Glenn Beck is not fooling around anymore, he is attempting to incite violence

Oh, his ratings are still climbing, even though this is from the Examiner, the chart is accurate:
Left-wing boycott FAIL: Whole Food profits way up, Glenn Beck ratings way up (SEE SLIDESHOW)


Even these publications agree:
Fox News' Glenn Beck strikes ratings gold by challenging Barack Obama - Los Angeles Times
UPDATED: As boycott continues, Glenn Beck's audience swells | Show Tracker | Los Angeles Times
Glenn Beck’s ratings make mockery of boycott, Fox News kills competition | I Hate the Media - Fun with Liberal Media Bias

The hard data:
Big Beck: Goes over 3 million viewers, beats O’Reilly in demo: Cable News Ratings for Wednesday, August 26, 2009 - TV Ratings, Nielsen Ratings, Television Show Ratings |

And yes, this is a common phenomenon. Media that is speaking against the government almost always gets ratings boosts. That's why MSNBC did so well when the Republicans were in charge.

Which is why we are working on individual advertisers, rather than trying to stop people from watching.

My thought on the next step?

Petition Cable providers to allow users to choose which channels they get in their cable packages.

That way, they can choose to get a cable package that doesn't have FoxNews in it.[/

:lol::lol: That is funny. Do you understand that a lot of democrats watch Fox News? I bet you don't understand that....which is even funnier.
If neolefties love democracy so much, then why is Obama playing like Bush and ignoring what the people say?

Obama ran on a platform that prominently included a Public Health plan.

He never hid it, he put it right out there in the open, as one of his primary campaign promises.

People voted for him by an overwhelming margin.

Up until the current anti-health-care-reform blitz by the corporate right-wing media, and a whole bunch of lies circulated by the same, the numbers in support of a public options were overwhelming.

Now you feel that Mr Obama should suddenly change his entire platform because a massive media campaign, and a massive disinformation campaign has temporarily swayed the public in the opposite direction by a small margin?

And you call this "ignoring what the people say"?

Seems to me like he's paying a lot of attention to what the people say, and he's trying to change their mind back to what it was before all this BS propaganda started.

But of course FoxNews will tell you that the whole country is "up in arms" and that Obama is "ignoring the will of the people", which is just more of their usual BS.

And yes, this is a common phenomenon. Media that is speaking against the government almost always gets ratings boosts. That's why MSNBC did so well when the Republicans were in charge.

Which is why we are working on individual advertisers, rather than trying to stop people from watching.

My thought on the next step?

Petition Cable providers to allow users to choose which channels they get in their cable packages.

That way, they can choose to get a cable package that doesn't have FoxNews in it.[/

:lol::lol: That is funny. Do you understand that a lot of democrats watch Fox News? I bet you don't understand that....which is even funnier.

Yes, I do understand that. I also understand WHY they watch FoxNews, and I think they will all understand the point of such a boycott.
Wow ... so you are attacking people trying to earn an honest living just because you disagree with the host of a show they need to advertise during in order to make that honest living, you are as crooked as a thief.

That doesn't even make sense. There are lots of other places, and time slots, to advertise in.
Wow ... so you are attacking people trying to earn an honest living just because you disagree with the host of a show they need to advertise during in order to make that honest living, you are as crooked as a thief.

That doesn't even make sense. There are lots of other places, and time slots, to advertise in.

Um ... okay ... now I need to wipe off my computer monitor. You are such an idiot that now you have to try to change the subject? Or do you think there are some magical time slots during a show that no one sees which exist out of time and space?
And yes, this is a common phenomenon. Media that is speaking against the government almost always gets ratings boosts. That's why MSNBC did so well when the Republicans were in charge.

Which is why we are working on individual advertisers, rather than trying to stop people from watching.

My thought on the next step?

Petition Cable providers to allow users to choose which channels they get in their cable packages.

That way, they can choose to get a cable package that doesn't have FoxNews in it.[/

:lol::lol: That is funny. Do you understand that a lot of democrats watch Fox News? I bet you don't understand that....which is even funnier.

Yes, I do understand that. I also understand WHY they watch FoxNews, and I think they will all understand the point of such a boycott.

