Glenn Beck is not fooling around anymore, he is attempting to incite violence

Wow, Watched Glen at 5PM, Good show today. Takes Balls. Remember Everyone, Document, Document, Document.

So you got all your talking points then? :cool:

I'm against the Nationalization of pretty much any part of the Economy. It's the way of the Tyrant. I oppose either side of the Aisle attempting it. Commissioners and Referee's are about maintaining the integrity of the game, the Rules, and field. Theirs is not to Choose Sides, or Predetermine Outcome.
Anywhere The Government has Interest Corrupts It's Primary Obligation. We Just keep giving them more power over Our Lives, and We find that We are not Their First Interest. Wake Up.

Agree or disagree, these are not talking points, but my personal opinion. It is not disingenuous.

How about you put down the Kool-Aid and share an Individual Thought with Me.
Wow, Watched Glen at 5PM, Good show today. Takes Balls. Remember Everyone, Document, Document, Document.

So you got all your talking points then? :cool:

I'm against the Nationalization of pretty much any part of the Economy. It's the way of the Tyrant. I oppose either side of the Aisle attempting it. Commissioners and Referee's are about maintaining the integrity of the game, the Rules, and field. Theirs is not to Choose Sides, or Predetermine Outcome.
Anywhere The Government has Interest Corrupts It's Primary Obligation. We Just keep giving them more power over Our Lives, and We find that We are not Their First Interest. Wake Up.

Agree or disagree, these are not talking points, but my personal opinion. It is not disingenuous.

How about you put down the Kool-Aid and share an Individual Thought with Me.

You continue to quote Glenn Beck and you accuse me of drinking the kool aid?

So you'd rather have HMO requirements be the determining factor for your family's medical decisions? What will it take for you to take another look at healthcare and to stop listening to Glenn Beck's nonsense, a family emergency? An illness that drives you into bankruptcy?

These talk show hosts do not have your best interests at heart, it is ratings they seek.
So you got all your talking points then? :cool:

I'm against the Nationalization of pretty much any part of the Economy. It's the way of the Tyrant. I oppose either side of the Aisle attempting it. Commissioners and Referee's are about maintaining the integrity of the game, the Rules, and field. Theirs is not to Choose Sides, or Predetermine Outcome.
Anywhere The Government has Interest Corrupts It's Primary Obligation. We Just keep giving them more power over Our Lives, and We find that We are not Their First Interest. Wake Up.

Agree or disagree, these are not talking points, but my personal opinion. It is not disingenuous.

How about you put down the Kool-Aid and share an Individual Thought with Me.

You continue to quote Glenn Beck and you accuse me of drinking the kool aid?

So you'd rather have HMO requirements be the determining factor for your family's medical decisions? What will it take for you to take another look at healthcare and to stop listening to Glenn Beck's nonsense, a family emergency? An illness that drives you into bankruptcy?

These talk show hosts do not have your best interests at heart, it is ratings they seek.
and how do you know they are quoting beck?
huh moron?
Wow, Watched Glen at 5PM, Good show today. Takes Balls. Remember Everyone, Document, Document, Document.

So you got all your talking points then? :cool:

I'm against the Nationalization of pretty much any part of the Economy. It's the way of the Tyrant. I oppose either side of the Aisle attempting it. Commissioners and Referee's are about maintaining the integrity of the game, the Rules, and field. Theirs is not to Choose Sides, or Predetermine Outcome.
Anywhere The Government has Interest Corrupts It's Primary Obligation. We Just keep giving them more power over Our Lives, and We find that We are not Their First Interest. Wake Up.

Agree or disagree, these are not talking points, but my personal opinion. It is not disingenuous.

How about you put down the Kool-Aid and share an Individual Thought with Me.

Tyrants come in all shapes and sizes.

While it is true there have been Tyrants that have used nationalization as a tool, other Tyrants work hand-in-hand with private industry to keep control over their nation.

Corporate overlordship of a country can be just as dangerous as socialist totalitarianism.

On must find a happy medium.

