, which I referred to earlier. The combination of price controls with this further set of controls constitutes the de facto socialization of the economic system. For it means that the government then exercises all of the substantive powers of ownership.

This was the socialism instituted by the Nazis. And Mises calls it socialism on the German or Nazi pattern, in contrast to the more obvious socialism of the Soviets, which he calls socialism on the Russian or Bolshevik pattern.
You guys need to explain the difference between the radicals and reactionaries. Then explain how the Nazis re reactionaries. For instance, the Nazis did not care for concepts of worker ownership, instead sought an increase in production as a means to restoring Germany to its great industrial past.

Reactionaries can be very xenophobic, intolerant, arrogant, nationalistic, or war mongering. Of course, this does not mean radicals are not. You can find such traits in some far left group. However, these traits are a type of staple amongst the most extreme version of reactionaries. The reason is due to the reactionaries belief they are restoring something of value to their followers.

Radicals seek to gain,give something new.

The Nazis sought to regain Germans prides and identity through War. Not create a new identity.

Historians know and refer to the Nazis as far-right wing. Ultra nationalists, appeal to patriotism, rejection of foreigners as 'true' Germans, appeal to the most base instincts and beliefs.

Conservatives in America incorrectly use the term 'socialism' because it serves their purpose. Lies and obfuscation are what modern Republicans are about. If you look at the tenets of modern conservatism they match up almost identically with Nazi tenets. Trump is only the harshest expression of this. Appeal to the baser instincts, tell people they are in danger from all sides, promise to 'restore' the country to some former non-existent glory, and claim 'follow me, I am the only one that can lead you to the promise land'.

"Ultra nationalists, appeal to patriotism, rejection of foreigners as 'true' Germans"

Which is people like me, this is our philosophy and WHAT is WRONG with it? Nothing is wrong with it.

We are Ultra Nationalistic, we ARE Patriots and appeal to Patriotism, we DO reject foreigners as being no way can someone become Germanic when it's in our blood, our DNA. The Nordic peoples are our peoples, anyone not of Nordic blood is a foreigner and can only ever be a foreigner, whether that was 1,000 years ago, 80 years ago, 40 years ago, 5 years ago and 1,000 years into the future....forever a foreigner.

This would be like you moving to Japan and then in 30 years your children and/or grandchildren thinking they're Japanese, it's absurd.

Now x random posters broken record response to me:

You Nazi!

My already pre-empted response to x random poster:

He and Levin are going down big time over Cruz.

Lucy I'm a listener. All I have is radio and this silly dial up. I've witnessed these two great talkers kill themselves over Cruz. I don't get it.
Learn how to stop breaking the quotes dummy. It must suck living in ignorance like you
You did it in post 93. So the suck is all on you.

These people are obsessed with Nazi's WTF? As you said WTF does this thread have to do with Nazi's? Nothing.
Some idiot thinks Glen Beck started the Nazis were leftists meme and I pointed out that they were socialists after all. Then another idiot tried to twist away from it by pointing out they were nationalists, as if they somehow changed their belief in big government socialism. Then racism was brought in a photo, apparently as evidence that racism is a right wing trait so I brought up the Black Panthers, hardly a right wing group.

Then they got all worked up into a lather. LOl.

I'm sorry Nazi isn't Socialist, ONLY bizarrely American's think this. If you stood on ANY street here in Europa and said "Nazi's were Socialists" everyone would laugh and I MEAN everyone.

I have only heard this from American's and I don't know where American's were taught that Nazi's were Socialists, but American's are the only people who think this.
That's because we are in the US for the most part (USMB) and the terms do not mean the exact same thing everywhere. The right here isn't the same as the right in North Korea.

We identify big government control with the left, not right. Calling Nazis right wing means they believed in smaller more efficient government with power coming from the people. The nationalism, or racism, means they were a special kind of socialist. Socialism in the US dictionary is government control over the means of production and the Nazis had ultimate control over everything.
Poor Iceweasel. He thinks "socialism" means something different here than it does in Europe. :lol::lol::lol:
he should check himself into rehab

Does he have booze problem?

He did in the past but I believe that is all behind him now. At least, I hope.

Well he's now insane sans booze.

People fast for all sorts of reasons. I'll admit it is a bit silly to fast for the election of a certain candidate, but he takes politics quite seriously. Doesn't effect or bother me one bit. Beck is free to do whatever he wishes.

