Glenn Beck: ‘Liberals, you were right’ on the war in Iraq

Maybe Glenn Beck is not so crazy after all. :smiliehug:

Glenn Beck: ?Liberals, you were right? on the war in Iraq | MSNBC

No, you’re not dreaming.

Conservative radio pundit Glenn Beck—the man who famously said “The most used phrase in my administration if I were to be president would be ‘What the hell you mean we’re out of missiles?’” — is siding with liberals on the war in Iraq.

“Now, in spite of the things I felt at the time when we went into war, liberals said: We shouldn’t get involved. We shouldn’t nation-build. And there was no indication the people of Iraq had the will to be free. I thought that was insulting at the time. Everybody wants to be free. They said we couldn’t force freedom on people. Let me lead with my mistakes,” Beck said on his radio program, according to a transcript on his site. “You are right. Liberals, you were right. We shouldn’t have

Wonder if Rush is next.
WASHINGTON -- Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said on Wednesday that he deeply regretted his vote to go to war with Iraq in 2003.

"Do you know how I feel about that?" Reid asked during a sit-down interview in his office with The Huffington Post. "I'm sure this is no big surprise," he said, pausing for ten seconds before continuing in a muted voice: "What a mistake."

"I should never have voted for that," Reid went on. "But I accepted what [former Secretary of State] Colin Powell and the others said. But it took me just a matter of a few months to realize it was a bad mistake, and my record speaks for itself. I've spoken out against what was going on, not once, not twice, but lots of times. And I'm sorry that I was misled, but I was, and it was a mistake for me to vote for that war."

MORE: Harry Reid On Iraq Vote: 'I'm Sorry That I Was Misled... It Was A Mistake'

Many were misled...

He deserves credit for his honesty.

I'm sure he knew this would piss off a lot of conservatives.

Credit where credit is due, good for him. We could use more honesty.



We don't need dishonest people one bit.

The truth hurts.
Sad thing is, i think the main reason Iraq became a failure is because Obama took over. I could be wrong. But maybe the lesson is we can't do these type of things because the next guy in power might be completely incompetent.
I honestly disagree. While Saddam was a cruel dictator, I think we should have just sat down with him and started talks in exchange that he be helped in one way or another. We could have bolstered his government and worked along side him to eradicate terrorism because he didn't stand for it either.

Todays friend may become tomorrow's enemy, But todays enemy may also become tomorrow's friend.

That old fuck never had a WMD, and if he did, It would have never been more than a small thorn in our side.
how funny to watch them grovel at the feet of someone they hate just to show how they think it makes them right

liberalism is a mental disorder alright

man oh man

Don't you just hate it when one of your own kind (Beck) comes out against you r-wing idiots?

We libs love it to death!!! :lol:

Up Close and Personal With George W. Bush's Horrifying Legacy

The Iraq disaster remains George W. Bush's enduring folly, and the Republican attempt to shift the blame to the Obama presidency is obscene nonsense. This was, and will always be, viewed properly as Bush's quagmire, a murderous killing field based on blatant lies.

MORE: Up Close and Personal With George W. Bush's Horrifying Legacy*|*Robert Scheer

Oh my a far left Obama drone reading and posting words from another far left Obama drone blog site.

Oh look... another dittohead supporting Bush. :lol:
Maybe Glenn Beck is not so crazy after all. :smiliehug:

Glenn Beck: ?Liberals, you were right? on the war in Iraq | MSNBC

No, you’re not dreaming.

Conservative radio pundit Glenn Beck—the man who famously said “The most used phrase in my administration if I were to be president would be ‘What the hell you mean we’re out of missiles?’” — is siding with liberals on the war in Iraq.

“Now, in spite of the things I felt at the time when we went into war, liberals said: We shouldn’t get involved. We shouldn’t nation-build. And there was no indication the people of Iraq had the will to be free. I thought that was insulting at the time. Everybody wants to be free. They said we couldn’t force freedom on people. Let me lead with my mistakes,” Beck said on his radio program, according to a transcript on his site. “You are right. Liberals, you were right. We shouldn’t have.”

Funny stuff, you vilify the man constantly, then glorify him the moment he agrees with you. This speaks volumes.

Yes... Truth speaks volumes!

Up Close and Personal With George W. Bush's Horrifying Legacy

The Iraq disaster remains George W. Bush's enduring folly, and the Republican attempt to shift the blame to the Obama presidency is obscene nonsense. This was, and will always be, viewed properly as Bush's quagmire, a murderous killing field based on blatant lies.

MORE: Up Close and Personal With George W. Bush's Horrifying Legacy*|*Robert Scheer

Oh my a far left Obama drone reading and posting words from another far left Obama drone blog site.

Oh look... another dittohead supporting Bush. :lol:

Says the far left Obama drone...

He deserves credit for his honesty.

I'm sure he knew this would piss off a lot of conservatives.

Credit where credit is due, good for him. We could use more honesty.


What about the credit to the liberals who were ignored the entire time? Jesus christ


Many of us who are conservative said the same thing before the war and held to it ever since.

You really are one sad bastard.
He was honest enough to admit he was wrong on that how many of his critics will be honest enough to admit he seems to be right on this an Islamic caliphate, or state being built in the middle east both of which seem to happening in Syria and now Iraq? You might recall this was something he got royally mocked for when he suggested it just a few years ago.

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