Glenn Beck is not fooling around anymore, he is attempting to incite violence

So the thread bashing Beck has nearly 1,100 replies and over 6,000 views.

The thread discussing the ISSUES Beck brings up has 92 replies and just over 600 views.


It's only natural.

When someone is clearly insane, and goes off on paranoid rants, people talk about how insane he is, not the merits of the rants.

Clearly insane? Really? What is your definition of it the defintion as what a court would declare insane, or is this just your opinion?
this thread is still alive?!?!?

DO i dare go back and read the 20 pages since my last post?

Nah i'm done with beck this week :)
It's only natural.

When someone is clearly insane, and goes off on paranoid rants, people talk about how insane he is, not the merits of the rants.

You have a very odd definition of clearly insane. I deal with insane people all the time for work. I deal with people full of rage with no control who are completely nuts. Nothing Glenn says or does indicates that he is anywhere near insane.

He's quirky, no doubt. But insane? You need to actually meet some crazy people.
this thread is still alive?!?!?

DO i dare go back and read the 20 pages since my last post?

Nah i'm done with beck this week :)

You know what, you're right, I'm done with Beck too.

If Fox wants to keep a near-sociopath paranoid in their line-up, and if there's enough people of like mind out there to keep him on the air, well then I guess that's the way it is.

From this point on, I'll just reply to any reference to Beck with a "LOL, that psycho?".

this thread is still alive?!?!?

DO i dare go back and read the 20 pages since my last post?

Nah i'm done with beck this week :)

You know what, you're right, I'm done with Beck too.

If Fox wants to keep a near-sociopath paranoid in their line-up, and if there's enough people of like mind out there to keep him on the air, well then I guess that's the way it is.

From this point on, I'll just reply to any reference to Beck with a "LOL, that psycho?".


Half the time i defend him because I like being on the underdog side of a debate....i just dont have the juice to do it anymore, he doesn't really mean much to me so its hard to keep on keeping on about him.

Now if it was HR3200 :rofl:
It's only natural.

When someone is clearly insane, and goes off on paranoid rants, people talk about how insane he is, not the merits of the rants.

You have a very odd definition of clearly insane. I deal with insane people all the time for work. I deal with people full of rage with no control who are completely nuts. Nothing Glenn says or does indicates that he is anywhere near insane.

He's quirky, no doubt. But insane? You need to actually meet some crazy people.

There are clearly various categories of "insane". Would you agree that not all people who are considered clinically "insane" are necessarily violent?

Glenn Beck's insanity is a paranoid delusion concerning perceived global conspiracies that are "out to get him".

And, as promised, I will now say, "Beck? LOL, that psycho?"
It's only natural.

When someone is clearly insane, and goes off on paranoid rants, people talk about how insane he is, not the merits of the rants.

You have a very odd definition of clearly insane. I deal with insane people all the time for work. I deal with people full of rage with no control who are completely nuts. Nothing Glenn says or does indicates that he is anywhere near insane.

He's quirky, no doubt. But insane? You need to actually meet some crazy people.

There are clearly various categories of "insane". Would you agree that not all people who are considered clinically "insane" are necessarily violent?

Glenn Beck's insanity is a paranoid delusion concerning perceived global conspiracies that are "out to get him".

And, as promised, I will now say, "Beck? LOL, that psycho?"

Beck would not be defined as insane by any defintion clinically, or legally.
Oh, and by the way, 36 advertisers have now pulled their spots on Glenn Beck's show, including AT&T, Airware Inc. (maker of Brez anti-snoring aids), Allergan (maker of Restasis), Ally Bank (unit of GMAC Financial Services),, Best Buy, Blaine Labs Inc. (maker of Dr. Blaine's brand skin treatment products), Broadview Security (Brink's Home Security), CVS, Campbell Soup Company, Clorox, ConAgra (maker of Healthy Choice brand foods), Ditech, The Elations Company (maker of Elations nutritional supplement), Experian (, Farmers Insurance Group, GEICO, Johnson & Johnson,, Lowe's, Men's Wearhouse, NutriSystem, Procter & Gamble, Progressive Insurance, RadioShack, Re-Bath, Roche (make of Boniva), SC Johnson (makers of Ziploc, Off!, Pledge, and other products), Sanofi-Aventis (maker of Ambien), Sargento Cheese, Sprint, State Farm Insurance, Travelocity, The UPS Sto re, Verizon Wireless, and Wal-Mart.

These are not small advertisers, they are major players.

Should this become the norm, that is intimidating advertisers, it will boil down to them choosing sides in a 50/50 split, risking the loss of half of their customer base which ever side they choose. It seems a pretty stupid tactic, when you see it from a clear perspective. Then again, the Left is rarely concerned to Producing Income, in Relation to just Spending other Peoples Money. Keep beating on the Golden Goose. You will end up penniless and homeless. You have no credible alternative.

This tactic is rarely used by the left. It was in fact popularized by the right.

Apparently we're making an exception with Beck.

The tactic has made Jesse Jackson very rich.
Beck would not be defined as insane by any defintion clinically, or legally.

"Insanity" is subjective and is entirely dependent upon definitions of what the "norm" is.

I feel Beck's paranoid delusions put him significantly outside the norm. Enough so that I would say he is in fact "insane".

Many, many people, after hearing his wild rant all through this week, would agree with me.

