Glenn Beck is not fooling around anymore, he is attempting to incite violence

Starky and the rest has only proved to me that Glenn Beck hit a big fucking Nerve in that the truths is starting to show to the American People...They fear this...because their entire plan will be crushed. Their only hope is to threaten and hope that we run scared.

Got news...I along with many other's are not scared.
Oppose him anyway I can politically to keep him from seizing more power. Much like I am working hard to keep Obama from seizing more power.

How is it you have no problem giving Obama more power when he is opening admitting he is going to do it?

So, given the chance, you wouldn't have killed Hitler?

I believe that is a lie. I know I would have.

You would have killed him? That's rich coming from someone that can't handle verbal attacks and chooses to ignore the problem as opposed to facing it.

I mentioned it earlier, but I'm a Vet, US Army. I have no problem with killing people that need killing.

Also, "can't handle verbal attacks" is very different from "not caring enough to listen to the verbal attacks". I didn't try to report him, I simply put him on ignore, not because I found him to be a "problem", but because he's acting like a child, spewing meaningless garbage.

Note that I did not put the other people who were engaged in verbal attacks, because they were at least trying to make a point when they used them.
Starky and the rest has only proved to me that Glenn Beck hit a big fucking Nerve in that the truths is starting to show to the American People...They fear this...because their entire plan will be crushed. Their only hope is to threaten and hope that we run scared.

Got news...I along with many other's are not scared.

As long as you don't go violent, you have no reason to be scared.
"The tension between the business interests of the conservative-industrial complex and the GOP is real. There is a huge amount of money to be made by selling to a segment of the country that alienates the critical middle that every party needs to occupy to remain a national force. And so the success of the movement risks the failure of the party. And the failure of the party - its permanent isolation from power - only fuels the resentment and alienation that make so much moolah. This is the GOP's Fox problem. You ride that fox; it eats you in the end."
-- Andrew Sullivan -- Link
Starky and the rest has only proved to me that Glenn Beck hit a big fucking Nerve in that the truths is starting to show to the American People...They fear this...because their entire plan will be crushed. Their only hope is to threaten and hope that we run scared.

Got news...I along with many other's are not scared.

As long as you don't go violent, you have no reason to be scared.
The left finds themselves in unfamiliar territory -- battling popular unrest with their president and a Congress run by their party. How are they handling the dissent? As any slimy politician would: by demeaning, discrediting and intimidating those who disagree.
Glenn Beck has your number...and so do I. :lol::lol::lol::lol: OH and how is that $11.50 an hour job going? I would have asked Obama for more to do his dirty work. Such a sheep, baaaaa baaaa baaaaa.
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i'd arrange for the two of you to date.

you seem to have a lot in common.

My point obviously is, avoid the real answer all you want, but any sane, good person, given the chance, would have killed Hitler in a heartbeat.

Now, if you spread propaganda claiming that our democratically elected president, Barack Obama, is exactly the same as Adolf Hitler, what do you think the end result of that would be , if you are successful in convincing people of your assertion?

1) Nobody answered they would kill hitler. 1929 would be early enough to stop him by other means, knowing what we know now.

2) The only one making any claims without at least some fact is you.

What "other means" would you have used? Please be specific.

And, more importantly, you made a good point, 1929 was relatively early. Obama is already president.

So then, let's say it was 1936...

The date doesn't matter, my point remains.

Demonizing Obama and painting him as "Hitler" does not help us to come to a resolution on the issues involved.

What it does, specifically, is rile people up, and make them want to commit violent actions.

So, what end result do you think Glenn Beck is hoping for by painting Mr Obama as a mass murderer, hmm?

And don't give me any of that BS saying that his inserted "denials" negate the message he spent the vast majority of the show on.

Hell, just look at the attitude of one or two of the posters on this very thread to help prove my point.
Most people who work for politicians are volunteers, and much of their security at events is also made up of volunteers.

You'll need to provide an evidentiary link before I'll buy this line. Seems to me that there would be too great a risk of legal problems by allowing "volunteers" to handle security for events concerning politicians.

Besides, hiring of professionals would be a clear waste of the taxpayer's money, now wouldn't it?

No more of a waste than anything else they do with taxpayer money. You know, things like bailing out failing auto companies and banks.
The President has the righties' number, and they can't stand it. He makes them like fools every time.
"The tension between the business interests of the conservative-industrial complex and the GOP is real. There is a huge amount of money to be made by selling to a segment of the country that alienates the critical middle that every party needs to occupy to remain a national force. And so the success of the movement risks the failure of the party. And the failure of the party - its permanent isolation from power - only fuels the resentment and alienation that make so much moolah. This is the GOP's Fox problem. You ride that fox; it eats you in the end."
-- Andrew Sullivan -- Link

Excellent point Jay. The less effective their party is, the more they turn to extremist media sources that create a nice comfy echo-chamber for them.

And the more comfortable the ratings margins are, the crazier Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, etc, have the freedom to become.
When Clinton was elected the wingnuts went into the same frenzy that is now more complicated by the birthers and racists. Everything Clinton did was going to destroy the nation, it is why healthcare failed then and is still the important but complicated issue it is now.

