Glenn Beck: 'Liberals, You Were Right' About Iraq War


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
"From the beginning, most people on the left were against going into Iraq. I wasn’t.... Liberals, you were right. We shouldn’t have."

"Not one more life. Not one more life. Not one more dollar, not one more airplane, not one more bullet, not one more Marine, not one more arm or leg or eye. Not one more," he said. "This must end now. Now can't we come together on that?"

MORE: Glenn Beck: 'Liberals, You Were Right' About Iraq War

Glenn Beck: 'Liberals, You Were Right,' We Should Never Have Gone into Iraq | Mediaite

Beck is a slow learner...
If you were asked to identify a single moment that best captures the failure of elite media outlets to act as agents of accountability, you could do worse than David Gregory asking Paul Wolfowitz on “Meet the Press” this weekend what we should do, “as a policy matter,” to deal with the deteriorating situation in Iraq.

Wolfowitz, as deputy secretary of defense from 2001 to 2005, was one of the chief visionaries and supporters of the 2003 invasion of Iraq. And he got just about everything wrong, from the cost of the war to the presence of WMD. And he doesn’t particularly care. In an interview with the Sunday Times last March, Wolfowitz made the argument that even though they got it wrong on WMD in 2003, everything they said was happening (but wasn’t) would likely have happened later. “We would very likely either have had to go through this whole scenario all over but probably with higher costs for having delayed, or we’d be in a situation today where not only Iran was edging towards nuclear weapons but so was Iraq and also Libya.”

What price did Wolfowitz pay for his part in the biggest American foreign policy disaster of that last generation? George Bush nominated him to the presidency of the World Bank. While at the World Bank he violated ethics rules and caused a scandal that paralyzed the institution. He was forced to resign after governments around the world called for him to be fired.

Everything Paul Wolfowitz has touched in the last decade has turned into an international catastrophe. And yet there he was on “Meet the Press” this weekend, asked to offer his take on what to do now that the rolling disaster he helped set in motion has reached yet another bloody nadir.

MORE: Stop treating war-crazy buffoons as experts! They got it wrong, remember? -

Thousands have already been killed and crippled - for nothing. What a waste of blood and treasure. Now the warmongers want more to be killed and crippled to honor those already killed and crippled. Hopefully Obama won't take the bait.
"From the beginning, most people on the left were against going into Iraq. I wasn’t.... Liberals, you were right. We shouldn’t have."

"Not one more life. Not one more life. Not one more dollar, not one more airplane, not one more bullet, not one more Marine, not one more arm or leg or eye. Not one more," he said. "This must end now. Now can't we come together on that?"

MORE: Glenn Beck: 'Liberals, You Were Right' About Iraq War

Beck is a slow learner...


We started on the Sisyphean task of teaching civilization to Muslims, because we wanted to buy their oil...find it for them, and then buy it from them, and make them rich. Now, Beck has realized and the Progressives have realized, that you can't drag these people out of the 9th century.

They took the money and bought arms and one of them is near finishing a nuclear bomb, and now, on a sudden, Glen Beck and Barack Obama and the people in New York City who are sitting in the cross hairs.....really badly want just want to come home.

Now, the noble cause of dragging these barbarians out of the Dark Ages has become tiresome, and we just want the war to we can come home.

But, the barbarians don't want the war to be over. They started it. They have always wanted to Kill the Infidel, and now they can do something about it besides ride about on a camel waiving a scimitar and screaming it to the Desert.

Now, with one of these lunatic tribes about to get a nuclear bomb, does it become a consensus that we can just leave these barbaric people alone to kill each other.

Do any of you folks in New York worry about a Dirty Bomb? I worry for you. What will Hilary do when she inherits an Economy running on 10 dollar a gallon for gas...which is possible if the Sunnis and Shiites get to killing each other with the enthusiasm they have shown throughout the centuries.

No, we can't drag Mullins out of the Dark Ages, but neither are the two oceans going to protect us from their lunacy...not for long. They can send us back to the Dark Ages and they mean to do it.

