Glenn Beck’s Outrageous Lie: Racist Von Brunn is “Hero of 9/11 Truthers”

what the hell is a 9-11 truther??

One of the great problems of a metaphor is pushing it too hard

Troofers believe that Bush knew the 9-11 attack was planned and did nothing to stop it, or to be more crazy, actively planned and conspired to make it happen.

They believe that Bush=Hitler, therefore 9-11=Reichstag fire.

They do weird experiments to "prove" that the towers came down through controlled demolition, that the airplanes never hit it, that the Pentagon was hit by a missile etc etc.

One of the real weird disconnects is the level of Bush=Hitler and it was all the fault of the Jews that you see in the troofer community. The level of logic and intelligence seems to go deeply into negative numbers.

It was never proven that the Nazis started the Reichstag Fire, either.

Actually, the interviews with Goering prior to and during his trial pretty much put an end to the speculation about the cause of the Reichstag fire.
Did I say something about the towers?
Did I say something about the pentagon?

I don't know what hit the pentagon but it wasn't a 757 flown by some rag tag cave dweller that couldn't fly a cesna and somehow made an amazing 330 degree turn dropping from 7000 feet to just 4 feet off the ground and flew into the pentagon...That just didn't happen.

It was indeed a plane that hit the Pentagon. As I said, my friend saw it 3 seconds before it hit as it flew over Seven Corners. I'm sorry that doesn't fit your conspiracy theory, but it is a fact.

For my part, I was at the Pentagon before the F-16 flying in supersonic from Langley got there. I was 3 blocks away when the plane hit.

If you still don't believe then you, my friend, should seek mental health assistance ASAP.

Its not that it doesn't fit MY conspiracy theory...Its not my Conspiracy theory...The fact is, IT DOESN'T FIT THE HOLE!
Did I say something about the towers?
Did I say something about the pentagon?

I don't know what hit the pentagon but it wasn't a 757 flown by some rag tag cave dweller that couldn't fly a cesna and somehow made an amazing 330 degree turn dropping from 7000 feet to just 4 feet off the ground and flew into the pentagon...That just didn't happen.

It was indeed a plane that hit the Pentagon. As I said, my friend saw it 3 seconds before it hit as it flew over Seven Corners. I'm sorry that doesn't fit your conspiracy theory, but it is a fact.

For my part, I was at the Pentagon before the F-16 flying in supersonic from Langley got there. I was 3 blocks away when the plane hit.

If you still don't believe then you, my friend, should seek mental health assistance ASAP.

I haven't read the entire thread. I am assuming you are talking about the fighter that missed Flight 77 by minutes?

Are you sure it wasn't a missile painted in American Airlines colors as the CT's believe?
Did I say something about the pentagon?

I don't know what hit the pentagon but it wasn't a 757 flown by some rag tag cave dweller that couldn't fly a cesna and somehow made an amazing 330 degree turn dropping from 7000 feet to just 4 feet off the ground and flew into the pentagon...That just didn't happen.

It was indeed a plane that hit the Pentagon. As I said, my friend saw it 3 seconds before it hit as it flew over Seven Corners. I'm sorry that doesn't fit your conspiracy theory, but it is a fact.

For my part, I was at the Pentagon before the F-16 flying in supersonic from Langley got there. I was 3 blocks away when the plane hit.

If you still don't believe then you, my friend, should seek mental health assistance ASAP.

Its not that it doesn't fit MY conspiracy theory...Its not my Conspiracy theory...The fact is, IT DOESN'T FIT THE HOLE!

Keep believing that nutjob! I suppose what you want me to believe is that great big airplane my friend saw a hundred feet off the ground less than a mile from the Pentagon suddenly disappeared into thin air and some random fighter plane fired a missile down the same path and hit the Pentagon instead.

Nutter :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:
Did I say something about the pentagon?