To me, a public option is a compromise between super-capitalism and pure socialism.

At the moment, our health care costs are exceeedingly high, and our general level of care is only on par with, or not as good as, other modern industrialized nations.

If one is a pure capitalist, this is puzzling, as one would think competition would have driven costs down over time.

But corporations are there to make a profit, not to care about the public, and as health care is a necessity, price gouging has been going on, and corporations have been workingn hand-in-hand with each other instead of competing.

This is the entire point of the public option. Throw in a little socialism to keep the capitalists in check.
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So you got all your talking points then? :cool:

I'm against the Nationalization of pretty much any part of the Economy. It's the way of the Tyrant. I oppose either side of the Aisle attempting it. Commissioners and Referee's are about maintaining the integrity of the game, the Rules, and field. Theirs is not to Choose Sides, or Predetermine Outcome.
Anywhere The Government has Interest Corrupts It's Primary Obligation. We Just keep giving them more power over Our Lives, and We find that We are not Their First Interest. Wake Up.

Agree or disagree, these are not talking points, but my personal opinion. It is not disingenuous.

How about you put down the Kool-Aid and share an Individual Thought with Me.

You continue to quote Glenn Beck and you accuse me of drinking the kool aid?

So you'd rather have HMO requirements be the determining factor for your family's medical decisions? What will it take for you to take another look at healthcare and to stop listening to Glenn Beck's nonsense, a family emergency? An illness that drives you into bankruptcy?

These talk show hosts do not have your best interests at heart, it is ratings they seek.

I tell you plainly that these are my words, Nobody else's and you either have no reading retention, or are outright intellectually dishonest. Do I sound like Glen Beck to You? These are My Thoughts. I share them with you. I'm still waiting for You to say something Original. Give it a shot. You can do it.
I'm against the Nationalization of pretty much any part of the Economy. It's the way of the Tyrant. I oppose either side of the Aisle attempting it. Commissioners and Referee's are about maintaining the integrity of the game, the Rules, and field. Theirs is not to Choose Sides, or Predetermine Outcome.
Anywhere The Government has Interest Corrupts It's Primary Obligation. We Just keep giving them more power over Our Lives, and We find that We are not Their First Interest. Wake Up.

Agree or disagree, these are not talking points, but my personal opinion. It is not disingenuous.

How about you put down the Kool-Aid and share an Individual Thought with Me.

You continue to quote Glenn Beck and you accuse me of drinking the kool aid?

So you'd rather have HMO requirements be the determining factor for your family's medical decisions? What will it take for you to take another look at healthcare and to stop listening to Glenn Beck's nonsense, a family emergency? An illness that drives you into bankruptcy?

These talk show hosts do not have your best interests at heart, it is ratings they seek.

I tell you plainly that these are my words, Nobody else's and you either have no reading retention, or are outright intellectually dishonest. Do I sound like Glen Beck to You? These are My Thoughts. I share them with you. I'm still waiting for You to say something Original. Give it a shot. You can do it.

This post seemed like you were quoting Glenn Beck, no?

Hey, if you can record The Daily Show, Jon Stewart had a Glenn Beck clip on first thing this evening. I believe it replays at 11.
Sarah, I'm Not Quoting Glen Beck or Anyone Else that I know of. Lets have a candid conversation. I will not Quote Anyone without giving them due credit. You are chasing your tail right now. Let's try a different Tack.
Why do You think that Government can do This Better? I don't. I think that when Government needs real work to be done they sub-contract from the private sector, generally paying pennies on the dollar, from what a Government Employee would cost.

What is the Average Salary of the More Equal Federal Bureaucrat? How long is the work week? Holidays? Vacations? Dollar amount if you combine everything? You are Justifying the expansion of this class in Numbers, and Cost, that is at our expense. What is the most Powerful Union in The Country? Who do they represent? Who do they feed off of?
Why do You think Government can do this better?
News of interest to all.

President Barack Obama apparently has pulled the plug on "public option" government-run healthcare.

