Glenn Beck is not fooling around anymore, he is attempting to incite violence

Name one instance of host on a major network calling George Bush "Hitler", much less devoting an entire hour to comparing his policies to that of the Nazis.

Go ahead. If they did it must be easily findable on Google.

Damn, you are easy.

[ame=]YouTube - Soros Compares President Bush To Nazis[/ame]

Hmm, I didn't realize George Soros was the host of a show on CNN.

When did this happen, I must have missed it.

Seems to me like he wrote a book, like Ann Coulter's many, many books making outrageous claims about Liberals, and CNN was grilling him about it, with a good degree of doubt and an accusatory tone, I might add.

In fact I distincly heard Wolf Blitzer use the terms "what are you thinking?" and "you've gone over the top".

Go ahead and tell me what a "liar" I am though.
odd.....i don't recal the left getting their knickers in a twist when bush was called hitler and people wanted him dead.......

Name one instance of host on a major network calling George Bush "Hitler", much less devoting an entire hour to comparing his policies to that of the Nazis.

Go ahead. If they did it must be easily findable on Google.

by extension did glen beck call obama hitler......glen beck did not say obama's policies were the same as hitlers.....he was drawing a comparison and that the potential for history to repeat itself was there and that obama's advisors hold some very "progressive" beliefs......

keith olberman came pretty damn close.....[ame=]YouTube - Keith Olbermann calls George W. Bush a Fascist[/ame]

there have been many facists throughout history, but only one Hitler.

Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity regularly call Obama a facist, just about every day.

That's not the same thing.
Go ahead and tell me what a "liar" I am though.
You do a good job of that, you don't need help with it.

I hear you are a big tough soldier, and you kill people.

Maybe you should handle beck yourself, seeing as you are..

odd.....i don't recal the left getting their knickers in a twist when bush was called hitler and people wanted him dead.......

Name one instance of host on a major network calling George Bush "Hitler", much less devoting an entire hour to comparing his policies to that of the Nazis.

Go ahead. If they did it must be easily findable on Google.

Did Beck call Obama Hitler?

He did even worse. He devoted an hour segment pointing out how Obama is, in his opinion, exactly like Hitler, complete with old war footage, and emotional outbursts implying that he feared for his daughter's life because of how much Obama is like Hitler.

Of course he spent some time denying that's that what he was implying, for the purpose of plausible deniability, but make the clear comparison he did.

He also claimed that some of Obama's advisors were in fact Nazi eugenicists.
Name one instance of host on a major network calling George Bush "Hitler", much less devoting an entire hour to comparing his policies to that of the Nazis.

Go ahead. If they did it must be easily findable on Google.

by extension did glen beck call obama hitler......glen beck did not say obama's policies were the same as hitlers.....he was drawing a comparison and that the potential for history to repeat itself was there and that obama's advisors hold some very "progressive" beliefs......

keith olberman came pretty damn close.....[ame=]YouTube - Keith Olbermann calls George W. Bush a Fascist[/ame]

there have been many facists throughout history, but only one Hitler.

Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity regularly call Obama a facist, just about every day.

That's not the same thing.

that is even remotely true....stalin killed far more people than hitler.....freedom of speech is a bitch when you are the target eh.....
And the little fact that Obama appointed eugenicists is just one of those annoying stanger then fiction coincedences, right tough guy?
Name one instance of host on a major network calling George Bush "Hitler", much less devoting an entire hour to comparing his policies to that of the Nazis.

Go ahead. If they did it must be easily findable on Google.

Did Beck call Obama Hitler?

He did even worse. He devoted an hour segment pointing out how Obama is, in his opinion, exactly like Hitler, complete with old war footage, and emotional outbursts implying that he feared for his daughter's life because of how much Obama is like Hitler.

Of course he spent some time denying that's that what he was implying, for the purpose of plausible deniability, but make the clear comparison he did.

He also claimed that some of Obama's advisors were in fact Nazi eugenicists.

he said nothing of the kind.......he said that the stage is set for history to repeat itself.....and if you read up on some of obamas advisors....their views aren't exactly compasionate......
odd.....i don't recal the left getting their knickers in a twist when bush was called hitler and people wanted him dead.......

Name one instance of host on a major network calling George Bush "Hitler", much less devoting an entire hour to comparing his policies to that of the Nazis.