You just can't trust a man that thinks he is going to get 72 virgins in Paradise if, when he blows himself up, he takes some Americans with him.
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Of course not one more. We have no leadership. We go back to Iraq and obama will make sure it's a bloodbath.
If you were asked to identify a single moment that best captures the failure of elite media outlets to act as agents of accountability, you could do worse than David Gregory asking Paul Wolfowitz on “Meet the Press” this weekend what we should do, “as a policy matter,” to deal with the deteriorating situation in Iraq.

Wolfowitz, as deputy secretary of defense from 2001 to 2005, was one of the chief visionaries and supporters of the 2003 invasion of Iraq. And he got just about everything wrong, from the cost of the war to the presence of WMD. And he doesn’t particularly care. In an interview with the Sunday Times last March, Wolfowitz made the argument that even though they got it wrong on WMD in 2003, everything they said was happening (but wasn’t) would likely have happened later. “We would very likely either have had to go through this whole scenario all over but probably with higher costs for having delayed, or we’d be in a situation today where not only Iran was edging towards nuclear weapons but so was Iraq and also Libya.”

What price did Wolfowitz pay for his part in the biggest American foreign policy disaster of that last generation? George Bush nominated him to the presidency of the World Bank. While at the World Bank he violated ethics rules and caused a scandal that paralyzed the institution. He was forced to resign after governments around the world called for him to be fired.

Everything Paul Wolfowitz has touched in the last decade has turned into an international catastrophe. And yet there he was on “Meet the Press” this weekend, asked to offer his take on what to do now that the rolling disaster he helped set in motion has reached yet another bloody nadir.

MORE: Stop treating war-crazy buffoons as experts! They got it wrong, remember? -

Thousands have already been killed and crippled - for nothing. What a waste of blood and treasure. Now the warmongers want more to be killed and crippled to honor those already killed and crippled. Hopefully Obama won't take the bait.

The advent of ISIS may continue "religious cleansing". Then what? And if ISIS is backed by Saudi deep pockets, will Iran decided a few dirty bombs in what is left of Iraqi cities is acceptable warfare?
Sunnis, Shiites, and Kurds must learn to coexist. Maybe Vice President Biden is right that Iraq should be partitioned into three sections. However, they'd probably continue their religious/tribal warfare. I just don't want any more American blood and treasure wasted.

I'm sure the neocon warmongers will continue beating their war drums with scare tactics of dirty bombs and mushroom clouds. Hopefully smarter/saner minds will prevail.
Sunnis, Shiites, and Kurds must learn to coexist. Maybe Vice President Biden is right that Iraq should be partitioned into three sections. However, they'd probably continue their religious/tribal warfare. I just don't want any more American blood and treasure wasted.

I'm sure the neocon warmongers will continue beating their war drums with scare tactics of dirty bombs and mushroom clouds. Hopefully smarter/saner minds will prevail.

Are you counting on "smarter/saner minds" to prevail in Arabia and Persia. That is where policy will be dictated from now on. Putin may have some input.
Legalize Cannabis Sativa again, industrial hemp will replace foreign oil for transportation fuel, and the Middle East will become geopolitically irrelevant to Western interests.
Legalize Cannabis Sativa again, industrial hemp will replace foreign oil for transportation fuel, and the Middle East will become geopolitically irrelevant to Western interests.

Hemp; not oil. Interesting idea.

Hemp's been around forever, and oil for only about 150 years. Everybody...I mean everybody...has seemed to favor oil since it came along. Rockefeller made his fortune on oil, not hemp. Everybody else too.

Is hemp your idea?

How much will hemp be a gallon? If its 20 bucks after the massive Federal subsidies to Democratic-connected Green-mongers like Al Gore....I pass.
So, Beck admitted that the progs were right.

When was the last time, in recent history, that progs admitted that anyone to the right of Henry Hyde is right?
Legalize Cannabis Sativa again, industrial hemp will replace foreign oil for transportation fuel, and the Middle East will become geopolitically irrelevant to Western interests.

Hemp; not oil. Interesting idea.

Hemp's been around forever, and oil for only about 150 years. Everybody...I mean everybody...has seemed to favor oil since it came along. Rockefeller made his fortune on oil, not hemp. Everybody else too.

Is hemp your idea?

How much will hemp be a gallon? If its 20 bucks after the massive Federal subsidies to Democratic-connected Green-mongers like Al Gore....I pass.

