Glenn Beck = Insane

The basic ideas of the National-Socialist movement are race based--racialism is National-Socialism. If National Socialism is to conquer, it must declare this set of ideas absolutely and exclusively as its own. Here too it has the duty and the right to stress that any attempt to maintain the race-based idea outside the confines of the National-Socialist German Workers’ Party is pointless and impossible, and in most cases, such claims are outright fraud. If anyone today accuses the movement of acting as if it “owned” the race-based idea, there is just one single answer: We not only own it, but for all practical purposes, we created it.

-Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf
Hey dummy because one is a racist doesn't preclude them from being a socialist. All we have to do is look at you democrat party to see that truth
Another retard.

Take a look at this photo and try to tell yourself with a straight face these are left wingers, you unbelievably self-deluded moron:

They are mostly just racists, no better than the black panthers. If they ever gained power they would be leftists. You need big government to rule people as wards of the state.
The basic ideas of the National-Socialist movement are race based--racialism is National-Socialism. If National Socialism is to conquer, it must declare this set of ideas absolutely and exclusively as its own. Here too it has the duty and the right to stress that any attempt to maintain the race-based idea outside the confines of the National-Socialist German Workers’ Party is pointless and impossible, and in most cases, such claims are outright fraud. If anyone today accuses the movement of acting as if it “owned” the race-based idea, there is just one single answer: We not only own it, but for all practical purposes, we created it.

-Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf
Hey dummy because one is a racist doesn't preclude them from being a socialist. All we have to do is look at you democrat party to see that truth
Another retard.

Take a look at this photo and try to tell yourself with a straight face these are left wingers, you unbelievably self-deluded moron:

They are mostly just racists, no better than the black panthers. If they ever gained power they would be leftists. You need big government to rule people as wards of the state.
And here we see the power of self-delusion, boys and girls. This retard just called these people leftist! You just saw it with your own eyes!


It's more than amazing. It fucking scary. This kind of willful self-delusion is frightening.
Well, it's because I was responding to a point made, that Beck started the Nazi's were leftists meme. The thread isn't about Nazis.

So, this thread not being about Nazis is justification for making false presentations of facts?
The basic ideas of the National-Socialist movement are race based--racialism is National-Socialism. If National Socialism is to conquer, it must declare this set of ideas absolutely and exclusively as its own. Here too it has the duty and the right to stress that any attempt to maintain the race-based idea outside the confines of the National-Socialist German Workers’ Party is pointless and impossible, and in most cases, such claims are outright fraud. If anyone today accuses the movement of acting as if it “owned” the race-based idea, there is just one single answer: We not only own it, but for all practical purposes, we created it.

-Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf
Hey dummy because one is a racist doesn't preclude them from being a socialist. All we have to do is look at you democrat party to see that truth
Another retard.

Take a look at this photo and try to tell yourself with a straight face these are left wingers, you unbelievably self-deluded moron:

They are mostly just racists, no better than the black panthers. If they ever gained power they would be leftists. You need big government to rule people as wards of the state.
And here we see the power of self-delusion, boys and girls. This retard just called these people leftist! You just saw it with your own eyes!


It's more than amazing. It fucking scary. This kind of willful self-delusion is frightening.
The frightening thing is you can't think. I said "They are mostly just racists, no better than the black panthers. If they ever gained power they would be leftists."

So the Black Panthers are right wingers to you? If they took over it would be a right wing government?
If you are raised on sex, drugs and rock and roll and have little or no respect for religious views or tradition and your most memorable religious experience was a Beatles concert, anything could be considered insane.
Well, it's because I was responding to a point made, that Beck started the Nazi's were leftists meme. The thread isn't about Nazis.

So, this thread not being about Nazis is justification for making false presentations of facts?
Your declarations aren't a substitute for fact. Read again or stop lying. Apparently pointing out the Nazis were leftists creates havoc in your head.
The basic ideas of the National-Socialist movement are race based--racialism is National-Socialism. If National Socialism is to conquer, it must declare this set of ideas absolutely and exclusively as its own. Here too it has the duty and the right to stress that any attempt to maintain the race-based idea outside the confines of the National-Socialist German Workers’ Party is pointless and impossible, and in most cases, such claims are outright fraud. If anyone today accuses the movement of acting as if it “owned” the race-based idea, there is just one single answer: We not only own it, but for all practical purposes, we created it.

-Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf
Hey dummy because one is a racist doesn't preclude them from being a socialist. All we have to do is look at you democrat party to see that truth
Another retard.

