Glenn Beck is not fooling around anymore, he is attempting to incite violence

Here's a link to a story about volunteers at the Vice Presidential debate last year.

Record: Student volunteers gain experience in logistics, media relations

I'll post the applicable paragraph:

"Most of the volunteers were assigned to jobs that kicked into high gear the week before the debate. Students assisted with a variety of aspects, including working with the national news media, helping in the Commission on Presidential Debates (CPD) office and the press office, leading tours of the debate facility and supporting engineering and staging aspects. Volunteers also provided hospitality for a variety of special events around campus and assisted with different efforts, including tickets, credentialing, security and parking. A small number of volunteers even worked in the debate hall on the night of the event as ushers and credential checkers. "

And that's at the VP Debates, where one would think they'd have a large budget for hiring security.

That just strikes me as damn risky, but then again, I suppose with the Secret Service in attendance, as well as local law enforcement, the risk is minimized.

I won't disagree that much of the bank bailouts, given out orginally by the Bush administration was in fact a clear waste of the taxpayer's money.

I'm still up in the air about the auto bailouts.

Holy Crap! It is possible for people with different political views to find common ground! Now we just need to decide which one of us is right and which one agrees! :lol:

LOL. I'm also in favor of the right to bear arms. And I think the time to end affirmative action is rapidly approaching, if not already upon us.
You mean the union members who VOLUNTEERED to appear at events to act as security againsnt the mobs?

Those union members?

Since when is having security at an event to control unruly behavior a facet of totalitarianism?

Does that mean that any bar that has a bouncer is a Nazi establishment?

'Union' volunteers in action...

Oooooh you're a real tough guy!!:cuckoo:

You don't have to be a tough guy to do the right thing. Even if it involves killing, when absolutely necessary.

Personally I don't think I'm a "tough guy" because I would have killed Hitler.

And I'm sure there's lots of people out there that feel the same way I do.

That's why demonizing people by equating them with Hitler, over and over, is a dangeroud thing to do.

Bush-Hitler Comparison Endorsed By Minnesota DemocratsHYPOCRITES

Captain's Quarters

The Gallery of 'Bush = Hitler' AllusionsHYPOCRITES

If it's bad for us to compare Bush to Hitler... - Democratic Underground HYPOCRITES

Bush-is-Hitler rhetoric going mainstreamHYPOCRITES

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Oooooh you're a real tough guy!!:cuckoo:

You don't have to be a tough guy to do the right thing. Even if it involves killing, when absolutely necessary.

Personally I don't think I'm a "tough guy" because I would have killed Hitler.

And I'm sure there's lots of people out there that feel the same way I do.

That's why demonizing people by equating them with Hitler, over and over, is a dangeroud thing to do.

People tried to kill Hitler his entire political life.

You wouldn't have gotten near him, they would have left you dead in the street.
Oooooh you're a real tough guy!!:cuckoo:

You don't have to be a tough guy to do the right thing. Even if it involves killing, when absolutely necessary.

Personally I don't think I'm a "tough guy" because I would have killed Hitler.

And I'm sure there's lots of people out there that feel the same way I do.

That's why demonizing people by equating them with Hitler, over and over, is a dangeroud thing to do.

odd.....i don't recal the left getting their knickers in a twist when bush was called hitler and people wanted him dead.......
What "other means" would you have used? Please be specific.

And, more importantly, you made a good point, 1929 was relatively early. Obama is already president.

So then, let's say it was 1936...

The date doesn't matter, my point remains.

Demonizing Obama and painting him as "Hitler" does not help us to come to a resolution on the issues involved.

What it does, specifically, is rile people up, and make them want to commit violent actions.

So, what end result do you think Glenn Beck is hoping for by painting Mr Obama as a mass murderer, hmm?

And don't give me any of that BS saying that his inserted "denials" negate the message he spent the vast majority of the show on.

Hell, just look at the attitude of one or two of the posters on this very thread to help prove my point.

are you this tediously stupid in real life?


i'll put you down for "yes, i am"

thanks for getting back to me.


An insult is not an answer, it is a deflection.

there's no need to deflect stupidity.
I'm very close to putting VLW on ignore...can he be any more annoying...I'll wait but his long sig, his long useless post are really bringing me down to where I don't even feel like reading any post once I see his.

Do what you must.

Sorry my posts are not short little sound bites.

I know that's what right-wingers are used to.
I'm very close to putting VLW on ignore...can he be any more annoying...I'll wait but his long sig, his long useless post are really bringing me down to where I don't even feel like reading any post once I see his.

Do what you must.

Sorry my posts are not short little sound bites.

I know that's what right-wingers are used to.

yes .... hope ....change .....and yes we can......all wonderful right wing chants.....
Oooooh you're a real tough guy!!:cuckoo:

You don't have to be a tough guy to do the right thing. Even if it involves killing, when absolutely necessary.

Personally I don't think I'm a "tough guy" because I would have killed Hitler.

And I'm sure there's lots of people out there that feel the same way I do.