You do realize that most democrats don't consider themselves as liberal, but as moderates don't you? This is why they wouldn't boycott Fox News.
Sigh, you just don't get it, do you?

It wasn't the gun part that was the issue. It was the planting of the idea in your head that your neighbor was dangerous and could kill your family at any moment.

Let's say your neighbor gets locked out of his house in the middle of the night, and comes over to knock on your door. You see him passing by your window at 3:00 in the morning.

You don't see any problem with this scenario? No likelihood that you might shoot your neighbor because this idea that he was dangerous to your family was planted in your head?

Seriously, you don't see what I'm getting at here? Or are you just playing dumb?

No one in their right mind would pass by a neighbors window at three a.m... not in Texas anyhow!! The fact is there are some that want to make this country into a socialist country and there will be those (like me) who will fight to protect the liberties of this nation. You're trying to say that just by mentioning the people that have a socialist and/or statist point of view, Beck is somehow inciting violence towards them. That is about as absurd a thing as I've ever heard.

If I tell you a rapist or murderer was loose in your neighborhood and you should take measures to ensure your safety, would that be inciting violence? Of course not. Would you shoot every stranger that you see in the neighborhood? Of course not. And that's what Beck is doing, letting American citizens know that there are those that are jeapordizing our liberties and we should be prepared to defend them.

And to answer your scenario, if I happen to see my neighbor, who I believe wants to harm my family, out my window at three in the morning, me being armed to the teeth and knowing that I have every right to defend (with deadly force) myself, my family and my property, I would shoot first and ask questions later. But I would do that no matter who it was outside my window at three in the morning.

Great, so I guess if your neighbor has any kind of trouble in the middle of the night, they shouldn't come asking for help at your house. Sheesh.

Trust me, my neighbors would not coming knocking at my door at 3 am without calling.

You people are clearly under the impression that folks on the left are not trying to do the right thing for their country, which is what they are doing.

That's right folks on the left are trying to do what's they percieve as right. even though they are wrong.

We care deeply for our country, and our democracy, and are trying to do things to help average Americans, like lower the cost of health care.

By socializing our healthcare system which the majority of Americans, most of which identify themselves as conservative, is against.

But because of people like Glenn Beck, you and your buddies have been convinced that everything people on the left do is because of some sort of evil conspiracy that they are hatching.

Have you looked at any of Obama's advisors? Van Jones - A self admitted communist, John Holdren - Wants forced Abortions for population control and compulsory sterilization, Cass Sunstein - Wants bans on Hunting and Eating meat, thinks a dog should get an attorney in court and wants to regulate the internet media so only leftist media is allowed, Carol Browner - Part of a socialist group who wants global government, Ezekiel Emmanuel - Places value of someone's life depending on their age. Obama himself has said, "If you want to know what my policies will be like, just look at the
people I surround myself with." And that's just five af the many that are advising Obama. I should have mentione Mark Lloyd, but I think I covered him in another thread.

Which makes you and people who think like you, crazy right-wing, black-helicopter conspiracy-theorist extremists.

How is it you can dismiss or ignore the people that Obama has surrounded himself with? Either you agree with their philosophy or you're just a sheep following your shephard. If you share their POV then you are an enemy to everything this country stands for.

Even at the worst times of the Bush administration, I still believed Mr Bush thought he was doing what he believed was right for the country. I questioned his methods, not his motivations. I questioned his competency, and his honesty, but I always thought he was doing what he thought was right, even if the means did not justify the ends.

I gave Obama a chance and he blew it.

Sure there were some extremists that believed everything that Bush did was based on some crazy evil motive, but that's what made them extremists. And that's what you are, a right-wing extremist, just like Glenn Beck.

Oh brother, just because I can see the direction that bama wants to take this country and I happen to think it's a fucked up way to go. I'm an extremist. Ok, I'm an extremist.

I'm sorry to be the one to tell you this, but you're both bat-shit crazy, seeing conspiracies in everything that people who aren't of your particular political persuasion do.

Conspiracy in my opinion means that something illegal is being done and I don't think that's the case, but again I could be wrong.

because he's just like you.[/B]

Show me one thing that Beck has stated as a matter fact, that was simply untrue.