Take a look at this photo and try to tell yourself with a straight face these are left wingers, you unbelievably self-deluded moron:

They are mostly just racists, no better than the black panthers. If they ever gained power they would be leftists. You need big government to rule people as wards of the state.
And here we see the power of self-delusion, boys and girls. This retard just called these people leftist! You just saw it with your own eyes!


It's more than amazing. It fucking scary. This kind of willful self-delusion is frightening.
The frightening thing is you can't think. I said "They are mostly just racists, no better than the black panthers. If they ever gained power they would be leftists."

So the Black Panthers are right wingers to you? If they took over it would be a right wing government?
Wow. It's amazing to watch you twist your brain. It really is.

It's very simple, retard. Read Mein Kampf. At the very least, read the passages I provided which are demonstrable proof the Nazis were, and are, right wing.

The Black Panthers are left wing. Nazis are left wing.

It's amazing how hard you retards work at bleeving all extremists are left wing. As if there can't be extreme right wingers.

There is a very good reason you are being conditioned into believing that. So you can led further and further into batshit crazy land like the gullible rube you are.

Look at the photos and ask yourself just how unfuckingbelievably retarded you are for thinking those people are left wing.

Seriously. You are making a gigantic fool of yourself.
Well, it's because I was responding to a point made, that Beck started the Nazi's were leftists meme. The thread isn't about Nazis.

So, this thread not being about Nazis is justification for making false presentations of facts?
Your declarations aren't a substitute for fact. Read again or stop lying. Apparently pointing out the Nazis were leftists creates havoc in your head.

Apparently, pointing out that Nazis were nationalists creates havoc in your head.
Hey dummy because one is a racist doesn't preclude them from being a socialist. All we have to do is look at you democrat party to see that truth
Another retard.

Take a look at this photo and try to tell yourself with a straight face these are left wingers, you unbelievably self-deluded moron:

They are mostly just racists, no better than the black panthers. If they ever gained power they would be leftists. You need big government to rule people as wards of the state.
And here we see the power of self-delusion, boys and girls. This retard just called these people leftist! You just saw it with your own eyes!


It's more than amazing. It fucking scary. This kind of willful self-delusion is frightening.
The frightening thing is you can't think. I said "They are mostly just racists, no better than the black panthers. If they ever gained power they would be leftists."

So the Black Panthers are right wingers to you? If they took over it would be a right wing government?
Wow. It's amazing to watch you twist your brain. It really is.

It's very simple, retard. Read Mein Kampf. At the very least, read the passages I provided which are demonstrable proof the Nazis were, and are, right wing.

The Black Panthers are left wing. Nazis are left wing.

It's amazing how hard you retards work at bleeving all extremists are left wing. As if their can't be extreme right wingers.

Look at the photos and ask yourself just how unfuckingbelievably retarded you are for thinking those people are left wing.

Seriously. You are making a gigantic fool of yourself.
I never said all extremists were left wing, you're a fucking liar. I pointed out the fact that being racist doesn't automatically make you a right winger, which is obviously where you were headed.

I also said the Nazi flag gang were mostly racist, I didn't call them leftists. All you know how to do is lie.
Well, it's because I was responding to a point made, that Beck started the Nazi's were leftists meme. The thread isn't about Nazis.

So, this thread not being about Nazis is justification for making false presentations of facts?
Your declarations aren't a substitute for fact. Read again or stop lying. Apparently pointing out the Nazis were leftists creates havoc in your head.

Apparently, pointing out that Nazis were nationalists creates havoc in your head.
How so? When did I object to that? It wasn't the point, ASSHOLE.
They were national socialists. Nationalism doesn't get you shit without the socialist part.

I agree that both parts need to be considered. That still doesn't explain why you are omitting one half, or why you've chosen that particular half to omit.
Well, it's because I was responding to a point made, that Beck started the Nazi's were leftists meme. The thread isn't about Nazis.

So you are saying historical facts confuse you?
I didn't say anything like it. And learn how to quote. After you learn how to read.
Learn how to stop breaking the quotes dummy. It must suck living in ignorance like you
You did it in post 93. So the suck is all on you.

These people are obsessed with Nazi's WTF? As you said WTF does this thread have to do with Nazi's? Nothing.
I agree that both parts need to be considered. That still doesn't explain why you are omitting one half, or why you've chosen that particular half to omit.
Well, it's because I was responding to a point made, that Beck started the Nazi's were leftists meme. The thread isn't about Nazis.

So you are saying historical facts confuse you?
I didn't say anything like it. And learn how to quote. After you learn how to read.
Learn how to stop breaking the quotes dummy. It must suck living in ignorance like you
You did it in post 93. So the suck is all on you.

