Glenn Beck: ‘Liberals, you were right’ on the war in Iraq

Maybe Glenn Beck is not so crazy after all. :smiliehug:

Glenn Beck: ?Liberals, you were right? on the war in Iraq | MSNBC

No, you’re not dreaming.

Conservative radio pundit Glenn Beck—the man who famously said “The most used phrase in my administration if I were to be president would be ‘What the hell you mean we’re out of missiles?’” — is siding with liberals on the war in Iraq.

“Now, in spite of the things I felt at the time when we went into war, liberals said: We shouldn’t get involved. We shouldn’t nation-build. And there was no indication the people of Iraq had the will to be free. I thought that was insulting at the time. Everybody wants to be free. They said we couldn’t force freedom on people. Let me lead with my mistakes,” Beck said on his radio program, according to a transcript on his site. “You are right. Liberals, you were right. We shouldn’t have.”

Funny stuff, you vilify the man constantly, then glorify him the moment he agrees with you. This speaks volumes.
NO! You are so right. You are very wrong!

Sad thing is, i think the main reason Iraq became a failure is because Obama took over. I could be wrong. But maybe the lesson is we can't do these type of things because the next guy in power might be completely incompetent.
I think the op had an orgasm he gave Beck a hug after reading his article

he needs one of these:smoke:

damn you can't these lefties serious

they have no damn principles or honor and stand for nothing...
It was just a few liberals who criticized Bush's war of aggression against Iraq.

60% of the Democrats in Congress voted against it. Including damn near all the liberals. It was the center-right DLC crowd such as Hillary that voted for the war.

But then, libertarians are required to brazenly revise history on that point, in order to push their "Both sides are the same!" mantras.

ALL Libertarians criticized his war.

Provided you use a no-true-scotsman fallacy to declare how every pro-war libertarian was actually NotARealLibertarian.
60% of the Democrats in Congress voted against it. Including damn near all the liberals. It was the center-right DLC crowd such as Hillary that voted for the war.

Still doesn't change the fact Democrats voted for the war. Your point?

21 times as many Democrats as Republicans voted against the Iraq war resolution.

I'd say that made the Democrats 21 times smarter than the GOP on that decision.

He deserves credit for his honesty.

I'm sure he knew this would piss off a lot of conservatives.

Credit where credit is due, good for him. We could use more honesty.


ummm..... NEWSFLASH!!! Theres nothing noble in admitting your grievous mistake 10+ years AFTER you had the chance to do something about it :talktothehand: Repub-voter, logic lol

Sure. nothing noble about admitting and correcting mistakes. We should all just continue to pretend we are all perfect people and never make mistakes. That will help us learn and become better people.

Its not a mistake when you knowingly inflate your rhetoric such as using terms like "mushroom clouds" "we'll be greeted as liberators" & "the war will pay for itself". Those were half truths at best. Outright falsehoods :eusa_liar: at worst.

Odd that you are one of the most outwardly "christian" (?) :eusa_pray: members here but also the most outwardly partisan as well :eusa_think:

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60% of the Democrats in Congress voted against it. Including damn near all the liberals. It was the center-right DLC crowd such as Hillary that voted for the war.

Still doesn't change the fact Democrats voted for the war. Your point?

21 times as many Democrats as Republicans voted against the Iraq war resolution.

I'd say that made the Democrats 21 times smarter than the GOP on that decision.

Says the far left Obama drone.
Maybe Glenn Beck is not so crazy after all. :smiliehug:

Glenn Beck: ?Liberals, you were right? on the war in Iraq | MSNBC

No, you’re not dreaming.

Conservative radio pundit Glenn Beck—the man who famously said “The most used phrase in my administration if I were to be president would be ‘What the hell you mean we’re out of missiles?’” — is siding with liberals on the war in Iraq.

“Now, in spite of the things I felt at the time when we went into war, liberals said: We shouldn’t get involved. We shouldn’t nation-build. And there was no indication the people of Iraq had the will to be free. I thought that was insulting at the time. Everybody wants to be free. They said we couldn’t force freedom on people. Let me lead with my mistakes,” Beck said on his radio program, according to a transcript on his site. “You are right. Liberals, you were right. We shouldn’t have.”

It was just a few liberals who criticized Bush's war of aggression against Iraq.

ALL Libertarians criticized his war.

I just did a headcount, and apparently there's life on Uranus.

Where do you people get these ideas?

It was just a few liberals who criticized Bush's war of aggression against Iraq.

ALL Libertarians criticized his war.

I just did a headcount, and apparently there's life on Uranus.

Where do you people get these ideas?

Why bother posting when you can not contribute anything?

I mean come on you are only here to promote your far left religion. Let us face facts the only reason you were against the war in Iraq in 2003 was because there was an (R) in office and for no other reason.

Up Close and Personal With George W. Bush's Horrifying Legacy

The Iraq disaster remains George W. Bush's enduring folly, and the Republican attempt to shift the blame to the Obama presidency is obscene nonsense. This was, and will always be, viewed properly as Bush's quagmire, a murderous killing field based on blatant lies.

MORE: Up Close and Personal With George W. Bush's Horrifying Legacy*|*Robert Scheer

Up Close and Personal With George W. Bush's Horrifying Legacy

The Iraq disaster remains George W. Bush's enduring folly, and the Republican attempt to shift the blame to the Obama presidency is obscene nonsense. This was, and will always be, viewed properly as Bush's quagmire, a murderous killing field based on blatant lies.

MORE: Up Close and Personal With George W. Bush's Horrifying Legacy*|*Robert Scheer

Poppy Bush knew better. Even wrote a book about why not to invade that country didn't he?

Up Close and Personal With George W. Bush's Horrifying Legacy

The Iraq disaster remains George W. Bush's enduring folly, and the Republican attempt to shift the blame to the Obama presidency is obscene nonsense. This was, and will always be, viewed properly as Bush's quagmire, a murderous killing field based on blatant lies.

MORE: Up Close and Personal With George W. Bush's Horrifying Legacy*|*Robert Scheer

Oh my a far left Obama drone reading and posting words from another far left Obama drone blog site.

Up Close and Personal With George W. Bush's Horrifying Legacy

The Iraq disaster remains George W. Bush's enduring folly, and the Republican attempt to shift the blame to the Obama presidency is obscene nonsense. This was, and will always be, viewed properly as Bush's quagmire, a murderous killing field based on blatant lies.

MORE: Up Close and Personal With George W. Bush's Horrifying Legacy*|*Robert Scheer

Poppy Bush knew better. Even wrote a book about why not to invade that country didn't he?

Further proof that the far left does not have a clue other than programmed drone talking points.

Seen one far left post seen them all.
It was just a few liberals who criticized Bush's war of aggression against Iraq.

ALL Libertarians criticized his war.

I just did a headcount, and apparently there's life on Uranus.

Where do you people get these ideas?

Why bother posting when you can not contribute anything?

I mean come on you are only here to promote your far left religion. Let us face facts the only reason you were against the war in Iraq in 2003 was because there was an (R) in office and for no other reason.

Is that why I opposed the Afghanistan escalation in 2009? Or military action in Libya?

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