This time though more people are concerned and the issue has a chance of actually moving another step forward. This was the first election I can remember healthcare getting publicity.

Hate speech against Clinton, and oddly a great deal was directed at Hilary, surely created an explosive atmosphere where militia wackos grew, and government became the target of those who require an object of hate. Consider too Timothy McVeigh. Glenn Beck is a McVeigh enabler.

I am re-reading Hoffer's 'The True Believer,' a book that describes the right wing so well today and their combined efforts to stop what some dislike and others fear.

"The remarkable thing is that we really love our neighbors as ourselves: we do unto others as we do unto ourselves. We hate others when we hate ourselves. We are tolerant of others when we tolerate ourselves. We forgive others when we forgive ourselves. We are prone to sacrifice others when we are ready to sacrifice ourselves." Eric Hoffer

[ame=] The True Believer: Thoughts on the Nature of Mass Movements (Perennial Classic.) (9780060505912): Eric Hoffer: Books[/ame]
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So, given the chance, you wouldn't have killed Hitler?

I believe that is a lie. I know I would have.

You would have killed him? That's rich coming from someone that can't handle verbal attacks and chooses to ignore the problem as opposed to facing it.

I mentioned it earlier, but I'm a Vet, US Army. I have no problem with killing people that need killing.

Also, "can't handle verbal attacks" is very different from "not caring enough to listen to the verbal attacks". I didn't try to report him, I simply put him on ignore, not because I found him to be a "problem", but because he's acting like a child, spewing meaningless garbage.

Note that I did not put the other people who were engaged in verbal attacks, because they were at least trying to make a point when they used them.

Oooooh you're a real tough guy!!:cuckoo:
My point obviously is, avoid the real answer all you want, but any sane, good person, given the chance, would have killed Hitler in a heartbeat.

Now, if you spread propaganda claiming that our democratically elected president, Barack Obama, is exactly the same as Adolf Hitler, what do you think the end result of that would be , if you are successful in convincing people of your assertion?

1) Nobody answered they would kill hitler. 1929 would be early enough to stop him by other means, knowing what we know now.

2) The only one making any claims without at least some fact is you.

What "other means" would you have used? Please be specific.

And, more importantly, you made a good point, 1929 was relatively early. Obama is already president.

So then, let's say it was 1936...

The date doesn't matter, my point remains.

Demonizing Obama and painting him as "Hitler" does not help us to come to a resolution on the issues involved.

What it does, specifically, is rile people up, and make them want to commit violent actions.

So, what end result do you think Glenn Beck is hoping for by painting Mr Obama as a mass murderer, hmm?

And don't give me any of that BS saying that his inserted "denials" negate the message he spent the vast majority of the show on.

Hell, just look at the attitude of one or two of the posters on this very thread to help prove my point.

are you this tediously stupid in real life?


i'll put you down for "yes, i am"

thanks for getting back to me.

The President has the righties' number, and they can't stand it. He makes them like fools every time.

We are talking about the man who thinks there are 57 states and who cites the failure of the United States Postal service as a reason to turn all healthcare over to the government right?
Yep, flaky and freaky rightwingers have Rush, Sean, and Glenn, the binradio announcers of America's political sharia'ism.

Ultrarightards, you better listen up very carefully.

If you go to violence, this President will go ballistic on you. Period.

He will engage in debate but not allow your rightwing sharia'ism that you have used in the past.

Obama is to the American sharia'ists what Lincoln was to the secessionists. Don't be stupid, guys.
Ah, the islam mocker is back in business.

The 'president will go balistic on you'.

So, you are saying Barack is our Bull Connor.

Some are being stupid again. What the freaky ultrarightoid can't do is go to violence. The forces of law enforcement in this country will enforce the law.

The political shari'a of the right wing will not be tolerated.

Hey, JS sent us a picture of him and his boys, getting ready for action!

Most people who work for politicians are volunteers, and much of their security at events is also made up of volunteers.

You'll need to provide an evidentiary link before I'll buy this line. Seems to me that there would be too great a risk of legal problems by allowing "volunteers" to handle security for events concerning politicians.

Here's a link to a story about volunteers at the Vice Presidential debate last year.

Record: Student volunteers gain experience in logistics, media relations

I'll post the applicable paragraph:

"Most of the volunteers were assigned to jobs that kicked into high gear the week before the debate. Students assisted with a variety of aspects, including working with the national news media, helping in the Commission on Presidential Debates (CPD) office and the press office, leading tours of the debate facility and supporting engineering and staging aspects. Volunteers also provided hospitality for a variety of special events around campus and assisted with different efforts, including tickets, credentialing, security and parking. A small number of volunteers even worked in the debate hall on the night of the event as ushers and credential checkers. "

And that's at the VP Debates, where one would think they'd have a large budget for hiring security.

Besides, hiring of professionals would be a clear waste of the taxpayer's money, now wouldn't it?

No more of a waste than anything else they do with taxpayer money. You know, things like bailing out failing auto companies and banks.[/QUOTE]

I won't disagree that much of the bank bailouts, given out orginally by the Bush administration was in fact a clear waste of the taxpayer's money.

I'm still up in the air about the auto bailouts.

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