Beck has lost it. Trust me. And this latest bullshit from the Cruz camp about Rubio I want to bazooka barf.
As we all know, Iceweasel, the Confederate flag is a left wing symbol...

Oh, wait...

:lol: :lol: :lol:

You did it in post 93. So the suck is all on you.

These people are obsessed with Nazi's WTF? As you said WTF does this thread have to do with Nazi's? Nothing.
Some idiot thinks Glen Beck started the Nazis were leftists meme and I pointed out that they were socialists after all. Then another idiot tried to twist away from it by pointing out they were nationalists, as if they somehow changed their belief in big government socialism. Then racism was brought in a photo, apparently as evidence that racism is a right wing trait so I brought up the Black Panthers, hardly a right wing group.

Then they got all worked up into a lather. LOl.

I'm sorry Nazi isn't Socialist, ONLY bizarrely American's think this. If you stood on ANY street here in Europa and said "Nazi's were Socialists" everyone would laugh and I MEAN everyone.

I have only heard this from American's and I don't know where American's were taught that Nazi's were Socialists, but American's are the only people who think this.
That's because we are in the US for the most part (USMB) and the terms do not mean the exact same thing everywhere. The right here isn't the same as the right in North Korea.

We identify big government control with the left, not right. Calling Nazis right wing means they believed in smaller more efficient government with power coming from the people. The nationalism, or racism, means they were a special kind of socialist. Socialism in the US dictionary is government control over the means of production and the Nazis had ultimate control over everything.
Poor Iceweasel. He thinks "socialism" means something different here than it does in Europe. :lol::lol::lol:
The words I used was right and left. Poor g5000, head too firmly ensconced in rear to read.
Why Nazism Was Socialism and Why Socialism Is Totalitarian
As a result, the combination of price controls and shortages makes possible random movements of supply without any effect on price and profitability. In this situation, the production of the most trivial and unimportant goods, even pet rocks, can be expanded at the expense of the production of the most urgently needed and important goods, such as life-saving medicines, with no effect on the price or profitability of either good. Price controls would prevent the production of the medicines from becoming more profitable as their supply decreased, while a shortage even of pet rocks prevented their production from becoming less profitable as their supply increased.

As Mises showed, to cope with such unintended effects of its price controls, the government must either abolish the price controls or add further measures, namely, precisely the control over what is produced, in what quantity, by what methods, and to whom it is distributed, which I referred to earlier. The combination of price controls with this further set of controls constitutes the de facto socialization of the economic system. For it means that the government then exercises all of the substantive powers of ownership.

This was the socialism instituted by the Nazis. And Mises calls it socialism on the German or Nazi pattern, in contrast to the more obvious socialism of the Soviets, which he calls socialism on the Russian or Bolshevik pattern.

Which is what we've known for 83 years, that Nazi ISN'T Socialist.

I swear that American's don't actually know what actual Socialism is, having never had Socialism in America.

I suggest people read about people such as G. D. H. Cole, Sidney and Beatrice Webb and The Fabian Society in general and that filthy Russian bitch Rosa Luxemburg who at least she was dealt with in the correct manner, although she's more known for the Spartakusbund - The Spartacus League, a filthy Commie bitch who deserved what happened to her, but she began as a Socialist.

Also read about those who invented Socialism such as for example Saint-Simon.

Actually Bernie Sanders isn't full-on Socialist like the below lunatics....VERY intelligent people BUT lunatics politically.

Claude Henri de Rouvroy, comte de Saint-Simon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

G. D. H. Cole - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Sidney Webb, 1st Baron Passfield - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Fabian Society - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Rosa Luxemburg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Notice Rosa Luxemburg was dealt with by the Freikorps, who are described as:

"(government-sponsored paramilitary groups consisting mostly of extreme right-wing World War I veterans)."

The Freikorps pre-dated WWI, they began in 1759 when Friedrich der Große raised them for The Seven Years War.

The post WWI Freikorps became the bulk of the NSDAP ie. the Nazi Party....extreme Right-Wing NOT Socialist nor Left-Wing.

Also read about the crazy Paris Commune, it only lasted 2 months in 1871, but the thing is mind-blowing and of course the Paris Commune heavily influenced that Devil Filth Karl Marx:

Paris Commune - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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You guys want to know how juvenile these extreme righties are?

Take a look at their web address on their banner.

See that "88" in it?

You know what that's for?

The letter H is the eighth letter of the alphabet.

88 = HH. Heil Hitler.

Yeah. About what you would expect from a bunch of intellectually stunted rednecks.


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