His remarks at the town hall meeting Tuesday in Portsmouth, N.H., echoed other Democrats' signals that any healthcare reform bill making its way out of Congress this fall will not include a taxpayer-subsidized insurance system — or at least, not one Democrats in Congress will admit to.

"People say, 'How can a private company compete against the government?'" the president said. "And my answer is that . . . if the public option has to be self-sustaining, meaning taxpayers aren't subsidizing it . . . then I think private insurers should be able to compete."

With those words, Obama appeared to concede tacitly that the healthcare proposals on the table can't withstand a growing tide of public opposition.

One major criticism has been that their taxpayer-subsidized rates would drive private insurance companies out of business — thereby clearing the way for a government-run, single-payer system.

Originally, Obama insisted that any reform legislation must include a government-sponsored insurance plan.

In July, for example, while Obama was meeting with Russian leaders in Moscow, White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel made the mistake of suggesting that the administration was open to other approaches.

Within hours, Obama issued a statement correcting him. - Obama in Full Retreat on Healthcare Public Option
Obama will say whatever he has to in order to push through his agenda. He has, and will continue to, lie through his teeth.
I think that when Government needs real work to be done they sub-contract from the private sector, generally paying pennies on the dollar, from what a Government Employee would cost.

I would think this would be just the opposite. Take private contractors in Iraq for example: a private security consultant in Iraq gets paid $230,000.00 for an 8 month tour. I personally know this because my uncle is a former NYC cop and just applied for the job. A government employee doing the same job would get paid much, much less.

While this is probably an unusual example, it has always been my opinion that sub-contracting does not actually save the government money.

Do you have examples of sub-contracting that has done so?
You continue to quote Glenn Beck and you accuse me of drinking the kool aid?

Who are the Kool Aid drinkers? Those who you remain willfully ignorant or those trying to learn no matter what the sorce?

So you'd rather have HMO requirements be the determining factor for your family's medical decisions? What will it take for you to take another look at healthcare and to stop listening to Glenn Beck's nonsense, a family emergency? An illness that drives you into bankruptcy?

No, Id rather we made our own decisions. Not Obama. Not anyone in Congress. Us.

Why are you so eager to hand your freedom over to a politician?

These talk show hosts do not have your best interests at heart, it is ratings they seek.

You clearly dont know Glenn then. Glenn is going to say what he is thinking no matter what. If the ratings plummet, so be it.
What is it with the threads today? "Hitler" blah blah blah "inciting violence" blah blah blah "Liar" blah blah blah.

Did somebody spike the kool-aid again?
If you're being honest, you know Beck isn't going to cross the line and incite violence. The network lawyers wouldn't let him for one thing. He's not going to jeopardize his cushy job for another. I don't care for him either, but I take great pride in voting with my remote. Try it, you'll like it. ;)
If you're being honest, you know Beck isn't going to cross the line and incite violence. The network lawyers wouldn't let him for one thing. He's not going to jeopardize his cushy job for another. I don't care for him either, but I take great pride in voting with my remote. Try it, you'll like it. ;)
i saw him post the OP to this thread and looked at the time and the repeat of Becks show was just coming on
so i tuned to FNC and watched it
the OP is a complete LIE
If you're being honest, you know Beck isn't going to cross the line and incite violence. The network lawyers wouldn't let him for one thing. He's not going to jeopardize his cushy job for another. I don't care for him either, but I take great pride in voting with my remote. Try it, you'll like it. ;)
i saw him post the OP to this thread and looked at the time and the repeat of Becks show was just coming on
so i tuned to FNC and watched it
the OP is a complete LIE

I believe you without even watching it. I don't like Beck, but he's far from stupid.
I think that when Government needs real work to be done they sub-contract from the private sector, generally paying pennies on the dollar, from what a Government Employee would cost.

I would think this would be just the opposite. Take private contractors in Iraq for example: a private security consultant in Iraq gets paid $230,000.00 for an 8 month tour. I personally know this because my uncle is a former NYC cop and just applied for the job. A government employee doing the same job would get paid much, much less.