Don't know HOW MANY times I've pasted this but here goes again for the nth time!!

In fact, if we apply a realistic estimate of average yield—3.5 tons of usable biomass per acre—and suppose that hemp were to be grown on every single acre of arable cropland in the U. S. (421 million acres), we would only produce about 1.5 billion tons of hemp biomass per year. This probably sounds like a lot. However, according to the U.S. government (DOE, 2011) we used 6.8 billion barrels of petroleum and almost exactly 1 billion tons of coal in 2009; this amounts to 66 billion gigajoules of energy. If we burned all of that hemp biomass, it would optimistically yield 23 billion gigajoules (ORNL, 2011). In other words, even if we grew hemp on all the farmland in the country, it would only replace 35% of our combined coal and oil use—and this doesn’t even take natural gas into account. Obviously, hemp couldn’t even come close to replacing our fossil fuels.
Legalize Cannabis Sativa again, industrial hemp will replace foreign oil for transportation fuel, and the Middle East will become geopolitically irrelevant to Western interests.

Hemp; not oil. Interesting idea.

Hemp's been around forever, and oil for only about 150 years. Everybody...I mean everybody...has seemed to favor oil since it came along. Rockefeller made his fortune on oil, not hemp. Everybody else too.

Is hemp your idea?

How much will hemp be a gallon? If its 20 bucks after the massive Federal subsidies to Democratic-connected Green-mongers like Al Gore....I pass.
What? Look, Democrats and Republicans keep hemp illegal as "marijuana" so that oil is the dominant fuel source, because the supply and therefore the profits can be concentrated to as few hands as possible.

Iraq and the Middle East isn't about "oil". It's about energy. Transportation fuel for producing and shipping goods. Fossil oil is simply the primary resource for transportation fuel, but that fuel can be made from hemp seeds and stalks without constant global war.

The only drawback to this plan is that billionaires and warmongers no longer profit from the deaths of so many people. The oil stays in the ground where it belongs.

Everyone can grow Cannabis, from large farms to homeless veterans, and this can make the US energy independent. That is why Cannabis remains illegal. If "marijuana" is so dangerous to society then why did the US Federal government legalize "marihuana" to save our society just five years after making "marihuana" illegal to save our society?

Why did Richard Nixon start the war on drugs after his own special committee reviewed all of the available science and concluded that "marijuana" should be legalized?

Why has every US President kept marijuana illegal, despite some of those US Presidents having smoked marijuana themselves? It's to protect the global financial structure built around controlled fossil fuels for energy- the oligarchy. Rich people.

Marijuana is illegal to protect the fortunes of rich people.
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Legalize Cannabis Sativa again, industrial hemp will replace foreign oil for transportation fuel, and the Middle East will become geopolitically irrelevant to Western interests.

Hemp; not oil. Interesting idea.

Hemp's been around forever, and oil for only about 150 years. Everybody...I mean everybody...has seemed to favor oil since it came along. Rockefeller made his fortune on oil, not hemp. Everybody else too.

Is hemp your idea?

How much will hemp be a gallon? If its 20 bucks after the massive Federal subsidies to Democratic-connected Green-mongers like Al Gore....I pass.

Don't know HOW MANY times I've pasted this but here goes again for the nth time!!

In fact, if we apply a realistic estimate of average yield—3.5 tons of usable biomass per acre—and suppose that hemp were to be grown on every single acre of arable cropland in the U. S. (421 million acres), we would only produce about 1.5 billion tons of hemp biomass per year. This probably sounds like a lot. However, according to the U.S. government (DOE, 2011) we used 6.8 billion barrels of petroleum and almost exactly 1 billion tons of coal in 2009; this amounts to 66 billion gigajoules of energy. If we burned all of that hemp biomass, it would optimistically yield 23 billion gigajoules (ORNL, 2011). In other words, even if we grew hemp on all the farmland in the country, it would only replace 35% of our combined coal and oil use—and this doesn’t even take natural gas into account. Obviously, hemp couldn’t even come close to replacing our fossil fuels.


This is about what I expected on the hemp bullshit.
We should of just left Saddam in power and warned him NOT TO FUCK WITH US. Fuck with us = nuke into your compound.

