Glenn Beck is not fooling around anymore, he is attempting to incite violence

Dive and the other bush hold overs. YOU LOST. GET OVER IT. Now you are beginning to see how the rest of the world felt for 8 years under Little Boy Blue.

Beck, FOX, Limbaugh, Cheney, and all the other hold overs are instilling fear, discention, confusion, and falsehoods in a grand attempt to take Obama down, So...JUST GET OVER IT!
Dive and the other bush hold overs. YOU LOST. GET OVER IT. Now you are beginning to see how the rest of the world felt for 8 years under Little Boy Blue.

Beck, FOX, Limbaugh, Cheney, and all the other hold overs are instilling fear, discention, confusion, and falsehoods in a grand attempt to take Obama down, So...JUST GET OVER IT!
jim, i'm already over it
never had IT actually
please point out what you call actual "inciting to violence"
which is the topic of this thread and so far, there has been no proof of any
Tonight I watched Glenn Beck utter some of the most hateful propaganda I have ever seen.

If he was on any other station, he would have been fired. Hell, if this had been someone talking about the Bush administration, they would have been jailed.

First he ran a segment equating public health care to Nazi Eugenics. He actually used his own disabled daughter to back up his lies at one point, implying that public health care would kill her.

Every other sentence was "I'm not saying the Democrats are going to kill your grandmother" or something to that effect, but it was always followed with a "but" and then an explanation of how the Democrats are in fact going to try and kill your grandmother.

This is clearly the equivalent to shouting "fire" in a crowded theater.

He is specifically trying to incite an uprising against the Obama administration.

Glenn Beck has become a truly dangerous individual and a traitor. This is not "partisanship" anymore, this is clearly an attempt to incite insurrection against the government of the United States.

I ask all of you, if you don't want to see a violent coup d'tat attempt in this country, to call FoxNews and all of their advertisers calling for the immediate removal of Glenn Beck from the air.

Maybe You could point out where you even implied the word "May", honestly you did come on a little strong. There is so much that you could legitimately criticize Glenn on, you really didn't need to fabricate.
Dive and the other bush hold overs. YOU LOST. GET OVER IT. Now you are beginning to see how the rest of the world felt for 8 years under Little Boy Blue.

Beck, FOX, Limbaugh, Cheney, and all the other hold overs are instilling fear, discention, confusion, and falsehoods in a grand attempt to take Obama down, So...JUST GET OVER IT!

The example you set has come back to haunt you. Get over yourself. CNN and MSNBC don't have a monopoly on those strategies, are you going to sue over trade mark violations Sparky? You guys lost the Iraq War before the first shot was fired. You partnered up with Al-Jezeera not us. Make up your mind Road Kill. Obama's first Budget has not even gone into effect yet, You're still in the bottom of the First Inning, with a walk on First Base. Charlie Rangel is warming up, Barney Franks is sneaking around the locker room, leaving little notes. Grow a Spine, You have a team to Run, the least you can do is keep their names off of the Police Blotter.:lol::lol::lol:.
i'm watching the replay right now
and you are completely full of shit

case in point

But that's not an argument. That's just a denial. And then you just turn around and pretend that there was never a point to begin with.

That's more denial.
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Maybe You could point out where you even implied the word "May", honestly you did come on a little strong. There is so much that you could legitimately criticize Glenn on, you really didn't need to fabricate.

Alright, that may be true, I did come on strong. I was also trying to make a point.

In addition, an old army buddy of mine hangs on Mr Beck's every word, and seeing Beck make such inflammatory statements, and then hearing my friend's reaction, was very sobering, which caused me to be a bit upset, I must say.

However, none of that makes my original point completely invalid, and I did in fact provide supporting data for my argument.
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i'm watching the replay right now
and you are completely full of shit

case in point

But that's not an argument. That's just a denial. And then you just turn around and pretend that there was never a point to begin with.

That's more denial.
the point being you still havent shown Beck "inciting violence" and in fact its been show he was doing the exact opposite
Maybe You could point out where you even implied the word "May", honestly you did come on a little strong. There is so much that you could legitimately criticize Glenn on, you really didn't need to fabricate.

Alright, that may be true, I did come on strong. I was also trying to make a point.

In addition, an old army buddy of mine hangs on Mr Beck's every word, and seeing Beck make such inflammatory statements, and then hearing my friend's reaction, was very sobering, which caused me to be a bit upset, I must say.

However, none of that makes my original point completely invalid, and I did in fact provide supporting data for my argument.
then maybe its your buddy that has a problem since Beck did nothing of the sort
Glenn he still on the airways? I thought that all the sponsors left, and they canned his ass? Is this so?
Glenn he still on the airways? I thought that all the sponsors left, and they canned his ass? Is this so?

Not only is he still on the airwaves, his rating are going through the roof! The last show I watched of his had some revealing facts about the National Endowments for the Arts. It seems that the Obama administration is looking to them to gin up propaganda to silence the opposition.

Little do they know that the opposition cannot be silenced!

Is National Endowment for the Arts Pushing Obama Administration's Agenda? - Glenn Beck -

[ame=]YouTube - Obama uses NEA to Push his Agenda - National Endowment for the Arts = Obama's Propaganda Machine[/ame]
Glenn he still on the airways? I thought that all the sponsors left, and they canned his ass? Is this so?

Not only is he still on the airwaves, his rating are going through the roof! The last show I watched of his had some revealing facts about the National Endowments for the Arts. It seems that the Obama administration is looking to them to gin up propaganda to silence the opposition.

Little do they know that the opposition cannot be silenced!

Is National Endowment for the Arts Pushing Obama Administration's Agenda? - Glenn Beck -

[ame=]YouTube - Obama uses NEA to Push his Agenda - National Endowment for the Arts = Obama's Propaganda Machine[/ame]

So, did he cry?
Glenn he still on the airways? I thought that all the sponsors left, and they canned his ass? Is this so?

Not only is he still on the airwaves, his rating are going through the roof! The last show I watched of his had some revealing facts about the National Endowments for the Arts. It seems that the Obama administration is looking to them to gin up propaganda to silence the opposition.

Little do they know that the opposition cannot be silenced!

Is National Endowment for the Arts Pushing Obama Administration's Agenda? - Glenn Beck -

[ame=]YouTube - Obama uses NEA to Push his Agenda - National Endowment for the Arts = Obama's Propaganda Machine[/ame]

So, did he cry?

Watch the video and educate youself.

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