While this is probably an unusual example, it has always been my opinion that sub-contracting does not actually save the government money.

Do you have examples of sub-contracting that has done so?

I'm still trying to figure out whether we are talking or not. In good faith I'll give it a try. There is Chicago style politics where pay offs are hidden in these contracts, that includes both sides of the Aisle and the whole of the Empire. I agree to that point. There are times when the lowest bidder gets the contract, and that is not always good in relation to Quality and Competence. Agreed? Open Bidding, Transparency, Disclosure, are generally important in Government, yet when We matter so little, rare. Oligarchy State, as in WTO We have no representation, yet we are obligated to comply. Just pointing out that we both recognize the threat of Tyranny from Government and Corporation. I am not saying that All Government or All Companies are Tyrants. I'm saying, like James Madison that Tyranny is Always a Threat, stand Vigilant.

Government can decree without Corporate consent, The Corporation needs Government consent, and usually support and silent partnership, to scheme. Good cop, Bad Cop. Both, while pointing fingers Profit. Sometimes the criticism is real sometimes it is like TV Wrestling, a good show, we pay for. Our Government's Primary Obligation, Under God, is to Us through The Constitution. They have lost their way. We need to make a difference, not to win or loose, but to survive as something we can live with seeing our reflections in the mirror.

Government Sub Contracting. Local, City, County, State , and Federal, vary. A business owner may strike a great deal, in competing for bids, Government may not even be aware of payroll. Generally when Gov't brings in Temps, it is to avoid salary, and benefits. It's very common. Construction, Union, Non-Union, Road Crews, Work is done.

What do you think a single DOE Computer Nerd (I say this respectfully) makes a year? After 10Years? Add up the benefits. Time Off? 32hr 4 day week? Medical? How many are there? How many Departments, and sub departments, filled with them? Are we all headed there? no. Are We paying for it? Yes. Is it the Society within the Society? You Tell me? Is The Government too top heavy? Does that devalue Our Quality of Life?
If you're being honest, you know Beck isn't going to cross the line and incite violence. The network lawyers wouldn't let him for one thing. He's not going to jeopardize his cushy job for another. I don't care for him either, but I take great pride in voting with my remote. Try it, you'll like it. ;)
i saw him post the OP to this thread and looked at the time and the repeat of Becks show was just coming on
so i tuned to FNC and watched it
the OP is a complete LIE

I believe you without even watching it. I don't like Beck, but he's far from stupid.
Becks radio show was ok when i would listen(not that often) but his tv show he goes too far for my tastes
but to outright lie about what he is saying is wrong
hannity wastes too much time trying to get people to answer yes/no questions, Greta spends too much time on "missing girl" stories

FNC has become too predictable
If you're being honest, you know Beck isn't going to cross the line and incite violence. The network lawyers wouldn't let him for one thing. He's not going to jeopardize his cushy job for another. I don't care for him either, but I take great pride in voting with my remote. Try it, you'll like it. ;)

I wouldn't think that for a second. Locke, Thoreau, King, Gandhi, had it Right. Non-Violent Civil Disobedience is the only was for a Civil Society to remain Civil. Protest. Take the Hit or Hit's to prevent Escalation. Do the Time. Don't do anything violent, it will bring hurt to those around you. When You Conscience by your side, don't do anything that will offend it.
If you're being honest, you know Beck isn't going to cross the line and incite violence. The network lawyers wouldn't let him for one thing. He's not going to jeopardize his cushy job for another. I don't care for him either, but I take great pride in voting with my remote. Try it, you'll like it. ;)

I wouldn't think that for a second. Locke, Thoreau, King, Gandhi, had it Right. Non-Violent Civil Disobedience is the only was for a Civil Society to remain Civil. Protest. Take the Hit or Hit's to prevent Escalation. Do the Time. Don't do anything violent, it will bring hurt to those around you. When You Conscience by your side, don't do anything that will offend it.
Exactly and Beck does pleads with his audience to be smart, no violence.

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