End of story.
"From the beginning, most people on the left were against going into Iraq. I wasn’t.... Liberals, you were right. We shouldn’t have."

"Not one more life. Not one more life. Not one more dollar, not one more airplane, not one more bullet, not one more Marine, not one more arm or leg or eye. Not one more," he said. "This must end now. Now can't we come together on that?"

MORE: Glenn Beck: 'Liberals, You Were Right' About Iraq War

Glenn Beck: 'Liberals, You Were Right,' We Should Never Have Gone into Iraq | Mediaite

Beck is a slow learner...

Or pushing for ratings.
Legalize Cannabis Sativa again, industrial hemp will replace foreign oil for transportation fuel, and the Middle East will become geopolitically irrelevant to Western interests.

Hemp; not oil. Interesting idea.

Hemp's been around forever, and oil for only about 150 years. Everybody...I mean everybody...has seemed to favor oil since it came along. Rockefeller made his fortune on oil, not hemp. Everybody else too.

Is hemp your idea?

How much will hemp be a gallon? If its 20 bucks after the massive Federal subsidies to Democratic-connected Green-mongers like Al Gore....I pass.

Don't know HOW MANY times I've pasted this but here goes again for the nth time!!

In fact, if we apply a realistic estimate of average yield—3.5 tons of usable biomass per acre—and suppose that hemp were to be grown on every single acre of arable cropland in the U. S. (421 million acres), we would only produce about 1.5 billion tons of hemp biomass per year. This probably sounds like a lot. However, according to the U.S. government (DOE, 2011) we used 6.8 billion barrels of petroleum and almost exactly 1 billion tons of coal in 2009; this amounts to 66 billion gigajoules of energy. If we burned all of that hemp biomass, it would optimistically yield 23 billion gigajoules (ORNL, 2011). In other words, even if we grew hemp on all the farmland in the country, it would only replace 35% of our combined coal and oil use—and this doesn’t even take natural gas into account. Obviously, hemp couldn’t even come close to replacing our fossil fuels.
I don't know how many times you've pasted that either, but I'd like to know your source.

Try these:

Vote Hemp: Why Hemp?: New Billion-Dollar Crop
The feasibility of converting Cannabis sat... [Bioresour Technol. 2010] - PubMed - NCBI
Attempted ignition of petrol vapour by lit cigar... [Sci Justice. 2011] - PubMed - NCBI
UConn Biofuel Consortium
Effect of harvest date on combustion related fuel properties of industrial hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) - Fuel - Tom 102, Numer Complete (2012) - Biblioteka Nauki - Yadda
Hemp: A New Crop with New Uses for North America
Industrial Hemp - Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC),d.cGU&cad=rja
Feasibility of Industrial Hemp Production in the United States Pacific Northwest, SB681
Consultation Document on the Review of the Industrial Hemp Framework
Growing Industrial Hemp in Ontario,d.cGU&cad=rja
Cannabis and Cannabinoids (PDQ®) - National Cancer Institute

Just keep reading.
Beck must be losing more advertisers to make such a major flip-flop.
"From the beginning, most people on the left were against going into Iraq. I wasn’t.... Liberals, you were right. We shouldn’t have."

"Not one more life. Not one more life. Not one more dollar, not one more airplane, not one more bullet, not one more Marine, not one more arm or leg or eye. Not one more," he said. "This must end now. Now can't we come together on that?"

MORE: Glenn Beck: 'Liberals, You Were Right' About Iraq War

Glenn Beck: 'Liberals, You Were Right,' We Should Never Have Gone into Iraq | Mediaite

Beck is a slow learner...

The guy is a blowhard (a rich one) who in my opinion is pretty disingenuous. I remember hearing his monologues support the war and his advocacy of an interventionist foreign policy. I think he says some of these things to gin up more interest in him. It's a good marketing ploy, maybe he has another new book coming out?
We should of just left Saddam in power and warned him NOT TO FUCK WITH US. Fuck with us = nuke into your compound.

End of story.

He wasn't fucking with us at all. He couldn't say he was weak or he couldn't keep control of that country.

Republicans went prospecting for oil. They found it, but they couldn't keep it. Because it wasn't ours.

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