Glenn Beck is not fooling around anymore, he is attempting to incite violence

70 Pages and not one Credible Link. Break out the Tequila.

Not saying Glenn doesn't touch on Psycho or Drama Queen, just that You all picked the wrong skirmish, got on the wrong train, plane, off on the wrong floor, the doc. removed the wrong leg.

Yeah, you know that ignoring what other people say in the thread does not prove your point, right?
LWC, in all seriousness, which ever side of an issue you are on, Play Safely, and watch your back, and watch others. There are always unexpected things happening. When violent things start happening, collateral damage is a given. Contingency, Always. :eusa_angel:

This is a truism. I'm always prepared for the worst.

I'm just not going to go scaring people via national television.

Now there is a reasonable and credible Thread Topic. :eusa_angel:
Oh, and by the way, 36 advertisers have now pulled their spots on Glenn Beck's show, including AT&T, Airware Inc. (maker of Brez anti-snoring aids), Allergan (maker of Restasis), Ally Bank (unit of GMAC Financial Services),, Best Buy, Blaine Labs Inc. (maker of Dr. Blaine's brand skin treatment products), Broadview Security (Brink's Home Security), CVS, Campbell Soup Company, Clorox, ConAgra (maker of Healthy Choice brand foods), Ditech, The Elations Company (maker of Elations nutritional supplement), Experian (, Farmers Insurance Group, GEICO, Johnson & Johnson,, Lowe's, Men's Wearhouse, NutriSystem, Procter & Gamble, Progressive Insurance, RadioShack, Re-Bath, Roche (make of Boniva), SC Johnson (makers of Ziploc, Off!, Pledge, and other products), Sanofi-Aventis (maker of Ambien), Sargento Cheese, Sprint, State Farm Insurance, Travelocity, The UPS Sto re, Verizon Wireless, and Wal-Mart.

These are not small advertisers, they are major players.
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70 Pages and not one Credible Link. Break out the Tequila.

Not saying Glenn doesn't touch on Psycho or Drama Queen, just that You all picked the wrong skirmish, got on the wrong train, plane, off on the wrong floor, the doc. removed the wrong leg.

Yeah, you know that ignoring what other people say in the thread does not prove your point, right?

I've read every post on this thread. One Questionable reference, at best, yet off point.
Oh, and by the way, 36 advertisers have now pulled their spots on Glenn Beck's show, including AT&T, Airware Inc. (maker of Brez anti-snoring aids), Allergan (maker of Restasis), Ally Bank (unit of GMAC Financial Services),, Best Buy, Blaine Labs Inc. (maker of Dr. Blaine's brand skin treatment products), Broadview Security (Brink's Home Security), CVS, Campbell Soup Company, Clorox, ConAgra (maker of Healthy Choice brand foods), Ditech, The Elations Company (maker of Elations nutritional supplement), Experian (, Farmers Insurance Group, GEICO, Johnson & Johnson,, Lowe's, Men's Wearhouse, NutriSystem, Procter & Gamble, Progressive Insurance, RadioShack, Re-Bath, Roche (make of Boniva), SC Johnson (makers of Ziploc, Off!, Pledge, and other products), Sanofi-Aventis (maker of Ambien), Sargento Cheese, Sprint, State Farm Insurance, Travelocity, The UPS Sto re, Verizon Wireless, and Wal-Mart.

These are not small advertisers, they are major players.

Should this become the norm, that is intimidating advertisers, it will boil down to them choosing sides in a 50/50 split, risking the loss of half of their customer base which ever side they choose. It seems a pretty stupid tactic, when you see it from a clear perspective. Then again, the Left is rarely concerned to Producing Income, in Relation to just Spending other Peoples Money. Keep beating on the Golden Goose. You will end up penniless and homeless. You have no credible alternative.
Oh, and by the way, 36 advertisers have now pulled their spots on Glenn Beck's show, including AT&T, Airware Inc. (maker of Brez anti-snoring aids), Allergan (maker of Restasis), Ally Bank (unit of GMAC Financial Services),, Best Buy, Blaine Labs Inc. (maker of Dr. Blaine's brand skin treatment products), Broadview Security (Brink's Home Security), CVS, Campbell Soup Company, Clorox, ConAgra (maker of Healthy Choice brand foods), Ditech, The Elations Company (maker of Elations nutritional supplement), Experian (, Farmers Insurance Group, GEICO, Johnson & Johnson,, Lowe's, Men's Wearhouse, NutriSystem, Procter & Gamble, Progressive Insurance, RadioShack, Re-Bath, Roche (make of Boniva), SC Johnson (makers of Ziploc, Off!, Pledge, and other products), Sanofi-Aventis (maker of Ambien), Sargento Cheese, Sprint, State Farm Insurance, Travelocity, The UPS Sto re, Verizon Wireless, and Wal-Mart.

