Glenn Beck is not fooling around anymore, he is attempting to incite violence

You right-wingers always seem to have some generalization or other that you try to fit Liberals into, I guess that makes you feel safe and "superior".

ah how cute ....the kettle calling the pot black.....
Did Beck call Obama Hitler?

He did even worse. He devoted an hour segment pointing out how Obama is, in his opinion, exactly like Hitler, complete with old war footage, and emotional outbursts implying that he feared for his daughter's life because of how much Obama is like Hitler.

Of course he spent some time denying that's that what he was implying, for the purpose of plausible deniability, but make the clear comparison he did.

He also claimed that some of Obama's advisors were in fact Nazi eugenicists.

So the answer to my question would be .. no, Beck did not call Obama Hitler.

Did you actually listen to the entire segment?

One can easily equate someone to another person without voicing the exact words, which is what Beck did.

Beck used images and narrative to effectively call Obama hitler.

So yes, he did.

His protests that he "was not actually saying that" were obvious attempts at false innocence.
Hey, since GI Joe here is out #1 assasin, can we air drop him into Iran and have him whack Imadingyslob and the mad mullahs?

Seeing as he's a big pre-emptive kinda guy.

So, you have nothing to add to the conversation, so like Willow, you have reduced yourself to continual personal attacks.


You're a very sad individual.
He did even worse. He devoted an hour segment pointing out how Obama is, in his opinion, exactly like Hitler, complete with old war footage, and emotional outbursts implying that he feared for his daughter's life because of how much Obama is like Hitler.

Of course he spent some time denying that's that what he was implying, for the purpose of plausible deniability, but make the clear comparison he did.

He also claimed that some of Obama's advisors were in fact Nazi eugenicists.

So the answer to my question would be .. no, Beck did not call Obama Hitler.

Did you actually listen to the entire segment?

One can easily equate someone to another person without voicing the exact words, which is what Beck did.

Beck used images and narrative to effectively call Obama hitler.

So yes, he did.

His protests that he "was not actually saying that" were obvious attempts at false innocence.

And you can prove his innocence false?

I seriously doubt you bothered listening to the hour long segment.
You do a good job of that, you don't need help with it.

I hear you are a big tough soldier, and you kill people.

Maybe you should handle beck yourself, seeing as you are..


I never said anything about killing Beck, or wishing him dead, now did I?

As far as your pithy little pic goes, assume all you want... You know what happens when you assume.

You right-wingers always seem to have some generalization or other that you try to fit Liberals into, I guess that makes you feel safe and "superior".

If I showed you a picture of myself, you wouldn't believe it was me anyway, so what's the use?

You'll just have to take my word for it.

short, fat, sealyboboinsoftpinktights..
He did even worse. He devoted an hour segment pointing out how Obama is, in his opinion, exactly like Hitler, complete with old war footage, and emotional outbursts implying that he feared for his daughter's life because of how much Obama is like Hitler.

Of course he spent some time denying that's that what he was implying, for the purpose of plausible deniability, but make the clear comparison he did.

He also claimed that some of Obama's advisors were in fact Nazi eugenicists.

So the answer to my question would be .. no, Beck did not call Obama Hitler.

Did you actually listen to the entire segment?

One can easily equate someone to another person without voicing the exact words, which is what Beck did.

Beck used images and narrative to effectively call Obama hitler.

So yes, he did.

His protests that he "was not actually saying that" were obvious attempts at false innocence.

he was showing examples of eugenics....then he pointed out that some of obamas advisors hold similar views to eugenicists.....then he pointed out that the economic situation is similar......

you are simply trying to shift the argument to have it be out beck.....rather than see that what beck is pointing out is plausible.....
So, you have nothing to add to the conversation,
You've added nothing to the board since you blew in, outside of cheap laughs at your faux outrage and internet tough guy act.

so like Willow, you have reduced yourself to continual personal attacks.
You are a personal attack on common sense.

Yes, you are typical of the bunch who arrived recently.

Not an interesting one of you yet.

You're a very sad individual.
Yes, someday I might move up to making internet whines about nobody talk show hosts who want 'violence.' :lol:

Where on earth are they getting you goobers, did BoBo reproduce by Mitosis or something?
I never said anything about killing Beck, or wishing him dead, now did I?
And by an interesting coincedence, I didn't say kill him either, did I genius.

As far as your pithy little pic goes, assume all you want... You know what happens when you assume.
In your case it would be confirmed.

You right-wingers always seem to have some generalization or other that you try to fit Liberals into, I guess that makes you feel safe and "superior".
And like the good lil douchebag you are, you do what you accuse others of, in this case 'assume.'

I am not a 'right winger'

I am not a 'left winger'

I'm not a con, not a liberal, not a democrat or a Goper or any other of your stupid political labels.

If I showed you a picture of myself, you wouldn't believe it was me anyway, so what's the use?
That is probaly why its a bad idea of telling folks that you are a big soldja boy, ready to kill.