I don't know what hit the pentagon but it wasn't a 757 flown by some rag tag cave dweller that couldn't fly a cesna and somehow made an amazing 330 degree turn dropping from 7000 feet to just 4 feet off the ground and flew into the pentagon...That just didn't happen.

It was indeed a plane that hit the Pentagon. As I said, my friend saw it 3 seconds before it hit as it flew over Seven Corners. I'm sorry that doesn't fit your conspiracy theory, but it is a fact.

For my part, I was at the Pentagon before the F-16 flying in supersonic from Langley got there. I was 3 blocks away when the plane hit.

If you still don't believe then you, my friend, should seek mental health assistance ASAP.

I haven't read the entire thread. I am assuming you are talking about the fighter that missed Flight 77 by minutes?

Are you sure it wasn't a missile painted in American Airlines colors as the CT's believe?

No. The F-16 I'm talking about was one of two planes that came on station from Langley and assumed Combat Air Patrol responsibilities over DC approximately 15 - 20 minutes after the crash into the Pentagon. Whether there was talk of those planes proceeding to PA to take down 77, I don't know. I can tell you that standing outside the Pentagon that day, an Air Force Major walked up with a radio. I heard that the news report at the time was another plane was "inbound to the Pentagon." The reporter confirmed that report with one of the officers that was sealing off the Pentagon grounds at the time.

It was at that point I decided to head for a safer area and I found the entrance to an underground parking garage to go chill near. I knew one thing for certain. No plane was going to hit another important building in DC. I didn't know where it would go down, but it wasn't going to be where "they" wanted it to go down. So, I took up a safer position.

And, finally, no, it wasn't a missile painted like a plane. He looked in some of the windows. Some of the people had raised the shades over the windows. He saw their faces. It isn't something he likes to talk about much as you might imagine.
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Glenn Beck is desperate for ratings. He is trying to out limbaugh limbaugh.

What else can you expect for Faux?

I agree. I used to occasionally catch his program on CNN Headline News, and although he had a right slant then, he wasn't prone to making outrageous comments and could actually make some rather intelligent counter-arguments to whatever the issue du jour was then. But since he's arrived at Fox, it seems that Beck intends to compete with O'Reilly as far as outlandish provocations. I wonder how Bill-O feels about that.
what the hell is a 9-11 truther??

One of the great problems of a metaphor is pushing it too hard

Troofers believe that Bush knew the 9-11 attack was planned and did nothing to stop it, or to be more crazy, actively planned and conspired to make it happen.

They believe that Bush=Hitler, therefore 9-11=Reichstag fire.

They do weird experiments to "prove" that the towers came down through controlled demolition, that the airplanes never hit it, that the Pentagon was hit by a missile etc etc.

One of the real weird disconnects is the level of Bush=Hitler and it was all the fault of the Jews that you see in the troofer community. The level of logic and intelligence seems to go deeply into negative numbers.

The only "conspiracy" I continue to believe is that SOMEONE knew of the pending attacks other than a bunch of ragtag bin-Laden gofers. But I've scaled back my suspicions to only that the various powers that be (Langley, NORAD, NSA, etc.) saw what was coming and either couldn't believe it would actually happen, or couldn't get their collective acts together to stop it in time. Thus, a synchronized coverup ensued, because to admit that our multi-billion dollar defense mechanisms failed so badly will simply not be allowed to become public knowledge. And I'm not so sure that's such a bad thing. We would have been admitting to all our enemies just how vulnerable we can be.
Glenn Beck’s Outrageous Lie: Racist Von Brunn is “Hero of 9/11 Truthers”