These are not small advertisers, they are major players.

So ... where is the list of advertisers currently spending money on those time slots that are still full? Oh wait ... if they leaked that information out then this outrage which is boosting his ratings would deflate.
And just about every time he does, he also includes comments that encourage people to "be ready to defend themselves", predicting that "leftists", "socialists" and "statists" are more than ready to start the armed conflict to come.

He states that he abhors violence, but his "cautionary tales" are driving people in his audience closer and closer to feeling that some sort of "first strike" is necessary.

Let me give you a simplified example:

What if I told you that your nextdoor neighbor, whom you really never got along with, was going to kill your wife and family?

Then what if I presented you with some trumped-up "evidence" that he was in fact going to do so?

Then what if I told you to go buy a gun, but to "be sure not to commit any violence"?

Do you think this behavior would make a violent encounter more or less likely to happen?

That is just about EXACTLY what Glenn Beck is doing. He is talking out both sides of his mouth.

On one side he is indirectly inciting people to commit violent acts, and providing "proof" that if they don't there will be dire consequences....

...And then on the other side he is making many short denials of his calls for violence, telling people to be peaceful in the face of all the threats he has just finished pointing out.

You have got to be one of the dumbest idiots on here. In the "what if" scenario, he asked would buying a gun to protect yourself and/or your family make a violent encounter more or less likely? The answer depends on the neighbor, if he attempts to harm your family then of course he will face a violent encounter, if he doesn't then no violent encounter would take place. In other words, arming yourself for protection or defense does not mean you will be more violent, but it does mean that those that wish you harm will be met with violence.

Indirectly inciting violence? What a fucking joke!! Either he's inciting violence or he's not, what he's inciting is the right to defend liberty against statism, socialism and the like.

Sigh, you just don't get it, do you?

It wasn't the gun part that was the issue. It was the planting of the idea in your head that your neighbor was dangerous and could kill your family at any moment.

Let's say your neighbor gets locked out of his house in the middle of the night, and comes over to knock on your door. You see him passing by your window at 3:00 in the morning.

You don't see any problem with this scenario? No likelihood that you might shoot your neighbor because this idea that he was dangerous to your family was planted in your head?

Seriously, you don't see what I'm getting at here? Or are you just playing dumb?

No one in their right mind would pass by a neighbors window at three a.m... not in Texas anyhow!! The fact is there are some that want to make this country into a socialist country and there will be those (like me) who will fight to protect the liberties of this nation. You're trying to say that just by mentioning the people that have a socialist and/or statist point of view, Beck is somehow inciting violence towards them. That is about as absurd a thing as I've ever heard.

If I tell you a rapist or murderer was loose in your neighborhood and you should take measures to ensure your safety, would that be inciting violence? Of course not. Would you shoot every stranger that you see in the neighborhood? Of course not. And that's what Beck is doing, letting American citizens know that there are those that are jeapordizing our liberties and we should be prepared to defend them.

And to answer your scenario, if I happen to see my neighbor, who I believe wants to harm my family, out my window at three in the morning, me being armed to the teeth and knowing that I have every right to defend (with deadly force) myself, my family and my property, I would shoot first and ask questions later. But I would do that no matter who it was outside my window at three in the morning.
Well, here's some of those still airing in his time slot ... well all of them, because that's all the airtime allocated to advertising. ;)

UNHCR(U.N. Refugee Agency)

You see, this is the average sized list for advertising. You really need to learn how media works, I just can't say that enough.
Oh, his ratings are still climbing, even though this is from the Examiner, the chart is accurate:
Left-wing boycott FAIL: Whole Food profits way up, Glenn Beck ratings way up (SEE SLIDESHOW)


Even these publications agree:
Fox News' Glenn Beck strikes ratings gold by challenging Barack Obama - Los Angeles Times
UPDATED: As boycott continues, Glenn Beck's audience swells | Show Tracker | Los Angeles Times
Glenn Beck’s ratings make mockery of boycott, Fox News kills competition | I Hate the Media - Fun with Liberal Media Bias