  • [*]People on the left DON'T want a totalitarian government, they love their democracy, and will not EVER suffer a dictator.

    Then they're a bunch of idiots because that's exactly where Obama is trying to take us.

    [*]When we come up with plans like a public option for health care, we are NOT doing it to "destroy capitalism", we are doing it because we truly believe that people will get cheaper, better health care, and we see this as a good thing.

    There are any ways to reduce cost without "public option" and I think congress is finally realizing it. They are taling about taking public option off the table. And show me how public option would not destroy private companies. And please don't give me that crap about bringing competition, there is plenty of competition already.

    [*]Mr Obama is NOT trying to take over the country and turn it into a socialist state. With the car companies, he was just trying to save them. Really he was. And the Bank Bailouts were Bush's, not Obama's.

Yes bush fucked up by bailing out the banks, I guess in your opinion that makes it ok for Obama to continue down the same path. No one should have been bailed out.

I'm sure you won't believe me, and you'll just continue to listen to crazy conspiracy theories because that's what you want to hear. But hey, it's worth a try.

I believe you're a left wing loon, I also believe you think your delusions are right. Now show me one thing that Beck has said that was untrue?
If neolefties love democracy so much, then why is Obama playing like Bush and ignoring what the people say?

Obama ran on a platform that prominently included a Public Health plan.

He never hid it, he put it right out there in the open, as one of his primary campaign promises.

People voted for him by an overwhelming margin.

Up until the current anti-health-care-reform blitz by the corporate right-wing media, and a whole bunch of lies circulated by the same, the numbers in support of a public options were overwhelming.

Now you feel that Mr Obama should suddenly change his entire platform because a massive media campaign, and a massive disinformation campaign has temporarily swayed the public in the opposite direction by a small margin?

And you call this "ignoring what the people say"?

Seems to me like he's paying a lot of attention to what the people say, and he's trying to change their mind back to what it was before all this BS propaganda started.

But of course FoxNews will tell you that the whole country is "up in arms" and that Obama is "ignoring the will of the people", which is just more of their usual BS.

Overwhelming margin?!?!?!? You just lost what little credibilty you had.
If neolefties love democracy so much, then why is Obama playing like Bush and ignoring what the people say?

Obama ran on a platform that prominently included a Public Health plan.

He never hid it, he put it right out there in the open, as one of his primary campaign promises.

People voted for him by an overwhelming margin.

Up until the current anti-health-care-reform blitz by the corporate right-wing media, and a whole bunch of lies circulated by the same, the numbers in support of a public options were overwhelming.

Now you feel that Mr Obama should suddenly change his entire platform because a massive media campaign, and a massive disinformation campaign has temporarily swayed the public in the opposite direction by a small margin?

And you call this "ignoring what the people say"?

Seems to me like he's paying a lot of attention to what the people say, and he's trying to change their mind back to what it was before all this BS propaganda started.

But of course FoxNews will tell you that the whole country is "up in arms" and that Obama is "ignoring the will of the people", which is just more of their usual BS.

Overwhelming margin?!?!?!? You just lost what little credibilty you had.

7% is a big one in a presidential election. I would describe that as an "overwhelming margin", you may have your own opinion.

Remember that Mr Bush described his less than 2% margin as being large enough to provide him with lots of "political capital".
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I believe you're a left wing loon, I also believe you think your delusions are right. Now show me one thing that Beck has said that was untrue?

See, but that's not what I said.

Beck is too media savvy to come straight out and LIE.

He implies falsehoods, and pretends to allow people to make their own decisions about it, without stating it right out himself.

He uses terms like "some say" and "many say" to divert blame for implications from himself.

That is what propaganda looks like when done well, and Beck, for all his faults, is a skilled manipulator of propaganda.

It is also known as the "We Report, You Decide" approach to projecting false information through the media.
Wow ... so you are attacking people trying to earn an honest living just because you disagree with the host of a show they need to advertise during in order to make that honest living, you are as crooked as a thief.

That doesn't even make sense. There are lots of other places, and time slots, to advertise in.

Um ... okay ... now I need to wipe off my computer monitor. You are such an idiot that now you have to try to change the subject? Or do you think there are some magical time slots during a show that no one sees which exist out of time and space?