Go ahead. If they did it must be easily findable on Google.

Did Beck call Obama Hitler?
he repeatedly said he wasnt and that assholes like VastLWC would claim he did
Name one instance of host on a major network calling George Bush "Hitler", much less devoting an entire hour to comparing his policies to that of the Nazis.

Go ahead. If they did it must be easily findable on Google.

Did Beck call Obama Hitler?

He did even worse. He devoted an hour segment pointing out how Obama is, in his opinion, exactly like Hitler, complete with old war footage, and emotional outbursts implying that he feared for his daughter's life because of how much Obama is like Hitler.

Of course he spent some time denying that's that what he was implying, for the purpose of plausible deniability, but make the clear comparison he did.

He also claimed that some of Obama's advisors were in fact Nazi eugenicists.

So the answer to my question would be .. no, Beck did not call Obama Hitler.

Did you actually listen to the entire segment?
Hey, since GI Joe here is out #1 assasin, can we air drop him into Iran and have him whack Imadingyslob and the mad mullahs?

Seeing as he's a big pre-emptive kinda guy.
Tonight I watched Glenn Beck utter some of the most hateful propaganda I have ever seen.

If he was on any other station, he would have been fired. Hell, if this had been someone talking about the Bush administration, they would have been jailed.

First he ran a segment equating public health care to Nazi Eugenics. He actually used his own disabled daughter to back up his lies at one point, implying that public health care would kill her.

Every other sentence was "I'm not saying the Democrats are going to kill your grandmother" or something to that effect, but it was always followed with a "but" and then an explanation of how the Democrats are in fact going to try and kill your grandmother.

This is clearly the equivalent to shouting "fire" in a crowded theater.

He is specifically trying to incite an uprising against the Obama administration.

Glenn Beck has become a truly dangerous individual and a traitor. This is not "partisanship" anymore, this is clearly an attempt to incite insurrection against the government of the United States.

I ask all of you, if you don't want to see a violent coup d'tat attempt in this country, to call FoxNews and all of their advertisers calling for the immediate removal of Glenn Beck from the air.

No offense, but I was kind of hoping the revolution would have started by now.....
Tonight I watched Glenn Beck utter some of the most hateful propaganda I have ever seen.

If he was on any other station, he would have been fired. Hell, if this had been someone talking about the Bush administration, they would have been jailed.

First he ran a segment equating public health care to Nazi Eugenics. He actually used his own disabled daughter to back up his lies at one point, implying that public health care would kill her.

Every other sentence was "I'm not saying the Democrats are going to kill your grandmother" or something to that effect, but it was always followed with a "but" and then an explanation of how the Democrats are in fact going to try and kill your grandmother.

This is clearly the equivalent to shouting "fire" in a crowded theater.

He is specifically trying to incite an uprising against the Obama administration.

Glenn Beck has become a truly dangerous individual and a traitor. This is not "partisanship" anymore, this is clearly an attempt to incite insurrection against the government of the United States.

I ask all of you, if you don't want to see a violent coup d'tat attempt in this country, to call FoxNews and all of their advertisers calling for the immediate removal of Glenn Beck from the air.


Stop crying :lol:

Obama is inciting violence by telling those of us who are against the house's current HR3200 health care bill to stop talking and get out of the way.

Maybe we should remove him from office too :cuckoo:

You moonbat
You do a good job of that, you don't need help with it.

I hear you are a big tough soldier, and you kill people.

Maybe you should handle beck yourself, seeing as you are..


I never said anything about killing Beck, or wishing him dead, now did I?

As far as your pithy little pic goes, assume all you want... You know what happens when you assume.

You right-wingers always seem to have some generalization or other that you try to fit Liberals into, I guess that makes you feel safe and "superior".

If I showed you a picture of myself, you wouldn't believe it was me anyway, so what's the use?

You'll just have to take my word for it.
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Yeah, The dipshit became a supporting member because that was the only way they would keep him around. ~BH

Afraid to be faced with a liberal that won't back down?

I haven't broken any of the rules, so why would a moderator remove me, except for my positions?

I became a Supporting Member because I believe in supporting open forums, and though I don't agree with most of the people in this one, it's got a good format, and has potential.

What's up, you didn't want to put your money where your mouth is?

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