The hard data:
Big Beck: Goes over 3 million viewers, beats O’Reilly in demo: Cable News Ratings for Wednesday, August 26, 2009 - TV Ratings, Nielsen Ratings, Television Show Ratings |
Oh, and by the way, 36 advertisers have now pulled their spots on Glenn Beck's show, including AT&T, Airware Inc. (maker of Brez anti-snoring aids), Allergan (maker of Restasis), Ally Bank (unit of GMAC Financial Services),, Best Buy, Blaine Labs Inc. (maker of Dr. Blaine's brand skin treatment products), Broadview Security (Brink's Home Security), CVS, Campbell Soup Company, Clorox, ConAgra (maker of Healthy Choice brand foods), Ditech, The Elations Company (maker of Elations nutritional supplement), Experian (, Farmers Insurance Group, GEICO, Johnson & Johnson,, Lowe's, Men's Wearhouse, NutriSystem, Procter & Gamble, Progressive Insurance, RadioShack, Re-Bath, Roche (make of Boniva), SC Johnson (makers of Ziploc, Off!, Pledge, and other products), Sanofi-Aventis (maker of Ambien), Sargento Cheese, Sprint, State Farm Insurance, Travelocity, The UPS Sto re, Verizon Wireless, and Wal-Mart.

These are not small advertisers, they are major players.

Should this become the norm, that is intimidating advertisers, it will boil down to them choosing sides in a 50/50 split, risking the loss of half of their customer base which ever side they choose. It seems a pretty stupid tactic, when you see it from a clear perspective. Then again, the Left is rarely concerned to Producing Income, in Relation to just Spending other Peoples Money. Keep beating on the Golden Goose. You will end up penniless and homeless. You have no credible alternative.

This tactic is rarely used by the left. It was in fact popularized by the right.

Apparently we're making an exception with Beck.
So basically, for all you idiots who think they are hurting him with a stupid "boycott", this is how media works. The ratings determine how expensive a 30 second commercial timeslot is, 60 second spots cost a bit more. Most commercials now run about 30 seconds, and often an ad agency will purchase two or three per show for one product or service, to ensure maximum coverage. Now, target audiences come into play with which ones purchase the times (at least smart agencies look at that). The station will sometimes mess up, there have been a lot of stories of this happening, and the agency will complain so they don't have to pay the extra for that mistake and often work out a deal for discounts on those slots they actually did pay for (which is one thing that happened during Beck's show but got claimed to be "pulling"). The ratings determine how many in the target audience are likely to see the ad, thus the ratings control everything. The leaking of those products and services which were moved (notice, no real reason was actually given for most) then creates a stir and people talk about the show more. Often raising interest of those looking for an argument. Which is why finding that information out is always easier than finding the list of new advertisers. Those new viewers (even if they are looking for a reason to not like the show) count as an increase in ratings, advertisers don't care why you are watching that time slot, they only care that you are watching.

If that's not simple enough for you to understand, then look it up.
You have got to be one of the dumbest idiots on here. In the "what if" scenario, he asked would buying a gun to protect yourself and/or your family make a violent encounter more or less likely? The answer depends on the neighbor, if he attempts to harm your family then of course he will face a violent encounter, if he doesn't then no violent encounter would take place. In other words, arming yourself for protection or defense does not mean you will be more violent, but it does mean that those that wish you harm will be met with violence.

Indirectly inciting violence? What a fucking joke!! Either he's inciting violence or he's not, what he's inciting is the right to defend liberty against statism, socialism and the like.

Sigh, you just don't get it, do you?

It wasn't the gun part that was the issue. It was the planting of the idea in your head that your neighbor was dangerous and could kill your family at any moment.

Let's say your neighbor gets locked out of his house in the middle of the night, and comes over to knock on your door. You see him passing by your window at 3:00 in the morning.

You don't see any problem with this scenario? No likelihood that you might shoot your neighbor because this idea that he was dangerous to your family was planted in your head?

Seriously, you don't see what I'm getting at here? Or are you just playing dumb?

No one in their right mind would pass by a neighbors window at three a.m... not in Texas anyhow!! The fact is there are some that want to make this country into a socialist country and there will be those (like me) who will fight to protect the liberties of this nation. You're trying to say that just by mentioning the people that have a socialist and/or statist point of view, Beck is somehow inciting violence towards them. That is about as absurd a thing as I've ever heard.

If I tell you a rapist or murderer was loose in your neighborhood and you should take measures to ensure your safety, would that be inciting violence? Of course not. Would you shoot every stranger that you see in the neighborhood? Of course not. And that's what Beck is doing, letting American citizens know that there are those that are jeapordizing our liberties and we should be prepared to defend them.