I guess I'm really not seeing what you are trying to convey...

Asking advertisers not to pay a media source money because you feel the media source is dangerous and dishonest is in some way criminal?
Yes, I do understand that. I also understand WHY they watch FoxNews, and I think they will all understand the point of such a boycott.

You do realize that most democrats don't consider themselves as liberal, but as moderates don't you? This is why they wouldn't boycott Fox News.

There's really hardly anyone that considers themselves to be in the extreme groups.

Almost everyone, if you ask them, will claim to be "moderate", even the actual extremists.
Obama ran on a platform that prominently included a Public Health plan.

He never hid it, he put it right out there in the open, as one of his primary campaign promises.

People voted for him by an overwhelming margin.

Up until the current anti-health-care-reform blitz by the corporate right-wing media, and a whole bunch of lies circulated by the same, the numbers in support of a public options were overwhelming.

Now you feel that Mr Obama should suddenly change his entire platform because a massive media campaign, and a massive disinformation campaign has temporarily swayed the public in the opposite direction by a small margin?

And you call this "ignoring what the people say"?

Seems to me like he's paying a lot of attention to what the people say, and he's trying to change their mind back to what it was before all this BS propaganda started.

But of course FoxNews will tell you that the whole country is "up in arms" and that Obama is "ignoring the will of the people", which is just more of their usual BS.

Overwhelming margin?!?!?!? You just lost what little credibilty you had.

7% is a big one in a presidential election. I would describe that as an "overwhelming margin", you may have your own opinion.

Remember that Mr Bush described his less than 2% margin as being large enough to provide him with lots of "political capital".

Can't you left wing losers ever defend an issue without mentioning Bush?
I believe you're a left wing loon, I also believe you think your delusions are right. Now show me one thing that Beck has said that was untrue?

See, but that's not what I said.

Beck is too media savvy to come straight out and LIE.

He implies falsehoods, and pretends to allow people to make their own decisions about it, without stating it right out himself.

He uses terms like "some say" and "many say" to divert blame for implications from himself.

That is what propaganda looks like when done well, and Beck, for all his faults, is a skilled manipulator of propaganda.

It is also known as the "We Report, You Decide" approach to projecting false information through the media.

So you admit that Beck is telling the truth about all the advisors that Obama has and how far left their agenda is?
So the thread bashing Beck has nearly 1,100 replies and over 6,000 views.

The thread discussing the ISSUES Beck brings up has 92 replies and just over 600 views.

So you admit that Beck is telling the truth about all the advisors that Obama has and how far left their agenda is?

No, Mr Beck is stating his opinion (or what he says if his opinion anyway) about the Obama administration.

That is not necessarily the same as telling the truth, or lying.

Besides "How far left" an agenda is is a completely subjective thing.

He is implying things that are false however. For instance, when he implies that Mr Obama's agenda is the same as Hitler's agenda where health care is concerned, that is a false implication.
So the thread bashing Beck has nearly 1,100 replies and over 6,000 views.

The thread discussing the ISSUES Beck brings up has 92 replies and just over 600 views.


It's only natural.

When someone is clearly insane, and goes off on paranoid rants, people talk about how insane he is, not the merits of the rants.
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So the thread bashing Beck has nearly 1,100 replies and over 6,000 views.

The thread discussing the ISSUES Beck brings up has 92 replies and just over 600 views.


It's only natural.

When someone is clearly insane, and goes off on paranoid rants, people talk about how insane he is, not the merits of the rants.

... and yet, you can't see this as nothing but a ploy to bring in more viewers and higher ratings ... odd ... really it's odd. :eusa_whistle:
So the thread bashing Beck has nearly 1,100 replies and over 6,000 views.

The thread discussing the ISSUES Beck brings up has 92 replies and just over 600 views.


It's only natural.

When someone is clearly insane, and goes off on paranoid rants, people talk about how insane he is, not the merits of the rants.

... and yet, you can't see this as nothing but a ploy to bring in more viewers and higher ratings ... odd ... really it's odd. :eusa_whistle:

Glenn Beck does not call the shots. Rupert Murdoch sells distraction and lies and in return gets the big advertisement money and who knows what else. He will never fire Beck. The truly stupid are very loyal to him.

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