Glen Beck is a viscous liar and a hack! His statement that 9/11 truthers are liking that this happened is a bold face lie!
He tries to sum up White supremist and anti holocaust and People that hate Jews and 9/11 truthers all in one lump, which makes as much sense as putting bikers wrestlers beer drinkers and baseball players all in one lump.
How dare you Mr. Glen Beck...Insinuate that 9/11 truthers would be happy that this kind of thing has happened...How dare you!
The 9/11 truthers I know are good people who hand out dvd's and go to protests with signs simply practicing their first amendment right and trying to wake people up. They don't want to hurt anyone nor do they want to see some one hurt. They do not hang out with 88 year old sick mad men with guns who are prior felons and who are obviously mentally ill.
I am appalled at your insinuations and blatant disregard for individuality and the first amendment.
You sir...Mr. Glen Beck are a uninformed, uneducated, poor excuse for a journalist and a HACK. Geraldo Rivera is in a class above you and that says a lot.
You sir...Mr. Glen Beck owe the 9/11 truthers, the American Public and the first amendment to the constitution a public apology!

He lied again? Wow, I am surpised...

Whoopi Goldberg Calls Glenn Beck A 'Lying Sack Of Dog Mess' [UPDATES]

Hate to break it to you, but Glenn didn't lie. Check out Scott Baker's investigative reporting video (link posted below). Of course you won't hear another word on this from ABC, Barbara or Whoppi. Maybe the girls should check their facts before calling someone a liar. » Seven-Minute Slam: The Inside Story of Glenn Beck’s ‘Ambush’ on ‘The View’

What's that got to do with 911 Truthers?
The rightwingers want to love Israel and the Jews, but they forget that eight years ago (when Clinton was president) that they didn't like the Jews.

Can't have it both ways, a-holes.

Guess what. You rightwingers like Israel now, and so do the liberals. Ha, ha. You're stuck now, and there's nothing you can do about it.

Jews ARE God's chosen ones. We liberals have always supported Israel, and always will, and now You ARE going to continue your support of Israel too.

You WILL do exactly what we tell you to do, and that is to support Israel.

Oh, how you screwed up. I love it.

Conservatives have played right into to trap: You WILL support Israel. Don't even try to avoid it. You WILL support the promised land.
Fact: 9/11 Truthers believe 9/11 was a government "inside job"

Fact: The Holocaust Musuem shooter was a 9/11 truther.

Does that make all 9/11 Truthers gun toting shooters?


Hopefully the similarities simply end there.

By the way, 9/11 Truthers are nutjobs...

Hate to break it to you, but Glenn didn't lie. Check out Scott Baker's investigative reporting video (link posted below). Of course you won't hear another word on this from ABC, Barbara or Whoppi. Maybe the girls should check their facts before calling someone a liar. » Seven-Minute Slam: The Inside Story of Glenn Beck’s ‘Ambush’ on ‘The View’

Hate to break it to you, he did lie and admitted to it on the video. Watch it again.

You're kidding right? Listen again! Scott reported he spoke with a top guy at Amtrak. HE CONFIRMED that ABC contacted Amtrak for special accommodations for Barb and Whoop. The guy at Amtrak also confirmed that train cabinet attendants will sometimes reserve seats for certain individuals. The issue here is Barb and Whoop claimed they didn't get special treatment and called Glenn a liar. Guess having a police escort doesn't constitute special treatment to them either.
Why you care what "fairmont" said is a mystery to me.

Don't try to figure out what a drunk Irish-American wrote. It makes you look stupid.

All I can say is that Imperialism is the hobby of fools.

If a nation has its soldiers in another nation, it's an empire.

Oh, and it's also a stupid empire.

Stay in your own yard if you've a brain.
speaking of brains....

[ame=]YouTube - Glenn Beck is Bipolar (the movie)[/ame]
Fact: 9/11 Truthers believe 9/11 was a government "inside job"

Fact: The Holocaust Musuem shooter was a 9/11 truther.

Does that make all 9/11 Truthers gun toting shooters?


Hopefully the similarities simply end there.

By the way, 9/11 Truthers are nutjobs...


Patriots Question 9/11 - Responsible Criticism of the 9/11 Commission Report



unpatriotic !

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