And to answer your scenario, if I happen to see my neighbor, who I believe wants to harm my family, out my window at three in the morning, me being armed to the teeth and knowing that I have every right to defend (with deadly force) myself, my family and my property, I would shoot first and ask questions later. But I would do that no matter who it was outside my window at three in the morning.

Great, so I guess if your neighbor has any kind of trouble in the middle of the night, they shouldn't come asking for help at your house. Sheesh.

And here is the main problem:

You people are clearly under the impression that folks on the left are not trying to do the right thing for their country, which is what they are doing.

We care deeply for our country, and our democracy, and are trying to do things to help average Americans, like lower the cost of health care.

But because of people like Glenn Beck, you and your buddies have been convinced that everything people on the left do is because of some sort of evil conspiracy that they are hatching.

Which makes you and people who think like you, crazy right-wing, black-helicopter conspiracy-theorist extremists.

Even at the worst times of the Bush administration, I still believed Mr Bush thought he was doing what he believed was right for the country. I questioned his methods, not his motivations. I questioned his competency, and his honesty, but I always thought he was doing what he thought was right, even if the means did not justify the ends.

Sure there were some extremists that believed everything that Bush did was based on some crazy evil motive, but that's what made them extremists. And that's what you are, a right-wing extremist, just like Glenn Beck.

I'm sorry to be the one to tell you this, but you're both bat-shit crazy, seeing conspiracies in everything that people who aren't of your particular political persuasion do.

So, of course you don't have a problem with what Glenn Beck is saying, because he's just like you.

Let me explain a few things to you, though I'm sure it won't make a difference:

  • People on the left DON'T want a totalitarian government, they love their democracy, and will not EVER suffer a dictator.
  • When we come up with plans like a public option for health care, we are NOT doing it to "destroy capitalism", we are doing it because we truly believe that people will get cheaper, better health care, and we see this as a good thing.
  • Mr Obama is NOT trying to take over the country and turn it into a socialist state. With the car companies, he was just trying to save them. Really he was. And the Bank Bailouts were Bush's, not Obama's.

I'm sure you won't believe me, and you'll just continue to listen to crazy conspiracy theories because that's what you want to hear. But hey, it's worth a try.
Oh, and by the way, 36 advertisers have now pulled their spots on Glenn Beck's show, including AT&T, Airware Inc. (maker of Brez anti-snoring aids), Allergan (maker of Restasis), Ally Bank (unit of GMAC Financial Services),, Best Buy, Blaine Labs Inc. (maker of Dr. Blaine's brand skin treatment products), Broadview Security (Brink's Home Security), CVS, Campbell Soup Company, Clorox, ConAgra (maker of Healthy Choice brand foods), Ditech, The Elations Company (maker of Elations nutritional supplement), Experian (, Farmers Insurance Group, GEICO, Johnson & Johnson,, Lowe's, Men's Wearhouse, NutriSystem, Procter & Gamble, Progressive Insurance, RadioShack, Re-Bath, Roche (make of Boniva), SC Johnson (makers of Ziploc, Off!, Pledge, and other products), Sanofi-Aventis (maker of Ambien), Sargento Cheese, Sprint, State Farm Insurance, Travelocity, The UPS Sto re, Verizon Wireless, and Wal-Mart.

These are not small advertisers, they are major players.

BFD....He's got new sponsors, that are paying as much if not more for the time in his time slot. My point was, and always has been that he will always have sponsors and he will have his time slot. The left was saying his days are numbered and no sponsors will want their commercials on his slot. What a bunch of idiots.
So a bunch of sponsors were scared of by the likes of ACORN, but ones with balls weren't going to be intimidated came aboard.
Sigh, you just don't get it, do you?

It wasn't the gun part that was the issue. It was the planting of the idea in your head that your neighbor was dangerous and could kill your family at any moment.

Let's say your neighbor gets locked out of his house in the middle of the night, and comes over to knock on your door. You see him passing by your window at 3:00 in the morning.

You don't see any problem with this scenario? No likelihood that you might shoot your neighbor because this idea that he was dangerous to your family was planted in your head?

Seriously, you don't see what I'm getting at here? Or are you just playing dumb?

No one in their right mind would pass by a neighbors window at three a.m... not in Texas anyhow!! The fact is there are some that want to make this country into a socialist country and there will be those (like me) who will fight to protect the liberties of this nation. You're trying to say that just by mentioning the people that have a socialist and/or statist point of view, Beck is somehow inciting violence towards them. That is about as absurd a thing as I've ever heard.