He is a raving lunatic.
Oh, his ratings are still climbing, even though this is from the Examiner, the chart is accurate:
Left-wing boycott FAIL: Whole Food profits way up, Glenn Beck ratings way up (SEE SLIDESHOW)


Even these publications agree:
Fox News' Glenn Beck strikes ratings gold by challenging Barack Obama - Los Angeles Times
UPDATED: As boycott continues, Glenn Beck's audience swells | Show Tracker | Los Angeles Times
Glenn Beck’s ratings make mockery of boycott, Fox News kills competition | I Hate the Media - Fun with Liberal Media Bias

The hard data:
Big Beck: Goes over 3 million viewers, beats O’Reilly in demo: Cable News Ratings for Wednesday, August 26, 2009 - TV Ratings, Nielsen Ratings, Television Show Ratings |

And yes, this is a common phenomenon. Media that is speaking against the government almost always gets ratings boosts. That's why MSNBC did so well when the Republicans were in charge.

Which is why we are working on individual advertisers, rather than trying to stop people from watching.

My thought on the next step?

Petition Cable providers to allow users to choose which channels they get in their cable packages.

That way, they can choose to get a cable package that doesn't have FoxNews in it.
LOL when has PMSNBC had good ratings?
Fox News has consistantly kicked their ass
Insanity is subjective? Then why the heck do psychologists get paid if anyone can diagnose them?
Beck would not be defined as insane by any defintion clinically, or legally.

"Insanity" is subjective and is entirely dependent upon definitions of what the "norm" is.

I feel Beck's paranoid delusions put him significantly outside the norm. Enough so that I would say he is in fact "insane".

Many, many people, after hearing his wild rant all through this week, would agree with me.

He is a raving lunatic.

And your a moron....subjectively speaking of course. :cuckoo:
Obama ran on a platform that prominently included a Public Health plan.

He never hid it, he put it right out there in the open, as one of his primary campaign promises.

People voted for him by an overwhelming margin.

Up until the current anti-health-care-reform blitz by the corporate right-wing media, and a whole bunch of lies circulated by the same, the numbers in support of a public options were overwhelming.

Now you feel that Mr Obama should suddenly change his entire platform because a massive media campaign, and a massive disinformation campaign has temporarily swayed the public in the opposite direction by a small margin?

And you call this "ignoring what the people say"?

Seems to me like he's paying a lot of attention to what the people say, and he's trying to change their mind back to what it was before all this BS propaganda started.

But of course FoxNews will tell you that the whole country is "up in arms" and that Obama is "ignoring the will of the people", which is just more of their usual BS.

Overwhelming margin?!?!?!? You just lost what little credibilty you had.

7% is a big one in a presidential election. I would describe that as an "overwhelming margin", you may have your own opinion.

Remember that Mr Bush described his less than 2% margin as being large enough to provide him with lots of "political capital".
except it wasnt 7%
i actually watched the show tonight!!!! I tivo'd it, i never actually watch the show i usually just watch youtube clips.

He was on fire tonight.

At the beginning it was pretty funny, he was caught making a spelling error yesterday and the way he did the correction was freaking hillarious.

Oh i left out C when i spelt oligarch i spelled it oligarh and the left wing blogs made fun of me for it.

Hmmm what did i forget...oh yeah Czars!!!! Thats what I forgot :rofl:

That was a good one. I dont like czars BTW. I think he either did it on purpose (spelling error) knowing people would say something or he was real slick in admitting his mistake.
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i actually watched the show tonight!!!! I tivo'd it, i never actually watch the show i usually just watch youtube clips.

He was on fire tonight.

At the beginning it was pretty funny, he was caught making a spelling error yesterday and the way he did the correction was freaking hillarious.

Oh i left out C when i spelt oligarch i spelled it oligarh and the left wing blogs made fun of me for it.

Hmmm what did i forget...oh yeah Czars!!!! Thats what I forgot :rofl:

That was a good one. I dont like czars BTW. I think he either did it on purpose (spelling error) knowing people would say something or he was real slick in admitting his mistake.
thats what i would say
PMSNBC has one show going for it.

[ame=]YouTube - Joe Scarborough Furious! OVER GENERAL MOTORS! It's Frightening![/ame]
i actually watched the show tonight!!!! I tivo'd it, i never actually watch the show i usually just watch youtube clips.

He was on fire tonight.

At the beginning it was pretty funny, he was caught making a spelling error yesterday and the way he did the correction was freaking hillarious.

Oh i left out C when i spelt oligarch i spelled it oligarh and the left wing blogs made fun of me for it.

Hmmm what did i forget...oh yeah Czars!!!! Thats what I forgot :rofl:

That was a good one. I dont like czars BTW. I think he either did it on purpose (spelling error) knowing people would say something or he was real slick in admitting his mistake.

He did it on purpose. He did it to emphasize that with these czars in place the control falls outside the norm and into murky waters.

The people that Obama has appointed are czars. There was no verification process, they do not have to appear in front of the congress, they answer to no one but Obama, there are no checks and balances. The name czar fits them.

1. an emperor or king.
2. (often initial capital letter) the former emperor of Russia.
3. an autocratic ruler or leader.
4. any person exercising great authority or power in a particular field: a czar of industry.

How much power and influence do these czars hold? I'd like Obama to answer that question, among many others.

Obama doesn't like that they're called czars. Watch, he'll change the name to something else.

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