That's why demonizing people by equating them with Hitler, over and over, is a dangeroud thing to do.

odd.....i don't recal the left getting their knickers in a twist when bush was called hitler and people wanted him dead.......

Name one instance of host on a major network calling George Bush "Hitler", much less devoting an entire hour to comparing his policies to that of the Nazis.

Go ahead. If they did it must be easily findable on Google.
Oooooh you're a real tough guy!!:cuckoo:

You don't have to be a tough guy to do the right thing. Even if it involves killing, when absolutely necessary.

Personally I don't think I'm a "tough guy" because I would have killed Hitler.

And I'm sure there's lots of people out there that feel the same way I do.

That's why demonizing people by equating them with Hitler, over and over, is a dangeroud thing to do.

People tried to kill Hitler his entire political life.

You wouldn't have gotten near him, they would have left you dead in the street.

But I still would have tried. That's the point.
there's no need to deflect stupidity.

Obviously you have the right to voice your opinion on the subject.

I take no offense, as I have never been known as a "stupid" person by anyone I have known.

"Annoying" perhaps, sometimes a bit "wordy", but never "stupid".

So, go ahead, I'm not going to be offended by the opinion of some random right-wing poster on a message board.
You don't have to be a tough guy to do the right thing. Even if it involves killing, when absolutely necessary.

Personally I don't think I'm a "tough guy" because I would have killed Hitler.

And I'm sure there's lots of people out there that feel the same way I do.

That's why demonizing people by equating them with Hitler, over and over, is a dangeroud thing to do.

odd.....i don't recal the left getting their knickers in a twist when bush was called hitler and people wanted him dead.......

Name one instance of host on a major network calling George Bush "Hitler", much less devoting an entire hour to comparing his policies to that of the Nazis.

Go ahead. If they did it must be easily findable on Google.
I can't think of one. But do you really think anyone sane finds Beck credible?
odd.....i don't recal the left getting their knickers in a twist when bush was called hitler and people wanted him dead.......

Name one instance of host on a major network calling George Bush "Hitler", much less devoting an entire hour to comparing his policies to that of the Nazis.

Go ahead. If they did it must be easily findable on Google.
I can't think of one. But do you really think anyone sane finds Beck credible?

no of course not,, that's why ya'll cry incessantly about him.. :lol: and coulter and limbaugh, and bush, and cheney, and palin,, and malkin, and etc etc etc....:lol:
Name one instance of host on a major network calling George Bush "Hitler", much less devoting an entire hour to comparing his policies to that of the Nazis.

Go ahead. If they did it must be easily findable on Google.
I can't think of one. But do you really think anyone sane finds Beck credible?

no of course not,, that's why ya'll cry incessantly about him.. :lol: and coulter and limbaugh, and bush, and cheney, and palin,, and malkin, and etc etc etc....:lol:


Has anybody figured out if it has a dick? :eek:
Name one instance of host on a major network calling George Bush "Hitler", much less devoting an entire hour to comparing his policies to that of the Nazis.

Go ahead. If they did it must be easily findable on Google.

Damn, you are easy.

[ame=]YouTube - Soros Compares President Bush To Nazis[/ame]
Go ahead. If they did it must be easily findable on Google.
I can't think of one. But do you really think anyone sane finds Beck credible?[/QUOTE]

Not too many people do, but lets say one in 100 of his listeners do.

Now let's say 1 out of 10 of those have the means to try to assassinate the president.

A lot of people on this board have been talking about how Glenn Beck's ratings have been quite high as of late.

Let's say he has 2 million listeners.

That adds up to 2,000 potential assassins.
You don't have to be a tough guy to do the right thing. Even if it involves killing, when absolutely necessary.

Personally I don't think I'm a "tough guy" because I would have killed Hitler.

And I'm sure there's lots of people out there that feel the same way I do.

That's why demonizing people by equating them with Hitler, over and over, is a dangeroud thing to do.

odd.....i don't recal the left getting their knickers in a twist when bush was called hitler and people wanted him dead.......

Name one instance of host on a major network calling George Bush "Hitler", much less devoting an entire hour to comparing his policies to that of the Nazis.

Go ahead. If they did it must be easily findable on Google.

Did Beck call Obama Hitler?
You don't have to be a tough guy to do the right thing. Even if it involves killing, when absolutely necessary.

Personally I don't think I'm a "tough guy" because I would have killed Hitler.

And I'm sure there's lots of people out there that feel the same way I do.

That's why demonizing people by equating them with Hitler, over and over, is a dangeroud thing to do.

odd.....i don't recal the left getting their knickers in a twist when bush was called hitler and people wanted him dead.......

Name one instance of host on a major network calling George Bush "Hitler", much less devoting an entire hour to comparing his policies to that of the Nazis.

Go ahead. If they did it must be easily findable on Google.

by extension did glen beck call obama hitler......glen beck did not say obama's policies were the same as hitlers.....he was drawing a comparison and that the potential for history to repeat itself was there and that obama's advisors hold some very "progressive" beliefs......

keith olberman came pretty damn close.....[ame=]YouTube - Keith Olbermann calls George W. Bush a Fascist[/ame]

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