Now isn't it. :eusa_think:

You'll just have to take my word for it.
Based on your posting history so far, your credibilty index is...

Yeah, The dipshit became a supporting member because that was the only way they would keep him around. ~BH

Afraid to be faced with a liberal that won't back down?

I haven't broken any of the rules, so why would a moderator remove me, except for my positions?

I became a Supporting Member because I believe in supporting open forums, and though I don't agree with most of the people in this one, it's got a good format, and has potential.

What's up, you didn't want to put your money where your mouth is?

Yeah, Lucky for you stupidity and arrogance clearly are not a violation of the rules here. I'll put my money where my mouth is when I damn well feel like it bro. You drew first blood and shot your mouth off to me in another thread for no reason whatsoever so don't act like you're a saint guy. Was I talking to you, or your boyfriend? All I am saying is if you want trouble, You found him. Otherwise, Show some respect and I'll show it in return. I give what I get. ~BH
Yeah, The dipshit became a supporting member because that was the only way they would keep him around. ~BH

Afraid to be faced with a liberal that won't back down?

I haven't broken any of the rules, so why would a moderator remove me, except for my positions?

I became a Supporting Member because I believe in supporting open forums, and though I don't agree with most of the people in this one, it's got a good format, and has potential.

What's up, you didn't want to put your money where your mouth is?

Yeah, Lucky for you stupidity and arrogance clearly are not a violation of the rules here. I'll put my money where my mouth is when I damn well feel like it bro. You drew first blood and shot your mouth off to me in another thread for no reason whatsoever so don't act like you're a saint guy. Was I talking to you, or your boyfriend? All I am saying is if you want trouble, You found him. Otherwise, Show some respect and I'll show it in return. I give what I get. ~BH



[ame=]YouTube - Dueling Banjos Deliverance[/ame]

Stop crying :lol:

Obama is inciting violence by telling those of us who are against the house's current HR3200 health care bill to stop talking and get out of the way.

Maybe we should remove him from office too :cuckoo:

You moonbat

It was Beck who was doing the crying there genius. He does it all the time to play for sympathy, like the worm he is.

Not I.

I'm not crying, I'm calling people to action.

Stop crying :lol:

Obama is inciting violence by telling those of us who are against the house's current HR3200 health care bill to stop talking and get out of the way.

Maybe we should remove him from office too :cuckoo:

You moonbat

It was Beck who was doing the crying there genius. He does it all the time to play for sympathy, like the worm he is.

Not I.

I'm not crying, I'm calling people to action.
putting out the call for more SEIU thugs?
You've added nothing to the board since you blew in, outside of cheap laughs at your faux outrage and internet tough guy act.

You are a personal attack on common sense.

Yes, you are typical of the bunch who arrived recently.

Not an interesting one of you yet.

I've watched you and your buds try to intimidate any new liberal member off the boards.

I'm glad that all you live for is to sit around and get your jollies insulting other people on message boards, until they lose enough members that you get back to a nice little echo chamber, but I don't get intimidated easily.

I also frankly don't give a shit what you personally think of me, as you are a complete jackass.

I tried having a discussion, but it's quite obvious that you and your buds don't want to have a discussion, you just want to try and insult as many liberals as you can.

Well, good work, you've succeeded in looking like a complete douchebag, but I'm still here, and I'm not going anywhere, so you might as well take your holier than thou attitude (because you've been on a board longer than someone else, lol) and kindly shove it up your ass.


Yes, someday I might move up to making internet whines about nobody talk show hosts who want 'violence.' :lol:

Where on earth are they getting you goobers, did BoBo reproduce by Mitosis or something?

If it's such a ridiculous theory, then why the hell are you still talking about it?

Must have struck a nerve.

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I am not a 'right winger'

*ahem* Bullshit!

I notice you only concentrate your ire on Liberals though, don't you?

I am not a 'left winger'


I'm not a con, not a liberal, not a democrat or a Goper or any other of your stupid political labels.

Sure dude, whatever. I've seen lots of moderate posters, and you're not one of them.

Hmm, or maybe you're just an all around Asshole. That would certainly explain a lot.

If I showed you a picture of myself, you wouldn't believe it was me anyway, so what's the use?

That is probaly why its a bad idea of telling folks that you are a big soldja boy, ready to kill.

Now isn't it. :eusa_think:

You'll just have to take my word for it.
Based on your posting history so far, your credibilty index is...


Based on your posting history so far, you haven't posted anything worthwhile up until this point, so why would I care about your opinion of my "credibility index"?
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Ahh and leave it up to Willow to put the cherry on top.

I'm sorry, did Willow say something, I have them on ignore.

Oh, and intimidation tactics consisting of large amounts of personal attacks do not add up to winning the argument.
Wow, Watched Glen at 5PM, Good show today. Takes Balls. Remember Everyone, Document, Document, Document.

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