These people are obsessed with Nazi's WTF? As you said WTF does this thread have to do with Nazi's? Nothing.
Some idiot thinks Glen Beck started the Nazis were leftists meme and I pointed out that they were socialists after all. Then another idiot tried to twist away from it by pointing out they were nationalists, as if they somehow changed their belief in big government socialism. Then racism was brought in a photo, apparently as evidence that racism is a right wing trait so I brought up the Black Panthers, hardly a right wing group.

Then they got all worked up into a lather. LOl.
Well, it's because I was responding to a point made, that Beck started the Nazi's were leftists meme. The thread isn't about Nazis.

So you are saying historical facts confuse you?
I didn't say anything like it. And learn how to quote. After you learn how to read.
Learn how to stop breaking the quotes dummy. It must suck living in ignorance like you
You did it in post 93. So the suck is all on you.

These people are obsessed with Nazi's WTF? As you said WTF does this thread have to do with Nazi's? Nothing.
Some idiot thinks Glen Beck started the Nazis were leftists meme and I pointed out that they were socialists after all. Then another idiot tried to twist away from it by pointing out they were nationalists, as if they somehow changed their belief in big government socialism. Then racism was brought in a photo, apparently as evidence that racism is a right wing trait so I brought up the Black Panthers, hardly a right wing group.

Then they got all worked up into a lather. LOl.

I'm sorry Nazi isn't Socialist, ONLY bizarrely American's think this. If you stood on ANY street here in Europa and said "Nazi's were Socialists" everyone would laugh and I MEAN everyone.

I have only heard this from American's and I don't know where American's were taught that Nazi's were Socialists, but American's are the only people who think this.
Well, it's because I was responding to a point made, that Beck started the Nazi's were leftists meme. The thread isn't about Nazis.

So, this thread not being about Nazis is justification for making false presentations of facts?
Your declarations aren't a substitute for fact. Read again or stop lying. Apparently pointing out the Nazis were leftists creates havoc in your head.

Apparently, pointing out that Nazis were nationalists creates havoc in your head.

NSDAP was a Right-Wing Nationalist party, NOT Socialist, the SPD, the Social Democrats were the FIRST people put into Konzentrationslager (KZ) Dachau:

"Dachau was opened in March 1933. The press statement given at the opening stated:

On Wednesday the first concentration camp is to be opened in Dachau with an accommodation for 5000 people. 'All Communists and—where necessary—Reichsbanner and Social Democratic functionaries who endanger state security are to be concentrated here, as in the long run it is not possible to keep individual functionaries in the state prisons without overburdening these prisons, and on the other hand these people cannot be released because attempts have shown that they persist in their efforts to agitate and organize as soon as they are released."

Reichsbanner Schwarz-Rot-Gold, this was organisation in Weimarer Republik by Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands, SPD and other Left-Wing parties....they were all outlawed under NSDAP Government, and as it says above, became the first inmates at Dachau....Dachau was specifically set-up for them, for all Left-Wing, including all the Trade Union leaders.

The NSDAP were NOT Socialist, if they had of been, well why would they build a camp to put ALL the Socialists in? Of course not.

The NSDAP were Right-Wing and VERY Nationalist, today called Far-Right.

Far-right politics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Hey dummy because one is a racist doesn't preclude them from being a socialist. All we have to do is look at you democrat party to see that truth
Another retard.

Take a look at this photo and try to tell yourself with a straight face these are left wingers, you unbelievably self-deluded moron:

They are mostly just racists, no better than the black panthers. If they ever gained power they would be leftists. You need big government to rule people as wards of the state.
And here we see the power of self-delusion, boys and girls. This retard just called these people leftist! You just saw it with your own eyes!


It's more than amazing. It fucking scary. This kind of willful self-delusion is frightening.
The frightening thing is you can't think. I said "They are mostly just racists, no better than the black panthers. If they ever gained power they would be leftists."

So the Black Panthers are right wingers to you? If they took over it would be a right wing government?
Wow. It's amazing to watch you twist your brain. It really is.

It's very simple, retard. Read Mein Kampf. At the very least, read the passages I provided which are demonstrable proof the Nazis were, and are, right wing.

The Black Panthers are left wing. Nazis are left wing.

It's amazing how hard you retards work at bleeving all extremists are left wing. As if there can't be extreme right wingers.

There is a very good reason you are being conditioned into believing that. So you can led further and further into batshit crazy land like the gullible rube you are.

Look at the photos and ask yourself just how unfuckingbelievably retarded you are for thinking those people are left wing.

Seriously. You are making a gigantic fool of yourself.

We don't often agree on things, but yes you are correct, Nazi = Right-Wing, specifically Far-Right.

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