If I tell you a rapist or murderer was loose in your neighborhood and you should take measures to ensure your safety, would that be inciting violence? Of course not. Would you shoot every stranger that you see in the neighborhood? Of course not. And that's what Beck is doing, letting American citizens know that there are those that are jeapordizing our liberties and we should be prepared to defend them.

And to answer your scenario, if I happen to see my neighbor, who I believe wants to harm my family, out my window at three in the morning, me being armed to the teeth and knowing that I have every right to defend (with deadly force) myself, my family and my property, I would shoot first and ask questions later. But I would do that no matter who it was outside my window at three in the morning.

Great, so I guess if your neighbor has any kind of trouble in the middle of the night, they shouldn't come asking for help at your house. Sheesh.

And here is the main problem:

You people are clearly under the impression that folks on the left are not trying to do the right thing for their country, which is what they are doing.

We care deeply for our country, and our democracy, and are trying to do things to help average Americans, like lower the cost of health care.

But because of people like Glenn Beck, you and your buddies have been convinced that everything people on the left do is because of some sort of evil conspiracy that they are hatching.

Which makes you and people who think like you, crazy right-wing, black-helicopter conspiracy-theorist extremists.

Even at the worst times of the Bush administration, I still believed Mr Bush thought he was doing what he believed was right for the country. I questioned his methods, not his motivations. I questioned his competency, and his honesty, but I always thought he was doing what he thought was right, even if the means did not justify the ends.

Sure there were some extremists that believed everything that Bush did was based on some crazy evil motive, but that's what made them extremists. And that's what you are, a right-wing extremist, just like Glenn Beck.

I'm sorry to be the one to tell you this, but you're both bat-shit crazy, seeing conspiracies in everything that people who aren't of your particular political persuasion do.

So, of course you don't have a problem with what Glenn Beck is saying, because he's just like you.

Let me explain a few things to you, though I'm sure it won't make a difference:

  • People on the left DON'T want a totalitarian government, they love their democracy, and will not EVER suffer a dictator.
  • When we come up with plans like a public option for health care, we are NOT doing it to "destroy capitalism", we are doing it because we truly believe that people will get cheaper, better health care, and we see this as a good thing.
  • Mr Obama is NOT trying to take over the country and turn it into a socialist state. With the car companies, he was just trying to save them. Really he was. And the Bank Bailouts were Bush's, not Obama's.

I'm sure you won't believe me, and you'll just continue to listen to crazy conspiracy theories because that's what you want to hear. But hey, it's worth a try.

If neolefties love democracy so much, then why is Obama playing like Bush and ignoring what the people say?
Well, here's some of those still airing in his time slot ... well all of them, because that's all the airtime allocated to advertising. ;)

UNHCR(U.N. Refugee Agency)

You see, this is the average sized list for advertising. You really need to learn how media works, I just can't say that enough.

The National review? Big shock there.

The Wall Street Journal is part of the same company, News Corp.

And hey, 8 other advertisers. Wow.
Well, here's some of those still airing in his time slot ... well all of them, because that's all the airtime allocated to advertising. ;)

UNHCR(U.N. Refugee Agency)

You see, this is the average sized list for advertising. You really need to learn how media works, I just can't say that enough.

The National review? Big shock there.

The Wall Street Journal is part of the same company, News Corp.

And hey, 8 other advertisers. Wow.

You think shows ever have more than that? You know less about media than I thought.
70 Pages and not one Credible Link. Break out the Tequila.

Not saying Glenn doesn't touch on Psycho or Drama Queen, just that You all picked the wrong skirmish, got on the wrong train, plane, off on the wrong floor, the doc. removed the wrong leg.

Yeah, you know that ignoring what other people say in the thread does not prove your point, right?

VLWC...I tend to ignore shit except when I step in it.

And yes, this is a common phenomenon. Media that is speaking against the government almost always gets ratings boosts. That's why MSNBC did so well when the Republicans were in charge.

Which is why we are working on individual advertisers, rather than trying to stop people from watching.

My thought on the next step?

Petition Cable providers to allow users to choose which channels they get in their cable packages.

That way, they can choose to get a cable package that doesn't have FoxNews in it.

And yes, this is a common phenomenon. Media that is speaking against the government almost always gets ratings boosts. That's why MSNBC did so well when the Republicans were in charge.

Which is why we are working on individual advertisers, rather than trying to stop people from watching.

My thought on the next step?

Petition Cable providers to allow users to choose which channels they get in their cable packages.

That way, they can choose to get a cable package that doesn't have FoxNews in it.

Wow ... so you are attacking people trying to earn an honest living just because you disagree with the host of a show they need to advertise during in order to make that honest living, you are as crooked as a thief.

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